teachers roles in information gap activities

The effectiveness of using information gap activities to promote grade 10 students’ participation in speaking lessons at Nguyen Dang Dao high school, Bac ninh province

The effectiveness of using information gap activities to promote grade 10 students’ participation in speaking lessons at Nguyen Dang Dao high school, Bac ninh province

... extended period of time In addition, speaking with peer is less intimidating than presenting in front of the entire class and being evaluated Another advantage of information gap activities is that ... enables teachers to confirm the importance of information gap activities in teaching speaking skills Hence it promotes teachers using of these activities in class, which creates a natural and highly ... Using Information Gap Activities in the Second Language Classroom Retrieved December4, 2010 from http://www.castl.org Tran Lam Son (2009) Information Gap Activities to promote communication in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

7 968 12
Using information gap activities to motivate students in speaking lessons for the first-year non-english major students at phuong dong university

Using information gap activities to motivate students in speaking lessons for the first-year non-english major students at phuong dong university

... Benefits of information gap activities 1.2.3 Teachers roles in information gap activities 1.2.4 Forms of information gap activities 10 1.2.5 Some popular information gap activities ... motivation in English speaking activities? What is the importance of using information gap activities in motivating students in speaking lessons? What suggestions are given for teachers to apply information ... on: - Describing the importance of Information Gap Activities to motivate students to speak English - Using Information gap Activities to motivate students in speaking lessons - Providing suggestions...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

8 1,2K 23
the use of information gap activities in improving students speaking skill a study on pre departure trainees at faculty of international cooperation and training hanoi university of industry nghi pdf

the use of information gap activities in improving students speaking skill a study on pre departure trainees at faculty of international cooperation and training hanoi university of industry nghi pdf

... information- gap activities in speaking lessons * The degree of trainees’ interest in each kind of information- gap activities Kinds of information- gap activities Guessing game Detecting differences ... practice of information- gap activities in speaking lessons * Teachers purposes of using information- gap activities in speaking lessons Number of teachers Percentage To motivate trainees to speak ... to investigate the use of information- gap activities in improving pre-departure trainees‟ speaking skill, specifically: - To investigate the current practice of information- gap activities in...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:24

60 937 6
Using information gap activities to teach speaking to the 11th form pupils = sử dụng bài tập khoảng trống thông tin để dạy nói cho học sinh lớp 11

Using information gap activities to teach speaking to the 11th form pupils = sử dụng bài tập khoảng trống thông tin để dạy nói cho học sinh lớp 11

... of using information gap activities in teaching speaking English to the 11th form pupils -Synthesize and analyze the result gaining in investigating duration to suggest information- gap activities ... of Using Information Gap Activities in Teaching Speaking English for 11 th Form Class Although most of the teachers acknowledge the usefulness of information gap activities in teaching speaking ... Hence, information gap activities are the ideal way of having students to talk in English and increase the time of talking in English in class 2.2 Types of Information - Gap Exercises 2 Exchanging...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:41

9 1,7K 28
How  effective is  the implementation of  teaching  speaking through  information-gap activities to pre-departure trainees at Faculty of International  Cooperation and Training - Nghiên cứu về việc sử dụng các hoạt động khoảng trống thông tin trong việc c

How effective is the implementation of teaching speaking through information-gap activities to pre-departure trainees at Faculty of International Cooperation and Training - Nghiên cứu về việc sử dụng các hoạt động khoảng trống thông tin trong việc c

... information- gap activities in speaking lessons * The degree of trainees’ interest in each kind of information- gap activities Kinds of information- gap activities Guessing game Detecting differences ... practice of information- gap activities in speaking lessons * Teachers purposes of using information- gap activities in speaking lessons Number of teachers Percentage To motivate trainees to speak ... to investigate the use of information- gap activities in improving pre-departure trainees‟ speaking skill, specifically: - To investigate the current practice of information- gap activities in...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:01

60 1K 1
Using information gap activities to enhance speaking skill for the first year students at faculty of english   hanoi open university

Using information gap activities to enhance speaking skill for the first year students at faculty of english hanoi open university

... activity The researcher finds Doff’s ways of classifying information gap activities into guessing games, information gap activities for pair work and exchanging personal information activities the clearest ... activities into two main kinds: puzzle form and personal questionnaire Doff (1988) classifies information gap activities into guessing games, information gap activities for pair work and exchanging ... cooperation and sharing information with unrestricted cooperation Following Ellis (1999) divided information gap activities into two types: one-way and two-way In one-way information gap activities, ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:34

78 929 3
islcollective worksheets preintermediate a2 intermediate b1 adults high school information gap activities picture descri 75828084657051302a3dce7 66735568

islcollective worksheets preintermediate a2 intermediate b1 adults high school information gap activities picture descri 75828084657051302a3dce7 66735568

... aluminium brass bronze carbon fibre cardboard clay concrete copper cotton denim felt fur glass gold iron leather marble paper plastic porcelain rubber sand silk silver ... bench  box  bridge  brooch  bucket  bucket hat   candle  cannon  carpet  castle  ceiling lamp  cup  flip flops   helmet  ladder  medal  mug  nail  panama hat  plane  pocket...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 16:42

2 198 0
islcollective worksheets preintermediate a2 adults high school listening reading travel information gap activities readi 90922263956c9fbd9100d47 28112874

islcollective worksheets preintermediate a2 adults high school listening reading travel information gap activities readi 90922263956c9fbd9100d47 28112874

... That’s an unusual thing to on your first day, but I’m glad you did it It’ll help us with the project we’re doing on Transport in Big Cities Actually, it was really interesting Did you know that ... that it’s the oldest underground in the world? It opened in 1863 Wow! That’s a long time ago I thought the Paris Underground was the oldest, but it was completed in 1900 Why did they decide to ... lot of traffic in the city centre and they wanted to help people get to work more quickly It started out with only one line that was around six kilometres long, and two stations in the centre...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 11:36

