... from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2017 Trang The research use VAR model to evaluate the impact of USD / VND exchange rate to the macroeconomic factors of Vietnam to answer the ... selected the research topic "Impact of the RMB and US Dollar exchange rate on the macroeconomic factors of Vietnam" 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The study objective is the examination of the impact of USD ... tests, especially the stopping test of time series The results show that the data series does not stop at the same level It is necessary to conduct VAR model to test the impact of the USD / VND exchange
Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 16:28
... from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2017 Trang The research use VAR model to evaluate the impact of USD / VND exchange rate to the macroeconomic factors of Vietnam to answer the ... selected the research topic "Impact of the RMB and US Dollar exchange rate on the macroeconomic factors of Vietnam" 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The study objective is the examination of the impact of USD ... tests, especially the stopping test of time series The results show that the data series does not stop at the same level It is necessary to conduct VAR model to test the impact of the USD / VND exchange
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2020, 08:38
Pro-survival responses to the dual inhibition of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins and mTOR-mediated signaling in hypoxic colorectal carcinoma cells
... expression of the anti-apoptotic Mcl-1 protein and showing augmented inhibition of viability following the addition of ABT-737 to AZD8055) responded to combo-Rx by induction of apoptosis but with the ... resistant to the additional effect of ABT-737 to AZD8055), combo-Rx did not elicit apoptotic or pro-survival responses Conclusions: The concurrent inhibition of anti-apoptotic proteins and mTOR-mediated ... and makes the mTOR complex an attractive target for CRC therapy Consequently, a number of mTOR inhibitors have entered clinical trials There is however evidence of crosstalk between the mTOR-conducted
Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2020, 15:08
Summary of jurisprudence dissertation the current law on financial obligations of land users to the state in vietnam
... obligations of the land user to the State in Vietnam today The financial obligations to the State of the land users is that the land users have to pay the State money in the forms of payment of land ... Firstly, the collection base of the financial obligations of the land users to the State Secondly, the scope of the financial obligations of the land users to the State Thirdly, the time when the ... obligations of the land users to the State 2.2.4 Legal source of the law on financial obligations of the land users to the State Firstly, the system of legal documents is the resource of the law on the
Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2021, 19:25
Achieving the millennium development goals unfpas responses to the needs of safe motherhood and newborn care in viet nam
... experience of the health care system of Viet Nam It documents the progress made in improving the health of women and their babies and UNFPA's role in the successes to date It also points towards the ... the foundation for broader implementation in Phase II The Safe Motherhood Initiative of Viet Nam, funded by the Government of the Netherlands, is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of ... implement safe motherhood activities as defined in the national plan in order to attain the objectives Active management of the third stage of labour 2007 Active management of the third stage of labour
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2023, 07:46
ILLINOIS BOARD OF ADMISSIONS TO THE BAR FINANCIAL AUDIT AND COMPLIANCE EXAMINATION For the Two Years Ended September 30, 2005 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois_part3 docx
... Basis Analysis of Significant Balance Sheet Accounts Analysis of Significant Variations... it has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial ... auditors report that covers the supplementary information presented in the compliance report section states that it has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the ... audit of the financial statements and, ...SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SUMMARY Supplementary information for State compliance purposes presented in this section of the report
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
o cáo hóa học:" High Chromosome Number in hematological cancer cell lines is a Negative Predictor of Response to the inhibition of Aurora B and C by GSK1070916" ppt
... GSK1070916. Ymin values represent the bottom of theresponsecurveanddefinethelargesteffectofthe compound. These Ymin values are evaluated relative to the number of cells at time zero using a Ymin/T0 ... for the majority of cells to contain sub2N DNA. Furthermore, the Ymin (minimum response of the dose response curve) and the T = 0 values (the number of cells at Time zero) were determined from the ... However, since the expression data in our panel does not reflect the rela- tive expression of the Aurora genes at the time of mitosis, the relationship of Aurora expression and response to GSK1070916
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " The existence of solutions to the nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equation" docx
... given in the next section We give the definition of solutions to the nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equation and the obstacle problem In the mean time, we show some properties of their solutions Then, ... A-harmonic equation Then, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equation and the obstacle problem Keywords: the obstacle problem, the nonhomogeneous ... prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the nonhomogeneous A-harmonic equation with Sobolev boundary values Let ℝn be the real Euclidean space with the dimension
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article A Remark on the Blowup of Solutions to the Laplace Equations with Nonlinear Dynamical Boundary Conditions" pdf
... information In recent years, the problem has attracted a great deal of people Lions used the theory of maximal monotone operators to solve the existence of solution of the following problem: Δu ... used the theory of semigroups in Banach spaces to give the existence and uniqueness of the solution for problem 1.5 – 1.7 Cavalcanti et al 7–11 studied the existence and asymptotic behavior of ... where we have used 2.31 and the fact that ψ1 is the eigenfunction of the problem 1.1 – 1.4 , B1 and B2 are denoted as the expressions in the first and the second parenthesis, respectively From 2.32
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20
