students participation in speaking classes cycle 1



... roles in the stages of teaching speaking 1. 5 Difficulties encountered in teaching and learning speaking 1. 5 .1 Difficulties in teaching speaking 1. 5.2 Difficulties in learning speaking ... speaking 10 1. 5.3 Methods of teaching speaking 10 1. 5.4 A successful speaking lesson in classroom 12 1. 6 Willingness to Communicate – Willingness to speak 13 1. 7 Teacher-student ... on students willingness to speak vi Table 8: Students participation in speaking classes (cycle 1) vi Table 9: The students survey questionnaires (cycle 2) vi Table 10 : Students participation...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:28

62 742 0
A survey of teachers’ use of post-reading activities at Hon Gai high school = Khảo sát về việc sử dụng các hoạt động sau bài đọc của giáo viên trường trung học

A survey of teachers’ use of post-reading activities at Hon Gai high school = Khảo sát về việc sử dụng các hoạt động sau bài đọc của giáo viên trường trung học

... questionnaire 17 5.2 For the interview 17 Data analysis 17 6 .1 Survey questionnaire for teachers 17 6 .1. 1 The frequency that teachers implement post-reading 17 iv activities in a class 6 .1. 1 .1 The table ... studying program for students 26 6.2 Survey questionnaire for students 6.2 .1 The effectiveness of post reading activities in students thinking 6.2 .1. 1 The table shows the students thinking about ... questionnaire for students 24 6.2 .1 The effectiveness of post-reading activities in students 24 thinking 6.2 .1. 1 The table shows the students thinking about the 24 effectiveness of post-reading activities...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:55

83 909 2
Tài liệu Aligning Post-Secondary Educational Choices to Societal Needs pdf

Tài liệu Aligning Post-Secondary Educational Choices to Societal Needs pdf

... 2000–20 01 Undergraduate Students Country Graduate Students Total Students Number % Number % Number % Arab countries (including Qatar) 2 31 37 10 9 26 340 19 9 32 11 8 28 317 10 5 17 14 6 34 2 51 13 53 12 13 3 ... studied in Arab countries (including Qatar), followed by 30 percent studying in the United States and 24 percent studying in the United Kingdom Most recipients studied engineering, business, or ... 317 10 5 17 14 6 34 2 51 13 53 12 13 3 13 1 620 10 0 427 10 0 1, 047 10 0 41 24 80 59 30 United Kingdom Graduate Students, as % of Total 32 United States Undergraduate Students, as % of Total Other Western...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 02:20

95 213 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Switching of the homooligomeric ATP-binding cassette transport complex MDL1 from post-translational mitochondrial import to endoplasmic reticulum insertion pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Switching of the homooligomeric ATP-binding cassette transport complex MDL1 from post-translational mitochondrial import to endoplasmic reticulum insertion pptx

... 279, 14 473 14 476 14 Pfanner N, Wiedemann N, Meisinger C & Lithgow T (2004) Assembling the mitochondrial outer membrane Nat Struct Mol Biol 11 , 10 44 10 48 15 Neupert W (19 97) Protein import into ... 66, 863– 917 16 Schatz G & Dobberstein B (19 96) Common principles of protein translocation across membranes Science 2 71, 15 19 15 26 17 Gavel Y & von Heijne G (19 90) Cleavage-site motifs in mitochondrial ... immunoblotting using an MDL1-specific antibody (A) Total membranes (10 mgÆmL )1) of cells expressing MDL1 or MDL1(60-695) were solubilized in presence of 1% (w ⁄ v) digitonin (B) Digitonin-solubilized...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20

13 615 0
Management of Complications of Chronic Liver Disease: “When to Refer to Transplant?” docx

Management of Complications of Chronic Liver Disease: “When to Refer to Transplant?” docx

... plasma proteins including albumin, transferrin, prealbumin, and retinol-binding protein that are synthesized by the liver has been used to determine visceral protein nutriture • Diminished serum ... function is unimpaired • When utilizing the creatinine-height index, dietary protein intake, trauma, and infection must be considered since they all can alter creatinine excretion Nutritional Assessment ... Cholestyramine and colestipol, bile acid binding resins, may deplete enteral bile acids and interfere with fat-soluble vitamin absorption from the intestines • Vitamin A and vitamin E require...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 10:20

59 1,8K 0
Information Bulletin for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Post Graduate) For admission to MD/MS/Post Graduate Diploma Courses 2013 Admission Session potx

