synthesis and electrochemical performance of graphenelike ws2

Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical performance of activated carbon supported MNO2 for electrochemical capacitor

Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical performance of activated carbon supported MNO2 for electrochemical capacitor

... Journal of Science and Technology 56 (5) (2018) 582-593 DOI: 10.15625/2525-2518/56/5/10997 SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVATED CARBON SUPPORTED MnO2 FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL ... characterization of MnAC materials and the effect of stirring methods, namely magnetic and ultrasonic stirring, to electrochemical property of the as-prepared materials based on cyclic voltammetry (CV) and ... methanation of carbon and the last product is MnO (reduction sequence MnO2 → Mn2O3 → Mn3O4 → MnO) 586 Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical performance Total H2 consumption and the calculated

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 21:03

12 29 0
Effect of boric acid on corrosion and electrochemical performance of Pb-0.08% Ca-1.1% Sn alloys containing Cu, As, and Sb impurities for manufacture of grids of lead-acid

Effect of boric acid on corrosion and electrochemical performance of Pb-0.08% Ca-1.1% Sn alloys containing Cu, As, and Sb impurities for manufacture of grids of lead-acid

... batteries made of Pb–Ca–Sn alloys with and without 0.1% of each of Cu, As, and Sb individually and combined in 4.0 M H SO in the absence and presence of 0.4 M H BO was studied Both impurities and H BO ... attributed to the reduction of PbO to Pb and peaks C3 and C4 are connected to reduction of small and large crystals of PbSO to Pb, respectively 48 The peak potentials of C2–C4 occur at significantly ... impurities and H BO suppress the formation of large crystals of PbSO 3.3 Effect of H BO on hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions In the constant current charging process of a battery and as the

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2022, 23:05

15 12 0
Báo cáo vật lý: "Synthesis, Characterisation and Catalytic Performance of Porous Nafion Resin/Silica Nanocomposites for Esterification of Lauric Acid and Methanol" potx

Báo cáo vật lý: "Synthesis, Characterisation and Catalytic Performance of Porous Nafion Resin/Silica Nanocomposites for Esterification of Lauric Acid and Methanol" potx

... Journal of Physical Science, Vol. 20(2), 23–36, 2009 23 Synthesis, Characterisation and Catalytic Performance of Porous Nafion Resin/Silica Nanocomposites for Esterification of Lauric Acid and ... Huang 2 , P. S. Khiew 3 and W. S. Chiu 3 1 School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, ... two-step acid/base hydrolysis and condensation of alkoxy silane was used in this synthesis. In a typical synthesis procedure, a mixture of 7.93 g TEOS, 2 ml deionised water and 0.5 ml 0.04 M HCl was

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 14:20

14 272 0
Synthesis and photovoltaic characterization of triarylamine-substituted quinoxaline push–pull dyes to improve the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells

Synthesis and photovoltaic characterization of triarylamine-substituted quinoxaline push–pull dyes to improve the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells

... fill factor (FF) of 0.56, and overall conversion efficiency ( η) of 2.32% whereas the standard dye Z-907 dye exhibited 14.51 mA/cm of I SC , 630 mV of V oc , 0.45 of FF, and 4.08% of η under AM 1.5 ... Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Izmir Katip C ¸ elebi University, ˙Izmir, Turkey Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and ... formation of the final dyes KD-148 and KD-150 All intermediates were confirmed by H and 13 C NMR 2.2 Electrochemical properties Energy levels of dye sensitizers are crucial to understand and investigate

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2022, 00:22

31 8 0
Tài liệu Defining Needs and Managing Performance of Installation Support Contracts pptx

Tài liệu Defining Needs and Managing Performance of Installation Support Contracts pptx

... should be performed; the use of measurable performance standards and quality assurance surveillance plans to track performance against clear goals; and the use of positive and negative incentives ... 11 Contract Pricing and Length 12 viii Defining Needs and Managing Performance of Installation Support Contracts Use of Performance- Based Practices 14 Conveying Service Needs 14 Performance Management ... MR-865-AF, 1997. RAND PROJECT AIR FORCE RAND Project AIR FORCE (PAF), a division of the RAND Corporation, is the U.S. Air Force’s federally funded research and development center for studies and analyses.

