synthetic oxygenated liquid fuels

Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal pdf

Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal pdf

... herein are based on the higher heating value of the fuels, which is the general practice when dealing with coal and liquid fuels 18 Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal: Prospects and Policy Issues tion, ... per day (bpd) of liquid fuels Research Goals and Methodology This study analyzed the costs, benefits, and risks of developing a U.S CTL industry that is capable of producing liquid fuels on a strategically ... billion barrels of liquid transportation fuels, enough to sustain three million bpd of CTL production for more than 90 years (see pp 12–13) Technology for Producing Coal-to-Liquids Fuels Has Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

199 291 0
 producing liquid fuels from coal

producing liquid fuels from coal

... herein are based on the higher heating value of the fuels, which is the general practice when dealing with coal and liquid fuels 18 Producing Liquid Fuels from Coal: Prospects and Policy Issues tion, ... per day (bpd) of liquid fuels Research Goals and Methodology This study analyzed the costs, benefits, and risks of developing a U.S CTL industry that is capable of producing liquid fuels on a strategically ... billion barrels of liquid transportation fuels, enough to sustain three million bpd of CTL production for more than 90 years (see pp 12–13) Technology for Producing Coal-to-Liquids Fuels Has Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:07

198 150 0
tài liệu  về liquid fuels

tài liệu về liquid fuels

... solubility are readily understood as resulting from the oxygenated and aromatic character of the product components The flash pyrolyzate is much more oxygenated and is more water soluble As a result ... viscous The more oxygenated components in the product, acids and aldehydes/ethers, cause it to be more corrosive and more thermally unstable, respectively UPGRADING BIOMASS-DERIVED LIQUIDS Because ... Produce Hydrocarbon Fuels: Interim Report PNL-5844, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA Gevert, S B 1987 Upgrading of Directly Liquefied Biomass to Transportation Fuels Chalmers University...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2015, 09:09

7 135 0


... Table 47.1 Principal Uses of Liquid Fuels Heat and Power Fuel oil Kerosene Turbine fuel Diesel fuel Liquid propane0 Space heating (residential, commercial, industrial) ... Related Properties of Liquid Petroleum Products Specific Typical Ranges for Gravity 60°F/60°F Aviation Gross Gross % (15.6°C/ Ib/ Btu/ kcal/ Diesel Turbine kg/ m3 liter3 H, wta Fuels Fuels Fuel Oils ... level is required (See Tables 47.14 and 47.15.) Summary 724 Aviation jet fuels, gas turbine fuels, kerosenes, and diesel fuels are very similar The following note from Table of Ref 11 highlights...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 07:20

17 433 0
Study on ignition and combustion of gas jet and liquid spray fuels

Study on ignition and combustion of gas jet and liquid spray fuels

... digital camera The tested fuels included (a) gaseous fuels of hydrogen, natural gas and methane; and (b) liquid fuels of biodiesel fuels derived from waste-cooking oil, synthetic fuels produced from ... renewable fuels such as hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel fuels, and synthetic fuels have been introduced and applied recently for direct-injection compressionignition engines Before adapting those fuels ... renewable fuels, which have to be not only sustainable, but also techno-economically competitive Gaseous fuels of hydrogen, natural gas and bio -fuels like ethanol, vegetable oil, biomass, biogas, synthetic...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 17:55

123 472 0
Khảo sát hiệu quả kinh tế khi sử dụng chế phẩm axít hữu cơ Evacide – S –Liquid trong chăn nuôi gà Lương Phượng hướng thịt

Khảo sát hiệu quả kinh tế khi sử dụng chế phẩm axít hữu cơ Evacide – S –Liquid trong chăn nuôi gà Lương Phượng hướng thịt

