tổng quan tài liệu nghiên cứu tr 5 42

Datasheet mcp 3204 3208

Datasheet mcp 3204 3208

... REF = VDD = 2 .5 V, FCLK = MHz 90 250 200 60 50 40 150 30 100 20 50 10 0 2.0 2 .5 3.0 3 .5 4.0 4 .5 5.0 5. 5 6.0 2.0 2 .5 3.0 3 .5 VDD (V) IDD vs VDD FIGURE 2-31: 5. 0 5. 5 6.0 100 90 350 VDD = VREF = ... 244 157 347 020 050 010 020 15 15 MILLIMETERS NOM 14 1.27 1. 35 1 .55 1.32 1 .42 0.10 0.18 5. 79 5. 99 3.81 3.90 8 .56 8.69 0. 25 0.38 0.41 0.84 0.20 0.23 0.36 0 .42 12 12 MIN MAX 1. 75 1 .55 0. 25 6.20 ... 244 157 394 020 050 010 020 15 15 MILLIMETERS NOM 16 1.27 1. 35 1 .55 1.32 1.44 0.10 0.18 5. 79 6.02 3.81 3.90 9.80 9.91 0. 25 0.38 0.41 0.84 0.20 0.23 0.33 0 .42 12 12 MIN MAX 1. 75 1 .55 0. 25 6.20...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 13:33

34 2K 0
Tài liệu The Expected Interest Rate Path: Alignment of Expectations vs. Creative Opacity∗ ppt

Tài liệu The Expected Interest Rate Path: Alignment of Expectations vs. Creative Opacity∗ ppt

... known to everyone (5) Vol No 2.2 The Expected Interest Rate Path 153 Information Structure The information structure is crucial Information asymmetry requires that the central bank and the private ... heterogeneity Finally, our loss function (5) implies that the central bank pursues a strict inflation-targeting strategy In practice, however, the commonly adopted strategy is flexible inflation targeting ... policy instrument If there were more signals than instruments, publishing the expected future value of one instrument would not be fully revealing 158 International Journal of Central Banking...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 03:20

41 612 0
Báo cáo y học: " Rates and risks for prolonged grief disorder in a sample of orphaned and widowed genocide survivors" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Rates and risks for prolonged grief disorder in a sample of orphaned and widowed genocide survivors" potx

... Adults 2 .5- 3 .5 Years After September 11th Attacks J Trauma Stress 2007, 20: 251 -262 Schaal et al BMC Psychiatry 2010, 10 :55 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/10 /55 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... children J Trauma Stress 2000, 13:3-21 Schaal S, Elbert T: Ten Years After the Genocide: Trauma Confrontation and Posttraumatic Stress in Rwandan Adolescents J Trauma Stress 2006, 19(1): 95- 1 05 Pham ... automatically trigger trauma reminders It could be that the treatment of PTSD might facilitate the Schaal et al BMC Psychiatry 2010, 10 :55 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/10 /55 mourning process...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22

9 501 0
Báo cáo y học: " Mixed states vs. pure mania in the french sample of the EMBLEM study: results at baseline and 24 months – European mania in bipolar longitudinal evaluation of medication" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Mixed states vs. pure mania in the french sample of the EMBLEM study: results at baseline and 24 months – European mania in bipolar longitudinal evaluation of medication" ppsx

... IC 95% ) → Remission (3) (%, IC 95% ) → Recovery (4) (%, IC 95% ) Mixed episode Over 24 months n = 164 53 % [49%, 58 %] 12% [9%, 16%] 61% [56 %, 66%] 46%* [41%, 51 %] 57 % [50 %, 63%] 19% [13%, 26%] 62% [55 %, ... (29%) 70 (14%) 296 (59 %) 332 (66%) 163 (32%) 57 (16%)* 187 (51 %) 212 (58 %) 77 (21%) 36 (14%) 79 (30%) 36 (14%) 75 (29%) 40 ( 15% ) 147 (56 %) 153 (58 %) 67 (26%) 39 (24%)* 72 (44%) 85 (52 %) 34 (21%) (1%)* ... 138 (53 %)* 177 (68%)* 21 (8%) 92 ( 35% ) 129 (49%)* 187 (71%)* 27 (10%) 97 (37%) 91 (55 %)* 74 ( 45% ) 10 (6%) 43 (26%) 73 (97%) 56 (77%) 13 (18%) (5% ) (3%) 93 ( 95% ) 74 (80%) 17 (18%) (2%) (5% ) 1 35 (98%)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

