... methods of exploration, such as SPT, CPT, etc to establish stratification of the subsurface materials, the profile of the top of bedrock and bedrock quality, depth to groundwater, limits of types of ... (DIM); number of soil layers within zone of stress influence of the footing (DIM) ( ( rate of increase of soil modulus with depth (KSI/ft) ( probability of failure ... depth z (KSI) = rate of increase of soil modulus with depth as defined in Table C2 (KSI/FT) = depth in feet below the ground surface (FT) Table C10.4.6.3-2 – Rate of increase of Soil Modulus with...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:57
table of english tense - excellent
... S + will have been + Ving N: S + will not have been + Ving Q: Will + S + have been + Ving ? Table of Englih tenses - Created by Nguyễn văn Toàn Yen The high school ...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:27
... been future speaking putting emphasis on Q: Will he have been the course of an action speaking? for …, the last couple of hours, all day long Conditional I Simple A: He would speak action that ... sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action action in the future that cannot be influenced spontaneous decision assumption ... he have been speaking? action that might take place putting emphasis on the course / duration of the action action that might have if sentences type III taken place in the past (If I had seen...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 07:10
... lower portion of the shaft The value of is often considered to vary as a function of Su Values of for drilled shafts are recommended as shown in Equations and 3, based on the results of back-analyzed, ... history of past performance Consideration shall also be given to: The difference between the resistance of a single shaft and that of a group of shafts; The resistance of the ... diameter of drilled shaft (FT) = penetration of shaft (FT) = undrained shear strength (KSF) The value of Su should be determined from the results of in-situ and/or laboratory testing of undisturbed...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 12:20
... Pm, in Table are a function of the center-to-center (CTC) spacing of piles in the group in the direction of loading expressed in multiples of the pile diameter, B The values of P m in Table were ... resistance of the pile group (KIPS) The uplift resistance, Rug, of a pile group shall be taken as the lesser of: The sum of the individual pile uplift resistance, or The uplift resistance of the ... lateral resistance of the soil in front of the pile cap is included in the horizontal resistance of the foundation, the effect of soil disturbance resulting from construction of the pile cap should...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 12:20
... projected direction of load in the plane of the footing, measured from the side of length L (DEG) that for footings with a depth of embedment ratio of Df/B = 1, the effects of load inclination ... consideration of the highest anticipated groundwater table The influences of groundwater table on the bearing resistance of soils or rock and on the settlement of the structure shall be considered In cases ... ( where: n i H HC C’ = number of soil layers within zone of stress influence of the footing = elastic settlement of layer i (FT) = initial height of layer i (FT) = bearing capacity index...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 12:20
... methods of exploration, such as SPT, CPT, etc to establish stratification of the subsurface materials, the profile of the top of bedrock and bedrock quality, depth to groundwater, limits of types of ... (DIM); number of soil layers within zone of stress influence of the footing (DIM) ( ( rate of increase of soil modulus with depth (KSI/ft) ( probability of failure ... depth z (KSI) = rate of increase of soil modulus with depth as defined in Table C2 (KSI/FT) = depth in feet below the ground surface (FT) Table C10.4.6.3-2 – Rate of increase of Soil Modulus with...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 12:20
table of contents
... Table of Contents http://www.hermans.org/ag ents Table of Contents Table of Contents ...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 13:20
... trademarks of the Arizona Department of Education and National Evaluation Systems, Inc (NES®) "NES®" and its logo are registered trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, Inc.™ TABLE OF CONTENTS ... adequacy of the information presented, including the number of ideas, the development of ideas, and the depth and specificity of supporting details • COHERENCE: the organization and clarity of the ... understanding of literature, the nonliterary arts, science, and technology as aspects of German-speaking cultures For example: identifying the significance of major movements, figures, and works of literature...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu Next Generation Frame 600 mm Products Table of Contents doc
... required in the FCB Pigtail Type Type of pigtail required Number of Pigtail Assemblies Number of pigtails to be pre-installed in the FCB Splice Chip Type of splice chip required for splice trays ... Isolation Near End: Far End: 1.0 Log2N (where N = number of channels) 0.5 dB maximum (see table below) (see table below) < -55 dB 55 dB (see table below) MECHANICAL Cable Retention: 45 kg (1.0 lb.) ... rear side of the block exit up toward the top of the frame) or “downward” (cables terminated to the rear side of the block exit down toward the bottom of the frame) All blocks with adapters only...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu Table of Contents doc
... vi Table of Contents Completing File and Directory Names 62 Changing Your Password 62 Customizing...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu Table of contents pdf
... Version 00 Date: Table of contents Managementhandbook 01 - chapter 01 Page of ...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 00:15
Tài liệu Table of Fourier Transform Pairs ppt
... p [d (w - w ) - d (w + w )] + 2w 2j w0 - w u (t )e -at cos(w t ) Signals & Systems - Reference Tables (a + jw ) w + (a + jw ) 2 w0 u (t )e -at sin(w t ) e w + (a + jw ) 2a -a t e -t a2 +w2 /( ... Exponential Fourier Series f (t ) = ¥ å Fn e jwnt , where n = -¥ Signals & Systems - Reference Tables 1T Fn = ò f (t )e - jw nt dt T Some Useful Mathematical Relationships e jx + e - jx cos( ... y ) - cos( x + y ) sin( x) cos( y ) = sin( x - y ) + sin( x + y ) Signals & Systems - Reference Tables Useful Integrals ò cos( x)dx sin(x) ò sin( x)dx - cos(x) ò x cos( x)dx cos( x) + x sin( x)...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 12:15
Tài liệu Fiber Panel Products Table of Contents pptx
... splice tray with chip Select number of cable clamps (0-9) Select number of compression fittings (0-9) Select number of bonding grounding kits (0-9) Select number of radius limiters (0-9) Not used ... connector on back of bulkhead) ST® Hybrid (ST® connector on front; SC connector on back of bulkhead) • Number of Ports Loaded Connector Style w w w a d c c o m 10 11 Number of Splice Decks 12 ... access to rear of front plate and interior of panel 5.25" (13.34 cm) 8.75" (22.23 cm) 3.50" (8.89 cm) 10.50" (20.67 cm) • FL2000 6pak adapter plug-ins ordered separately • Constructed of high strength...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Advanced Linux Programming: C Table of Signals ppt
... 17 0430 APPC 5/22/01 10:59 AM Page 302 302 Appendix C Table of Signals Table C.1 Continued Name SIGINT Description Linux sends a process this signal when the ... delivery of this signal at a later time See Section 8.13, “setitimer: Setting Interval Timers,” in Chapter 8, “Linux System Calls,” for information about setitimer, a generalized version of alarm ... limit of CPU time that it can consume See Section 8.5, “getrlimit and setrlimit: Resource Limits,” in Chapter for information on CPU time limits SIGVTALRM The setitimer schedules the delivery of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Table of Contents pptx
... Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Andrew Kusiak is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Iowa, Iowa City His interests include applications of computational ... the applications of computational intelligence in manufacturing ©2001 CRC Press LLC This handbook consists of 19 chapters organized in five parts in terms of levels and areas of applications The ... presents the applications of genetic algorithms for production planning and scheduling Part IV of the book is composed of five chapters and is concerned with monitoring and control of manufacturing processes...
Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20