students personal information and background knowledge of note taking

Students perspectives on the role of note taking consecutive interpreting a case of english translation and interpreting majored senior students at can tho university

Students perspectives on the role of note taking consecutive interpreting a case of english translation and interpreting majored senior students at can tho university

... action of noting down key points of information is called note- taking Note- taking has been always considered as one important element in consecutive interpreting In facts, the importance of note- taking ... understanding of the importance of note- taking as well as aiming to provide an overall looks of note- taking in consecutive interpreting, the purpose of this current paper is to investigate the students ... giving the general rules of what to note, how to note and how to read back notes, she introducing the principles and main approaches of note- taking from Rozan, Matyssek and Seleskovitch The second...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2016, 20:02

45 792 1
Personal identity and self-knowledge

Personal identity and self-knowledge

... of personal identity.6 The general form which a criterion of identity for things of a kind K takes is this: (Ck) If x and y are things of kind K, then x is identical with y if and only if x and ... 1993) and my ‘Objects and Criteria of Identity’, in Bob Hale and Crispin Wright (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language (Oxford: Blackwell, 1997) Personal identity and self -knowledge ... survive but which the lump of bronze cannot, and vice versa And the reason why the ‘combined’ weight of the statue and the lump of bronze is just that of the lump of bronze alone is that the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

34 460 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-occurrence Information and a Combination of Case Elements" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-occurrence Information and a Combination of Case Elements" pdf

... possible modifyees of “keisatsu-de” are “aruiteiru” and “hogo-shita” Taking into account information about the co-occurrence of “keisatsude” and “arui-teiru” and of “keisatsu-de” and “hogo-shita” ... kinds of information: the dependency relation between multiple cases where multiple nouns of the same case not modify a verb, and the co-occurrence of nouns and verbs One way to use such information ... balance of the two probabilities, and is fixed to the best value by considering development data (different from the training data)1 Reranking Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 482 0
Students' perceptions of note-taking skill to prepare for the TOEFL iBT test at Equest English Center = Nhận thức về kỹ năng ghi chép thông tin của học sinh đan

Students' perceptions of note-taking skill to prepare for the TOEFL iBT test at Equest English Center = Nhận thức về kỹ năng ghi chép thông tin của học sinh đan

... towards note- taking skills …………………… 29 3.5.2 Students perceptions of benefits of note- taking skills ………… 30 3.5.3 Students perceptions of difficulties in note- taking skills ……… 31 3.5.4 Students ... revision and review to stimulate recall of the information heard In a study of college students' theory of note- taking, Van Meter, Yokoi, and Pressley (1994) noted that most college students take notes ... majority of the students well perceived of the usefulness of note- taking skills for the TOEFL iBT test Besides, a great deal of students had good perceptions of the benefits of note- taking skills,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

53 1K 0
Effect of poverty on the relationship between personal exposures and ambient concentrations of air pollutants in ho chi minh city

Effect of poverty on the relationship between personal exposures and ambient concentrations of air pollutants in ho chi minh city

... mean and standard deviation (sd) of ppb (sd= 1.4 ppb) and 0.74 ppb 222 (sd =0.7 ppb) leading to a limit of detection (LOD) of 5.2 and 2.8 ppb for personal and fixed sites, 223 respectively 88% of ... for study design and sampling 77 scheme) For each participant, personal monitoring of PM2.5 and PM10 (mass and filter absorbance) and 78 NO2 was conducted along with completion of a 24-hr time ... participants and lower personal concentration with 307 increased time of AC usage) For a standard deviation increase in ambient concentration of PM2.5 (21 308 µg/m3) and PM10 (38 µg/m3), the personal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 17:48

38 379 0
The use of note taking strategies for listening comprehension among english majored senior students at can tho university

The use of note taking strategies for listening comprehension among english majored senior students at can tho university

... Degree of helpfulness of each note- taking strategy 19 Frequency of use of each note- taking strategy 19 Degree of helpfulness of each note- taking strategy 20 Degree of helpfulness of ... proficiency students tended to take more complete notes than low proficiency students; (2) high proficiency students made somewhat better use of the note- taking guide than did low proficiency students; ... deal of incorrect information in the notes, although 40% of the low proficiency students had written wrong or incomplete information in blanks in the note- taking guide; (4) lower proficiency students...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2016, 20:15

38 395 1
46170 greetings personal information and uk countries

46170 greetings personal information and uk countries

... 23:00 19.30 F Write the name of each country Write the correct number on the map Follow the example: The United Kingdom: – Northern Ireland _ 234- G The capital of United Kingdom is ... I’m fine thanks And you? Hi, Alex! My name`s Glory How are you? Hello, Marty! Parker? How you spell it? Nice to meet you, too See you! E They are greeting you at different times of the day Fill ... Sophie: ! William: _? Sophie: I’m ok And you? William: Sophie: What’s your name? William: _William Sophie: oh, and what’s your surname? William: ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 13:30

3 112 0
Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm  “Inspire and reinforce knowledge of English lessons by short songs”

Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm “Inspire and reinforce knowledge of English lessons by short songs”

