... of identifying a cut-off point for the inclusion of patients in the different clusters identified Page of of the five dominant subgroups and undergoing treatment, with buprenorphine or with methadone, ... is in line Page of with the antidopaminergic activity of methadone, as documented by the increase in serum prolactin after its administration [50] In line with these observations, our heroin- dependent ... Table Survival in treatment of buprenorphine-treated or methadone- treated heroin- dependent patients according to dominant psychopathological groups N CEN* % Buprenorphine 108 88 81.48 Methadone...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:21
... of principal components analysis of data collected from heroin abusing individuals in Taiwan using the CCBQ correspond closely with the results of previous research representing heroin craving ... 95:s171-175 Shi J, Zhao LY, Epstein DH, Zhang XL, Lu L: Long-term methadone maintenance reduces protracted symptoms of heroin abstinence and cue-induced craving in Chinese heroin abusers Pharmacol Biochemistry ... nature of craving Moreover, assessing different dimensions of craving may predict different types of outcome [12] Evidence for the effectiveness of methadone programs in reducing heroin use, reducing...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:23
báo cáo khoa học: " Better retention of Malaysian opiate dependents treated with high dose methadone in methadone maintenance therapy" potx
... that, in terms of predicting retention, a daily dose exceeding 80 mg will have a probability of 0.8 in accurately predicting that the patient will be retained in treatment In terms of predicting ... other independent studies also showed that high doses of methadone were significantly more effective in suppressing illicit heroin use and in retaining patients in the treatment [38,41,42] Inadequate ... participate in analysing and interpreting the data, and drafted the manuscript NMS involve in collecting data NT involve in collecting data RI carried out the study design, analysing and interpreting...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Appropriate training and retention of community doctors in rural areas: a case study from Mali" pdf
... training and its relevance to practice This was complemented by participant observation and recording of comments during the training sessions, aiming at validating and refining the initial training ... Baseline data of retention of rural doctors prior to the introduction of the programme could, however, not be retrieved Results Training needs and programme design Analysis of the training needs ... a training programme was designed, consisting of class modules combined with a practicum in a rural health centre run by a senior doctor Senior doctors involved in the training were appointed...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Retention of health workers in Malawi: perspectives of health workers and district management" docx
... approved for in- service training in the ministry by the training coordinators They believed that favouritism seemed also to exist with regard to both continuous education and in- service training An ... something that is particularly frustrating for clinical officers and medical assistants The clinical officers undergo four years of training and can progress to medical officer level only by entering ... medical assistants and clinical officers Environmental Health Officers (including assistants) were the only cadre who indicated that they had obtained training normally within five years Health workers...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo sinh học:" "I won''''t be staying here for long": a qualitative study on the retention of migrant nurses in Ireland" ppt
... is neither in the interest of individual migrant nurses nor in the interest of the health systems in which they work Respondents found that the high cost of living in Ireland also diminished salary ... heterogeneous – including migrant nurses from a range of countries; varying in age, marital status and duration of working in Ireland; active and passive recruits; and those working in both the public ... status of their spouses and children The following discussion offers an insight into the complex web of factors considered by respondents in deciding whether to stay or to leave Reasons to remain in...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
báo cáo sinh học:" Key factors leading to reduced recruitment and retention of health professionals in remote areas of Ghana: a qualitative study and proposed policy solutions" doc
... complained about inadequacies of drug supplies outside GA, but several mentioned emerging problems coinciding with the introduction of insurance, because of delayed and inadequate reimbursements; in ... learning environment was consistent with recent findings in Benin, Kenya, and Ghana [8,11], offering policy options beyond monetary incentives In a study of health worker motivation in Benin and ... findings There is no large-scale experimental evidence of using post-graduate training as an incentive for rural service, but the Health Ministry of India launched such an incentive program in...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "The mental status of 1090 heroin addicts at entry into treatment: should depression be considered a ''''dual diagnosis" pptx
