the advertising industry in vietnam 19

Environmental regulation and economic competitiveness: Evidence from the textile industry in Vietnam

Environmental regulation and economic competitiveness: Evidence from the textile industry in Vietnam

... increased from 19. 8% in 199 1 to 36.6% in 2000 Internally, positive structural changes in industrial sector have initially created a rather solid domestic industrial structure The processing industry ... control III.2 The textile industry in Vietnam III.2.1 Overview of textile-garment industry In Vietnam, Textile-Garment industry is of pivotal value in the overall industrialization Its continual contributions ... or the ‘envelope’ The inspectors received the money and turned a blind eye to the pollution as they are making a profit from the polluting operation They are then much concerned with maintaining...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2013, 18:48

50 604 1
Tài liệu The Formular of the National Discourse in Vietnam, 1940-1945 - Nguyễn Thế Anh pdf

Tài liệu The Formular of the National Discourse in Vietnam, 1940-1945 - Nguyễn Thế Anh pdf

... Allied bombing of Indochina.30 The worsening of the famine to crisis proportions coincided with the Japanese granting of independence to Vietnam in March, so that the problem of hunger in the north ... of the Great Viet) at the end of 194 3 or at the beginning of 194 4.9 But in the final analysis, it was to the Vietnamese Communists that the Japanese occupation, along with the preservation of the ... base The Japanese did not bother to send their troops into the northern area and the Việt Minh took over the region, expanding their ‘liberated zone’ beyond Cao Bằng to include seven provinces They...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20

26 716 0
The automobile industry in Vietnam and Thailand in a comparative perspective

The automobile industry in Vietnam and Thailand in a comparative perspective

... automobile industry: How building?” Financing magazine, July 2009, 31 – 34 13 Ohno, Kenichi and Mai The Cuong (2004) The Automobile Industry in Vietnam: Remaining Issues in Implementing the Master ... experience in developing its automobile industry and the current performances in Vietnam s, Vietnam should have measures focusing on expanding market scale, developing the autoparts industry and increasing ... influenced the development of the automobile industry in Thailand in the last years? Which policies used to support the development of the automobile industry in Vietnam? Why are not Vietnam s...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 08:36

48 608 1
The effects of empowerment and job enrichment on employee loyalty in a downsizing and reducing salary enviroment empirical evidence from the banking industry in vietnam

The effects of empowerment and job enrichment on employee loyalty in a downsizing and reducing salary enviroment empirical evidence from the banking industry in vietnam

... and some province in the south area rather than Ha Noi City and other big city like Da Nang, Hai Phong in the north area; the sample also has the bias of Internet These findings therefore may ... for many businesses Therefore, the task of these organizations is how to promote the loyalty of the individual remaining after the process of restructuring the corporate structure 1.2 The Research ... to employees in the downsizing and post-retrenchment context using a case of the banking industrial sector in Vietnam It focuses on the impact of lossing job and reducing salary on the survivors...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2017, 21:10

102 384 0
The moderating effect of locus of control on job stress job satisfaction relationship evidence from the banking industry in vietnam

The moderating effect of locus of control on job stress job satisfaction relationship evidence from the banking industry in vietnam

... and minimize job stress Social learning theory The current study applies social learning theory of Rotter (195 4) in studying locus of control The main idea in Julian Rotter's social learning theory ... for revising the wording were incorporated into the final survey 20 The quantitative stage, which was main survey, was undertaken from September to October in 2016 The questionnaire included ... overload) was added in the second step The moderating variable LOC was entered in the third step The interaction terms computed by multiplying the moderator variable LOC and the independent variables...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2017, 10:43

58 333 0
Determinants of customer satisfaction in the apartment industry   the cace for the apartment industry in vietnam

Determinants of customer satisfaction in the apartment industry the cace for the apartment industry in vietnam

... to increased market share In Vietnam, empirical studies on the state of customer satisfaction in the apartment industry are very scant The increase competition in the apartment industry in Vietnam ... satisfaction in apartment industry in Vietnam? Is there relationship between the customer satisfaction and word of mouth 11 communication in the apartment industry in Vietnam? 1.7 Significance of the ... intention to engage in word of mouth activity in apartment industry in Vietnam 1.5 Objectives of the study The following are the specific objectives of this study: - To examine the determinants of customer...

