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Williamson, G.A. “Adaptive IIR Filters” DigitalSignalProcessingHandbook Ed. Vijay K. Madisetti and Douglas B. Williams Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 1999 c 1999byCRCPressLLC 23 Adaptive IIR Filters Geoffrey A. Williamson Illinois Institute of Technology 23.1 Introduction The System Identification Framework for Adaptive IIR Filter- ing • Algorithms andPerformanceIssues • Some Preliminaries 23.2 The Equation Error Approach The LMS and LS Equation Error Algorithms • Instrumental Variable Algorithms • Equation Error Algorithms with Unit Norm Constraints 23.3 The Output Error Approach Gradient-Descent Algorithms • Output Error Algorithms Based on Stability Theory 23.4 Equation-Error/Output-Error Hybrids The Steiglitz-McBride Family of Algorithms 23.5 Alternate Parametrizations 23.6 Conclusions References 23.1 Introduction In comparison with adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filters, adaptive infinite impulse response (IIR) filters offer the potential to implement an adaptive filter meeting desired performance levels, as measured by mean-square error, for example, with much less computational complexity. This advantage stems fromthe enhanced modeling capabilities providedby the pole/zerotransfer function of the IIR structure, compared to the “all-zero” form of the FIR structure. However, adapting an IIR filter brings with it a number of challenges in obtaining stable and optimal behavior of the algorithms used to adjust the filter parameters. Since the 1970s, there has been much active research focused on adaptive IIR filters, but many of these challenges to date have not been completely resolved. As a consequence, adaptive IIR filters are not found in commercial practice in anywhere near the frequency that adaptive FIR filters are. Nonetheless, recent advances in adaptive IIR filter research have provided new results and insights into the behavior of several methods for adapting the filter parameters, and new algorithms have been proposed that address some of the problems and open issues in these systems. Hence, this class of adaptive filter continues to maintain promise as a potentially effective and efficient adaptive filtering option. In this section, we provide an up-to-date overview of the different approaches to the adaptive IIR filtering problem. Due to the extensive literature on the subject, many readers may wish to peruse several earlier general treatments of the topic. Johnson’s 1984 [11] and Shynk’s 1989 paper [23]are still current in the sense that a number of open issues cited therein remain open today. More recently, Regalia’s 1995 book [19] provides a comprehensive view of the subject. c 1999 by CRC Press LLC 23.1.1 The System Identification Framework for Adaptive IIR Filtering Thespread ofissues associated with adaptive IIRfiltersis mosteasilyunderstood ifoneadopts a system identification perspective to the filtering problem. To this end, consider the diagram presented in Fig. 23.1. Available to the adaptive filterare two external signals: the input signal x(n) and the desired output signal d(n). The adaptive filtering problem is to adjust the parameters of the filter acting on x(n) so thatits output y(n)approximates d(n). From the systemidentification perspective, the task at hand is to adjust the parameters of the filter generating y(n) from x(n) in Fig. 23.1 so that the filtering operation itself matches in some sense the system generating d(n) from x(n). These two viewpoints are closely related because if the systems are the same, then their outputs will be close. However, by adopting the convention that there is a system generating d(n) from x(n), clearer insights into the behavior and design of adaptive algorithms are obtained. This insight is useful even if the “system” generating d(n) from x(n) has only a statistical and not a physical basis in reality. FIGURE 23.1: System identification configuration of the adaptive IIR filter. The standard adaptive IIR filter is described by y(n)+ a 1 (n)y(n−1)+···+a N (n)y(n− N) = b 0 (n)x(n)+ b 1 (n)x(n−1)+···+b M (n)x(n− M), (23.1) or equivalently 1 + a 1 (n)q −1 +···+a N (n)q −N y(n) = b 0 (n) + b 1 (n)q −1 +···+b M (n)q −M x(n) . (23.2) As