Information Bulletin for National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Post Graduate) For admission to MD/MS/Post Graduate Diploma Courses 2013 Admission Session potx

... Check -in Procedure Test Start Time Test End Time Forenoon Session 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:00 AM to 10 :00 AM 10 :00 AM 1: 15 PM Afternoon Session 14 :15 PM 14 :45 PM 14 :15 PM TO 15 :15 PM 15 :15 PM 18 :30 PM Kindly ... Bulletin 12 Scheme of Examination 13 Schedule of Examination 15 Test Centres/ Venue 17 Reservations and Domicile 20 Instructions for filling application form 22 10 Caution Notice 31 11 Results 33 12 ... candidates/information contained herein, the interpretation of the National Board of Examinations will be final and binding 2 .13 Requests are not entertained for change in date/ examination centre...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

88 286 0
báo cáo sinh học:" Analysis of a survey on young doctors'''' willingness to work in rural Hungary pptx

báo cáo sinh học:" Analysis of a survey on young doctors'''' willingness to work in rural Hungary pptx

... /1/ 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Gaál P: Health Care Systems in Transition - Hungary Copenhagen: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; 2004 Dussault G, Franceschini M: ... them [10 ,13 ] By analogy, the proposed system of medical students and young doctors doing their practical training partly in rural areas might also be effective [4,5] in providing insight into ... Szabolcs-SzatmárBereg 19 .0 Tolna 10 1. 9 Tolna 22.5 Vas 19 3.6 Vas 28.3 Veszprém 11 2 .1 Veszprém 24.2 Zala 1. 3 Zala 24.2 Total 524 10 0 Country average 32.3 Girasek et al Human Resources for Health 2 010 , 8 :13 /1/ 13...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

6 420 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Psychometric evaluation of the Osteoporosis Patient Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (OPSAT-Q™), a novel measure to assess satisfaction with bisphosphonate treatment in postmenopausal women" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Psychometric evaluation of the Osteoporosis Patient Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (OPSAT-Q™), a novel measure to assess satisfaction with bisphosphonate treatment in postmenopausal women" potx

... 16 .9 15 .7 14 .3 10 .6 83.3 83.3 83.3 95.8 86.9 1. 0% 1. 0% 1. 0% 1. 0% 1. 0% 10 .7% 22.3% 28.2% 45.6% 4.8% 31 10 0 17 10 0 17 10 0 42 10 0 44 10 0 Floor = percent who answered minimum value Ceiling = percent ... = 10 4) 65 .1 (10 .3) 67 (64.4%) (1. 0%) 36 (34.6%) 25 (24.0%) 77 (74.0%) (1. 9%) 17 (16 .3%) 19 (18 .3%) 61 (58.7%) (6.7%) (3.8%) 38 (36.5%) 31 (29.8%) 19 (18 .3%) 10 (9.6%) (1. 9%) 6.4 ± 7.0 16 (15 .4%) ... manuscript and participated in the study design, analysis and interpretation of findings All authors read and approved the final manuscript 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 National Institutes of Health: Osteoporosis...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

9 630 0
.This document was created by an unregistered ChmMagic, please go to to docx

.This document was created by an unregistered ChmMagic, please go to to docx

... basic built -in types The most advanced form is the class, discussed in Chapters 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 and 14 This chapter discusses other forms, including arrays, which hold several values of a single type; ... information contained herein Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 20 010 89224 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: November 20 01 03 02 01 00 Trademarks All terms mentioned in this ... Questions Programming Exercises Chapter 17 INPUT, OUTPUT, AND FILES An Overview of C++ Input and Output Output with cout Input with cin File Input and Output Incore Formatting What Now? Summary...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

1,6K 387 0
Idioms that refer to living creatures with fur or feathers pps

Idioms that refer to living creatures with fur or feathers pps

... we often talk about - thường nói về: an early bird : * a person who gets out of bed early in the morning: người thức dậy sớm vào buổi sáng e.g "My uncle's an early bird He gets up each day at ... o'clock." "Chú tao người thức dậy sớm Mỗi ngày dậy lúc sáng." * someone that arrives early for something: người đến sớm e.g "You're an early bird! It's only five-thirty and the class doesn't start...

