sustainable technologies to support local economies and poverty reduction

Regional Approach to Developing Industrial Clusters and Poverty Reduction A Case Study of Vietnam

Regional Approach to Developing Industrial Clusters and Poverty Reduction A Case Study of Vietnam

... connections from rural areas to urban areas and growth centres, and clusters’ impact on poverty reduction The next parts of paper will overview the economic development and poverty reduction of Vietnam ... workers and producers, and are directly relevant to poverty 4.2 Locations Poverty incidence can vary sharply in the developing countries, and between regions in a country Historically, rural poverty ... clusters for poverty reduction, identifying the connections from rural areas to urban areas and growth centres, and clusters’ impact on poverty reduction Industrial cluster is argued as a tool for

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 02:28

15 175 0
Regional approach to developing industrial clusters and poverty reduction a case study of vietnam

Regional approach to developing industrial clusters and poverty reduction a case study of vietnam

... connections from rural areas to urban areas and growth centres, and clusters’ impact on poverty reduction The next parts of paper will overview the economic development and poverty reduction of Vietnam ... workers and producers, and are directly relevant to poverty 4.2 Locations Poverty incidence can vary sharply in the developing countries, and between regions in a country Historically, rural poverty ... clusters for poverty reduction, identifying the connections from rural areas to urban areas and growth centres, and clusters’ impact on poverty reduction Industrial cluster is argued as a tool for

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:34

15 3 0
Exposure to floods, climate change, and poverty in vietnam

Exposure to floods, climate change, and poverty in vietnam

... since case studies of? ?poverty? ?and? ?disasters suggests that poor people are more vulnerable? ?to? ?floods (e.g.  they lose larger portions of their incomes? ?and? ?assets)? ?and? ?they have less access? ?to? ?support? ?to? ?cope? ?and? ? ... since case studies of poverty and disasters suggests that poor people are more vulnerable to floods (e.g.  they lose larger portions of their incomes and assets) and they have less access to support to cope and ... While the relationship between? ?poverty? ?and? ?exposure? ?to? ?floods may not be evident at the national or  district level, at a more? ?local? ?scale? ?and? ?especially in urban areas, land? ?and? ?housing markets often push  poorer people? ?to? ?settle in riskier areas (Lall? ?and? ?Deichmann 2012). For instance, comparing exposure of 

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2016, 10:24

29 901 0
Using flow technologies to direct the synthesis and assembly of materials in solution

Using flow technologies to direct the synthesis and assembly of materials in solution

... different areas in which flow technologies have enabled the synthesis and directed-assembly of materials in both meso and microreactors Introduction to? ?meso and? ?microfluidic reactors There is a wide range ... use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if ... studies into the transport of material across a cell membrane and consequent metabolic functions, in a controlled and repeatable manner Flow technologies are particularly well suited to highthroughput

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 14:41

18 35 0
Radiomics based analysis to predict local control and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with volumetric modulated arc therapy

Radiomics based analysis to predict local control and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with volumetric modulated arc therapy

... Franceschini1, Tiziana Comito1, Ciro Franzese1, Marta Scorsetti1,3 and Po-Ming Wang4 Abstract Background: To appraise the ability of a radiomics based analysis to predict local response and overall survival ... context, it would be important to develop and validated tools capable to predict for individual patients, the likelihood of tumor control and possibly of survival in order to better personalize the ... oncology, also as a potential prognostic indicator, useful for classifying patients and evaluating their assignment to risk categories in order to customize and tailor the prescribed oncological treatments

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 03:39

10 23 0
The Constitutional Right Not to Cooperate - Local Sovereignty and

The Constitutional Right Not to Cooperate - Local Sovereignty and

... the aid of local police and other local authorities, who are already "on the beat" in America's cities and towns.4 While some local governments enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to enforce ... voice to both local and federal sovereign interests, it is more likely to reach the correct federalism result Part II uses the conflict between the 1996 laws and the local laws as a case study to ... reorganized into two separate agencies (Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection), while the service functions of the INS (e.g., visa and citizenship