is shown in Fig. 23.1, Eq. (23.2) may be written in shorthand as y(n) = B(q −1 ,n) A(q −1 ,n) x(n) , (23.3) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC where B(q −1 ,n) and A(q −1 ,n) are the time-dependent polynomials in the delay operator q −1 appearing in (23.2). The parameters that are updated by the adaptive algorithm are the coefficients of these polynomials. Note that the polynomial A(q −1 ,n) is constrained to be monic, such that a 0 (n) = 1. We adopt a rather more general description for the unknown system, assuming that d(n) is gen- erated from the input signal x(n) via some linear time-invariant system H(q −1 ), with the addition of a noise signal v(n) to reflect components in d(n) that are independent of x(n). We further break down H(q −1 ) into a transfer function H m (q −1 ) that is explicitly modeled by the adaptive filter, and a transfer function H u (q −1 ) that is unmodeled. In this way, we view d(n) as a sum of three compo- nents: the signal y m (n) that is modeled by the adaptive filter, the signal y u (n) that is unmodeled but that depends on the input signal, and the signal v(n) that is independent of the input. Hence, d(n) = y m (n) + y u (n) + v(n) (23.4) = y s (n) + v(n) , (23.5) where y s (n) = y m (n) + y u (n). The modeled component of the system output is viewed as y m (n) = B opt (q −1 ) A opt (q −1 ) x(n) , (23.6) with B opt (q −1 ) = M i=0 b i, opt q −i and A opt (q −1 ) = 1 + N i=i a i, opt q −i . Note that (23.6) has the same form as (23.3). The parameters {a i, opt } and {b i, opt } are considered to be the optimal values for the adaptive filter parameters, in a manner that we describe shortly. Figure 23.1 shows two error signals: e e (n) termed the equation error , and e o (n), termed the output error. The parameters of the adaptive filter are usually adjusted so as to minimize some positive function of one or the other of these error signals. However, the figure of merit for judging adaptive filter performance that we will applythroughout this sectionis the mean-squareoutput error E{e 2 o (n)}. In most adaptive filtering applications, the desired signal, d(n), is available only during a “training phase” in which the filter parameters are adapted. At the conclusion of the training phase, the filter will be operated to producethe output signal y(n) as shown in the figure, with the difference between the filter output y(n) and the (now unmeasurable) system output d(n) the error. Thus, we adopt the convention that {a i, opt } and {b i, opt } are defined such that when a i (n) ≡ a i, opt and b i (n) ≡ b i, opt ,E{e 2 o (n)} is minimized, with A opt (q −1 ) constrained to be stable. At this point it is convenient to set down some notation and terminology. Define the regressor vectors U e (n) = [ x(n) ···x(n − M) − d(n − 1) ···−d(n − N) ] T , (23.7) U o (n) = [ x(n) ···x(n − M) − y(n − 1) ···−y(n − N) ] T , (23.8) U m (n) = [ x(n) ···x(n − M) − y m (n − 1) ···−y m (n − N) ] T . (23.9) These vectors are the equation error regressor, output error regressor, and modeled system regressor vectors, respectively. Define a noise regressor vector V(n) = [ 0 ···0 − v(n − 1) ···−v(n − N) ] T (23.10) with M + 1 leading zeros corresponding to the x(n − i) values in the preceding regressors. Further- more, define the parameter vectors W(n) = [ b 0 (n) b 1 (n) ···b M (n) a 1 (n) ···a N (n) ] T , (23.11) W opt = b 0, opt b 1, opt ···b M, opt a 1, opt ···a N, opt T , (23.12) W(n) = W opt − W(n) , (23.13) W ∞ = lim n→∞ E{W(n)} . (23.14) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC We will have occasion to use W to refer to the adaptive filter parameter vector when the parameters are considered to be held at fixed values. With this notation, we may for instance write y m (n) = U T m (n)W opt and y(n) = U T o (n)W(n). The situation in which y u (n) ≡ 0 isreferredtoasthesufficient order case. The situation in which y u (n) ≡ 0 is termed the undermodeled case. 23.1.2 Algorithms and Performance Issues A number of different algorithms for the adaptation of the parameter vector W (n) in (23.11)have been suggested. These may be characterized with respect to the form of the error criterion employed by the algorithm. Each algorithm attemptsto drive to zero either