Edited by Simeon Maile Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za The colloquium on ‘Education and poverty reduction strategies: Issues of policy coherence’ held from 21–23 February 2007 was organised and hosted by the Policy Analysis Unit of the Human Science Research Council (HSRC). The Policy Analysis Unit is a dedicated unit, fully funded by the government of South Africa, Department of Science and Technology. Published by HSRC Press Private Bag X9182, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa www.hsrcpress.ac.za First published 2008 ISBN 978-0-7969-2222-9 © 2008 Human Sciences Research Council Cover photograph by Gisele Wulfsohn/South Photographs/africanpictures.net Production management by GREYMATTER & FINCH Printed by Logo Print, Cape Town, South Africa Distributed in Africa by Blue Weaver Tel: +27 (0) 21 701 4477; Fax: +27 (0) 21 701 7302 www.oneworldbooks.com Distributed in Europe and the United Kingdom by Eurospan Distribution Services (EDS) Tel: +44 (0) 20 7240 0856; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7379 0609 www.eurospangroup.com/bookstore Distributed in North America by Independent Publishers Group (IPG) Call toll-free: (800) 888 4741; Fax: +1 (312) 337 5985 www.ipgbook.com Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za iii Contents Abbreviations v List of tables and figures ix Introduction xi Section 1: Conceptual and theoretical frameworks 1. Policy coherence: Meanings, concepts and frameworks 1 Simeon Maile 2. Education in South Africa: Some points for policy coherence 19 Jonathan Carter 3. Putting research on education and poverty into practice: Strategies for education and poverty research 39 Simeon Maile 4. Education and poverty reduction/eradication: Omissions, fashions and promises 53 Yusuf Sayed 5. Education for poverty alleviation: Myth or reality? 68 Joe Teffo Section 2: Poverty in education 6. Student poverty in higher education: The impact of higher education dropout on poverty 83 Moeketsi Letseka and Mignonne Breier 7. Breaking the shackles of poverty through education enhancing programmes: The glimmer of optimism in School Nutrition Programme 102 Zama Kiti Section 3: Critical reflections on education and poverty policy 8. The complexity of systems change in education 125 Graeme Bloch 9. The boundaries of care: Education policy interventions for vulnerable children 136 Ursula Hoadley Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za iv 10. Education and poverty: Development policy options in a democratic era 157 Simeon Maile 11. Poverty, unemployment and education: Strategies to address the disservice of modern development 182 Reynold Sonn Section 4: Lessons and case studies 12. Skills development for poverty reduction: Can FET colleges deliver? 199 Salim Akoojee and Simon McGrath 13. Corporate social investment in education: The paradox of poverty alleviation in South Africa 214 Delia Nzekwu 14. Challenges facing the implementation of policy on girls’ education in Zanzibar 219 Issa Ziddy 15. The role of media in education and poverty reduction 230 Jane Stadler Section 5: Biographies of hope 16. Integration of ex-offenders: Introduction 255 Edna Freinkel Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za v Abbreviations AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AsgiSA Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa Abet adult basic education and training ANC African National Congress ACCC Association of Canadian Community Colleges BB-BEE broad-based black economic empowerment BEE black economic empowerment BNG Breaking New Ground CBO community based organisation CoP communities of practice Cosatu Congress of South African Trade Unions CSI corporate social investment CSR corporate social responsibility DET Depart of Education and Training DoE Department of Education DoF Department of Finance DoH Department of Health DoL Department of Labour DoSD Department of Social Development DTI Department of Trade and Industry DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa EBP evidence-based practice EBM evidence-based medicine ECCE early childhood care and education ECD early childhood development ECT Eastern Cape Technikon EFA Education for All EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme ESRC Economic and Social Research Council FAWE Forum for African Women Education (in Zanzibar) FET further education and training FTC full technical education FTE full-time equivalent Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za vi FSDoE Free State Department of Education GDP gross domestic product GEAR Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy GER general enrolment ratio GMR Global Monitoring Report Gripp getting research into policy and practice HE Higher Education HEI Higher Education Institutions Hemis Higher Education Management Information Systems HET Higher Education and Training HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HSRC Human Sciences Research Council ICT information and communication technology Idasa Institute for Democracy in South Africa IFI International Financial Institutions IMF International Monetary Fund ILO International Labour Organization INP Integrated Nutrition Programme IT information technology Jipsa Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition LE life expectancy LSM living standard measure MDG Millennium Development Goal MEC Member of the Executive Committee MTEF medium-term expenditure framework MP Member of Parliament NBI National Business Initiative Nedlac National Development and Labour Council Nepad New Partnership for African Development NEPI National Education Policy Initiative NGO non-governmental organisation NC Niagara College NPHE National Plan for Higher Education NQF National Qualifications Framework NSDS National Skills Development Strategy Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za vii NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSSF Norms and Standards for School Funding NWICO New World Information and Communication Order NZEP New Zanzibar Education Policy OBE outcomes-based education OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Pace Project for the Advancement of Community Education PCAS Policy Co-ordination and Advisory Services PCI per capita income PED Provincial Education Department PGA poverty gap analysis PHI poverty headcount index PRS poverty reduction strategy PSA public service announcement PSNP Primary School Nutrition Programme QIDS Quality Improvement and Development Strategy RCT Randomised Controlled Trial RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme ROI return on investment RSA Republic of South Africa SABC South African Broadcasting Corperation Sacmeq South African Consortium for Monitoring Education Quality SADF South African Defence Force Saqa South African Qualifications Authority Sasa South African Schools Act SBST site-based support team SC Senior Certificate Seta Sector Education and Training Authority SGB school governing body SMME small, medium and micro enterprises SNP School Nutrition Programme SSD