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2022, 14:55

43 5 0
A Framework to Support Spatial Temporal and Thematic Analytics o

A Framework to Support Spatial Temporal and Thematic Analytics o

... Systems Commons, OS and Networks Commons, and the Science and Technology Studies Commons Repository Citation Perry, M., & Sheth, A P (2008) A Framework to Support Spatial, Temporal and Thematic Analytics ... Framework to Support Spatial, Temporal and Thematic Analytics over Semantic Web Data Matthew Perry and Amit P Sheth May 13, 2008 Noname manuscript No be inserted by the editor) 2(will A Framework to Support ... context and supports computation of implicit spatial and temporal relations – A SQL-based implementation of the proposed query operators that involves a storage and indexing scheme for spatial and

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2022, 03:19

32 1 0
An investigation into the use of language games to support the teaching and learning speaking to first year non language major students at hue university college of economics

An investigation into the use of language games to support the teaching and learning speaking to first year non language major students at hue university college of economics

... comments and correction, thinking that their peers are not intelligent, fair and reliable enough to correct their errors According to them, teacher needs to arrange and organize carefully and systematically ... supposed to gain some insights into this area of few footprints with the hope to confirm the worth of implementing peer correction into teaching and learning writing skill, and most importantly, to ... carried out to investigate into the use of peer correction into teaching and learning for second-year students at HUCFL in order to improve their writing skill The aims of this research were to find

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2023, 18:09

78 3 0
Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction: Additional Evidence

Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction: Additional Evidence

... rural areas to overall poverty reduction, net of the role of migration This is done using a standard decomposition of aggregate poverty reduction into sectoral changes (urban and rural) and a population ... Rural Sector to Aggregate Poverty Change, 1993 – 2002 Rural poverty rate Urban poverty rate Share of rural in total population Aggregate poverty rate Contribution of rural sector to aggregate poverty ... tenure system in transmitting land productivity gains into poverty reduction Figure Agricultural Labor Productivity and Rural Poverty agriculture were low, and poverty reduction was equally low In

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 09:37

20 408 0
Green supply chain practices and its impact on community empowerment and poverty reduction in Indonesia

Green supply chain practices and its impact on community empowerment and poverty reduction in Indonesia

... manufacturing and distribution to analyze their influence on community empowerment and poverty reduction This research contributes to the literature and perceptions of poverty reduction efforts in education, ... environment, health, and economics Literature Review Poverty reduction efforts entrusted to the community itself are supported and facilitated by the government, private sector and other civil society ... percent and have a poverty gap index of around 7.8 percent Resources for poverty alleviation are far better used as a result of careful local- based investigations Factors related to poverty reduction

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 23:03

10 44 0
Sectoral composition of growth and poverty reduction in vietnam

Sectoral composition of growth and poverty reduction in vietnam

... both the industrial sector and service sector, Ravallion and Montalvo did not confirm the role of the industry sector in poverty reduction in China The agricultural sector has the more important ... reducing poverty, effective policies to maintain stable growth and high farm incomes are central to maintaining rapid poverty reduction Another study of the link between economic growth and poverty ... relationship between poverty reduction and sectoral compositions of growth Empirical results and discussions 4.1 The baseline results of the impact of sectoral composition of growth on poverty reduction

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:34

12 0 0


... (LAC) and the OECD region for the period 1990 to 2010 The results using SYS-GMM estimator leads to some interesting findings We find that economic growth has led to reduction in both income and ... Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) became an integral part of poverty reduction in the developing world The PRSPs provided policies and strategies to mitigate poverty by integrating economic and ... in poverty levels and creating more equal distribution of income 1.2 Economic Growth and Income Equality One of the goals of economic growth is to promote economic development and poverty reduction

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2021, 10:06

32 4 0


... (LAC) and the OECD region for the period 1990 to 2010 The results using SYS-GMM estimator leads to some interesting findings We find that economic growth has led to reduction in both income and ... programs, thus, the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) became an integral part of poverty reduction in the developing world The PRSPs provided policies and strategies to mitigate poverty by integrating ... in poverty levels and creating more equal distribution of income 1.2 Economic Growth and Income Equality One of the goals of economic growth is to promote economic development and poverty reduction

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 06:40

32 3 0
Vietnam development indicators to support the new framework for the Post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Vietnam development indicators to support the new framework for the Post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