the equation error, the output error, or some combination or hybrid of these two error criteria. Major algorithm classes that we consider for the equation error approachinclude the standard least-squares (LS) and least mean-square (LMS) algorithms, which parallel the algorithms used in adaptive FIR filtering. For equation error meth- ods, we also examine the instrumental variables (IV) algorithm, as well as algorithms that constrain the parameters in the denominator of the adaptive filter’s transfer function to improve estimation properties. In the output error class, we examine gradient algorithms and hyperstability-based algo- rithms. Within the equation and output error hybrid algorithm class, we focus predominantlyon the Steiglitz-McBride (SM) algorithm, though there are several algorithms that are more straightforward combinations of equation and output error approaches. In general, we desire that the adaptive filtering algorithm adjusts the parameter vector W n so that it converges to W opt , the parameters that minimize the mean-square output error. The major issues for adaptive IIR filtering on which we will focus herein are 1. conditions for the stability and convergence of the algorithm used to adapt W(n), and 2. the asymptotic value of the adapted parameter vector W ∞ , and its relationship to W opt . This latter issue relates to the minimum mean-square error achievable by the algorithm, as noted above. Other issues of importance include the convergence speed of the algorithm, its ability to track time variations of the “true” parameter values, and numerical properties, but these will receive less attention here. Of these, convergence speed is of particular concern to practitioners, especially as adaptive IIR filters tend to converge at a far slower rate than their FIR counterparts. However, we emphasize the stability and nature of convergence over the speed because if the algorithm fails to converge or converges to an undesirable solution, the rate at which it does so is of less concern. Furthermore, convergence speed is difficult to characterize for adaptive IIR filters due to a number of factors, including complicateddependencies on algorithm initializations, input signal characteristics, and the relationship between x(n) and d(n). 23.1.3 Some Preliminaries Unless otherwise indicated, we assume in our discussion that all signals in Fig. 23.1 are stationary, zero mean, random signals with finite variance. In particular, the properties we ascribe to the various algorithms are stated with this assumption and are presumed to be valid. Results that are based on a deterministic framework are similar to those developed here; see [1] for an example. We shall also make use of the following definitions. DEFINITION 23.1 A (scalar) signal is persistently exciting (PE) of order L if, with X(n) = [ x(n) ···x(n − L + 1) ] T , (23.15) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC there exist α and β satisfying 0 <α<β<∞ such that αI < E{X(n)X T (n)} <βI. The (vector) signal X(n) is then also said to be PE. If x(n) contains at least L/2 distinct sinusoidal components, then x(n) is PE of order L.Any random signal x(n) whose power spectrum is nonzero over a interval of nonzero width will be PE for any value of L in (23.15). Such is the case, for example, if x(n) is uncorrelated or if x(n) is modeled as an AR, MA, or ARMA process driven by uncorrelated noise. PE conditions are required of all adaptive algorithms to ensure good behavior because if thereis inadequate excitation to provide information to the algorithm, convergence of the adapted parameters estimates will not necessary follow [22]. DEFINITION 23.2 A transfer function H(q −1 ) is said to be strictly positive real (SPR) if H(q −1 ) is stable and the real part of its frequency response is positive at all frequencies. An SPR condition will be requiredto ensureconvergence for a few of thealgorithms thatwediscuss. Note that such a condition cannot be guaranteed in practice when H(q −1 ) is an unknown transfer function, or when H(q −1 ) depends on an unknown transfer function. 