surface modeling in gis

Tài liệu CATIA V5 Surface-modeling pdf

Tài liệu CATIA V5 Surface-modeling pdf

... 2 CATIA V5R16 surface modeling – Mouse CATIA Surface- modeling Tutorial 2A – Import 2D outline drawing into Catia – Build 3D curves based on the imported drawing – Build the upper surfaces of the ... V5R16 surface modeling – Mouse Tutorial 2A To Trim surfaces and form a joined surface: - • Show “Fillet.2” on the tree; • Click “Trim” icon • Select surfaces “Fillet.2” & ‘Multi- sections Surface. 1” • ... section into the other one, thus decreasing the shrink marks on the resultant surface. The resultant surface has an obvious shrink mark, which needs further improvement We are going to increase...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 01:16

99 2,4K 39
An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems docx

An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems docx

... f& all ui in (u,, . . . , us] do Ui:= ui * T; 2.3 Scaling An important concept in viewing geometric objects on a computer display is varying the size in form of scaling (or stretching). Vertices ... is, the engineer, in order to retrieve and manipulate the data because it requires an intrinsic knowledge of the underlying schema definition. In order to retrieve all the bounding vertices ... allow the modeling of engineering objects in a natural way-or at least they do not support the retrieval and manipulation of such objects in a way that is familiar to engineers. In particular,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 23:20

45 380 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Stochastic Discourse Modeling in Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Semantic Dependency Graphs" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Stochastic Discourse Modeling in Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Semantic Dependency Graphs" pdf

... investigated. Three main services: registration information service, clinic information service, and FAQ information service are used. This system mainly provides the function of on- line registration. ... 4.10 2.70 9.11 13.96 12.81 13.46 11.56 10.71 9.76 4.70 4.35 2.75 02468101214 Others Registration revision Dr.'s inforamtion Time Greeting Clinic information Registration FAQ Dr. and Clinic Confirmatin (others) Confirmation (clinic) Cancel registration Figure 3 Frequencies ... computa- tion of meaning. World Scientific Publishing Co Inc. J. Gao, and H. Suzuki. 2003. Unsupervised learning of dependency structure for language modeling. In Proceedings of ACL 2003 ,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 358 0
Innovations in GIS 4 ppt

Innovations in GIS 4 ppt

... IGM. Common constraining edges existing within subsurface and ground surface triangulations ensure exact intersections between subsurface horizons and ground surface. DATA MODELLING AND SPATIAL ... constraining edges in the ground surface triangulation. The final stage of SSM construction involves projecting these faults onto subsurface triangulations. The way in which a fault affects the subsurface ... of researchers working in such disciplines as photogrammetry, surveying, cartography, civil and mining engineering, geology, geography and hydrology. The uncoordinated and independent nature...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

284 3,7K 0
Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Granular Materials potx

Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics of Granular Materials potx

... pure phenomenological modeling without taking into account the microstructural behavior. On the other hand, this approach is an engineering method in material modeling since the parameter identification ... total system for determining strain from given stress or stress from given strain for ε v >ε p . Hence it follows that strain is determined in terms of stress by integrating the differential ... added. Looking on the basics of this book it is obvious that the starting point is the method of rheological models. In Continuum Mechanics one can split the approaches in material modeling into three...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 22:20

395 1,7K 0
Báo cáo khóa học: Soluble LDL-R are formed by cell surface cleavage in response to phorbol esters pdf

Báo cáo khóa học: Soluble LDL-R are formed by cell surface cleavage in response to phorbol esters pdf

... loss of surface binding (data not shown), indicating that redistribution from the cell surface is not required for the loss in surface receptor number. Furthermore, the kinetics of LDL-R binding ... Fischer,D.G.,Tal,N.,Novick,D.,Barak,S.&Rubinstein,M. (1993) An antiviral soluble form of the LDL receptor induced by interferon. Science 262, 250–253. 41. Klein, B. & Brailly, H. (1995) Cytokine-binding proteins: stimu- lating ... methionine/ cysteine-free EMEM/LPDS for 30 min and then for 2 h in methionine/cysteine-free EMEM/LPDS containing 50 lCiÆmL )1 [ 35 S]methionine. The medium was changed to complete MEM/LPDS containing 200...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 12:20

10 396 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT" doc

... their POS tags in the input. Verbs are in ected in the input (“haben”, meaning “have” as in “they have”, in the example). Prepositions are lexicalized (“zu” in the example) and indicate which case ... BLEU. We again see many in- teresting generalizations. For instance, take the case of translating English miniature cameras to the German compound Miniaturkameras. minia- ture camera or miniature ... occur in the training data, and so there is no appropri- ate phrase pair in any system (baseline, in ec- tion, or in ection&compound-splitting). How- ever, our system with compound splitting...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