... dissemination systems for national development indicators Vietnam development indicators to support the new framework for the Post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Prepared ... development Indicators for SDGs Goal 7: Secure Sustainable Energy Energy source and use Vietnam development Indicators for SDGs Goal 8: Create Jobs, Sustainable Livelihood and Equitable Growth ... assigned to any agencies  Data of Goal 10 (Ensure Good Governance and Effective Institutions) is no indicator  Up to now, data of almost these indicators is not available, we will collect and calculate

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 22:28

11 294 0
Tài liệu Research " Activity Based Costing Model to Cost Academic Programs and Estimate Costs for Support Services in California Community Colleges " ppt

Tài liệu Research " Activity Based Costing Model to Cost Academic Programs and Estimate Costs for Support Services in California Community Colleges " ppt

... instruction and support services, 2) illustrate the cause and effect relationships between changes in academic program scheduling and costs to provide support services, 3) identify the fixed and variable ... estimate of support service costs, 4) to identify the fixed and variable nature of activities performed by California community colleges, and 5) to develop common use applications of ABC to illustrate ... technical support and support systems to comply with public agency reporting, purchasing and contracting and finance related activities Traditional cost accounting methods characterize support services

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

113 471 0
Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

Regional Food Hub Resource Guide: Food hub impacts on regional food systems, and the resources available to support their growth and development pdf

... distributors to offer such services as producer training and coordination, source verification, aggregation, and marketing that enable distributors and their customers greater access to the local and ... opted to develop strategic partnerships with other supply chain actors who can provide warehousing, processing, and Boxes of heirloom tomatoes with the Red Tomato brand See Market Demand for Local ... section and most of this guide—is dedicated to helping food hub operators and supporters better understand and navigate through the variety of financial and human resources available to them...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

92 469 0
education in rwanda rebalancing resources to accelerate post-conflict development and poverty reduction

education in rwanda rebalancing resources to accelerate post-conflict development and poverty reduction

... of Toronto), ; Republic of Rwanda, History of a People, ; SIL International, Languages of Rwanda, ... comparable to Rwandas) is instructive in this regard: it suggests that Rwanda would need to raise domestic revenue generation to around 15 percent to finance its poverty reduction agenda We turn next to ... Rwanda, and members of the Rwandan team traveled to Washington, D.C These visits were greatly facilitated by the cheerful and reliable logistical support offered by Bathilde Jyulijyesage, Antoinette...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 07:47

248 292 0
Using visual representations to support inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning of 15 year old students in discovering mathematical patterns

Using visual representations to support inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning of 15 year old students in discovering mathematical patterns

... use random dragging associated with the measurement tools and calculations tools of GSP to verify the hypothesis by experiment - In the case b): Students uses linking dragging to link point D to ... other hand, we also want to consider visual representation forms created in learning environments that use computers and the dynamic geometry software To provide opportunities for students to discover ... question 3: How to use the visual representation to support abductive reasoning and inductive reasoning while discovering openended geometry problem? Research question 4: How to develop the ability...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 09:23

27 412 0
Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies pot

Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies pot

... all and the goal of poverty reduction and eradication in current education policy thinking It outlines the reasons why education is understood to be key to poverty reduction and elimination and ... management and resolution at the sub-regional and continental levels, and to ensure that these mechanisms are used to restore and maintain peace • Promoting and protecting democracy and human ... relationship between education and poverty reduction It is important to look at education and poverty reduction strategies as a set of organised and systematic statements related to development that are...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

286 336 0
integrating ecology and poverty reduction[electronic resource] ecological dimensions

integrating ecology and poverty reduction[electronic resource] ecological dimensions

... attempted to bridge the gap between development professionals and local people, training professionals to listen to local people and try to understand and integrate their local knowledge (Thompson and ... useful to scientists and extension agents 3 Education, Ecology and Poverty Reduction 27 At the same time, it is critical for extension agents and rural producers to come to mutual understandings ... extension and development They employ participatory methods to not only disseminate knowledge to rural producers, but also to access local knowledge to incorporate it into their materials and activities...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 00:08

325 749 0