23.2 The Equation Error Approach To motivate the equation error approach, consider again Fig. 23.1. Suppose that y(n) in the figure were actually equal to d(n). Then the system relationship A(q −1 , n)y(n) = B(q −1 , n)x(n) would imply that A(q −1 , n)d(n) = B(q −1 , n)x(n). But of course this last equation does not hold exactly, and we term its error the “equation error” e e (n).Hence,wedefine e e (n) = A(q −1 , n)d(n) − B(q −1 , n)x(n) . (23.16) Using the notation developed in (23.7) through (23.14), we find that e e (n) = d(n) − U T e (n)W(n) . (23.17) Equation error methods for adaptive IIR filtering typically adjust W(n) so as to minimize the mean- squared error (MSE) J MSE (n) = E{e 2 e (n)},whereE{·} denotes statistical expectation, or the expo- nentially weighted least-squares (LS) error J LS (n) = n k=0 λ n−k e 2 e (k). 23.2.1 The LMS and LS Equation Error Algorithms The equation error e e (n) of (23.17) is the difference between d(n) and a prediction of d(n) given by U T e (n)W(n). Noting that U T e (n) does not depend on W(n), we see that equation error adaptive IIR filtering is a type of linear prediction, and in particular the form of the prediction is identical to that arising in adaptive FIR filtering. One would suspect that many adaptive FIR filter algorithms would then apply directly to adaptive IIR filters with an equation error criterion, and this is in fact the case. Two adaptive algorithms applicable to equation error adaptive IIR filtering are the LMS algorithm given by W(n + 1) = W(n) + µ(n)U e (n)e e (n) , (23.18) and the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm given by W(n + 1) = W(n) + P (n)U e (n)e e (n) , (23.19) P (n) = 1 λ P(n− 1) − P(n− 1)U e (n)U T e (n)P (n − 1) λ + U T e (n)P (n − 1)U e (n) , (23.20) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC where the above expression for P (n) is a recursive implementation of P (n) = n k=0 λ n−k U e (k)U T e (k) −1 . (23.21) Some typical choices for µ(n) in (23.18)areµ(n) ≡ µ 0 , a constant, or µ(n) =¯µ/( +U T e (n)U e (n)), a normalized step size. For convergence of the gradient algorithm in (23.18), µ 0 is chosen in the range 0 <µ 0 < 1/((M + 1)σ 2 x + Nσ 2 d ),whereσ 2 x = E{x 2 (n)} and σ 2 d = E{d 2 (n)}. Typically, values of µ 0 in the range 0 <µ 0 < 0.1/((M + 1)σ 2 x + Nσ 2 d ) are chosen. With the normalized step size, we require 0 < ¯µ<2 and >0 for stability, with typical choices of ¯µ = 0.1 and = 0.001. In 23.20, we require that λ satisfy 0 <λ≤ 1, with λ typically close to or equal to one, and we initialize P(0) = γI with γ a large, positive number. These results are analogous to the FIR filter cases considered in the earlier sections of this chapter. These algorithms possess nice convergence properties, as we now discuss. Property 1: Given that x is PEof order N + M + 1, under (23.18) and under (23.19) and (23.20), with algorithm parameters chosen to satisfy the conditions noted above, then E{W (n)} convergestoa value W ∞ minimizing J MSE (n) and J LS (n), respectively, as n →∞. This property is desirable in that global convergence to parameter values optimal for the equation error cost function is guaranteed, just as with adaptive FIR filters. The convergence result holds whether the filter is operating in the sufficient order case or the undermodeled case. This is an important advantage of the equation error approach over other approaches. The reader is referred to Chapters 19, 20, and 21 for further details on the convergence behaviors of these algorithms and their variations. As in the FIR case, the eigenvalues of the matrix R = E{U e (n)U T e (n)} determine the rates of convergence for the LMS algorithm. A large eigenvalue disparity in R engenders slow convergence in the LMS algorithm and ill-conditioning, with the attendant numerical instabilities, in the RLS algorithm. For adaptive IIR filters, compared to the FIR case, the presence of d(n) in U e (n) tends to increase the eigenvalue disparity, so that slower convergence is typically observed for these algorithms. Of importance is the value of the convergence points for the LMS and RLS algorithms with respect to the modeling assumptions of the system identification configuration of Fig. 23.1. For simplicity, let us first assume that the adaptive filter is capable of modeling the unknown system exactly; that is, H u (q −1 ) = 0. One may readily show that the parameter vector W that