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 10:20

3 148 0
Báo cáo y học: " Physiotherapy-supervised mobilization and exercise following cardiac surgery: a national questionnaire survey in Sweden" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Physiotherapy-supervised mobilization and exercise following cardiac surgery: a national questionnaire survey in Sweden" pot

... sitting on edge of bed or in chair 97% 52% 48% standing 93% 55% 48% 34% walking in the room 28% 79% 52% 34% walking in the corridor stair climbing 28% 0% 66% 0% 93% 21% 41% 38% 24% 28% 10 % 10 % ... Int 2007, 12 :59- 71 10 Innocenti D: An overview of the development of breathing exercises into the specialty of physiotherapy for heart and lung conditions Physiotherapy 19 95, 81: 6 81- 693 11 Chulay ... Unilateral 3% 17 % 34% 31% Bilateral 10 % 69% 76% 66% Lower extremities ROM exercises 41% 31% 28% 24% Relaxation techniques 14 % 14 % 7% 3% Body awareness, posture exercises 3% 10 % 14 % 10 % Massage...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

7 437 0
Báo cáo y học: "Investigating the complementary value of discrete choice experiments for the evaluation of barriers and facilitators in implementation research: a questionnaire survey" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Investigating the complementary value of discrete choice experiments for the evaluation of barriers and facilitators in implementation research: a questionnaire survey" pptx

... guideline Time investment* RI 12 8500 (1) 10 2877 (2) 5832 (3) 0656 (4) 4579 (5) 8002 (6) 5743 (7) 17 16 (8) 8736 (9) 18 13 (10 ) 0234 (11 ) 8478 (12 ) 4884 (13 ) 3883 (14 ) 13 48 (15 ) 2989 (16 ) 02 71 (17 ) ... Res 19 84, 11 :14 8 -15 5 Page 11 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) Implementation Science 2009, 4 :10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 /1/ 10 Oppewal ... writing 13 In my opinion working according the guideline requires the availability of written information that supports the oral counselling at discharge 14 In my opinion working according the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

12 399 1
Báo cáo y học: "A cross-sectional study of the number and frequency of terms used to refer to knowledge translation in a body of health literature in 2006: a Tower of Babel?" pps

Báo cáo y học: "A cross-sectional study of the number and frequency of terms used to refer to knowledge translation in a body of health literature in 2006: a Tower of Babel?" pps

... 359 15 .7 13 .3 *32.3 12 .3 *27.0 13 .0 Information 317 12 .3 12 .2 *22.4 11 .4 ** *17 .8 11 .9 Change 19 7 * *10 .4 6.8 *22.4 6.4 *19 .7 6.8 Policy 16 5 7.9 5.9 * *11 .9 5.9 *15 .8 5.8 Evaluation 13 1 7.6 4.3 *15 .9 ... Association 59 16 (27%) 8 (14 %) 16 8 13 (8%) (6%) (4%) 48 (19 %) (10 %) (10 %) 14 8 (5%) (3%) (1% ) Nursing Research 49 (14 %) (12 %) (14 %) Nursing Inquiry 31 (3%) (0%) (3%) 503 12 .7% 7.5% 5.8% Addiction International ... 2004, 10 7(Pt 1) : 311 - 316 McKibbon et al Implementation Science 2 010 , 5 :16 /1/ 16 Page 11 of 11 12 Wilczynski NL, Haynes RB, Lavis JN, Ramkissoonsingh...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

11 599 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Investigating the complementary value of discrete choice experiments for the evaluation of barriers and facilitators in implementation research: a questionnaire survey" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Investigating the complementary value of discrete choice experiments for the evaluation of barriers and facilitators in implementation research: a questionnaire survey" pot

... guideline Time investment* RI 12 8500 (1) 10 2877 (2) 5832 (3) 0656 (4) 4579 (5) 8002 (6) 5743 (7) 17 16 (8) 8736 (9) 18 13 (10 ) 0234 (11 ) 8478 (12 ) 4884 (13 ) 3883 (14 ) 13 48 (15 ) 2989 (16 ) 02 71 (17 ) ... Res 19 84, 11 :14 8 -15 5 Page 11 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes) Implementation Science 2009, 4 :10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 /1/ 10 Oppewal ... writing 13 In my opinion working according the guideline requires the availability of written information that supports the oral counselling at discharge 14 In my opinion working according the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:21

12 484 0
Báo cáo y học: " Chronic persistent cough in the community: a questionnaire survey" pps

Báo cáo y học: " Chronic persistent cough in the community: a questionnaire survey" pps

