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... Shorten for Macintosh MacFlac Burning Software – I recommend Roxio’s Toast and Jam or iTunes Creating A Torrent For Your Show Go to the File Menu and select Generate Torrents to open the torrent ... uploaded the torrent to the server, you will need to contact tiedyetoga, jwolf, or myself to delete the torrent file for you THIS APPLIES TO ALL KEEP YOUR TORRENT WINDOWS OPEN FOR AS LONG AS YOU ... to go, you need to create the torrent for it For that, I use MakeTorrent v2.0 After installing MakeTorrent 2.0, it should be easily found by clicking START -> PROGRAMS and then look for MakeTorrent...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 14:39
... seem to be natural ones; in particular, these numbers cannot be represented as a nice Witt’s type formula for the p-adic invariant integral on Z p and the generating function does not seems to ... Acknowledgments The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to the referee for his/her valuable suggestions and comments and Professor Paolo E Ricci for his cooperations and helps This ... polynomials to treat in this paper can be represented by p-adic q-fermionic integral on Z p [9, 13] and this integral representation also can be considered as Witt’s type formula for q-Genocchi...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
... the author’s written permission Cicero Kinds of Classical Rhetoric Invention – search for persuasive ways to present information Arrangement – organising parts of our presentation to ensure a proper ... author’s written permission Never Fail Techniques To Develop ICE BREAKER ORGANISE YOUR SPEECH GET TO THE POINT HOW TO SAY IT YOUR BODY SPEAKS VOCAL VARIETY RESEARCH YOUR TOPIC GET COMFORTABLE WITH ... author’s written permission is based within the field of Communication and Presentation for High Performance • • • • • Discuss needs Examine assumptions Interview skills Propose solutions for top level...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20
... publication by John Haydon Click to Share on Twitter 14 HOW TO GET MORE COMMENTS Ask humanistic questions – This approach is intended to tap into the shared humanity of your fans For ... publication by John Haydon Click to Share on Twitter 13 HOW TO GET MORE COMMENTS Ask for tips – Facebook users, like anyone, love to share their personal experiences and insights For ... to Share on Twitter HOW TO GET MORE COMMENTS Ask questions about a photo – Share a photo an ask your fans to comment For example, an animal rights org could post a photo and ask “What’s wrong...
Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 19:16
TipS on talkS OR how to keep an audience attentive, alert, and around
... discoveries to our colleagues – a way of informing the world that we are into a specific aspect of research (staking out a bit of scientific territory, if you will) It is too often a prerequisite for ... referring to slides during a talk can pose special problems It is too easy to turn from the audience (or microphone), and have one’s voice diminish to an inaudible mumble Some speakers, forgetting to ... retained for a long time It is more important to get across a few points that will be remembered than to tell everything you know about a subject Better to save the detailed account for the printed...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 11:34
Save Your Small Business: 10 Crucial Strategies to Survive Hard Times or Close Down and Move On
... decisive action For example, the owner of the small Reader’s Corner bookstore who learns that Barnes & Noble is planning to open a superstore on the next corner is all too likely to hope for the best ... and failed to repaint your tatty-looking building, you’ve got lots to spend money on before adding to your payroll expense A second reason not to restore jobs and pay too quickly is to avoid the ... architectural firms to earn enough money to keep their kids fed With the help of employed spouses and supportive parents, they plan to put C&S Design to sleep for a year or two and then recommit to it full...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:53
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new identities on the twisted carlitz’s q-bernoulli numbers and q-bernstein polynomials" ppt
... (f |x) converges uniformly to f on ℤ p (see [8]) If q is same version in (18), we cannot say that the sequence Bn,q (f |x) converges uniformly to f on ℤp Let s Î N with s ≥ For n1, , ns, k Î ℤ+ ... Page of Therefore, by (13), we obtain the following theorem Theorem For n Î ℤ+, we have βn,ξ −1 ,q−1 (1 − x) = ξ qn (−1)n ... Page of For x Îℤp and n, k Î ℤ+, the p-adic q-Bernstein polynomials are given by n n−k [x]k [1 − x]q−1 , q k Bk,n (x, q) = (18) (see [8,20]) In [8], the q-Bernstein operator...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some identities on the weighted q-Euler numbers and q-Bernstein polynomials" pot