... average service life ex al amounts of gasoline consumption Furthermore, the relatively high value of recycled metal helps to sustain the economics of today’s automotive and municipal recycling ... source of revenue for material recovery facilities . (Further enhancing the economics of recycling through advances in technology and practices is the predominant theme of many of the technical ... strategy for moving toward “sustainable development”, that is, “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo y học: "Summary of presentations at the NIH/NIAID New Humanized Rodent Models 2007 Workshop" ppsx
... synopsis of the presentations that discusses the current status of development and use of rodent models to evaluate the pathogenesis of HIV infection and to assess the efficacy of vaccine and therapeutic ... in the conversion of the gag p55 precur- sor to p24, leading to decreased production of p24 anti- gen which is required for construction of the viral capsids. Furthermore, the HIV produced by the ... appear to result from the inability of individual rat proteins to support HIV-1 replication rather than from the action of species- specific restriction factors. To circumvent these barriers, the
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21
Báo cáo y học: " Adjuncts or adversaries to shared decision-making? Applying the Integrative Model of behavior to the role and design of decision support interventions in healthcare interactions" pps
... The ability of these constructs to predict behavior depends upon how well the behavior is defined and upon the degree of correspondence between the measure of behav- ior and the measures of the ... whether a person perceives that they have the necessary skills and abilities to perform the behavior if they really want to do so. Each of these primary constructs is in turn the function of ... contexts over the past 30 years. [21]. These include the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory. [31-34]. Implicit in the combination
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
... entrenching the position of the Big 4" Academics Group auditors should have access to the reports and other documentation of all auditors of components of the group 22 4 SUPERVISION The Profession Professional ... country Figure Responses from non-EU countries In terms of the interest groups, a majority of responses represented the interests of the audit profession – 59% of the total number of responses (see ... which benefit from the 'too big to fail' public guarantee there may be a case for regulatory appointment of the auditors 14 Mid tier firms are of the opinion that the role of the audit committees...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20
báo cáo hóa học:" The adequacy of policy responses to the treatment needs of South Africans living with HIV (1999-2008): a case study" doc
... assessment of the response of the South African Government to the epidemic over the period, 1999 to 2008 It focuses on one of the most important issues of the epidemic, namely, access to treatment ... that the value of one year of human life is equivalent to the value of per capita South Africa's GDP in the year of that human life That is, the value of one year of human life is equivalent to the ... that the loss of production will be related to adjustments necessary, not the earnings of the replaced individual The other main approach is based on willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce the risk of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20
báo cáo khoa học: "Local suffering and the global discourse of mental health and human rights: An ethnographic study of responses to mental illness in rural Ghana" pptx
... and their family members questions focused on the history of the person's illness, the symptoms and course of the illness, possible causes, the impact of the illness on the individual and the ... when the mad people come first it is difficult, so we have to chain them to be able to pray for them for the evil spirit to leave them, for them to have their peace There is no money, otherwise ... scars on their ankles, evidence of the abrasion caused by the shackles Some were resentful of the treatment received at the hands of their families, or of healers or pastors into whose care they...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
An asthma allergen specific animal model for the study of responses to dust mite allergen induced asthma
... mediators can profoundly affect the permeability of the vascular endothelium, allowing the migration of circulating immune cells to migrate through the endothelium into the site of inflammation These ... orchestrator of immune responses These cells produce a variety of cytokines that affect the function of the other cells in the immune system, both in the adaptive and innate immune components of the ... infections The role of the innate immune system of the lung is not only to protect the host from respiratory pathogens but also to maintain homeostasis The innate immune system is the first component of...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 21:56
Báo cáo khoa học: Binding of cGMP to the transducin-activated cGMP phosphodiesterase, PDE6, initiates a large conformational change involved in its deactivation ppt
... 2C) In the former preparation, the [3H]cGMP-binding activity appeared to be proportional to the level of Pab; however, the molecular ratio of [3H]cGMP to Pab in the Pabccd was < 0.01 These observations ... However, the plateau indicates the level of [3H]cGMP-bound Pabc trapped by the filter In this case, the filter trapped 16% of the Pabc existing in the mixture [3H]cGMP binding to PabcÆPc The level of ... on the conformational change of Pabc by cGMP binding (A) The time to detect the increase in the level of [3H]cGMPbound Pabc trapped by the filter The experiment was carried out as a part of the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:21
... liberty, is used to drag the stone and to raise one end to fall on the top of B; the weight of the stone now sets the three parts in opposition to each other An animal touching the bait in the slightest ... denominated the scribe, marks upon the left side of the body, as it lies on the ground, the extent of the incision which is to be made; then another, who is called the dissector, cuts open as much of the ... overlap the other to the extent of six inches It is then turned back and pegged down in the same way as the right-hand net The next operation is to tie the forked line to each top end of the staves,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 13:20
Health policy responses to the f inancial crisis in Europe doc
... due to a lack of reliable sources of funding, and therefore decided to wait until after the crisis In Georgia the transfer of hospital infrastructure ownership from the state to the private sector ... debate took place over the question of where to cut and how much to cut Second, the Estonian health system invested appropriately in the health sector before the crisis; when the crisis struck, the ... billion to AMD 53 billion This reduction was due to the economic crisis and was contrary to the goals of the government’s health policy to increase public funds allocated to the health sector and the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20
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