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 17:20

76 321 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Electrochemical performance of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 1) nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries" pptx

Báo cáo toán học: " Electrochemical performance of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 1) nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries" pptx

... capacity of NiMoO4 and Ni0.75Co0.25MoO4 nanowire electrodes was larger (≈520 mA h/g after 20 cycles at a rate of 196 mA/g) than that of the other nanowires This enhanced electrochemical performance of ... However, because of its drawbacks, such as capacity limitations (theoretical capacity of 372 mA h/g), initial loss of capacity, and structural deformation [1, 2], one of the current areas of interest ... attracted the interest of researchers because of their electronic and magnetic properties and their many applications, such as catalysis and photoluminescence [11-14] Recently, CoMoO4 and NiMoO4, synthesized

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

14 391 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pot

... Puchmark 1 and Gobwute Rujijanagul* 2 1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand 2 Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, ... CCTO, including Co, Zr, Fe, Sc, and Nb on the B site and substitution of La and Eu at the A site [4, 8-12]. Although some of these additives resulted in a reduction of the loss tangent, most additives ... procedure and related analyses. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments This work was supported by The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Thailand's Office of the

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

13 405 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pdf

... Puchmark 1 and Gobwute Rujijanagul* 2 1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand 2 Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, ... CCTO, including Co, Zr, Fe, Sc, and Nb on the B site and substitution of La and Eu at the A site [4, 8-12]. Although some of these additives resulted in a reduction of the loss tangent, most additives ... procedure and related analyses. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments This work was supported by The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Thailand's Office of the

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

13 391 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Improvement in dielectric and mechanical performance of CaCu3.1Ti4O12.1 by addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles" pot

... Puchmark 1 and Gobwute Rujijanagul* 2 1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand 2 Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, ... CCTO, including Co, Zr, Fe, Sc, and Nb on the B site and substitution of La and Eu at the A site [4, 8-12]. Although some of these additives resulted in a reduction of the loss tangent, most additives ... procedure and related analyses. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments This work was supported by The Thailand Research Fund (TRF), Thailand's Office of the

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

13 316 0
Synthesis and Physical Properties of Polyester Amides Derived from Lipid-Based Components

Synthesis and Physical Properties of Polyester Amides Derived from Lipid-Based Components

... increase of ester to amide ratio in PEA structure will diminish the mechanical strength of the polymer 9 Step 1: Synthesis of different diols from oleic acid 1, 9-Nonanediol Synthesis of the PEA ... ratios of ester and amide linkages were synthesized from. .. of thermal stability a The increase of ester to amide ratio did not impact dramatically the thermal degradation of the ... 1 Synthesis and Physical Properties of Polyester Amides Derived from Lipid-Based Components By: Jiaqing Zuo Trent Biomaterials Research Group March 2011 2 Outline Introduction of polyester

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:01

40 328 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Ecophysiology and field performance of black spruce (Picea mariana): a review" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Ecophysiology and field performance of black spruce (Picea mariana): a review" ppsx

... capacity and field performance of jack pine and black spruce in boreal stand establishment in Ontario Can J For Res 17, 794-804 Wang ZM, Macdonald SE (1992) Peatland and upland black ... ecophysiology and field performance of black spruce, with an emphasis placed on the regeneration phase. The major topics of this review are the response of net photo- synthesis and ... ecology and silviculture of black spruce are given in Black and Bliss (1980), Cauboue and Malenfant (1988), Sims et al (1990) and Jeglum and Kennington (1993). The objective of

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

23 240 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Measurements and Calving Performance of Swedish Red and White and Swedish Holstein Dairy Cattle with Special Respect to Stillbirth" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Endocrine Measurements and Calving Performance of Swedish Red and White and Swedish Holstein Dairy Cattle with Special Respect to Stillbirth" ppsx

... profiles; calving performance; stillbirth. Acta vet. scand. 2003, 44, 21-33. Acta vet. scand. vol. 44 no. 1-2, 2003 Endocrine Measurements and Calving Performance of Swedish Red and White and Swedish ... process of giving birth. Therefore, failures of foetal adaptation and improper synthesis and release of hormones at the end of pregnancy can possibly lead to calving difficulty, weak calves and stillbirth, ... process of giving birth and an indicator of the status of foetal well-being (Patel et al. 1997, Beckers et al. 1999). Thus, the aims of this study were to describe the calving performance of SRB and

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20

13 234 0


... community and connection: specially, about long term preservation and nurturing of their business and its markets, the fostering of talent and effective deployment of employees, and an emphasis ... aspects of entrepreneurs and their firms under the collaboration between Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs in Vietnam (MOLISA) and the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, ... financial information of 2003 and 2004, and the 2007 survey has financial information of 2005 and 2006.The surveys are broadly representative of the Vietnamese population of entrepreneurs. The

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2015, 19:13

38 422 0
Synthesis and optoelectronic applications of star shaped donor acceptor p conjugated materials

Synthesis and optoelectronic applications of star shaped donor acceptor p conjugated materials

