the art of living book by wilferd peterson



... lighthearted contemporary comedy. Bond describes her work with this excellent visual: brand as a game of tetherball. The core brand is the metal pole and her projects represent the arc of the ... the Suburban left, the beam from the head lamps shone on her. The shape of her face and the tilt of her eyes marked her as Chinese. Lines of strain curled around her mouth, the expression was ... by now. We calibrate our doses very carefully.” 1 AUTHOR BRANDING FREE PROMOTIONAL ARTICLE ON THE ART OF AUTHOR BRANDING By Lisa Hughey You don’t necessarily need all of this information. The...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Art of Money Getting, by P. T. Barnum pdf

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Art of Money Getting, by P. T. Barnum pdf

... reached the house, it was found necessary to get the end of the year, and yet have a good income, I advise you to take a few sheets of paper and form them into a book and mark down every item of ... or furniture." It is the fear of what Mrs. Grundy may say that keeps the noses of many worthy families to the grindstone. In would not tear a new sheet of paper, if they could avoid it, for the world. ... they were but five years old, their father could find no toy to please them like a puzzle. They are natural mechanics; but the other eight or nine boys have different aptitudes. I belong to the latter...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 17:20

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THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF ONLINE COMMUNITIES BY Samuel M.Wilson and Leighton C. Peterson doc

THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF ONLINE COMMUNITIES BY Samuel M.Wilson and Leighton C. Peterson doc

... in the social and polit- ical worlds within which they were developed, and they are not exempt from the rules and norms of those worlds. On the other hand, the social uses of the Internet, in the ... to the further investigation of these new, and not so new, phenomena. INTRODUCTION In the last fifteen years, the growth of the global computer network known as the Internet has facilitated the ... Weinstein MA. 1994. Data Trash: the Theory of the Virtual Class. New York: St. Martin’s Press Latour B. 1992. Where are the missing masses? The sociology of a few mundane artifacts. In Shaping Technology/Building...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

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The Essays Of Arthur Schopenhauerby The Art Of Literature By T. Baiiey Saunders, Arthur Schopenhauer pot

The Essays Of Arthur Schopenhauerby The Art Of Literature By T. Baiiey Saunders, Arthur Schopenhauer pot

... The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: The Art of Literature 22 ON THE STUDY OF LATIN. The abolition of Latin as the universal language of learned men, together with the rise of that ... communicating, the others want money; and so they write, for money. Their thinking is part of the business of writing. They may be recognized by the way in which they spin out their thoughts to the greatest ... THE ESSAYS OF ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER TRANSLATED BY T. BAILEY SAUNDERS, M.A. THE ART OF LITERATURE. The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: The Art of Literature 15...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20

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The Book of Odds: From Lightning Strikes to Love at First Sight, the Odds of Everyday Life by Amram Shapiro

The Book of Odds: From Lightning Strikes to Love at First Sight, the Odds of Everyday Life by Amram Shapiro

... Summary of Tense Conventions At its heart, the invention of a reference work is really the invention of a set of conventions followed by their application with relentless consistency. This is the ... exciting are 1 in 25. The odds an adult considers winter weather to be the least enjoyable part of the holiday season are 1 in 25. SOURCES: The American Sex Survey: A Peek Beneath the Sheets,” ABC ... admit to lying about the number of sex partners they’ve had: 1 in 2.1 vs. 1 in 2.2 SOURCES: Book of Odds estimate based on data from, “Part I: Dating & Sex” The Great Male Survey,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 17:15

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molkentin-the book of qt 4-the art of building qt applications

molkentin-the book of qt 4-the art of building qt applications

... headerfilesfor itslibraries. Each of thesefilescontains theinterfacedescriptionsofall of theclassesofalibrary ;the name of theheader filematches th enameofthe library.Thus,inthe examples so far,which haveonly used ... terminate theapplicationassoon as thevalue of theslider is changed(admittedlynotanespeciallyuseful behavior), it doesshowthat quit() ignoresthe intsentbythesignal. Thetypesofthe argu- mentsusedbytheslotmustmatch ... andaslotinadestinationobject .The first twoarguments specifytheobject sendingthe signal andthe signal that wewanttobindtothe receivingslot. Thelasttwoargumentsspecifytheobject that is therecipient of the signal,and thereceivingslot....

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:56

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STATE OF THE ART IN BIOMETRICS Edited by Jucheng Yang and Loris Nanni pdf

STATE OF THE ART IN BIOMETRICS Edited by Jucheng Yang and Loris Nanni pdf

... analysis of quality measures. State of the Art in Biometrics 8 Skin is constantly being regenerated. A skin cell starts its life at the lower layer of the skin (the basal layer of the dermis), ... extract the fingerprint minutiae features and then compute the quality of each extracted feature to estimate the quality of the fingerprint image into one of five levels. The similarity score of ... they are the result of the simulation where the SVM classifier uses the RBF kernel which shows the better result than other kernels. In comparison with the original average OCL measure, the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20

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the monk and the riddle  the art of creating a life while making a living   randy komisar

the monk and the riddle the art of creating a life while making a living randy komisar

... PITCH 2 THE RULES OF THE GAME 3 THE VIRTUAL CEO 4 THE DEFERRED LIFE PLAN 5 The ROMANCE, NOT THE FINANCE 6 THE BIG IDEA 7 THE BOTTOM LINE 8 THE ART OF LEADERSHIP 9 THE GAMBLE ... told him, to hold the team to the original plan. Look at the progress they had made on everything within their control, such as the quality of the organization and the status of the product. It ... on the board of a startup that had raised an initial round of funding from a wealthy Hollywood financier. This was the kind of startup the Valley fondly refers to as “Brave New World.” (The other...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 07:35