9 482 0
Path integral modelling of interest rates, options and commodities

Path integral modelling of interest rates, options and commodities

... field in quantum finance mode than the general HJM model in Figure 2.2 29 0. 95 0. 85 0. 75 0. 65 3. 25 2. 25 3. 25 Matur ity (yr ) 4. 25 to Time to e 1. 25 M 2. 25 0. 25 ity at ur 1. 25 (y r) 0. 25 Ti m Correlation ... 100 § 5. 5 Option pricing 1 05 § 5. 5.1 Martingale condition 108 § 5. 5.2 FX Options 108 § 5. 6 Model’s ... Model Swaption prices (US$ x 103) 1 15 110 1 05 100 95 90 85 80 75 50 100 150 200 250 Time Series Figure 2.2: Swaption comparison between HJM model and quantum finance model § 2.4 Libor Hamiltonian Model...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:17

183 245 0


... Scientific and Trade journals Now in his retirement, he decided to share some of the amusing observations he made during his diverse carrier About The Illustrator: The book’s illustrations are ... old child Yet the same "highly unintelligent electronic machines" are smart enough to control and coordinate our vehicles, stores, banks and industry They are even involved in our media, entertainment, ... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 25 To>> Table of content N _5 Artistic preview Artistic_preview\Final _5. htm THE_CONTAMINATION_OF_SCIENCE_AND_THE_DESTRUCTION_OF FINE_ARTS_DURING_THE_GCA Ulysses selected...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 10:03

159 1,2K 3
One-Sample Estimation Problems (TOÁN)

One-Sample Estimation Problems (TOÁN)

... 100 x = 26.36( gam) s = 55 .9903( gam ) s = 7.4827( gam)  Đây toán ước lượng khoảng cho giá tr trung bình tr ờng hợp chưa biết σ2, n>=30  Ta có 1-α=0. 95 ⇒1-α/2=0. 95  Tra bảng ta được: zα /2 ... người ta quan sát mẫu có kết sau: x(g) 11- 15 Số sp 15- 19 19-23 23-27 27-31 31- 35 35- 39 20 16 16 13 18 Những sản phẩm có khối lượng từ 19 gam tr xuống xếp vào loại B Hãy ước lượng khối lượng trung ... Sample: Estimating the Mean  Từ bảng tr n, ta tính được: nB = 17 xB = 15. 1176( gam) sB = 4.2 353 sB = 2. 058 0( gam)  Đây toán ước lượng khoảng cho giá tr trung bình tr ờng hợp chưa biết σ2, nB< 30...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 16:20

36 785 0
Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

... both transmit using SIR • Then they shift to FIR speed RF WPANs • Offer functionality beyond that of IR devices • Include – Bluetooth – 802. 15. 4 (ZigBee) IEEE 802. 15. 1 and Bluetooth • Industry ... controls the radio transmissions functions – Data bits (0 and 1) are converted into radio signals and transmitted • Radio module – – – – A single radio transmitter/receiver (transceiver) Only ... 802. 15. 1 • 802. 15. 1 standard – Approved in March 2, 2002 – Fully compatible with Bluetooth version 1.1 Bluetooth Protocol Stack • Bluetooth RF layer – Defines how the basic hardware that controls...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52

18 587 1
High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

... working on two standards – IEEE 802. 15. 3 and 802. 15. 5 • IEEE 802. 15. 3 standard – Defines the specifications for HR WPANs supporting speeds of 11, 22, 33, and up to 55 Mbps • In the 2.4 GHz ISM band ... 802. 15. 3 networks • Ultra Wide Band is a digital transmission technology – Will soon support very high-speed transmissions at up to 100+ Mbps • UWB transmissions: bandwidth of at least 50 0 MHz ... Characteristics – It transmits low-power, short-range signals – It transmits using extremely short low-power pulses lasting only about nanosecond – It transmits over a band that is at least 50 0 MHz wide...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52