... supervision of Assoc Prof LAI YEE-HING, (in the laboratory S5-01-01), Department of Chemistry, and under the supervision of Assoc Prof LIU BIN, (in the laboratory E5-B11 & B14), Department of Chemical and ... SYNTHESIS AND OPTOELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS OF STAR-SHAPED DONOR-ACCEPTOR π-CONJUGATED MATERIALS WANG GUAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2012 SYNTHESIS AND OPTOELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS OF ... Tan Khai Seng and members of the staff from Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Mr Boey Kok Hong, Ms Lee Chai Keng, Mr Tan Evan. They have been very nice to me and helped me

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:15

170 428 0
Synthesis and biological evaluation of natural products and their analogs as new cancer chemotherapeutic agents

Synthesis and biological evaluation of natural products and their analogs as new cancer chemotherapeutic agents

... 29 Results and Discussion ii 2.2.1 Retrosynthesis 32 2.2.2 Synthesis of Compounds 2-2 33 2.2.3 Synthesis of Fluorescent Tags 38 2.2.4 Synthesis of Compounds 2-4 41 2.2.5 Synthesis of Compounds ... Optimization of the synthesis of 3-4 119 Table 3.2 Cytotoxicity of synthesized compounds against various cancer cells 122 Table 4.1 Optimization of the synthesis of 4-7a 137 Table 4.2 List of compounds ... structure of 4-7w and 1D NoE of 4-7p and 4-7r) Figure 4.3 X-ray crystal structure of 4-7w 4.3 Conclusion In summary, we have demonstrated an expeditious and high yielding synthesis of 5-unsubstituted

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

165 420 0
Synthesis and biological investigation of pyrimido 1,2 a 1,3,5 triazine and its analogues 2

Synthesis and biological investigation of pyrimido 1,2 a 1,3,5 triazine and its analogues 2

... receptor for members of the epidermal growth factor family (EGF-family) of extracellular protein ligands PI3Ks are a family of related intracellular signal transducer enzymes capable of phosphorylating ... spindle Blocking of KIF11 prevents centrosome migration and arrest cells in mitosis 38 Lactoylglutathione lyase Catalyzes the conversion of hemimercaptal, formed from methylglyoxal and glutathione, ... TGF-beta receptor type-1 On ligand binding, forms a receptor complex consisting of two type II and two type I transmembrane serine/threonine kinases It then bind and activate SMAD transcriptional

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

55 349 0
Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 1

Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 1

... specificity and affinity. Figure 1.6. Solid state structure of L-tartaric Acid-binding M-1 helix. (a) CPK and (b) stick representations of the M-1 helix. (c) Top view of the central part of the M-1 ... as oligonucleotides and proteins. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the structural and physical properties of a 13 new class of backbone-rigidified molecular strand with repeating aromatic ... feature of crescent-shaped and helically folded backbones of oligoamides. 3) Design and synthesize planar circular pentamers of varying types, by changing interior functional groups and adding

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

18 233 0
Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 2

Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 2

... forming an angle of 63º between axis ac and plane of the molecules, all the other three dimers (2a, 2c and 2d) are stacked along axis a with angles of 90º, 53º and 70º, respectively, ... Top and side views of crystal structure of (a) 4a and (b) 6a.8 The calculated structure of 6a is shown in (c) All the interior methoxy methyl groups were removed for clarity of ... structures with non-collapsible pores and channels capable of conducting ions and small molecules.10m 2.2 Result and Discussion 2.2.1 Synthesis of Oligoamides OC 8H 17 R2 O N H O 8R O N

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

72 285 0
Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 5

Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 5

... Comparison of the effect of 9b and 9a on the double-stranded PCR product by using ODN-1 as the PCR template: (a) PAGE analysis of inhibitory effect of 9b in 50 mM KCl, (b) PAGE analysis of ... inhibitory effect of 9a in 50 mM KCl and (c) comparison of the effect of 9b and 9a on the double-stranded PCR product 5. 2 .5 Poor Binding Affinity... NaCl, (b) PAGE analysis of inhibitory ... effect of 10a in 50 mM KCl, (c) PAGE analysis of inhibitory effect of 10a in 50 mM NaCl, (d) PAGE analysis of inhibitory effect of 11a in 50 mM KCl and (e) PAGE analysis of inhibitory

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

47 319 0
Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 6

Synthesis and structure investigation of stabilized aromatic oligoamides and their interaction with g quadruplex structures 6

... 6.8. Influence of complementary DNA of aptamers to the detection of thrombin. Addition of thrombin into (a) Au-T5/Au-T6 (left), (b) Au-T5/Au-T6 and Apt29R (middle), (c) Au-T5/Au-T6 and Apt15R (right). ... presence of many proteins was tested. As expected, a mixture solution of 10-fold excess of human γ-thrombin, BSA and Factor Xa did not interfere with the detection of trace levels (10 nM) of human ... influence of both buffers of varying compositions and varying numbers of DNA molecules on the surface of gold nanoparticles on the detection limit was also investigated Three types of buffers

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49

18 261 0

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