tài liệu digital signal processing p2 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P2 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P2 doc

... except that the signal is shifted to the right by no = compared to the periodic sequence in part (a) This sequence is shown in the figure below: 1.9 The power in a real-valued signal x(n) is defined ... output signal (i.e., evaluate the sum) This is a direct application of the geometric series With the substitution of -n for n we have Therefore, it follows from the geometric series that SIGNALS ... Invertibility must hold for complex as well as real-valued signals Therefore, this system is noninvertible because it discards the imaginary part real-valued signals 1.23 ' x(n) One could state, however,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

20 278 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P2 ppt

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P2 ppt

... except that the signal is shifted to the right by no = compared to the periodic sequence in part (a) This sequence is shown in the figure below: 1.9 The power in a real-valued signal x(n) is defined ... output signal (i.e., evaluate the sum) This is a direct application of the geometric series With the substitution of -n for n we have Therefore, it follows from the geometric series that SIGNALS ... Invertibility must hold for complex as well as real-valued signals Therefore, this system is noninvertible because it discards the imaginary part real-valued signals 1.23 ' x(n) One could state, however,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 15:20

20 295 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P1 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing P1 doc

... digital signal processing / Monson H Hayes p cm — (Schaum's outline series) Includes index ISBN 0–07–027389–8 Signal processing Digital techniques—Problems, exercises, etc Signal processing Digital ... problems of digital signal processing TK5102.H39 1999 621.382'2—dc21 98–43324 CIP Start of Citation[PU]McGraw Hill[/PU][DP]1999[/DP]End of Citation For Sandy Preface Digital signal processing ... analog-to -digital converter that is converting an Analog-to -digital conversion will be discussed in Chap SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS [CHAP analog signal into a discrete-time signal Examples of signals...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 15:20

30 224 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P2 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P2 docx

... Exponential Input eζ t The exponential signal is the most important signal in the study of LTI systems Interestingly, the particular solution for an exponential input signal turns out to be very simple ... not a characteristic root c 1999 by CRC Press LLC Recall that the exponential signal includes a large variety of signals, such as a constant (ζ = 0), a sinusoid (ζ = ±j ω), and an exponentially ... S., Introduction to Difference Equations, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1958 [3] Lathi, B.P., Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Berkeley-Cambridge Press, Carmichael, CA, 1998 c 1999 by CRC...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

24 230 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P2 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P2 doc

... Exponential Input eζ t The exponential signal is the most important signal in the study of LTI systems Interestingly, the particular solution for an exponential input signal turns out to be very simple ... not a characteristic root c 1999 by CRC Press LLC Recall that the exponential signal includes a large variety of signals, such as a constant (ζ = 0), a sinusoid (ζ = ±j ω), and an exponentially ... number of derivatives, this class of inputs includes a wide variety of the most commonly encountered signals in practice Table 2.1 shows a variety of such inputs and the form of the particular solution...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

10 199 1
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P71 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P71 doc

... other signal processing applications In classical signal processing a rich set of tools has evolved for processing signals that are deterministic and predictable such as transient and periodic signals, ... Chaotic Signals in Communications Chaotic systems provide a rich mechanism for signal design and generation, with potential applications to communications and signal processing Because chaotic signals ... approaches to signal recovery and characterization in the presence of such distortions for both transient and stochastic signals When the desired signal in the channel is a chaotic signal, or when...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

15 346 1
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P67 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P67 doc

... detection problem have appeared in signal processing journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing More advanced topics that have been addressed in the signal processing literature but not ... easier to determine how many signals are present than to estimate the bearings of those signals, signal detection algorithms typically can correctly determine the number of signals present even when ... Trans Signal Processing, 43, 1413–1426, June 1995 [13] Yin, Y.Q and Krishnaiah, P.R., On some nonparametric methods for detection of the number of signals, IEEE Trans Acoustics, Speech, and Signal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

11 326 1
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P65 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P65 docx

... transmissions: (1) Single signal transmission (SST), in which a single signal message is transmitted, and (2) dual signal transmission (DST), in which two separate signal messages are transmitted ... Vector-sensor array processing for electromagnetic source localization, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, SP-42, 376–398, Feb 1994 [2] Nehorai, A and Paldi, E., Vector sensor processing for electromagnetic ... E., Acoustic vector-sensor array processing, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, SP-42, 2481–2491, Sept 1994 A short version appeared in Proc 26th Asilomar Conf Signals, Syst Comput., Pacific Grove,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

28 406 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P22 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P22 doc