45 579 3
Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

Revision of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) Indices.doc

... 2004- 05 42. 06 40. 25 39.22 38. 95 39.28 38.71 37.79 36.67 35. 88 35. 55 35. 52 35. 12 14.01 13 .50 13.44 12.87 11.76 11.03 10.64 9.92 9.30 8.31 7. 85 7. 15 UK USAHongkon g 12.04 11.73 11.33 11. 25 11 .55 11.82 ... 0 .55 0.17 1.03 2.61 0.78 1.33 5. 52 5. 52 0.41 0.63 18.38 1.87 1 .58 1. 35 3.26 0.47 1.38 0 .56 1 .56 0 .51 0.16 0. 95 0 .55 0.69 0.24 1.18 1.99 3.97 1.11 2.07 0.36 0.79 1.41 0.92 UAE UK USA 6.43 5. 56 15. 56 ... 11 .55 11.82 11.86 12. 15 12.06 11.67 10.84 10.13 26.33 26. 95 26. 95 27.29 27.46 28.21 28 .59 29.12 29.08 29 .51 28.90 28.19 4 .55 5. 40 6.07 6. 15 6.03 6.03 6.68 7.48 8.02 7.67 7 .55 7. 45 China 1.01 2.17...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2012, 16:47

8 723 4
AC R Sample Task Type 1 Task

AC R Sample Task Type 1 Task

... In less enlightened countries, and in the European Union, the trend has been to reduce  rather than eliminate subsidies, and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to  treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it fallow.  It may sound strange  ... treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it fallow.  It may sound strange  but such payments need to be higher than the existing incentives for farmers to grow food  crops.  Farmers, however, dislike being paid to do nothing.  In several countries they have  ... become interested in the possibility of using fuel produced from crop residues either as a  replacement for petrol (as ethanol) or as fuel for power stations (as biomass).  Such fuels  produce far less carbon dioxide than coal or oil, and absorb carbon dioxide as they grow. ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

3 629 0
AC R Sample Task Type 4 Task

AC R Sample Task Type 4 Task

... Start of active  period  Number of  generations  per year  French  2 .5 cm  cool  Spanish  late spring  1 ­ 2  Spanish  1. 25 cm  9    10    11    South African  ball roller  12    13 ……… ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

2 677 0
Writing sample task 1A

Writing sample task 1A

... language used to describe the trends is well-handled However, there are problems with expression and the appropriate choice of words and whilst there is good structural control, the complexity and ... answer has a good introduction in which the candidate has attempted to incorporate his/her own words There is good coverage of the data and a brief reference to contrasting trends The answer can ... Examiner comment Band The answer deals well with both the individual media trends and the overall comparison of these trends The opening could be more fully developed with the inclusion of information...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

13 1,3K 1
Writing Task 2 Sample Questions

Writing Task 2 Sample Questions

... at least 250 words • You should spend about 40 minutes on this task &n 55 1st world countries and 3rd world countries The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems ... developed countrieshave a duty to assist developing countries in every way? • You should write at least 250 words • You should spend about 56 Traffic gets worse on our roads Every day traffic seems ... the introduction of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connect 255 Rich countries should help the poor (Band 8) Improvements in health, education and trade...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:25

43 2,2K 11
Báo cáo y học: "Effects of p-Synephrine alone and in Combination with Selected Bioflavonoids on Resting Metabolism, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Self-Reported Mood Changes"

Báo cáo y học: "Effects of p-Synephrine alone and in Combination with Selected Bioflavonoids on Resting Metabolism, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Self-Reported Mood Changes"

... 75. 3(7.8) 0.316 0.891 Baseline 64 .5( 11.2) 72.3 (5. 1) 70.0(14.0) 71.6(13.3) 69.4(6.4) 0 .51 8 Ending 62.7(9.4) 71.6(6.7) 65. 7(9.0) 68.6(9 .5) 68.0(8.4) 0.206 1ANOVA Placebo: V-8 juice only, T2: 50 ... Group 2: Advantra Z® (50 mg of p-synephrine) Group 3: Advantra Z® with mg hesperidin and 600 mg naringin Group 4: Advantra Z® with 100 mg hesperidin and 600 mg naringin Group 5: Advantra Z® with ... 117.9(14.4) 1 25. 6(12.6) 0.794 Ending DIASTOLIC 123.3(18.3) 120.3(9.0) 120.9(11.4) 119.3( 15. 5) 130.8(10.2) 0.317 Baseline Ending HEART RATE 71.3(6.9) 75. 0(9.1) 73.8(6.4) 74.6(8.3) 77.0(6.3) 75. 5(10.0)...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:04

