the c standard template library pdf

The C++ Standard Template Library

The C++ Standard Template Library

... The C+ + STL Douglas C Schmidt The C+ + Standard Template Library The C+ + Standard Template Library • What is STL? • Generic Programming: Why Use STL? Douglas C Schmidt Professor ... Douglas C Schmidt What is STL (cont’d)? • A collection of composable class & function templates – – – – – The Standard Template Library provides a set of well structured generic C+ + components ... work together in a seamless way –Alexander Stepanov & Meng Lee, The Standard Template Library Helper class & function templates: operators, pair Container & iterator class templates Generic algorithms

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 18:04

20 399 0
Thư viện chuẩn C++ Standard Template Library (STL

Thư viện chuẩn C++ Standard Template Library (STL

... C? ?c hàm thành viên STL • C? ?c hàm thành viên container c? ? – – – – – Default constructor, copy constructor, destructor empty max_size, size = < >= == != swap • C? ?c hàm thành viên first-class container ... thiệu Container • loại container – Sequence container – container chuỗi • c? ??u tr? ?c liệu tuyến tính (vector, danh sách liên kết) • first-class container • vector, deque, list – Associative container ... theo c? ?ch sau: • Chuyển phần tử c? ? giá trị value xuống cuối • khơng thay đổi kích thư? ?c container th? ?c xóa phần tử – Trả iterator tới kết th? ?c “mới” container – phần tử sau kết th? ?c không xác

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2022, 10:12

45 6 0
Thư viện chuẩn C++ Standard Template Library (STL) pptx

Thư viện chuẩn C++ Standard Template Library (STL) pptx

... C? ?c hàm thành viên STL • C? ?c hàm thành viên container c? ? – – – – – Default constructor, copy constructor, destructor empty max_size, size = < >= == != swap • C? ?c hàm thành viên first-class container ... thiệu Container • loại container – Sequence container – container chuỗi • c? ??u tr? ?c liệu tuyến tính (vector, danh sách liên kết) • first-class container • vector, deque, list – Associative container ... – container liên kết • • • • c? ??u tr? ?c phi tuyến, tìm phần tử nhanh chóng first-class container c? ??p khóa/giá trị set, multiset, map, multimap – Container adapter – tương thích container • stack,

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 07:21

45 1,7K 4
Beyond the c++ standard  library an  introduction to  boost

Beyond the c++ standard library an introduction to boost

... polymorphic_cast polymorphic_downcast numeric_cast lexical_cast Conversion Summary Library Utility How Does the Utility Library Improve Your Programs? BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT checked_delete noncopyable ... inclusion in the next version of the C+ + Standard Library Get your head start now, with Beyond the C+ + Standard Library © Copyright Pearson Education All rights reserved Beyond the C+ + Standard Library: ... object-oriented within the reach of the workaday software developer, C+ +98 has done the same for generic programming The integration of the Standard Template Library (STL) into standard C+ + in the

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2016, 14:45

225 684 0
chuyên đề standard template library (STL) trong c++

chuyên đề standard template library (STL) trong c++

... ngữ kh? ?c S? ?c mạnh C+ + đến từ STL, viết tắt Standard Template Library - thư viện template cho C+ + với c? ??u tr? ?c liệu giải thuật xây dựng tổng quát mà tận dụng hiệu t? ?c độ C Với khái niệm template, ... khái lư? ?c (generic programming), C+ + cung c? ??p kèm với thư viện chuẩn STL Bộ thư viện th? ?c tồn c? ?ng vi? ?c vào liệu (iostream), quản lý mảng (vector), th? ?c hầu hết tính c? ??u tr? ?c liệu (stack, queue, ... áp dụng C? ?c tập Chuyên đề t? ?c giả cho h? ?c sinh làm test trình dạy cho h? ?c sinh đội tuyển HSG Áp dụng tốt h? ?c sinh lớp 10, h? ?c sinh bắt đầu c? ? tư lập trình Nhiều toán áp dụng STL vi? ?c code trở