... acid hữu Evacide-S -Liquid chăn nuôi gà Lơng Phợng hớng thịt công ty cổ phần Phúc Thịnh-Khối 7- Thị trấn Đông Anh-Hà Nội Mục đích yêu cầu 2.1 Mục đích - Sử dụng Evaccide-S -Liquid bổ sung vào nớc ... Evacide-S -Liquid điều cần biết Trờng Cao đẳng Nông Lâm 41 Khoa Chăn nuôi - Thú y Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Nguyễn Thị Giang - K6C1 Hiện có công ty TNHH thú y xanh đợc phép phân phối sản phẩm Evacide-S -Liquid ... thú y Xanh, em tiến hành làm đề tài : Khảo sát hiệu kinh tế sử dụng chế phẩm axít hữu Evacide S Liquid chăn nuôi gà Lơng Phợng hớng thịt công ty cổ phần Phúc Thịnh Khối thị trấn Đông Anh Hà Nội...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 11:50

55 920 1
High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of urinary catecholamines employing amperometric detection.pdf

High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of urinary catecholamines employing amperometric detection.pdf

... Repeat the last step and combine the acetic acid eluates Inject 20 ~L into the liquid chromatograph HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF URINARY CATECHOLAMINES TABLE TABLE CHROMATOGRAPHICCONDITIONS ... reverse-phase liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection AnaL Chem 49, 2109-2110 (1977) Moyer, T.P., Jiang, N.-S., Tyce, G.M., and Sheps, S.G Analysis for urinary catecholamines by liquid ... the technical assistance of Miss Sylvia Drop (total catecholamines) HIGH P E R F O R M A N C E LIQUID C H R O M A T O G R A P H I C ANALYSIS OF U R I N A R Y C A T E C H O L A M I N E S REFERENCES...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:24

7 408 0
Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

Removal of arsenic from synthetic groundwater by adsorption using the combination of laterite and ironmodified activated carbon

... MATERIALS AND METHODS Synthetic groundwater Typical groundwater with average concentration of the major components was simulated and used in this study The major components of the synthetic groundwater ... Environment Technology, Vol 6, No.1, 2008 1000mL synthetic groundwater with various levels of total arsenic content (initial arsenic concentration) at pH of synthetic groundwater (pH 8.18) The sample ... 1000mg/L - 44 - Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol 6, No.1, 2008 Table Composition of synthetic groundwater Composition Concentration, mg/L * CaCl2·2H2O 230 Na2SO4 * 1200 NaHCO3* 370...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

12 530 0
Sustainability of an energy conversion system in Canada involving large-scale integrated hydrogen production using solid fuels

Sustainability of an energy conversion system in Canada involving large-scale integrated hydrogen production using solid fuels

... solid fuels 60 Sub‐bituminous coal 50 Lignite or Brown coal Industrial residue 40 30 20 10 TECHNO‐CENTRIC SOCIO‐CENTRIC Figure Sustainability indices (%) for solid fossil fuels and inorganic fuels ... solid fuels Due to the availability and widespread use of solid fuels [91], their handling is mature Upstream processes (in Figure 1) involve cleaning, blending and upgrading of solid fuels to ... assigned if there is no achievable recyclability For example, fossil fuels score a in this regard whereas renewable solid fuels such as biomass or MSW score a higher value, which depends on the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

38 611 0
Effect of unsaturated fatty acid esters of biodiesel fuels on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine

Effect of unsaturated fatty acid esters of biodiesel fuels on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine

... diesel fuels: comparative analysis of biodiesel and FT diesel, Energy Fuels 19 (2005) 1484- 1492 [17] K Yamane, A Ueta, Y Shimamoto, Influence of physical and chemical properties of biodiesel fuels ... oil methyl ester as compared to the other biodiesel fuels That is BSFC for rubber seed oil methyl ester is more than that of other biodiesel fuels The investigation ISSN 2076-2895 (Print), ISSN ... general conclusion is that all the tested bio-diesel fuels can be used safely and advantageously in the present engine All the biodiesel fuels tested can be used in forms of blends to compromise...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

20 483 0
Pressured liquid chlorine leakage accident simulation in highway tunnel

Pressured liquid chlorine leakage accident simulation in highway tunnel

... shown in Figure Figure The cross-sectional profile of tunnel The accident scenario was defined as liquid Chlorine leakage in a tanker passing by the tunnel The physical boundary was confined to ... 2010, pp.249-256 255 Conclusions In this paper, FLUENT code was used to simulate the dispersion of liquid Chlorine tankers leakage accident in TanYugou tunnel According to the actual size of TanYugou...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