... higher level of psychic impairment at treatment initiation Table 2: Mental status of 1090 heroin addicts at beginning of the treatment Total n (%) Awareness of illness Consciousness disturbance ... (single) Educational level (low) Income (poor) Heroin intake (daily) Modality of use (stables) Phase (revolving door) Concurrent use of alcohol Concurrent use of BDZ Concurrent use of Cocaine ... psychiatric symptoms among heroin addicts looking for treatment, and part of the most highly represented clinical state (depressive-anxious) However, the depressive features of heroin addicts are associated...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Harm reduction, methadone maintenance treatment and the root causes of health and social inequities: An intersectional lens in the Canadian context" ppt
... causes of health disparities [65] and to designing effective interventions [64] In the following interview example, a provider (P) working in a harm reduction setting discusses methadone maintenance ... highly constraining, including the lack of freedom to travel because of the inability of many to access methadone in other locales However, what was also problematic in this case, as noted in a later ... drafting of the manuscript CV assisted in the interpretation of the data and the drafting of the manuscript VJ participated in data analysis and interpretation of the data and assisted with the final...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo y học: "Retention of foreign body in the gut can be a sign of congenital obstructive anomaly: a case report" potx
... body insign',right a the abdomen showing thebowel 'double Plain radiograph offew dilated loops ofpresence of ain the left Plain radiograph of the abdomen showing the metallic foreign body in the ... cm or less is considered abnormal An abdominal CT scan is of great help in diagnosing and detecting the etiology of intestinal obstruction in 73–95% of cases [1012] A CT scan may also be able ... after removal of the foreign object(s) However, in spite of the persistence of the radio-opaque foreign body on plain X-rays of the abdomen, the possibility of an obstructing anomaly in this child...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 21:22
báo cáo khoa học: " Complete plastid genome sequences suggest strong selection for retention of photosynthetic genes in the parasitic plant genus Cuscuta" ppt
... retains the open reading frame, matK, contained within the intron of that tRNA A deletion within the trnV -CAU intron also reported in C reflexa [21], and similar to that seen in Orobanche minor, ... M: Loss of all ndh genes as determined by sequencing the entire chloroplast genome of the Black Pine Pinus thunbergii Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ... free-living seedlings may explain the need for an intact photosynthetic apparatus in this parasitic lineage Use of RuBisCo for lipid biosynthesis may also explain retention of rbcL in other holoparasite...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo y học: " A comparison of olanzapine and risperidone on the risk of psychiatric hospitalization in the naturalistic treatment of patients with schizophrenia" ppsx
... option since patients receiving olanzapine may require less psychiatric inpatient care In addition to having economic implications, the current findings are clinically meaningful to treatment ... all of which are linked to better long-term prognosis [24] The current findings are consistent with two previous randomized double-blind clinical studies of olanzapine and risperidone in the treatment ... current findings in other clinical care settings Optimally, future comparative studies would incorporate assessments at the time of initiation on the index drug, use direct measures of medication...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23
báo cáo khoa học: " The relationship between self-reported substance use and psychiatric symptoms in low-threshold methadone maintenance treatment clients" docx
... S: Pre- and in- treatment predictors of retention in methadone treatment using survival analysis Addiction 1998, 93:51-60 Morral AR, Belding MA, Iguchi MY: Identifying methadone maintenance clients ... Background Individuals enrolled in Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) programs often continue to misuse substances [1,2] Continued use of substances while in MMT is a predictor of poorer MMT treatment ... Page of 10 References Darke S: The effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment 3: Moderators of treatment outcome In Methadone Maintenance Treatment and Other Opioid Replacement Therapies...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
Identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency 2