... means of actively supporting the most efficient process of deeper integration of the country So improving the quality of education in general and the quality of English in particular is one of ... , rhythm , and a points of English grammar , help them memorize more easily Thereby fostering pure soul , love of culture and beauty of foreign languages in general and the beauty of the English ... “Inspire and reinforce knowledge of English lessons by short songs” Students infatuated with songs Quang Yen Primary school Teacher: Pham Thi Thuy - 8- “Inspire and reinforce knowledge of English...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2017, 11:26

21 278 1
DSpace at VNU: Effect of poverty on the relationship between personal exposures and ambient concentrations of air pollutants in Ho Chi Minh City

DSpace at VNU: Effect of poverty on the relationship between personal exposures and ambient concentrations of air pollutants in Ho Chi Minh City

... (mean and median) of individual longitudinal correlation between ambient (mean levels between two fixed site monitors for PM, and nearest monitor for NO2) and personal pollutants levels by SES and ... of the rainy and dry season vs 35 and 33 for the non-poor study participants), had a different effect on the personal level of PM2.5 absorbance compared with the personal levels of NO2 For the ... distribution of daily personal exposures to PM10 and PM2.5 were measured, with average exposures of 103.4 and 64.6 mg/m3 respectively, along with mean NO2 personal exposure of 16.2 ppb This is...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 06:34

10 175 0
transformation of knowledge information and data theory and applications

transformation of knowledge information and data theory and applications

... rules of the form r = (L →K R) where L and R are graphs (the left- and right-hand side of r, respectively) and K is a set of nodes shared by L and R In a graphical representation of r, L and R ... expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher Transformation of Knowledge, Information and Data: Theory and Applications Table of Contents Preface ... Transformation of Knowledge, Information and Data: Theory and Applications Patrick van Bommel University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Information Science Publishing Hershey...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:33

339 806 0


... Among them, Faculty of Information Technology is considered the most important one with a largest number of students Like other students of ICTU in general, students of Faculty of Information Technology ... appropriate and met the students demand 17% of students added that they were very satisfied with the design of each unit A small portion of students (15%) criticized against the titles of each units and ... needs of students of ICTU whose the knowledge of expertise is designed by IT lecturers of ICTU In other words, the textbooks not go together with the IT knowledge students learned Being aware of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 13:03

74 1,1K 0
An Evaluation of the coursebook “English for Information Technology I” for second–year students of University of Information and Communication Technology under Thai Nguyen University

An Evaluation of the coursebook “English for Information Technology I” for second–year students of University of Information and Communication Technology under Thai Nguyen University

... Among them, Faculty of Information Technology is considered the most important one with a largest number of students Like other students of ICTU in general, students of Faculty of Information Technology ... appropriate and met the students demand 17% of students added that they were very satisfied with the design of each unit A small portion of students (15%) criticized against the titles of each units and ... needs of students of ICTU whose the knowledge of expertise is designed by IT lecturers of ICTU In other words, the textbooks not go together with the IT knowledge students learned Being aware of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 16:39

74 676 1
Applying method of project based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students

Applying method of project based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students

... method of project-based teaching in teaching knowledge of electric power production and use for high school students Purposes Research apply project method of teaching in “production and use of electric ... projects suitable for qualification and characteristics of students 2.2 Building system of subjects on production and use of electric power 2.2.1 Principles of choosing and building project subjects: ... processes of teaching by project method in pedagogical experiment, beside accepting knowledge (on production and use of electric power), the students also form and develop their capacities of knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2015, 21:21

27 409 1
An evaluation of course book “english unlimited  elementary” for first year students of university of information and communication technology under thai nguyen university

An evaluation of course book “english unlimited elementary” for first year students of university of information and communication technology under thai nguyen university

... the perspectives of students and teachers of ICTU With this regard, the study tries to assess the relevance of the coursebook to the students needs in terms of knowledge, skills and methodology ... being available in the hand of students and teachers, and used systematically in a course of study, and a course of study in this article refers to an English course of study In Richards (2001:251) ... Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Economic Information System, Faculty of Autonomic Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Communication Technology, Faculty of Basic Science, Faculty of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 19:26

70 281 0
Motivation in learning english speaking of the second year tourism major students at tourism and foreign language department, sao do college of industry

Motivation in learning english speaking of the second year tourism major students at tourism and foreign language department, sao do college of industry

... each other and the norm of tolerance; which helps students feel safe and comfortable taking risks It is very important to make students that mistakes are a natural part of learning, and to ensure ... involves a good deal of listening and understanding of how the other participants are feeling and a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allow others to so Real item information processing: ... Platt and Weber (1985), (replicated in Nuna., 1999) characterize four dimensions of communicative competences as follows: - Knowledge of the Grammar and Vocabulary of the language - Knowledge of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

46 2,4K 17
Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

Music cover, the effects of it and The attitudes of NEU’s students to Music cover in Vietnam

... (1) The real definition of music cover and NEU’s students knowledge about the definition (2) The influence of music covers on Vietnamese music; (3) The thoughts of NEU’s students about music cover ... understanding of “Music cover” 1.2 The real definition of “Music cover” To explain and make everybody understand clearly about “music cover” and “music copy”, the report researched Bern Convention and ... Besides it, in order to understand clearly about knowledge of students of Music cover, the author also asked them about the categories "music covers" that they know, and the answers are: 53% choose...

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2013, 20:53

23 568 0