3 615 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Mind the information gap: fertility rate and use of cesarean delivery and tocolytic hospitalizations in Taiwan" pdf

Báo cáo toán học: " Mind the information gap: fertility rate and use of cesarean delivery and tocolytic hospitalizations in Taiwan" pdf

... models with two different definitions of health information gap to test the inducement effect on c-section use These findings show that the interaction effects information × log of lagged ob/gyn ... region’s GFR in region r in year t, and ln (OBBIRTH rt ) is the log of the lag number of ob/gyns per 100 of birth in region r in year t Infoighrt is an indication of being medically informed individual ... and information status), and then recalculated the marginal effect interaction term Results The Role of Information Gap and the Inducement Effects Tables and are the empirical results from multinomial...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

15 356 0
Information transfer activities for the teaching of reading using Tieng Anh 11 at Nguyen Du high school in Ha Tinh province

Information transfer activities for the teaching of reading using Tieng Anh 11 at Nguyen Du high school in Ha Tinh province

... Widdowson, for instance, insists on using Information Transfer technicque for designing writing exercises.(Widdowson,1978) In addition, Storla suggests using it in writing for critical thinking.(1993) ... understanding of a Reading text 31 6.3 Should Information Transfer activities be used in post-reading or whilereading stage? 31 Stages of conducting information - transfer activities ... transfer activities should be used in Vietnamese language reading comprehension classrooms? 32 Figure - Question 9: By using information - transfer activities in teaching reading, teachers...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2015, 18:54

76 1,8K 1
A study on the effectiveness of information gap on the tenth grade students participation in speaking classes at nguyen hue high school submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of the degree of bach

A study on the effectiveness of information gap on the tenth grade students participation in speaking classes at nguyen hue high school submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of the degree of bach

... participation in information gap activities in Unit 14 38 Table 11: Times of student‟s participation in information gap activities in Unit 15 38 Table 12: Students‟ opinions on information gap activity in ... Students‟ opinions on information gap activity in Unit 13 39 Table 14: Students‟ opinions on information gap activity in Unit 14 40 Table 15: Students‟ opinions on information gap activity in Unit ... helpful for the teachers in identifying the problems preventing students from joining activities in the speaking classes and using information gap righteously to increase the students‟ involvement...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2016, 15:55

99 493 1
The computer is widely used in education and some people think that teachers will not play important roles in the classroom1

The computer is widely used in education and some people think that teachers will not play important roles in the classroom1

... conclusion is good However, some ideas are vaguely expressed Besides, some main points in paragraph and may be lacking in supporting examples Attempts to use cohesive devices are visible There is overall ... errors Try to be more precise in your expression A good piece of writing Try to expand your lexical resources and pay more attention to grammar Remember to be concise in your expression Keep up ... vocabulary are visible However, there are some mistakes Be careful with word use I recommend using OALD, thesaurus.com and ozdic.com for your practice on vocabulary Attempts to use complex sentence...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2017, 08:27

2 462 0
Báo cáo y học: "In vitro bactericidal activities of Japanese rice-fluid against Helicobacter pylori strains"

Báo cáo y học: "In vitro bactericidal activities of Japanese rice-fluid against Helicobacter pylori strains"

... of incubation at 37°C in a microaerophilic atmosphere The remaining bacterial species were also determined in almost the same manner as in the case of H pylori strains described above Heart Infusion ... pHadjusted physiological saline solution demonstrated no bactericidal activities against H pylori ATCC43526 strain The remaining ATCC43504 type strain and 14 clinical H pylori strains (H-1 to H-14) simultaneously ... to 120min., with addition of some amount of proteinase and amylase complex including α-amylase, β-amylase, and glucoamylase In the last phase 5, the enzymes added were inactivated by heating the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:03

5 430 0
Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at hagiang medical secondary school

Teachers’ difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively for ethnic minority students at hagiang medical secondary school

... overcoming the difficulties in teaching grammar communicatively a Training and retraining teachers in CLT b Redefining students’ role and teachers role c Changing students’ attitude towards learning ... 10: The teachers aim in teaching grammar Table 11: The teachers ways of teaching grammar Table 12: Teachers opinions on CLT Table 13: The teachers problems when adopting CLT in teaching grammar ... Improving students’ motivation in learning grammar e Encouraging students’ participation in class activities f Correcting students’ mistakes with a positive attitude g Presenting grammar in context...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:45

20 985 2
Technologies in Information Systems

Technologies in Information Systems

... learning and two learning flows At individual level, the intuiting process takes place At group level, the interpreting and integrating processes are developed Finally, the institutionalizing ... measures in their business plan (Gandossy, 2003) Information Systems (IS) pervade all aspects of organizational functioning Effective and efficient information processing in today’s information intensive-environment ... study done in pioneer learning organizations in Europe regarding knowledge measuring and reporting It analyzes the main indicators used for quantifying the knowledge embedded in the firm Finally,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

351 319 1
Tài liệu Exploring Privacy Risks in Information Networks ppt

Tài liệu Exploring Privacy Risks in Information Networks ppt

... thoroughly investigating the problem domain With an understanding of the privacy risk environment in information networks, we have a good starting-point for recognising, mitigating or preventing intrusions ... marketing (something for which user information is needed) In addition, in an increasingly networked environment, where new technologies and infrastructures are being rapidly introduced into the ... different online registers or databases containing personal information may be combined by powerful search engines in order to get an apprehension about groups of individuals In effect, this information...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

119 245 0