... +···+ns −l,q−1 , if k > ⎩ l=0 l Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to referee for his/her valuable comments Kim et al Journal of Inequalities and Applications ... be written as En,q (x) = (qαx Eq + [x]qα )n , n ∈ Z+ (α) (α) (7) with usual convention about replacing (E(α) )n by E(α) q n,q In this paper we study the weighted q-Bernstein polynomials to express ... following difference equation qFq (t, 1) + Fq (t) = [2]q (10) Therefore, by (8) and (10), we obtain the following proposition Proposition For n Î ℤ+, we have (α) (α) (α) E0,q = 1, and qEn,q (1) + En,q...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Review Article On the Generalized q-Genocchi Numbers and Polynomials of Higher-Order" doc
... 1.2 , we note that Gn Gn For d ∈ N with d ≡ mod , let χ be the Dirichlet character with conductor d It is known that the generalized Genocchi polynomials attached to χ are defined by d−1 a χ ... special case x 0, Gn,χ numbers attached to χ see 1, 4–6 For a real or complex parameter α, the generalized higher-order Genocchi polynomials attached to χ are also defined by α χ a −1 a eat edt ... operators, and their results are ¨ closely related to the study of q-Bernstein polynomials and q-Genocchi polynomials, which are treated in this paper In this paper, we first consider the q-extension...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some Identities on the Generalized q-Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials Associated with q-Volkenborn Integrals" docx
... qxl r r q − x1 ··· X ··· xr r βn,q is refereed to as the q-extension of Bernoulli In the special case, x 0, the sequence βn,q numbers of order r For f ∈ N, one has βn,q x r x xr n dμq x1 · · · ... attaches to χ βn,χ,q are called the n th generalized q-Bernoulli By 2.13 and 2.14 , one obtains the following theorem Theorem 2.3 Let χ be the primitive Dirichlet’s character with conductor f ∈ N For ... interesting equations of p-adic q-integrals on Zp From these equations, we give some interesting formulae for the higher-order Carlitz’s type q-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials in the p-adic number...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Research Article On the Twisted q-Analogs of the Generalized Euler Numbers and Polynomials of Higher Order" ppt
... Witt’s formula for En,χ,ζ x as follows: k ··· X χ xi X i x1 ··· xk x n ζ x1 ··· xk dμ−1 x1 · · · dμ−1 xk k En,χ,ζ x 1.12 The purpose of this paper is to present a systemic study of some formulas ... ∈ Cp with |1 − q|p < and ζ ∈ Tp For d ∈ N with d, let χ be the Dirichlet’s character with conductor d For h ∈ Z, k ∈ N, let us consider the twisted h, q -extension of the generalized Euler numbers ... En,χ,ζ x n tn n! 1.8 From 1.8 , we can derive the Witt’s formula for En,χ,ζ x as follows: χ x xn ζx dμ−1 x En,χ,ζ , X χ y 1.9 n y y x ζ dμ−1 y for ζ ∈ Tp , En,χ,ζ x , see 5–17 X k The nth generalized...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Note on q-Extensions of Euler Numbers and Polynomials of Higher Order" docx
... distribution relation for q-Euler polynomials as follows Theorem 2.5 For f (=odd) ∈ N, fn En,q x f−1 q −1 a qa En,qf qf a x f a 2.24 For k, n ∈ N with n ≡ (mod 2), it is easy to see that n−1 q −1 ... products of the twisted h, q -extension of Euler polynomials and numbers, see 14, 15 In this paper, we consider the new q-extension of Euler numbers and polynomials to be different which is treated ... functions Finally, we will derive the new formula for “sums of products of q-Euler numbers and polynomials” by using fermionic p-adic, q-integral on Zp q-extension of Euler numbers In this section...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20
Tips on Talks OR How to Keep an Audience Attentive, Alert, and Around for the Conclusions doc
... discoveries to our colleagues – a way of informing the world that we are into a specific aspect of research (staking out a bit of scientific territory, if you will) It is too often a prerequisite for ... referring to slides during a talk can pose special problems It is too easy to turn from the audience (or microphone), and have one’s voice diminish to an inaudible mumble Some speakers, forgetting to ... retained for a long time It is more important to get across a few points that will be remembered than to tell everything you know about a subject Better to save the detailed account for the printed...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20
information in this document is subject to change without notice. the names of companies, products, people, characters,
... will have to perform To develop a join strategy: ! Identify the prime connector The prime connector is the first directory you reflect into the metadirectory To select the prime connector, identify ... Metadirectory Developing a Join Strategy Topic Objective To Develop a Join Strategy To Develop a Join Strategy To describe the principles for developing a strategy to join connected directories to ... metadirectory Determine Which Directory Will Be the Prime Connector Lead-in Join One or More of the Remaining Directories to the Prime Connector Customize One or More of the Mas to Use More Information...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 09:03
