testing the associations among gender role traits behaviors attitudes and conflict

investigating the relationships among oil prices, bond index returns and interest rates

investigating the relationships among oil prices, bond index returns and interest rates

... applying the GRACH models and the component GARCH models As a whole in the following models there exist clear GARCH effects during the data period for the U.S., and the results imply the phenomenon ... as the effect from GBOND to GOIL, and that from GOIL to GIR Similar results are shown in the third and fourth Granger causality tests for GOIL and IRV1, and for GOIL and IRV2 These all imply there ... criteria In the case of GBOND and IRV1, there are unidirectional effects from GBOND to IRV1 by the AIC and BIC lag-chosen criteria Similar results are shown in the case of GBOND and IRV2, and there...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 21:13

18 320 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The relationship among acute-phase response proteins, cytokines and hormones in cachectic patients with colon cancer" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "The relationship among acute-phase response proteins, cytokines and hormones in cachectic patients with colon cancer" doc

... together may further indicate VEGF as rather a pro-cachectic cytokine, corroborating the findings of other authors demonstrating VEGF associations with standard pro-cachectic cytokines IL-1 and IL-6 ... Carried out the biochemical analysis SP-Carried out the statistical analysis AS, ACD, IH and BD- Took part in and contributed the discussion All authors have read and approve of the final manuscript ... in the examined cohort of cancer patients Midkine was related to inflammation and was correlated with albumin concentration, while the associations were not affected by cachexia These together...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:22

6 382 0
The relationship among tourist satisfaction, tourism service quality and tourists loyalty

The relationship among tourist satisfaction, tourism service quality and tourists loyalty

... parking and food and beverage The study based on a survey of restaurant and hotel managers pertaining to the - 11 - causes of compliments and complaints On the other hand, price, speed, and quality ... reliability and validity After all the testee finish their questionnaires, I will ask them whether the content of the questionnaire is clear enough or not I will distribute 300 questionnaires, and then ... LODGQUAL, and alternately Tsang and Qu (2000) applied SERVQUAL but avoided any comment on the use of the measure, and instead believed that "the study attempted neither to test existing theory nor...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 18:01

62 441 0
Tài liệu Advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women: role of development cooperation pdf

Tài liệu Advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women: role of development cooperation pdf

... of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is essential to achieving the MDGs, both with regard to gender- specific goals and the clear gender equality dimensions in all of the goals These ... cooperation to the countries in situations of fragility and conflict must acknowledge the differential and disproportional impact of armed conflict on the lives and rights of women and girls A critical ... between women and men and girls and boys The Rio+20 conference recognized the central role of women and girls as leaders, participants and agents of change Member States committed themselves to...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 07:20

8 629 0
The impact of fodder trees on milk production and income among smallholder dairy farmers in East Africa and the role of research ppt

The impact of fodder trees on milk production and income among smallholder dairy farmers in East Africa and the role of research ppt

... Union, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the World Bank The impact of fodder trees on milk production and income among smallholder ... PRA methods and the key informant discussions were used to better understand the trajectory of farming in the area, how the role of dairy was changing, and what the potential for dairy and fodder ... calliandra In Rwanda, calliandra and Leucaena diversifolia, also an exotic, are the most common species In Uganda, these same two species and sesbania are widely grown In Tanzania, calliandra and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

55 547 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Impact of recent life events on the health related quality of life of adolescents and youths: the role of gender and life events typologies in a follow-up study" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Impact of recent life events on the health related quality of life of adolescents and youths: the role of gender and life events typologies in a follow-up study" potx

... investigated whether there were gender- based differences in the association between LEs and HRQoL [28]; and whether desirable and undesirable events and those which occurred within the family context ... dimension and for the overall score and are transformed into T-values with a mean of 50 and standard deviation (SD) of 10 The T scores refer to the mean values and SD from a representative sample of the ... for the analysis of multiple end-points We tested gender differences in the association between LEs on HRQoL by running similar models where the gender and the interaction between gender and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

9 583 0
Testing - The Horse and the Cart

Testing - The Horse and the Cart

... inputs and outputs They specify the exceptional cases and expected behaviors, and they outline how each method interacts with the rest of the system As long as the tests are kept up to date, they ... altered to accommodate the changes below them The more tightly coupled the components are, the further and wider the changes will ripple through the system It leads to the effect known as collateral ... invoked, with the first invoked at the top and the last invoked at the bottom You can reorder the list by selecting a builder and using the Up and Down buttons to change its position in the list Clicking...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 09:20

36 434 1
Tài liệu Testing the Hearing Impaired Candidate pdf

Tài liệu Testing the Hearing Impaired Candidate pdf

... With the testing accommodation addressed, next comes the question of whether a Deaf or hearing impaired person can perform the work on the job It must be determined if the candidate can perform the ... functions of the job Although we remove the confound of reading from the PST, the job may require that the candidate have a certain level of proficiency in reading and writing Assessment of these skills ... should be handled the same as any candidate whose second language is English Reading and writing skills should be assessed separately and a minimum standard should be reached Finally, the receiving...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 02:17

2 277 0
Tài liệu Sybex.Always.Be.Testing.The.Complete.Guide.to.Google.Website.Optimizer.Aug.2008 pdf

Tài liệu Sybex.Always.Be.Testing.The.Complete.Guide.to.Google.Website.Optimizer.Aug.2008 pdf

... Be Testing is the essential handbook that gets you testing and keeps you testing In this game, the difference between Winners and Losers is that Winners take the time to figure out which of their ... complete and for her understanding when business takes me away from her and the kids There is no greater blessing than Hannah and Sammy They remind me to keep testing my world as I watch them explore ... to and why to it Then they can figure out the part they best: how to it If you involve techies too early in your marketing plans, they tend to sidetrack you with the “hows.” • Trust them to handle...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 20:21