... 2002, 12 1(4) :11 23 -11 31 Morice AH, Kastelik JA: Cough 1: Chronic cough in adults Thorax 2003, 58 (10 ):9 01- 907 Dicpinigaitis PV, Rauf K: The influence of gender on cough reflex sensitivity Chest 19 98, ... reflex sensitivity Chest 19 98, 11 3(5) :13 19 -13 21 Page of (page number not for citation purposes) Cough 2007, 3:5 12 13 14 15 16 17 /1/ 5 Fujimura M, Sakamoto S, ... 19 89, 298(6687) :15 56 -15 60 Cullinan P: Persistent cough and sputum: prevalence and clinical characteristics in south east England Resp Med 19 92, 86(2) :14 3 -14 9 Birring SS, Prudon B, Carr AJ, Singh...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20

7 248 0
Báo cáo y học: "Demographic survey of pediatric patients presenting to a chiropractic teaching clinic" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Demographic survey of pediatric patients presenting to a chiropractic teaching clinic" docx

... women, infants, and children program Pediatrics 2006, 11 8(2):e243-e250 Miller Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2 010 , 18 :33 /18 /1/ 33 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Page ... 32:607- 615 doi :10 .11 86 /17 46 -13 40 -18 -33 Cite this article as: Miller: Demographic survey of pediatric patients presenting to a chiropractic teaching clinic Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2 010 18 :33 Submit ... on Infant Positioning and SIDS: Positioning and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): update Pediatrics 19 96, 98 :12 16 -12 18 Miller J, Klemsdal M: Can chiropractic improve infant’s sleep? J Clin...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

4 210 0
Báo cáo y học: "Psychiatrists'''' attitudes towards autonomy, best interests and compulsory treatment in anorexia nervosa: a questionnaire survey" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Psychiatrists'''' attitudes towards autonomy, best interests and compulsory treatment in anorexia nervosa: a questionnaire survey" docx

... 7.72 (1. 01) 6.32 (1. 30) 5.27 (1. 52) p-value 0 .16 < 0.0 01 0 .12 Eating disorder specialist Eating disorder 10 8 7.93 (0.84) 6.49 (1. 50) 4.85 (1. 63) Non-eating disorder 578 7.65 (1. 01) 6.42 (1. 25) ... 7.63 (1. 07) 6.40 (1. 33) 5.34 (1. 57) Female 328 7.76 (0.89) 6.48 (1. 24) 5.06 (1. 41) p-value 0.09 0.72 0. 01 Duration of practice More than 10 years 440 7.64 (1. 04) 6.48 (1. 34) 5 .13 (1. 50) Up to 10 ... re-feeding of patients with anorexia nervosa.' 1. 3 3.2 1. 9 3 .1 11. 5 42.6 36.3 C14 'The Mental Health Act is used too often in the treatment of anorexia nervosa.' 9 .1 20.6 14 .0 51. 0 3.4 1. 3 0.6 C15...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

14 259 0
Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers  A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

Students’ Attitudes Towards the Teaching of Speaking by Native-English-Speaking Teachers A Survey Research at Thai Binh Teacher Training College

... Teaching Approach in Teaching Speaking and Communicative Competence ……………………… .11 -12 1. 2.6 Principles of Teaching Speaking …………………………… 12 -13 v 1. 2.7 Classroom Speaking Activities ………………………………… .13 -14 ... teaching and learning in Vietnam 1. 2 The Teaching of Speaking 1. 2 .1 Definitions of Speaking There have existed different definitions of speaking, which depends on each scholar‘s point of view to speaking ... ………………………………………5 1. 1.3 The Role of Attitude in Second Language Acquisition ……… 6-7 1. 2 The Teaching of Speaking …………………………………………… 7 -16 1. 2 .1 Definitions of Speaking …………………………………………7-8 1. 2.2 The Position...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:28

56 848 0
Teachers' difficulties in teaching English listening skills to the 11th -grade at Daimo High school, Hanoi and some suggested solutions = Khó khăn của giáo viên

Teachers' difficulties in teaching English listening skills to the 11th -grade at Daimo High school, Hanoi and some suggested solutions = Khó khăn của giáo viên

... teaching and learning conditions in DM school 16 2 .1. 1 Subjective factors_Human 16 2 .1. 1 .1 The learners_ Grade 11 th students 16 2 .1. 1.2 The teachers 16 2 .1. 2 Objective ... Clarifying the practices of teaching and learning ELS in grades 11 in DM school - Finding out the difficulties teachers and students in grades 11 in DM school have had to undergo - Suggesting some ... elements in DM high school clarified 2 .1. 1 Subjective factors_ Human 2 .1. 1 .1 The learners – Grade 11 th students The samples of students here are restricted to five 11 th form classes (among seven 11 th...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

61 1,1K 2