... realization for FIR adaptive digital filters, IEEE Trans Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., Vol ASSP-31(5), 1073–1083, Oct 1983 [2] Bellanger, M.G., Adpative Digital Filters and Signal Analysis, Marcel ... for two-dimensional adaptive signal processing, Ph.D dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995 [22] Widrow, B and Stearns, S.D., Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, ... suited to 2-D signal processing Orthogonal transforms with power normalization can be used to accelerate the convergence of an adaptive filter in the presence of a colored input signal The 2-D...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

22 304 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P21 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P21 docx

... [4] Orfanidis, S.J., Optimum Signal Processing, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988 [5] Kalouptsidis, N and Theodoridis, S., Adaptive System Identification and Signal Processing Algorithms, Prentice-Hall, ... and Signal Processing, ASSP-34(6), 1589–1602, Dec 1986 [20] Bojanczyk, A.W and Steinhardt, A.O., Stabilized hyperbolic householder transformations, IEEE Trans Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ... and Signal Processing, ASSP-31(6), 1394–1402, Dec 1983 [12] Cioffi, J., and Kailath, T., Fast recursive-least-squares transversal filters for adaptive filtering, IEEE Trans Acoustics, Speech and Signal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

40 353 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P17 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P17 doc

... random signals, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, 131–146, 1993 [58] Schell, S.V., An overview of sensor array processing for cyclostationary signals, in Cyclostationarity in Communications and Signal ... Control and Signal Processing, 10, 159–176, 1996 [63] Tsatsanis, M.K and Giannakis, G.B., Optimal linear receivers for DS-CDMA systems: a signal processing approach, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, ... stationary signals and time-invariant systems CS signal analysis exploits two extra features not available with scalar stationary signal processing, namely: (1) ability to separate signals on...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

33 303 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P15 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P15 docx

... Control, IEEE Trans on Information Theory, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing, Int J Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Int J Control, and Signal Processing Nonengineering journals that also publish ... signal processing to the design of discrete-time (digital) filters that process uncertain data in a optimal manner Estimation theory can, therefore, be viewed as a natural adjunct to digital signal ... measurement data {z(j ), j = 1, 2, , N} Fixed-interval smoothing is very useful in signal processing situations, where the processing is done after all the data are collected It cannot be carried out...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 00:15

21 313 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P78 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P78 doc

... LLC Signal processing applications inherently follow the data flow execution model Processing Graph Methodology (PGM) [26] from Naval Research Laboratory was developed specifically to capture signal ... Architectural Design Signal processing systems are characterized as having high throughput requirements as well as stringent physical constraints However, due to economic objectives, signal processing ... system Thus, VHDL’s first application in the development of a signal processing system is an executable requirement which may include signal transformations, data format, modes of operation, timing...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

39 239 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P77 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P77 doc

... newer generations of devices Digital Signal Processing encompasses a variety of applications, such as digital filtering, speech and audio processing, image and video processing, and control All ... signals Read/write signal Strobe signal Reset input External user interrupt inputs Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select pin Microstate complete signal Interrupt acknowledge signal Data ready ... of the primary bus Read/write signal for primary bus interface External access strobe for the primary bus Ready signal Hold signal for primary bus Hold acknowledge signal for primary bus 32-bit...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

37 224 0
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P73 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P73 docx

... process, IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 41, 2977–2989, Oct 1993 [15] Deriche, M and Tewfik, A.H., Signal modeling with filtered discrete fractional noise processes, IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 41, ... addressing signal processing problems involving 1/f processes is based on a generalized autoregressive moving-average framework These models have been used both in signal modeling and processing ... Technology 73.1 Introduction Fractal signal models are important in a wide range of signal processing applications For example, they are often well-suited to analyzing and processing various forms of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

15 302 1
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P72 doc

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P72 doc

... Estimating Chaotic Signals in Noise The hybrid signal representation described in the previous section can be applied to a classical signal processing problem—estimating a signal in white Gaussian ... systems, in Proc Intl Conf Acoust Speech, Signal Processing, 1992 [17] Kay, S and Nagesha, V., Methods for chaotic signal estimation, IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 43(8), 2013, 1995 [18] Hofbauer, ... other signals The analysis underlying these types of applications depends on signal representations that provide insight into the structure of chaotic signals c 1999 by CRC Press LLC 72.3 Signals...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

14 266 1
Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P30 docx

Tài liệu Digital Signal Processing Handbook P30 docx

... Background Theory Array processing uses information regarding the spatial locations of signals to aid in interference suppression and signal enhancement The spatial locations of signals may be determined ... amplify undesired directional signals The spatial frequency characteristics of signals enable numerous enhancement opportunities via array processing algorithms Array processing algorithms are typically ... 1999 by CRC Press LLC w The output signal y will approach the value of the desired signal as the interfering signals are canceled until it converges to the desired signal in the least squares sense...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

19 310 1