7 641 0
Báo cáo y học: "Effect of Acute Administration of an Herbal Preparation on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Humans"

Báo cáo y học: "Effect of Acute Administration of an Herbal Preparation on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Humans"

... 90.1 ±10.4 89.8 ±9 .5 87.1 ±9.4 91.7 ±7.0 0.86 ±0.08 0. 85 ±0. 05 0.84 ±0. 05 0.82 ±0.09 56 .9 ±6.3 53 .9 ±8.0 53 .1 ±7.0 53 .8 ±8.8 123.0 ±11.0 120.9 ±11.9 128.1 ±11.4 123.0 ±11.6 80.0 5. 2 94.3 ±6.4 92.1 ... 93 .5 ±8.0 0. 85 ±0. 05 0.86 ±0. 05 0. 85 ±0.06 0.83 ±0. 05 A Females (n=14) PL pre PL post DS pre DS post B Males (n=9) PL pre PL post DS pre DS post 74.2 ±8.8 79.4 5. 9 77.7 ±6.3 91.0 ±6.2 78.8 ±7 .5 ... 176 mg Citrus aurantium (p-synephrine) 13 mg Green Tea Powder Extract 55 .5 mg Bee Pollen mg White Willow Bark Powder mg Panax ginseng Root mg Garcinia cambogia extract mg Vanadium 0. 15 mcg On...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:10

6 491 0
Báo cáo y học: "Segment-orientated analysis of two-dimensional strain and strain rate as assessed by velocity vector imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction"

Báo cáo y học: "Segment-orientated analysis of two-dimensional strain and strain rate as assessed by velocity vector imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction"

... -10.37 ± 4. 75 -0.62 ± 0. 25 0 .53 ± 0.32 1.61 ± 1.27 -1.10 ± 0.94 -1.00 ± 0.84 adjacent -11. 45 ± 4 .55 -0.68 ± 0. 25 0.60 ± 0.34 2.43 ± 1.33 -1. 65 ± 1.08 -1.36 ± 0.96 non-infarcted -12.01 ± 5. 42 -0.66 ... 0.26 3.01 ± 1.64 -2.22 ± 1.40 1. 85 ± 1.17 LE 1- 50 % -11.73 ±4.28 -0.69 ± 0.26 0 .58 ± 0.34 2.30 ± 1. 25 -1.60 ± 1.03 -1.30 ± 0.93 LE ≥ 51 % -10.34 ± 4.76 -0.62 ± 0. 25 0 .53 ± 0.32 1.60 ± 1.26 1.10 ± ... of the peak systolic longitudinal strain between segments with LE ≥ 51 % and LE 1 -50 % 15 By using the previously proposed cut-off value 15 for strain of –6 .5 % a sensitivity of 23 % and specificity...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15

8 683 0
The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight

The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight

... ZEALAND, AND AUSTRALIA: 866 321 MKMV ( 656 8) or 4 15 874 6000 EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA, AND INDIA: 44 20 7280 8300 ASIA-PACIFIC: 852 355 1 3000 JAPAN: 81 54 08 4 250 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ... 0.12 0.1 Prob 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 1982Q3 -0.0 050 0.0000 0.0 050 0.0100 0.0 150 0.0200 0.0 250 0.0300 Expected Change in Short Rate FIGURE Historical Distribution of eΔrt ,3 m 0.14 0.12 Prob 0.1 0.08 ... Greenspan Greenspan Greenspan Greenspan Greenspan Bernanke -0.3712 0.0812 -0. 357 2 0. 159 3 -0.2269 0.3812 0. 157 7 0 .54 54 -0.7303* 0.0009 -0.3493 0.4974 -0.6167 0.0769 Fed Chairman Corr(Δr, DR) P-value...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 11:21

17 737 0