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2018, 10:33

73 287 0


... researchers began by learning about the history of the culinary industry in the world and the current state of food & beverage industry in Vietnam 1.1 Research background 1.1.1 The industry of food and ... each cuisine differ about the origin of food, spices, processing techniques, the side dishes, However, there are similarities in the cuisines of the countries in the world are valuing the sequence ... Culinary Vietnam is calling the method of cooking, spice blending principles and general eating habits of Vietnamese people in the country of Vietnam But most have some differences, culinary Vietnam...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 10:08

52 2K 3


... industry 39 2.2.1 Producing At the beginning, the industry used man-powered sewing machines And then the industry gradually replaced by industrial sewing machines made by China, Former Soviet Union, ... Solution-Retail industry case study 35 industry remained the biggest foreign currency earner, playing a noteworthy part in reducing the trade deficit of Vietnam in 2009 (Vietnam Financial Review ... reduce operating costs by reducing labor costs, claims and returns, thereby increasing operating income And working capital can be reduced by enabling reductions in inventory and lowering inventory...

Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2014, 15:37

93 416 0
Opportunities in the total support service sector as part of oursourcing industry in VietNam a case study of Sodexho

Opportunities in the total support service sector as part of oursourcing industry in VietNam a case study of Sodexho

... possibilities of trade in services, India is a country leading in this domain Another definitions: In the book ―Manging the outsourcing relationship‖, outsourcing is defined as the contracting of any service ... ever imagined." 1.1.2 Areas of outsourcing industry There are many ways to clarify areas of outsourcing industry According to Indian economists, outsourcing industry includes following areas: ... 37 CHAPTER OUTSOURCING INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM 2.1 OVERVIEW OF OUTSOURCING INDUSTRY The economy of Vietnam is in the process of transition and the market is taking shape With the annual growth rate...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2015, 13:22

84 348 0
Structuring an advertising business in Vietnam (an example of FPT media - the corporation for financing and promoting technology)

Structuring an advertising business in Vietnam (an example of FPT media - the corporation for financing and promoting technology)

... STRUCTURE IN ADVERTISING INDUSTRY In this chapter, we will discover the advertising industry (in the world and in Vietnam) This study will allow us have a brief understanding about advertising industry ... World Advertising Industry 48 2.3 2.3.1 THE ADVERTISING INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM 50 A Decade of Change for Advertising in Vietnam 50 2.3.2 Foreign Advertising Agencies in Vietnam ... ADVERTISING AGENCY IN VIETNAM .90 APPENDIX C SOMETHING ABOUT ADVERTISING INDUSTRY IN VIETNAM 92 APPENDIX D TECHNIQUES IN ADVERTISING INDUSTRY 94 APPENDIX E LIST OF INTERVIEWEES ...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:55

104 1,5K 2
The effect of size and growth on leverage evidence in the fishery and real estate industry in vietnam

The effect of size and growth on leverage evidence in the fishery and real estate industry in vietnam

... real estate industry and fishery industry in Vietnam  Find out the relationship between growth opportunity and leverage in real estate industry and fishery industry in Vietnam  Test if the effect ... real estate industry is facing with the difficulties in borrowing from banks since the excess supply in real estate and the bad debt problem caused in the banking industry The government restricts ... loaning from the financial institutions Because of the differences in the debt policy supporting from government with fishery industry and real estate industry, the researcher wants to find out...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2015, 13:43

73 517 0
The relationship between the industry competitiveness and factors supporting the development of cluster Case study of the cluster of the digital content industry in Vietnam

The relationship between the industry competitiveness and factors supporting the development of cluster Case study of the cluster of the digital content industry in Vietnam

... receiving sustainable support to their DCI products and services DKNC_MTKD2: Businesses in the DCI in Vietnam showing a strong business spirit DKNC_MTKD3: Businesses in the DCI in Vietnam ready ... reliability if the research were conducted with a structure of samples including all business operating in all industries in Vietnam and the Clusters of other industries; (2) the collection of information ... 4.2.2 Result of the main research The main research recorded the findings: (a) affirming that the set of scales for the main research is reliable; (b) the research modle is suitable to the market...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 19:07

29 303 0
The competitiveness of textile and garment industry in vietnam

The competitiveness of textile and garment industry in vietnam

... factors The problem is whether finding the main factors influencing the competitiveness of the textile and garment industry from existing theories and materials, and whether finding or establishing ... are used to interpret the competitiveness of an industry and firms In Vietnam, the textile and garment industry is one of the most important mainstay industries (the second largest industry after ... Maintaining the Competitive edge: the Italian and Textile Clothing Industry in 199 0s of Bulussi, F (199 7); Textile and Apparel in the Global Economy of Dickerson, K (199 5); Spatial Clustering...