minimizes the mean-square equation error (or equivalently the asymptotic least square equation error, given ergodic stationary signals) is W = E U e (n)U T e (n) −1 E{U e (n)d(n)} (23.22) = E{U m (n)U T m (n)}+E V(n)V T (n) −1 ( E{U m (n)y m (n)}+E{V(n)v(n)} ) . (23.23) Clearly, if v(n) ≡ 0, the W so obtained must equal W opt , so that we have W opt = E U m (n)U T m (n) −1 E{U m (n)y m (n)} . (23.24) By comparing (23.23) and (23.24), we can easily see that when v(n) ≡ 0, W = W opt . That is, the parameter estimates provided by (23.18) through (23.20)are,ingeneral,biased from the desired values, even when the noise term v(n) is uncorrelated. What effect on adaptive filter performance does this bias impose? Since the parameters that minimize the mean-square equation error are not the same as W opt , the values that minimize the c 1999 by CRC Press LLC mean-square output error, the adaptive filter performance will not be optimal. Situations can arise in which this bias is severe, with correspondingly significant degradation of performance. Furthermore, a critical issue with regard to the parameter bias is the input-output stability of the resulting IIR filter. Because the equation error is formed as A(q −1 )d(n) − B(q −1 )x(n), a difference of two FIR filtered signals, there are no built in constraints to keep the roots of A(q −1 ) within the unit circle in the complex plane. Clearly, if an unstable polynomial results from the adaptation, then the filter output y(n) can grow unboundedly in operational mode, so that the adaptive filter fails. An example of such a situation is given in [25]. An important feature of this example is that the adaptive filter is capable of precisely modeling the unknown system, and that interactions of the noise process within the algorithm are all that is needed to destabilize the resulting model. Nonetheless, under certain operating conditions, thiskind of instability can be shown not to occur, as described in the following. Property 2: [18] Consider the adaptive filter depicted in Fig. 23.1,wherey(n) isgivenby(23.2). If x(n) is an autoregressive process of order no more than N, and v(n) is independent of x(n) and of finite variance, then the adaptive filter parameters minimizing the mean-square equation error E{e 2 e (n)} are such that A(q −1 ) is stable. For instance, if x(n) is an uncorrelated signal, then the convergence point of the equation error algorithms corresponds to a stable filter. To summarize, for LMS and RLS adaptation in an equation error setting, we have guaranteed global convergence, but bias in the presence of additive noise even in the exact modeling case, and an estimated model guaranteed to be stable only under a limited set of conditions. 23.2.2 Instrumental Variable Algorithms A number of different approaches to adaptive IIR filtering have been proposed with the intention of mitigating the undesirable biased properties of the LMS- and RLS-based equation error adaptive IIR filters. One such approach, still within the equation error context, is the instrumental variables (IV) method. Observe that the bias problem illustrated above stems from the presence of v(n) in both U e (n) and in e e (n) in the update terms in (23.18) and(23.19), so that second orderterms in v(n) then appear in (23.23). This simultaneous presence creates, in expectation, a nonzero, noise-dependent driving term to the adaptation. The IV algorithm approach addresses this by replacing U e (n) in these algorithms with a vector U iv (n) of instrumental variables that are independent of v(n).IfU iv (n) remains correlated with U m (n), the noiseless regressor, convergence to unbiased filter parameters is possible. The IV algorithm is given by W(n + 1) = W(n) + µ(n)P iv (n)U iv (n)e e (n) . (23.25) P iv (n) = 1 λ(n) P iv (n − 1) − P iv (n − 1)U iv (n)U T e (n)P iv (n − 1) (λ(n)/µ(n)) + U T e (n)P iv (n − 1)U iv (n) . (23.26) with λ(n) = 1 − µ(n). Common choices for λ(n) aretosetλ(n) ≡ λ 0 , a fixed constant in the range 0 <λ<1 and usually chosen in the range between 0.9 and 0.99, or to choose µ(n) = 1/n and λ(n) = 1 − µ(n). As with RLS methods, P(0) = γI with γ a large, positive number. The vector U iv (n) is typically chosen as U iv (n) = [ x(n) ···x(n − M) − z(n − 1) ···−z(n − N) ] T (23.27) with either z(n) =−x(n − M) or z(n) = ¯ B(q −1 ) ¯ A(q −1 ) x(n) . (23.28) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC In the first case, U iv (n) is then simply an extended regressor in the input x(n), while the second choice may be viewed as a regressor parallel to U m (n), with z(n) playing the role of y m (n). For this choice, one may think of ¯ A(q −1 ) and ¯ B(q −1 ) as fixed filters chosen to approximate A opt (q −1 ) and B opt (q −1 ), but the exact choice of ¯ A(q −1 ) and ¯ B(q −1 ) is not critical to the qualitative behavior of the algorithm. In both cases, note that U iv (n) is independent of v(n), since d(n) is not employed in its construction. The convergence of this algorithm is described by the following property, derived in [15]. Property 3: In the sufficient order case with x(n) PE of order at least N + M + 1, the IV algorithm in (23.25) and (23.26) with U iv (n) chosen according to (23.27)or(23.28) causes E{W(n)} to converge to W ∞ = W opt . There are a few additional technicalconditions an A opt (q −1 ), B opt (q −1 ), ¯ A(q −1 ), and ¯ B(q −1 ) that arerequiredfor the property to hold. Theseconditionswill be satisfied in almostallcircumstances; for details, the reader is referred to [15]. This convergence property demonstrates that the IV algorithm does in fact achieve unbiased parameter estimates in the sufficient order case. In the undermodeled case, little has been said regarding the behavior and performance of the IV algorithm. A convergence point W ∞ must satisfy E{U iv (n) − (d(n)U T e (n)W ∞ )}=0, but no characterization of such points exists if N and M are not of sufficient order. Furthermore, it is possible for the IV algorithm to converge to a point such that 1/A(q −1 ) is unstable [9]. Notice that (23.25) and (23.26) are similar in form to the RLS algorithm. One may postulate an “LMS-style” IV algorithm as W(n + 1) = W(n) + µ(n)U iv (n)e e (n), (23.29) which is computationally much simpler than the “RLS-style” IV algorithm of (23.25) and (23.26). However, the guarantee of convergence of the algorithm to W opt in the sufficient order case for the RLS-style algorithm is now complicated by an additional requirement on U iv (n) for convergence of the algorithm in (23.29). In particular, all eigenvalues of R iv = E U iv (n)U T e (n) (23.30) must lie strictly in the right half of the complex plane. Since the properties of U e (n) depend on the unknown relationship between x(n) and d(n), one is generally unable to guarantee a priori satisfaction of such conditions. This situation has parallels with the stability-theory approach to output error algorithms, as discussed later in this section. Summarizing the IV algorithm properties, we have that in the sufficient order case, the RLS-style IV algorithm is guaranteed to converge to unbiased parameter values. However, an understanding and characterization of its behavior in the undermodeled case is yet incomplete, and the IV algorithm may produce unstable filters. 23.2.3 Equation Error Algorithms with Unit Norm Constraints A different approach to mitigating the parameter bias in equation error methods arises as follows. Consider modifying the equation error of (23.17)to e e (n) = a 0 (n)d(n) − U T e (n)W(n). (23.31) In terms of the expression (23.16), this change corresponds to redefining the adaptive filter’s denom- inator polynomial to be A(q −1 ,n)= a 0 (n) + a 1 (n)q −1 +···+a N (n)q −N , (23.32) c 1999 by CRC Press LLC and allowing for adaptation of the new parameter a 0 (n). One can view the equation error algorithms that we have already discussed as adapting the coefficients of this version of A(q −1 ,n), but with a monic constraint that imposes a 0 (n) = 1. Recently, several algorithms have been proposed that consider instead equation error methods with a unit norm constraint. In these schemes, one adapts W(n) and a 0 (n) subject to the constraint N i=0 a 2 i (n) = 1 (23.33) Note that if A(q −1 ,n)isdefinedasin(23.32), then e e (n) as constructed in Fig. 23.1 is in fact the error e e (n) givenin(23.31). Theeffecton the parameter biasstemmingfromthischange froma monic to aunitnormconstraint is as follows. Property 4: [18] Consider the adaptive filter in Fig. 23.1 with A(q −1 ,n)givenby(23.32), with