Báo cáo toán học: "On Computing the Distinguishing Numbers of Trees and Forests" pps
... the electronic journal of combinatorics 13 (2006), #R11 h j=0 Vh ESSENTIAL(T, l, L) for j = to h Vj ← ∅ V0 ← {r(T )} for each v ∈ V (T ) U(v) ← ∅ for j = to h for each v ∈ Vj−1 and v not a leaf ... l(v) for each vertex v of the graph on the left FIND ISOMORPH(T ) BFS and construct Bj = {v : d(r(T ), v) = j} for j = 0, , h for each v ∈ V (T ) l(v) ← 0, L(v) ← ∅ for j = h to sort L(v) for ... , k) mj Proof: To create a distinguishing k-labeling for T , we need to assign a label from {1, 2, , k} to r(T ), and, according to Theorem 3.1, a distinguishing k-labeling to each copy of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo toán học: " Lower Bounds on van der Waerden Numbers: Randomized- and Deterministic-Constructive" pdf
... bound for c ≥ colors known In contrast to this the o techniques presented here directly extend to give lower bounds on multi-color van (k−1) der Waerden numbers of the form W (k, c) ≥ c ek for ... TABLE CREATION ALGORITHM • For all x = to n, For all y = to 2t • Set T (x, y) = 1/2 • For all x = to n, For all y = to 2t • Set T (x, y) = For all τ ∈ Y • Compute pτ,0 = v∈τ ( i∈label(v) color(i) ... x which would lead to a shorter program to print x than the one above Informally a string x looks random, if the shortest program to print out x has length roughly |x| We formalize this Definition...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22
A cross cultural study on idiomatic expressions containing numbers in english and vietnamese
... sequencing meta-discoursal information (in the first place, last but not least) and sequencing temporal information (one day, up to now) For example: “in addition to means “furthermore, besides, ... refers to the planets such as Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercy, Mars and Saturn that are accompanied with the God Furthermore, according to Christian religion, it took Gof seven days to create ... It appears times which accounts for 42.8% For example, “ba tháng mười ngày” refers to a celebration after someone died for 100 days This idiom merely provides information, not point out any attitude...
Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 10:57
Sequential effects of a high fat, calorie dense diet or a high fiber diet on gene expression, body weight and associated metabolic responses in c57 BL6J mice
... 22 formation in the stomach, which may increase gastric distension and reduce the rate of gastric emptying This gastric distension due to gel formation has been proposed as the mechanism for ... Socs-3 is a member of the Socs family of cytokine-inducible intracellular proteins that feedback to inhibit cytokine receptors and cytoplasmic signalling adaptor molecules In vitro studies have demonstrated ... of total RNA by TRIzol® reagent APPENDIX 3.5 Purification of total RNA by using RNeasy ® mini kit APPENDIX 3.6 Protocol for cDNA synthesis and biotin-labeled cRNA synthesis for hybridization to...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of Flurbiprofen on CRP, TNF-α, IL-6, and Postoperative Pain of Thoracotomy"
... related to the antiinflammatory effects of flurbiprofen VAS scoring is a simple and often used method for evaluating variations in pain intensity Subjects are instructed to indicate the intensity ... necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)) in patients with thoracotomy and to investigate the effects of flurbiprofen on postoperative inflammatory response Material and Methods Eligibility criteria Forty patients ... antiinflammatory drug may contribute to the attenuation of the postoperative inflammatory response and prevent postoperative pain in patients undergoing thoracotomy Conflict of Interest The authors...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:10
Báo cáo y học: "Different effect of exercise on left ventricular diastolic time and interventricular dyssynchrony in heart failure patients with and without left bundle branch block"
... systole and a consecutively shortened LV diastole in patients with LBBB irrespective of the presence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction The absolute loss of diastolic time was consistent ... performed with a paired t-test Correlation was performed by linear regression analysis Analyses were performed using the software package “SPSS for Windows 12.0.1“ 335 quantify the loss of diastolic ... None of these patients had a history of cardiac disease, diabetes or hypertension All patients included in the overall study gave their written informed consent prior to the examination Exercise...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 11:32