Sustainable Skills Development SSS social assistance support SUZA State University of Zanzibar TB Tuberculosis TBVC Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za viii TEA Tanzania Education Authority Timms Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme Unesco United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization Unisa University of South Africa US United States of America WCED Western Cape Education Department WHO World Health Organization WSU Walter Sisulu University ZEMAP Zanzibar Education Master Plan ZEP Zanzibar Education Policy ZGRPS Zanzibar Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za ix List of tables and figures Figure 1.1 The five steps to policy coherence for development 7 Figure 2.1 South African Sacmeq literacy and numeracy 23 Figure 2.2 Cumulative literacy – South Africa vs Seychelles 24 Figure 2.3 Cumulative numeracy – South Africa vs Mauritius 25 Figure 6.1 HE undergraduate success rates by race (2000–2003) 87 Figure 6.2 South Africa’s dropout rate (2000–2003) 89 Figure 12.1 Age profile at FET colleges (1998–2002) 206 Figure 15.1 The ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ flyer designed by Saatchi and Saatchi for the Wola Nani campaign 242 Table 2.1 South African scores on Sacmeq ratings showing the percentage of learners at each level of numeracy and literacy 23 Table 3.1 What researchers can do to have an impact on policy 50 Table 6.1 NPHE benchmarks for graduation rates (2001 and 2004) 85 Table 6.2 Undergraduate success rates of contact students in public HE institutions, by race (2001–2004) 86 Table 6.3 HE undergraduate dropout rates (2000–2003) 89 Table 6.4 Factors that contributed to leaving University A in 2002, by order of importance 92 Table 6.5 Comparisons of leaver and graduate salaries 93 Table 6.6 Education level of respondents’ parents/guardians 94 Table 6.7 Employment status of respondents’ parents/guardians 95 Table 6.8 Income of respondents’ parents/guardians 95 Table 6.9 Source of income for fees (leavers and graduates) 96 Table 6.10 Financial support for living expenses (leavers and graduates) 97 Table 10.1 Targets for the school allocation 172 Table 10.2 National poverty distribution, by percentage 172 Table 10.3 Learners in national quintiles 1 and 2, by province (2007) 173 Table 12.1 Post-school enrolment (1999–2002) 205 Table 12.2 National education spending (1999–2003) 209 Table 15.1 World internet usage and population statistics 239 Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za [...]... Yusuf Sayed’s chapter critically examines the link between provision of education for all and the goal of poverty reduction and eradication in current education policy thinking It outlines the reasons why education is understood to be key to poverty reduction and elimination and the evidence xv EDUCATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES: ISSUES OF POLICY COHERENCE Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za... perspectives and are arranged logically according to themes The purpose of Section 1: Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks is to address focus, assumptions, major concepts, contributing scholars and methodologies incompatible with research on the relationship between education and poverty reduction It is important to look at education and poverty reduction strategies as a set of organised and systematic... capacity in the domains of education and training; by xiii EDUCATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES: ISSUES OF POLICY COHERENCE developing revenue generating activities through facilitating access to credit; and by assuring their participation in the political and economic life of African countries These objectives raise an important reality: the reduction of poverty is complex and needs to be approached... national and international conferences on poverty reduction strategies The main argument emerging from the discussions was that human deprivations can be radically reduced, but to harness and benefit from educational endeavours requires a coherent and concerted effort As policy-makers, development practitioners and researchers become aware of the limitations of narrow approaches to poverty reduction, ... Promoting and protecting democracy and human rights in their respective countries and regions by developing clear standards of accountability, transparency and participatory governance at the national and subnational levels • Restoring and maintaining macroeconomic stability, especially by developing appropriate standards and targets for fiscal and monetary policies, and introducing appropriate institutional... education and poverty reduction, some related discourses are dealt with in other sections of this book Chapters in Section 1 help us understand why a particular understanding of education and poverty reduction problems at some point gain dominance and are seen as authoritative while other understandings are discredited (Ruddat 2005) Simeon Maile’s chapter deals with basic principles of and current discourses... thinking and analysis This also directly supports the entrenchment of the values of transparency, accountability and shared commitment to the growth agenda xi EDUCATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES: ISSUES OF POLICY COHERENCE • Facilitating greater in-country alignment and harmonisation of development efforts and support to mutual engagement in the regional development agenda • Streamlining and supporting... policy options and strategies for ensuring that education does indeed provide the poor with the means to overcome the conditions of poverty in which they find themselves It concludes by highlighting key challenges that governments face in ensuring that education is a powerful tool of poverty reduction and elimination and social transformation Joe Teffo’s chapter makes strong statements and tries to argue... justice Gilomee and Schlemmer (1994) point out that democracy is likely to face numerous challenges; especially poverty, inequality and general development Poverty and lack of development will inhibit or destabilise political freedom, and expectations and demands placed on the political system will overwhelm and confuse policy-makers Governments are therefore forced to limit choice and sometimes take... to be approached from multiple perspectives Yes, education can help to reduce poverty, but countries need a holistic approach to take this further The lack of consensus among development practitioners, policymakers and researchers may even be exacerbating the impact of poverty Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za The Education and Poverty Reduction Strategies: Issue of Policy Coherence Colloquium, . education and poverty research 39 Simeon Maile 4. Education and poverty reduction/ eradication: Omissions, fashions and promises 53 Yusuf Sayed 5. Education. understood to be key to poverty reduction and elimination and the evidence Free download from www.hsrcpress.ac.za EDUCATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES: ISSUES