8 310 0


... Application of the Tulsa Liquid Jet Pump Model December 2006 15 Review and Application of the Tulsa Liquid Jet Pump Model December 2006 16 Review and Application of the Tulsa Liquid Jet Pump Model ... pump performance 11 Review and Application of the Tulsa Liquid Jet Pump Model December 2006 Within the throat, pressure must remain above liquid- vapour pressure to prevent throat cavitation damage ... Liquid Jet Pump Model December 2006 As shown in the derivation of the pump model (Appendix A).The numerator in equation (37) describes the total producing fluid mass flow This includes both liquid...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 08:42

75 481 1
Alternate strategies for conversion of waste plastic to fuels

Alternate strategies for conversion of waste plastic to fuels

... chain aliphatic, cyclic aliphatic, and aromatic hydrocarbons, and liquid is separated using fractional distillation to produce the liquid fuel products The plastic is pyrolysed at 370∘ C–420∘ C ... and hydrocarbon fuels, ” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol 54, no 11, pp 952– 961, 2010 [10] H.-T Lin, M.-S Huang, J.-W Luo, L.-H Lin, C.-M Lee, and K.-L Ou, “Hydrocarbon fuels produced ... 000 11 000 000 500 500 19 000 000 11 000 13 000 154 000 degradation would be beneficial in that liquids are easily stored, handled, and transported However, these aims are not easy to achieve...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2013, 21:35

8 537 0
Tài liệu 33 Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithms doc

Tài liệu 33 Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithms doc

... long synthetic array The beamwidth of this synthetic aperture is significantly narrower than the physical beamwidth (real beam) of the real antenna The ideal synthetic beamwidth of this synthetic ... just as with the synthetic antenna interpretation (δcr = La /2) In a modern SAR system, typically both pulse compression (synthetic range processing) and a synthetic aperture (synthetic cross-range ... the synthetic array The resolution of the unfocused SAR is limited because the slant range to a scatterer at a fixed location on the surface changes along the synthetic aperture If we limit the synthetic...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 06:16

15 227 0
Tài liệu Alcoholic fuels pdf

Tài liệu Alcoholic fuels pdf

... Methanol Reactor Power Generation Liquid phase Combined cycle Liquid phase, with steam Combined addition cycle Liquid phase, with steam Combined addition cycle Liquid phase, with steam Steam cycle ... focuses on blended fuels These are the fuels that mix alcohols with existing petroleum products, such as gasoline and diesel The nal section focuses on applications of alcoholic fuels This includes ... simplistic alcoholic fuels are methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol More complex alcohols can be used as fuels; however, they have not shown to be commercially viable Alcohol fuels are currently...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 22:15

281 666 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Determination of the annual beta dose by meaming beta activity using the liquid scintillation technique " ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Determination of the annual beta dose by meaming beta activity using the liquid scintillation technique " ppt

... gross beta activity using the liquid scintillation analyzer Tri-carb 2770TR/SL Experimentals, results and discussion The sample preparation procedure for measuring by liquid scintilation technique ... The scintillation measurement was carried out on a liquid scintillation analyzer, Packard Tricarb 2770TR/SL (UsA), which is shown in Figure The liquid scintillator used in the experiment was of ... samples is less than 0.5% 39 Fig Characteristic light pulse shapes of alpha and beta pulse in a liquid scintillator In theory, the alpha events should be sent to the alpha MCA and the beta events...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 04:20

6 688 0
Tài liệu Learning Curve Total Return Swaps: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Funding Instruments ppt

Tài liệu Learning Curve Total Return Swaps: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Funding Instruments ppt

... actually buying the bond, which makes it a synthetic bond product and therefore a credit derivative An investor may wish to receive such cash flows synthetically for tax, accounting, regulatory ... hand, it may be easier to source the reference asset synthetically – via the TRS – than in the cash market This happens sometimes with illiquid bonds In some versions of a TRS the actual underlying ... exposure, and as such is a credit derivative They are used as credit risk management tools, and also as synthetic repo instruments for funding purposes One definition of a TRS is given in Francis etal...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 14:20

5 371 0