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2020, 22:11

31 156 1
Standard Template Library (STL library) pptx

Standard Template Library (STL library) pptx

... simple //: C0 4:WordSet.cpp #include " /require.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { requireArgs(argc, 1); ifstream source(argv[1]); ... Standard Template Library (STL library) Now consider taking the form of Intset.cpp and reshaping it to display a list of the words used in a document The solution becomes remarkably ... source(argv[1]); assure(source, argv[1]); string word; set words; while(source >> word) words.insert(word); copy(words.begin(), words.end(), ostream_iterator(cout, "\n")); cout

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 19:20

51 268 0
Standard template library

Standard template library

... Standard Template LibraryThe Standard Template Library (STL) is a general-purpose library of container classes (such as vectors, lists, sets and maps) and generic algorithms (such as searching, ... Chương Standard Template Library The Standard Template Library • • • • • • Origins of STL Generic programming STL components STL installation STL header files STL incompatibilities The Standard ... drawbacks: – Incompatibility – Inefficiency – Unwieldy interfaces Origins of STL • In view of these problems, the ANSI committee for C+ + standardisation sought a standard set of container classes

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 21:05

117 573 0
Bài giảng Kỹ thuật lập trình - Chương 7.2: Thư viện STL (Standard Template Library)(Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội)

Bài giảng Kỹ thuật lập trình - Chương 7.2: Thư viện STL (Standard Template Library)(Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội)

... string::length() const  Chuỗi con: string string::substr(int off, int count) const  Tìm chuỗi con: int string::find(const char* str, int pos) const  Đổi sang chuỗi C: const char* string: :c_ str() const  Ví ... (exception handling) Xử lý chuỗi  #include  Lớp string cho chuỗi ASCII wstring cho Unicode  C? ?c thao t? ?c bản: +, += (nối chuỗi); ==, !=, >, =, (nhập)  Độ dài chuỗi: int string::length() const ... namespace c? ? tên std C? ?c phần chính:             C? ?c lớp liệu bản: string, complex Xuất nhập (IO) C? ?c lớp chứa (containers): list, vector, deque, stack, map, set,… Duyệt phần tử lớp chứa

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2022, 22:03

36 8 0
Sử dụng standard template library cái đặt đồ thị chapter stl

Sử dụng standard template library cái đặt đồ thị chapter stl

... Sử Dụng Standard Template Library C? ?i Đặt Đồ Thị Bùi Tiến Lên Đại h? ?c Khoa h? ?c Tự nhiên 01/06/2016 Thư viện template chuẩn T? ?c giả template chuẩn (Standard Template Library STL) Alexander ... cuối chứa Fall 2014 Graph Theory Bộ chứa & Bộ duyệt (cont.) Ví dụ tạo lớp chứa a kiểu vector gồm phần tử vector a; a.push_back (3); a.push_back (4); a.push_back (1); a.push_back (5); a.push_back ... Graph Theory Bộ chứa & Bộ duyệt (cont.) Mỗi duyệt (con trỏ) chứa c? ? toán tử I Toán tử ++ di chuyển sang phần tử chứa I Toán tử * lấy giá trị Fall 2014 Graph Theory Bộ chứa & Bộ duyệt (cont.) vector

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2023, 13:09

27 4 0
Tài liệu The New C Standard- P3 doc

Tài liệu The New C Standard- P3 doc

... was documented However, neither organization checked the accuracy of the documented behavior locale- 44 speci c behavior C9 0 Support for locale-speci c characteristics is new in C9 9... ... program that is correct in all other aspects, operating on correct data, containing unspecified behavior shall correct program be a correct program and act in accordance with Commentary As ... constructs involves checking the values of certain class members For instance, an... than 72 characters, a backslash is placed in column 72 of the physical line, folding characters after the

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

100 324 0
Tài liệu The New C Standard- P4 ppt

Tài liệu The New C Standard- P4 ppt

... in the basic source character set: 2.1p1 Any source file character not in the basic source character set (2.2) is replaced by the universal-character-name that designates that character. The C ++ Standard ... . 226 In the basic execution character set, there shall be control characters representing alert, backspace, carriage basic execution character set control characters return, and new line. Commentary This ... accent ordering to handle sequences of these combining characters. The so-called combining characters are defined to combine with the character that comes immediately before them in the character