Ngày tải lên: 16/11/2016, 08:40

94 1,1K 3
Factors affecting customer satisfaction and behavioral intention in the fast food industry in vietnam

Factors affecting customer satisfaction and behavioral intention in the fast food industry in vietnam

... get their food without getting out of their cars The fast food industry started its first step to growth when McDonalds became popular in the late 194 0s and early 195 0s (What is the Fast food industry, ... adult in Vietnam, 65% as mention above, the fast food industry has experienced a fast growing stage Beside the chance, there are threats of new entrants to the industry which increase the level ... effective in Vietnam 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES There are two objectives of the study: Identifying factors affecting customer satisfaction in the fast food restaurant industry in Vietnam The relationship...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2017, 17:09

59 792 0
The impact of values on customer loyalty after experiencing compensation process   a study of car insurance industry in vietnam

The impact of values on customer loyalty after experiencing compensation process a study of car insurance industry in vietnam

... discussion with experts in insurance industry at 02 insurance companies about using the previous measurement scale The expert find the scale is clear and fine to use in Vietnam However the research object ... party requires the Court in the place happening damages or the residence place of the Automobile owner to appoint the independent surveyor The conclusion of independent surveyor is binding on both ... Testing the research model The results of multiple linear regression showed in the Appendix IV with the adjust R2 = 36,1% that indicated the model could explain 36,1% of the variability in the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2017, 11:34

67 456 0
The impact of human resources management to employees job satisfaction within interior design and construction industry in vietnam

The impact of human resources management to employees job satisfaction within interior design and construction industry in vietnam

... Versteeg, 199 0; Harris, 199 2) In Vietnam, this theory need to be further tested However this also seems like quite a lot in emerging companies in Vietnam in all areas In the field of interior ... management to the job satisfaction of employees in interior designer and construction industry in Vietnam Following the result of this research, companies in industry are able to improve the effectiveness ... with the group in charge of personnel management in companies in the study After selecting and adjusting the preliminary scale, doing survey and interview 30 samples in different parts of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2017, 15:22

95 538 0
The relationship of service climate, employee commitment, and life satifaction in banking industry in vietnam

The relationship of service climate, employee commitment, and life satifaction in banking industry in vietnam

... organization Especially in the banking industry, providing the good service for the customer is the final target in business of all the banks in Vietnam Based on the employee commitment with the bank, this ... people working in the bank in Ho Chi Minh City to obtain their ideas about the questionnaire in the context of Vietnamese culture, check the content and meaning 20 of words used in the initial measurement ... why the field of research is the service industry Banking is one of service sectors in service industry chosen joining this survey, especially the banking industry in Vietnam Through some dimensions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2017, 21:36

88 489 0
DSpace at VNU: Main results of international cooperative research in the study of plant diversity in VietNam, 1993-2002

DSpace at VNU: Main results of international cooperative research in the study of plant diversity in VietNam, 1993-2002

... Afu*r 19- ỉ") Yietnam has ỉíuen rarkéci hy conỉinuous w arfare T here has bcrn littlr botanieal exploration in the country since the French colonial times Atti T the sweeping economic rrtnrm s in the ... since 199 4» when the two in stitu tio n s signed a M em orandum of n d e rsta n đ in g for m utual scientifỉc eooperation Several MIUi botanists bogaiì coiltìcting in Vietnam aítcr 199 4, and in ... tio n s in the United S ta te s (MO) Russia (LE), etc 4.2 Increased publications a n d inform ation dissem in ation A survey of the botanical literatu re, using the Online version of the Kew...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2017, 00:08

10 190 0