students evaluation of vocabulary in the coursebook english for automotive engineering

english compound nouns in a contrastive analysis with the vietnamese equivalents and some implications for teaching and learning vocabulary in the textbook  english for the hotel and tourist industry

english compound nouns in a contrastive analysis with the vietnamese equivalents and some implications for teaching and learning vocabulary in the textbook english for the hotel and tourist industry

... words The meaning of compounds is one of the central focuses of linguists’ interest That is the concern about correlation of the separate meanings of the constituents and the actual meaning of the ... students can have the meanings of the full form As in these compounds, the meaning of the compound's components contributes to the meaning of the whole compounds And developing a basic rule of ... reflected in the morphologically structure The meaning of the head noun is fully contained in the meaning of the compound In wall-flower, for example, the head flower denotes a particular kind of flower...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:29

51 3,1K 10


... teachers‘ evaluation of the coursebook English for IT I‖ 27 3.2.1 The evaluation of the content 27 3.2.2 The evaluation of the format 32 3.2.3 The evaluation of the methodology ... misunderstanding Scope of the study The coursebook English for IT I” has been used as the official teaching materials in the ESP course English for IT I‖ for second-year students for five years In material ... objectives of the course The purpose of this study is to reveal the findings and information about the coursebook evaluation from the perspectives of students and teachers of ICTU With this regard, the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 13:03

74 1,1K 0
An Evaluation of the coursebook “English for Information Technology I” for second–year students of University of Information and Communication Technology under Thai Nguyen University

An Evaluation of the coursebook “English for Information Technology I” for second–year students of University of Information and Communication Technology under Thai Nguyen University

... teachers‘ evaluation of the coursebook English for IT I‖ 27 3.2.1 The evaluation of the content 27 3.2.2 The evaluation of the format 32 3.2.3 The evaluation of the methodology ... misunderstanding Scope of the study The coursebook English for IT I” has been used as the official teaching materials in the ESP course English for IT I‖ for second-year students for five years In material ... objectives of the course The purpose of this study is to reveal the findings and information about the coursebook evaluation from the perspectives of students and teachers of ICTU With this regard, the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 16:39

74 676 1
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of changes in the landscape management and its influence on animal migration in the vicinity of the D1 motorway in Central Bohemia" ppsx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Evaluation of changes in the landscape management and its influence on animal migration in the vicinity of the D1 motorway in Central Bohemia" ppsx

... occupation of biotopes Gradual increase in 318 Twilight acreage of forest vegetation in the surroundings of the D1 motorway was found Forests accounted for 14.72% of the area of interest in 1949, and in ... anthropogenic pressure influencing the landscape structures in the vicinity of the linear construction in the form of a motorway, and especially due to the accompanying structures of linear or polygon ... it was 44.24% of the size of the area of interest Commercial zone had only begun to appear there in 1988, when they accounted for 0.16% of the area At the same time, the area of forest vegetation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:21

9 353 0
A study on the bennefits of using portfolios as a means of assessment in the writing development for the third year stdents of english at hanoi pedagogical university no 2

A study on the bennefits of using portfolios as a means of assessment in the writing development for the third year stdents of english at hanoi pedagogical university no 2

... development of students It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase students learning and development (Erwin, 1991) ... TASKS OF THE RESEARCH The study consists of the following tasks: 1) To research into the definition and reasons for assessing students and principles of assessing students 2) To study theoretical ... peers and the students themselves with the hope of making the most of the writing portfolio process I.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH The major aims of the study are:  To investigate students ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 07:45

65 894 7
A pharmacoeconomic evaluation of bisphosphonates in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in singapore

A pharmacoeconomic evaluation of bisphosphonates in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in singapore

... were included in the metaanalyses for “all gastrointestinal side effects” but not included in the data pooling for “severe gastrointestinal side effects e Only measurements of BMD utilising Dual ... results in an increase in both the proportion of women living past menopause as well as the average number of years in which they live past menopause It has been shown that the incidence of fracture ... entered into Revman were printed out, and then checked back against the graphs in each of the full-text study if available, as the graphs allowed for an estimation of the difference in BMD Any...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:39

196 306 1
Glossary of the coursebook english for business administration with vietnamese translatiton  supplementary exercises

Glossary of the coursebook english for business administration with vietnamese translatiton supplementary exercises

... : to instruct the computer to present the information Truy cljp (dt1 li?u) til uuiy vi tinh Ex : We can mll_l1]2 a lot of information in the Internet to feed into I to type in I to key in ( ... grouped according to the particular process each performs Slf btl tri san xullt theo qui trinh Ex : In a process layout the cutting, gluing, and finishing or painting would all be done in different ... step in doing something Qui trinh ; thil tljc Ex : What techniques and procedures are used in the process of executive control ? finding(s) (n) : information I conclusions as the result of an investigation...

Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2017, 21:25

195 132 0


... at each point with its etalons into measured results with the standard etalon is the synchronizing of the rulers and the clocks as the synchronizing of clocks in the special theory of relativity ... along the orbit of the particle.But when the ruler and clock move along the orbit in the gravitational field, the length of ruler and rate of the clock vary at each point Because of this reason, the ... 2007 We see that in non-inertial frames of reference, the length of a line segment depends upon the region of space it is located in The length of the same line segment differs at points with different...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 06:21

7 461 1
practices for evaluation of concrete in existing massive structures for service conditions

practices for evaluation of concrete in existing massive structures for service conditions

... at the bottom of a freely suspended line indicating the relative movement at the top of the line compared to a scale at the bottom of the line, or an inverted plumb bob with the pointer located ... propagation methods The flatjack method involves cutting a slot in the concrete, inserting the flatjack, pressurizing the flatjack, and measuring the change in slot width The width across the slot location ... A formal report describing the condition of the concrete in the various structures of the project should be submitted to the owner or regulatory agency or engineering organization requesting the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:26

16 595 0
Technical english for automotive engineering  chapter 1  automotive introduction

Technical english for automotive engineering chapter 1 automotive introduction

... drived in mud or snow ( True False) Technical English for AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING True AUTOMOTIVE INTRODUCTION The engine produces mechanical power ( True False) 10 Drivetrain consist of a transmission, ... configuration is depicted in Figure 1.5, in which many of the important automotive systems are illustrated These systems include the following: Engine Instrumentation Drivetrain (transmission, differential, ... 10 h Double- j The system deck bus cools the engine during its operation Column A Sport-utility vehicles Omnibus Technical English for AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Column B Drivetrain system Navigation...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2016, 06:36

5 801 9
Technical english for automotive engineering  chapter 4 suspension

Technical english for automotive engineering chapter 4 suspension

... compressing the hydraulic fluid in the chamber below the piston The extension cycle occurs as the piston moves toward the top of the pressure tube, compressing the fluid in the chamber above the ... a bump in the road and causes the spring to coil and uncoil, the energy of the spring is transferred to the shock absorber through the upper mount, down through the piston rod and into the piston ... each other (except where joined by an anti-roll bar) These came into existance around 1930 and have been in use in one Fig 4.13: Coil Spring type Technical English for AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 24...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2016, 06:37

7 732 5
Technical english for automotive engineering  chapter 5 steering

Technical english for automotive engineering chapter 5 steering

... to the top end of the torsion bar The bottom of the torsion bar connects to the outer part of the spool valve The torsion bar also turns the output of the steering gear, connecting to either the ... the intermediate rod and on the other side on the suspension subframe Technical English for AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 30 STEERING SYSTEM 5.4 Power Steering There are a couple of key components in ... bolt, that sticks into the hole in the block Fig 5.5: Recirculating-ball steering When the steering wheel turns, it turns the bolt Instead of twisting further into the block the way a regular...

Ngày tải lên: 03/09/2016, 06:38

7 566 4
dificulties in memorizing esp vocabulary in the couse book  english for finance  faced by the second-year non-english major students at the academy of finance and some suggested solutions

dificulties in memorizing esp vocabulary in the couse book english for finance faced by the second-year non-english major students at the academy of finance and some suggested solutions

... analyzing the information gathering from formal interviews with 16 teachers from the English faculty of the AOF The design of the Study The study is composed of three parts The first part, Introduction, ... own vocabulary learning affect students vocabulary memorizing 14 CHAPTER THE INVESTIGATION 2.1 The context of the teaching and learning ESP vocabulary in English for Finance” at the AOF 2.1.1 ... compare - Ask them to explain the meanings of the words in English to their partners - Call students to blackboard to fill in - Call several students to explain meanings of the words during their friend‟s...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

54 885 0
An evaluation of the material english for chefs for the first year students in the cooking class at hai phong technological and vocational training school

An evaluation of the material english for chefs for the first year students in the cooking class at hai phong technological and vocational training school

... kind since there is no actual experience of using the coursebook - In- use evaluation or formative, from another perspective, is a kind of evaluation for suitability, involving “matching the coursebook ... for students of cooking class which helps provide students with certain knowledge of English specializing in cooking and boost students belief in the training quality of school Scope of the thesis ... as an official coursebook for students of cooking classes at HPTVTS for years but there hasn’t any evaluation of the effectiveness of the book in completing the content requirement of the course...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2016, 18:15

74 667 0
Tài liệu Final report "The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of Technology" docx

Tài liệu Final report "The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of Technology" docx

... Faculty of Foreign Language Ha Noi University of Technology The Situation of Learning English for Electrical Engineering of D06k52 Students in Faculty of Foreign Language, Ha Noi University of Technology ... the final test Techniques of gathering data including different types of questionnaires administered to students in d06, k52 in FOFL, HUT The study found that most of them found difficulties in ... finally, the researcher plotted information in diagram and explained in the report Questionnaire survey is really useful for collecting information which was used for supporting topic By using...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 12:15

7 768 2