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

100 310 0
Tài liệu The New C Standard- P5 docx

Tài liệu The New C Standard- P5 docx

... Recommended practice clauses are new in the C9 9 Standard C+ + There is no such macro, or requirement specified in the C+ + Standard Other Languages The specification of the Java base conversions ... discuss the five kinds of C+ + scope: function, namespace, local, function prototype, and class A C declaration at file scope is said to have namespace scope or global scope in C+ + A C ... such as Lisp, base the terms inner scope and outer scope on a time-of-creation basis rather than lexically textual occurrence in the source code Coding Guidelines The discussion of the

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

100 408 0
Tài liệu The New C Standard- P6 docx

Tài liệu The New C Standard- P6 docx

... i ∗ ∞ The library functions creal and cimag provide direct access to these components. C ++ Clause 26.2.3 lists the first parameter of the complex constructor as the real part and the second parameter as ... 28. footnote 28 490 515 The three types char, signed char, and unsigned char are collectively called the character types.character types Commentary This defines the term character types. C ++ Clause 3.9.1p1 ... keyword _Complex cannot occur as the only type specifier, because it has no implicit real type. One of the real type specifiers has to be given. C ++ In C ++ the complex type is a template class and declarations

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

100 311 0
Standard Template Library

Standard Template Library

... type  Generic algorithms act on objects in containers  Iterators provide access to objects in the containers yet hide the internal structure of the container Slide 18- 17 Copyright © 2007 ... beyond the of the container.  c. front( ); // returns the first element in the // container (same as *c. begin( );)  c. back( ); //returns the last element in the container // same as *( c. end( ... Addison-Wesley More Common Container Members  c. swap(other_container); // swaps contents of // c and other_container.  c. push_back(item); // appends item to container c  c. begin( ); // returns...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:55

56 448 0


... CCPCH Uplink PCH Common Control PCH (CCPCH) Phys. Random Acc. CH (PRACH) Dedicated PCH (DPCH) Dedicated Physical Data CH (DPDCH) Dedicated Phys. Ctrl. CH (DPCCH) Common Control PCH (CCPCH) Figure ... into constituent channels. The overall physical channel structure is shown in Figure 3. Physical Channel (PCH) Downlink PCH Dedicated PCH (DPCH) Synch. CH (SCH) Primary CCPCH Seconday CCPCH Uplink ... burst Random Access burst Access slot #1 Access slot #2 Access slot #8 Random Access burst 1.25 ms Figure 6. Random Access Scheme The uplink CPCH physical random access channel (PRACH) structure is...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2012, 14:24

28 930 0
The New C Standard- P8

The New C Standard- P8

... perhaps explicitly, make cost/accuracy trade-offs when working with source code. These trade-offs also 0 cost/accuracy trade-off occur in their interaction with identifiers. 1.4 Visual word recognition This ... pronunciation can change or the concept it denotes can be replaced by another word. An identifier, once declared in the source, rarely has its spelling modified. The cognitive demands of a particular ... provided by all of the constructs in which they occur, including: • A declaration (which may include an associated comment) provides information on the type, scope, and various other attributes....

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

100 427 0
The New C Standard- P9

The New C Standard- P9

... what the standard calls a decimal constant, which corresponds to the common case. When they occur in source, both octal and hexadecimal constants are usually referred to by these names, respectively. ... calls C0 and C1 ). Most of the UCNs with values less than 00A0 represent characters in the basic source character set. The exceptions listed enumerate characters that are in the Ascii character set, ... a recommended practice. C9 0 Recommended practices are new in C9 9, as are hexadecimal floating constants. C ++ The C ++ Standard does not specify support for hexadecimal floating constants. Coding...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

100 301 0
The New C Standard- P10

The New C Standard- P10

... objects. Its usage also specifies the type of the allocated object. The C library is also included in the C ++ Standard, providing access to the malloc and calloc library functions (which do not contain ... caches to their processors. In some cases there can be an on-chip cache and an cache 0 off-chip cache, the former being smaller but faster (and more expensive) than the latter. • Processors can ... } 959 For all other accesses to an object having no declared type, the effective type of the object is simply the type effective type lvalue used for access of the lvalue used for the access. Commentary This...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:15

100 384 0

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