338 470 0
Tài liệu Georgia Oral Health Prevention Program The School Nurse’s Role in Oral Health pdf

Tài liệu Georgia Oral Health Prevention Program The School Nurse’s Role in Oral Health pdf

... hand and just a few inches around the middle finger of the other hand Χ Hold the floss taut between thumb and forefinger (leaving about one inch between fingers) and guide it gently between the ... Plaque accumulates in the pits and grooves of the tooth and, if not protected by dental sealants, the enamel dissolves and decay may progress into the dentin of the tooth Pit and fissure caries ... regional, and state meetings and courses; and project reports and program information for activities funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

27 479 0
Tài liệu Osteoporosis in Men: The Effects of Gender on Skeletal Health Second Edition pptx

Tài liệu Osteoporosis in Men: The Effects of Gender on Skeletal Health Second Edition pptx

... in the transition from the embryo to the adult is the development of mineralized structures The cells that deposit the matrix, regulate the flux of ions and control the interaction between the ... intake and the skeletal requirements for Ca fluc­ tuate widely daily and throughout the lifespan There is an active coordination of Ca among the intestine, kidneys and the skeleton while the concentration ... remodeling and regulate the turnover of the mineralized matrix They remove bone by producing acid and couple that with the transport of chloride out of the cell The acid dissolves the mineral...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

698 10,7K 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural effects of a dimer interface mutation on catalytic activity of triosephosphate isomerase The role of conserved residues and complementary mutations pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Structural effects of a dimer interface mutation on catalytic activity of triosephosphate isomerase The role of conserved residues and complementary mutations pptx

... to the conformation of the active site loop [20] and differences in the nature of the dimer interface compared to the human enzyme The fact that a cysteine residue is found at position 13 in the ... 13 of the other subunit [25,26], yielding a covalently bridged dimer The 4170 oxidized and reduced forms of the Y74C mutant had very different thermal stabilities While the stability of the Y74Cox ... 2, together with the relevant parameters for the WT protein and related mutants described previously The Michaelis Menten and LineweaverBurke plots for the enzymes are shown in Fig S3 The W11F...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

15 635 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Peeling Back the Layers: Detecting Event Role Fillers in Secondary Contexts" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Peeling Back the Layers: Detecting Event Role Fillers in Secondary Contexts" pdf

... to the left and four words to the right of the targeted NP, as well as the head noun and modifiers (adjectives and noun modifiers) of the targeted NP itself Lexico-syntactic patterns: we use the ... features to represent the tense of the main verb phrase in the sentence and whether the document is long (> 35 words) or short (< words) All of the feature values are binary 3.2 Role Filler Extractors ... created with SVMlin (Keerthi and DeCoste, 2005), and exactly the same features The feature set consists of the unigrams and bigrams that appear in the training texts, the semantic class of each...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

11 459 0
Báo cáo khoa học: The role of helix 8 and of the cytosolic C-termini in the internalization and signal transduction of B1 and B2 bradykinin receptors potx

Báo cáo khoa học: The role of helix 8 and of the cytosolic C-termini in the internalization and signal transduction of B1 and B2 bradykinin receptors potx

... motifs in the region between the palmitoylated C324 and N338 Candidates would include G328-C329 and ⁄ or the negatively charged residues E332 and E337, as they are highly conserved in B2wt among ... grey, and the position number is indicated The grey box outside the membrane indicates the region of the putative cytosolic helix as found in the crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin [24] The ... patterns of B2wt and of B1 ⁄ B2 chimeras reflect their agonist-inducible internalization The segment between the NPXXY motif and the conserved cysteine represents one of the regions with the highest...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

12 595 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular and functional characterization of a novel splice variant of ANKHD1 that lacks the KH domain and its role in cell survival and apoptosis docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular and functional characterization of a novel splice variant of ANKHD1 that lacks the KH domain and its role in cell survival and apoptosis docx

... the respective plasmid used on the top and the markers are labeled on the left Arrows indicate specific gene products translated product Furthermore, VBARP-S exhibited protein products of 49 and ... were synthesized and purified using the Qiagen siRNA Tool Kit Based on the initial results, siRNA spanning nucleotides 143–154 (from the ATG) was identified that blocked the VBARP RNA synthesis ... by VBARP and Vpr antibodies, respectively, whereas VBARP and Nef did not form a complex, indicating that the interaction between VBARP and Vpr is specific The input panel represents the amount...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

12 561 0


... of prior brand attitudes - Hypothesis 8a: The recipient’s post brand attitude change is greater when receiving the prior neutral brand than the prior favorable brand - Hypothesis 8b: The recipient’s ... receiving the prior neutral brand than the prior favorable brand - Hypothesis 7b: The recipient’s post brand attitude change is greater when receiving the prior neutral brand than the prior ... the triads For example, if the receiver likes the giver, the giver has positive attitudes toward gift’s brand, but the receiver not have positive brand attitudes, then the triad is said to be unbalance...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20

10 482 0
Role of an electrolyte and substrate on the stability of porous silicon

Role of an electrolyte and substrate on the stability of porous silicon

... surface area and the presence of large number of unpaired bonds at the surface which alter the surface recombination rates and consequently the PL efficiency, surface reactivity and stability ... wafer and dried at 250 1C The wafer was then heated to 750 1C for in an IR furnace PS was formed by the standard anodization process using Si as the anode and Pt as the counter electrode in an ... water and ethanol and dried in nitrogen The samples were subjected to continuous agitation in an ultrasonic cleaner to evaluate the speed with which the sample is destroyed The weight of the sample...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 15:19

9 537 0