11 491 0
Probabilistic Modeling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics potx

Probabilistic Modeling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics potx

... N.Asin Figure 1.4, the uncertainty decreases with increasing sample size N ,which reflects the obvious fact that our trust in the estimation increases as more training data become available. Since ... Friedman. Learning belief networks in the presence of missing values and hidden variables. In D. H. Fisher, editor, Proceedings of the Four- teenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), ... in bioinformatics and in medical informatics, were quite ad hoc. In recent years, however, substantial progress has been made in our understanding of and experience with probabilistic modelling....

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:20

510 302 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in Machine Translation" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in Machine Translation" docx

... pruning and clustering. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), Beijing, China. Joshua Goodman. 2000. A bit of progress in language modeling. ... in the log-linear com- bination in Eq. (11). The weights are trained using minimum error rate training (Och, 2003) with BLEU score as the objective function. The dev and test data sets contain ... expect to be able to increase the gains resulting from using class-based models by using more sophisticated techniques for combining them with word-based models such as linear inter- polations of...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

8 336 0
modeling in transport phenomena, second edition a conceptual approach

modeling in transport phenomena, second edition a conceptual approach

... 39.859.7 Comment: The increase in surface roughness increases the friction factor and hence power consumption. On the other hand, the increase in surface roughness causes an increase in the heat transfer ... TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS In engineering calculations, we are interested in the determination of the rate of momentum, heat, and mass transfer from one phase to another across the phase interface. This ... analogy for flow in different geometries is given in Table 3.4. Examination of Table 3.4 indicates that the term f/2 is not equal to the Colburn j -factors in the case of flow around cylinders and spheres....

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:49

606 544 0
molecular modeling in heavy hydrocarbon conversions

molecular modeling in heavy hydrocarbon conversions

... and seeding–deseeding ideas, in situ processing including on- the-fly generalized isomorphism-based lumping and stochastic sampling, and postprocessing including species-based or reaction-based ... LLC 11.3 Kinetics 191 11.3.1 Intrinsic Kinetics 191 11.3.2 Coking Kinetics 192 11.4 Model Diagnostics and Results 193 11.5 Mechanistic Model Learning as a Basis for Pathways Level Modeling 194 11.6 ... Organizing Kinetic Model Parameters 59 elementary reactions in the complex process are counted in the reaction network. For example, in the mechanistic level modeling of thermal cracking, all...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:50

247 312 0
stochastic modeling in economics and finance - jan hurt

stochastic modeling in economics and finance - jan hurt

... decreasing absolute risk aversion. This is the most common behavior of the investors. With increasing investor’s wealth, the amount invested in risky assets also increases. Analogously, the increasing absolute ... given in Figure 1. 1.5 Financial and Real Estate Investment Since handling money and capital itself is a rather complicated task, there are financial intermediaries and other financial institutions ... solve the problem of finding Weight is not involved since afterwards it will be calculated using The Lagrange function for this problem is 2 STOCHASTIC MODELING IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE the price...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:23

394 440 0
innovative software development in gis

innovative software development in gis

... Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd., Croydon, Surrey CR0 4YY Introduction 3 interpreted into meaning. This distance between the data and theinformationisalsoduetothedifficulty ... IRSTV 38 Innovative Software Development in GIS – creating points, lines, and polygons, as well as multigeometries; a geometry figure can, for example, have more than one polygon; – deleting ... geometry; – modifying, moving, adding, and deleting a geometry’s peaks. As for attributes, O RBISGIS has an advanced interface that offers the possibility for the u ser to not only add a column in a table...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 11:32

336 297 0
Analyses of chemical composition on bacteria surface treated in atmospheric pressure plasmas

Analyses of chemical composition on bacteria surface treated in atmospheric pressure plasmas

... Steven A Banwart ‘Characterization of the Cell Surface and Cell Wall Chemistry of Drinking Water Bacteria by Combining XPS, FTIR Spectroscopy, Modeling, Potentiometric Titrations’ Langmuir 4032-4040, ... (pre-treatment) surface is known to have several chemical bond components of (-C(=O)-NH- or –O-C-O-), -C-OH, -CH 2 -CH 2 -, and -C-C- (Fig. 4(a)), since the predominant constituents of bacteria surface ... disappeared on the surface (Fig. 4(b)). It seems that hydrogen was disorbed from the cell wall, and the wall was oxdized and damaged in the plasma treatment. We could not find any changes in the XPS...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2014, 20:29

2 170 0