... recombinant Lefty1 protein was able to block reduction in level of alkaline phosphatase staining induced by Lefty2 RNAi Alkalline phosphatase staining was carried out day post transfection of Lefty2 ... effect in maintaining the undifferentiated cell state (Figure 2) One interesting factor identified from the screen is Lefty2, a secreted protein well known for its role in regulating Nodal signaling ... upstream of firefly luciferase reporter Position of OCT4-SOX2 binding site within Nanog promoter is indicated Nanog transcription start site is defined by the position of the furthest 5' EST in public...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02
Identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency 3
... clear Conflicting roles of Nodal signaling in both the maintenance of ES cell self renewal and induction of ES cell differentiation have both previously been reported A key objective of this thesis ... manner in vitro is addressed Interestingly, it was found that Nodal signaling is able to arbitrate at least three distinct fate decisions in ES cells Perturbation of endogenous signaling in ES ... elicit effects in embryos in a dose dependent manner In this thesis, the possibility that Nodal signaling might, as in the in vivo scenario, likewise influence ES cell fate decision in a dose dependent...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02
Identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency 4
... the C-terminus of Lefty2 was chosen instead of the N-terminus because tagging at N-terminus may result in the V5 tag being cleaved off during LEFTY2 processing and secretion The insert was amplified ... the fourth day of selection 4.9 Alkaline phosphatase staining Detection of alkaline phosphatase, which is indicative of the nondifferentiated state of ES cells, was carried out using a commercial ... 4.14 Manipulation of Nodal signaling Manipulation of Nodal signaling was carried out in chemically defined condition in medium containing DMEM/15% knockout serum replacement (Invitrogen,Carlsbad,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02
Identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency 5
... The homeoprotein Nanog is required for maintenance of pluripotency in mouse epiblast and ES cells Cell 113, 631642 Moffat, J., and Sabatini, D M (2006) Building mammalian signalling pathways with ... defects and results in perinatal death Development 121, 1283-1299 Goldin, S N., and Papaioannou, V E (2003) Paracrine action of FGF4 during periimplantation development maintains trophectoderm ... M T., King, C C., and Hayek, A (2005) Activin A maintains pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells in the absence of feeder layers Stem Cells 23, 489-495 Besser, D (2004) Expression of nodal,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02
Identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency
... Nodal/Activin signaling may even be required for the maintenance of pluripotency in pregastrulas Firstly, Nodal signaling in vivo appears to be necessary for the maintenance of pluripotency in epiblast ... differentiation even in the presence of LIF (Niwa et al., 1998) Also, point mutation of the tyrosine residue of gp130 responsible for STAT3 binding abrogated the ability of LIF to maintain self renewal ... pluripotency can be maintained in both mouse and human ES cells in the presence of this inhibitor Interestingly, Lefty A and Lefty B are inducible by BIO and the presence of this inhibitor leads to...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02
Appendix identification of factors involved in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell self renewal and pluripotency
... during retinoic acid induced differentiation of F9 cells High expression in ES cells Link to canonical Wnt pathway • • • • • • Secreted protein Member of TGFsuperfamily Involved in Nodal signaling ... antagonist • • • • • Rex2 • Zinc finger protein • • • Zfx • • • a-catenin • Zinc finger protein Transcription factor Link to canonical Wnt pathway Subunit of Cadherin protein Perturbed Nanog promoter ... table documenting the qPCR analysis of germ layer markers for experiments involving inhibition of Nodal signaling Gene Fgf5 Pax6 Ngn1 Nestin Gfap NeuroD1 Sox1 Msi1 Ngn2 Nkx2.2 Claudin6 Mixl1 Gooscoid...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:03
Báo cáo y học: "Report of three cases that received maintenance treatment with risperidone as a mood stabilizer" ppsx
... Psychopharmacology 2002, 17:S21-7 Vieta E, Martinez G, Fernandez A, Gasto C: Risperidone treatment of bipolar disorder: findings of a 6-month open label study in Spain Archives of General Psychiatry 2000, 59:62-69 ... concerning longer periods of time and maintenance treatment are lacking The current paper reports three cases of refractory bipolar I patients successfully treated with a combination of lithium and risperidone ... manifested mood liability Carbamazepine treatment was tried but discontinued because of adverse effects Her mood became depressed, she was feeling fatigue, loss of interest, despair and deep pessimism...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:23