v(n) an uncorrelated signal and with H u (q −1 ) = 0 (the sufficient order case). Then the parameter values W and a 0 that minimize E{e 2 e (n)} subject to the unit norm constraint (23.33) satisfy W/a 0 = W opt . That is, the parameter estimates are unbiased in the sufficient order case with uncorrelated out- put noise. Note that normalizing the coefficients in W by a 0 recovers the monic character of the denominator for W opt : B(q −1 ) A(q −1 ) = b 0 + b 1 q −1 +···+b Mq−M a 0 + a 1 q −1 +···+a Nq−N (23.34) = ( b 0 /a 0 ) + ( b 1 /a 0 ) q −1 +···+ ( b M /a 0 ) q −M 1 + ( a 1 /a 0 ) q −1 +···+ ( a N /a 0 ) q −N . (23.35) In the undermodeled case, we have the following. Property 5: [18] Consider the adaptive filter in Fig. 23.1 with A(q −1 ,n)givenby(23.32). If x(n) is an autoregressive process of orderno more than N, and v(n) is independent of x(n) and of finite variance, then the parameter values W and a 0 that minimize E{e 2 e (n)} subject to the unit norm constraint (23.33) are such that A(q −1 ) is stable. Furthermore, at those minimizing parameter values, if x(n) is an uncorrelated input, then E{e 2 e (n)}≤σ 2 N+1 + σ 2 v , (23.36) where σ N+1 is the (N + 1) st Hankel singular value of H(z). Notice that Property 5 is similar to Property 2, except that we have the added bonus of a bound on the mean-square equation error in terms of the Hankel singular values of H(q −1 ). Note that the (N + 1) st Hankel singular value of H(q −1 ) is related to the achievable modeling error in an Nth order, reduced order approximation to H(q −1 ) (see [19, Ch.4] for details). This bound thus indicates that the optimal unit norm constrained equation error filter will in fact do about as well as can be expected with an Nth order filter. However, this adaptive filter will suffer, just as with the equation error approaches with the monic constraint on the denominator, from a possibly unstable denominator if the input x(n) is not an autoregressive process. An adaptive algorithm for minimizing the mean-square equation error subject to the unit norm constraint can be found in [4]. The algorithm of [4] is formulated as a recursive total least squares algorithm using a two-channel, fast transversal filter implementation. The connection between total least squares and the unit norm constrained equation error adaptive filter implies that the correlation matrices that are embedded within the adaptive algorithm will be more poorly conditioned than the correlation matrices arising in the RLS algorithm. Consequently, convergence will be slower for the unit norm constrained approach than in the standard, monic constraint approach. c 1999 by CRC Press LLC [...]... 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(23.75) and W(n + 1) P (n) = = W(n) + µ(n)P (n)Ualt (n)eo (n) (23.76) (n)UT P (n − 1)Ualt 1 alt (n)P (n − 1) P (n − 1) − T (n)P (n − 1)U (n) λ(n) (λ(n)/µ(n)) + Ualt alt , (23.77) respectively, where all signal definitions parallel those for the direct-form algorithms, save that Ualt (n) equals the gradient of the filter output with respect to the adapted parameters Note that Uof (n) in (23.42), (23.55),... Landau’s algorithm, or Feintuch’s algorithm, was proposed as an alternative to the gradient descent algorithm of (23.42) This algorithm is similar in form to (23.18), save that the regressor vector and error signal of the output error formulation appear in place of their equation error counterparts In essence, the update in (23.58) ignores the nonlinear dependence of eo (n) on W(n), and takes the form of an... algorithms 2 with small enough step size µ is to follow gradient descent of the mean-square output error E{eo (n)} We should note that a technical requirement for the analyses to remain valid is that signals within the adaptive filter remain bounded, and to insure this the stability for the polynomial A(q −1 , n) must be maintained to ensure this requirement Therefore, at each iteration of the gradient . Williamson, G.A. “Adaptive IIR Filters” Digital Signal Processing Handbook Ed. Vijay K. Madisetti and Douglas B. Williams Boca Raton:. nents: the signal y m (n) that is modeled by the adaptive filter, the signal y u (n) that is unmodeled but that depends on the input signal, and the signal