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

... alwaysdisplaythesamevalue.Ifthe user changes thevalue via theslider ,the value mustalsobeadjusted in thespinboxandinthe label. Thesameappliestothe slider andlabel if theuseradjusts thevalue in the spin ... recycled paper Qt 4 Qt 4 THE ART OF BUILDING Qt APPLICATIONS DANIEL MOLKENTIN THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 đ MOLKENTIN 1 Basics,Tools, and First Code Several Qt classeshaveQObject ... structureasshowninFigure1.3 is therebycreated. Boththe layoutobject andthe twolabels, which aresubobjectsofthe window object,mustbegenerated on theheapusing new.Onthe otherhan d, wegenerate thewindowon thestack usingQWidgetwindow;,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

... now ByteConverterDialog decEdit textChanged() setText() hexEdit textChanged() setText() binEdit textChanged() setText() decChanged() hexChanged() binChanged() We can connect thesignals andslots of theline-edit widgets from theByteCon- verterDialog to thesignals andslots of theByteConverter class, for example, the hexChanged()signalofthe decEdit object ... anumber of widgets together,you can first highlight them bydrawingarectangle around them allwiththe left mousebutton, and then choosethe desiredlayout, either from thecontextmenuwhich appearsin theselection ... framework. These can be found in theWidgetBox,which theprogram normallyplaces on theleft side of thescreen.Tocreateanewlabel, welook for theDisplayWidgets group(at thebottomofthe box)and pull theLabel...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

... sedonaMainWindow theuserfriendlinessofthe software. Theyshould thereforebeprovided as amatter of course in thedesignofuserinterfaces.Withthe acceleratorsinplace ,the design viewof th eeditorshouldcorrespondtothatshowninFigure4.3. To ... pro- gramming.Secrecyenforcesabstractionbyonlygranting theclass membersaccess to theirownmethods. Theinternaldetails of theclass arethus “cut off” from theother classes, andyou can change theinternaldesignofthe classwithout ... areasofthe window,orposition them floatingover themainwindow.Iftheyaredocked, thelatter haveasplitter (see Chapter 5.3onpage 150), withwhich theusercan fine-tune thesizeratio of thedockwindowto themainwindow,ifnecessary.Dockwindowsalsohavea handle...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

... ClickSplitterHandle::mouseDoubleClickEvent()wefirstdetermine thealignment of thesplitter.Weobtainthe positionofthe splitter,using theQSplitter::indexOf() method. This is also thepositionofthe widgetlyingtothe rightof(or directly beneath) thesplitter. Forreasons ... horizontalsplitters. 5.3.1BehaviorDuringSizeChanges Thefreedom of movementallowed theuserbythesplitter is restricted bythe widgets involved :The smallest sizeisspecifiedbytheminimumSizeHintor(if set) theminimumSizeproperty.Ifthe user triestoshrinkthe ... weleaveit outbyspecifyingQMessageBox::NoButton. Thestatuscode returned byQMessageBox::question() corresponds to thevalue of thebuttonchosenbytheuser. To checkwhether theuserhas answered theques- tion...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 5 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 5 pptx

... parametersspecifythepointer to theparentwidget, thehead- ing, andthe user query.Thisisfollowed bythelistofstrings to be displayed.Then comesthe indexof thelistele ment that thedrop-downwidgetdisplaysatthe ... on for theevents generated by thetimersthemselves. In thetimerEvent()method wefirstcheck whether thepointer to theeventreally is valid—just to be on thesafe side.Next, if theeventcontainsthe switch ... displaysthe best quality .The program that receives thedropthen iterates throughthe listofMIMEtypesand selectsthe datafor the rstMIMEtype that it can handle. We make useofthispropertyto includethe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

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The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 6 doc

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 6 doc

... entryusingthe <table>tag. Each rowof thetable consists of twocells,one of which contains thenameofthe address book field (the key)and theother ,the matching value.Bothofthemwillbeshowninthe tooltiponlyif ... QModelIndex&parent)const { Q_UNUSED(parent);; } Viewsthatuse ouraddressbook modelcan discover thelabelingofthe rowsand columns via theheaderData()method. To do so,theymustspecifythenumeric positionofthe section of ... tooltiponlyif the value is notthe emptystring.Weobtainthe keybycallingthe headerData()method just implemented,and weobtainthe value byreading it outofthe currentdataset. We formatthe cells usingthe <tr>and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 326 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 7 pot

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 7 pot

... wecreateanewmatrix. Since thecenter of thedesir ed rotation is notthe currentzeropoint (origin) of the coordinate system,but thepoint at thecenter of thesquare, wefirstmovethe center of oursquaretothe zeropoint of ourcoordinate ... nowconnect theclicked()signalofthe Screenshot!buttontothe slot that prepares thescreenshot,and thesignalofthe Printbuttontothe slot that enables theconfiguration of theprintingparameters. Then wecallgrabDesktop(), ... drawour piechart.Wereservethe space remaininginthe width for thekey.Weobtain thecorresponding rectanglebyfirst copyingthe measurements of thewidget, with rect(), andthensubtractingthe width of pieRectfromthissquareonthe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 281 0