students confidence in class using picture stories

A Study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth-grade pupils at Luong The Vinh Junior Secondary school

A Study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth-grade pupils at Luong The Vinh Junior Secondary school

... 4.1 Students’ attitudes toward the use of picture stories in their speaking lessons 17 4.2 Students’ involvement in the class 21 4.2.1 Students’ confidence in class using picture stories ... in speaking class using picture stories 24 4.3 Students’ difficulties in speaking lessons using picture stories 25 4.4 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of picture stories in ... 1: Students’ interest in picture stories reading 17 Chart 2: Students’ attitude toward the use of picture stories in speaking lessons 18 Chart 3: Students’ perception of picture stories

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:58

52 40 0
A study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

A study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

... Students’ attitudes toward the use of picture stories in their speaking lessons 17 4.2 Students’ involvement in the class 21 4.2.1 Students’ confidence in class using picture stories ... in speaking class using picture stories 24 4.3 Students’ difficulties in speaking lessons using picture stories 25 4.4 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of picture stories in ... 1: Students’ interest in picture stories reading 17 Chart 2: Students’ attitude toward the use of picture stories in speaking lessons 18 Chart 3: Students’ perception of picture stories

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:16

58 8 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) a study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

... 4.1 Students’ attitudes toward the use of picture stories in their speaking lessons 17 4.2 Students’ involvement in the class 21 4.2.1 Students’ confidence in class using picture stories ... in speaking class using picture stories 24 4.3 Students’ difficulties in speaking lessons using picture stories 25 4.4 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of picture stories in ... 1: Students’ interest in picture stories reading 17 Chart 2: Students’ attitude toward the use of picture stories in speaking lessons 18 Chart 3: Students’ perception of picture stories

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:03

52 43 0
A study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

A study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

... 4.1 Students’ attitudes toward the use of picture stories in their speaking lessons 17 4.2 Students’ involvement in the class 21 4.2.1 Students’ confidence in class using picture stories ... in speaking class using picture stories 24 4.3 Students’ difficulties in speaking lessons using picture stories 25 4.4 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of picture stories in ... 1: Students’ interest in picture stories reading 17 Chart 2: Students’ attitude toward the use of picture stories in speaking lessons 18 Chart 3: Students’ perception of picture stories

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 07:55

52 22 0
(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) A Study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth-grade pupils at Luong The Vinh Junior Secondary school

(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) A Study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth-grade pupils at Luong The Vinh Junior Secondary school

... 4.1 Students’ attitudes toward the use of picture stories in their speaking lessons 17 4.2 Students’ involvement in the class 21 4.2.1 Students’ confidence in class using picture stories ... in speaking class using picture stories 24 4.3 Students’ difficulties in speaking lessons using picture stories 25 4.4 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of picture stories in ... from picture stories, they find the lessons using this material type very interesting Thus, their intrinsic motivation is increased Secondly, using picture stories in speaking lessons make the classroom

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 08:47

52 10 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS a study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS a study on using picture stories in speaking class to motivate eighth grade pupils at luong the vinh junior secondary school

... Pupils‘ involvement in the class using picture stories - The teachers‘ perception of using picture stories in speaking class - The difficulties of using picture stories to teach speaking skill ... use of picture stories in speaking class Most of them like reading picture stories and find speaking lessons using this material type interesting Vocabulary used in the stories can be inferred ... from picture stories, they find the lessons using this material type very interesting Thus, their intrinsic motivation is increased Secondly, using picture stories in speaking lessons make the classroom

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2022, 22:27

52 4 0
Using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

Using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

... from speaking skill, PBL approach can be applied feasibly in listening, reading and writing skills or the combination of pairs, such as listening and speaking skills, reading and writing skills ... Patient responses IV Students - Students’ interaction Students are communicators Students are interesting, enthusiastic, and active 10 Students are attentive and involved 11 Students are encouraged ... group-work, problem-solving; - develop other skills such as finding information, collecting and analyzing data, applying information technology II Requirement: - Students work in groups of on a given

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2020, 13:17

70 62 0
Using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

Using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

... Patient responses IV Students - Students’ interaction Students are communicators Students are interesting, enthusiastic, and active 10 Students are attentive and involved 11 Students are encouraged ... group-work, problem-solving; - develop other skills such as finding information, collecting and analyzing data, applying information technology II Requirement: - Students work in groups of on a given ... improve ten – grade students’ confidence in English presentation skills The study was conducted as an action research focusing on improving ten – grade students’ confidence in English presentation

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 15:07

78 9 0
(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

... learning lessons help improve ten – grade students’ confidence in English presentation skills The study was conducted as an action research focusing on improving ten – grade students’ confidence in ... from speaking skill, PBL approach can be applied feasibly in listening, reading and writing skills or the combination of pairs, such as listening and speaking skills, reading and writing skills ... Patient responses IV Students - Students’ interaction Students are communicators Students are interesting, enthusiastic, and active 10 Students are attentive and involved 11 Students are encouraged

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2022, 09:57

70 4 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS using project based teaching to improve students’ confidence in english presentation skills at a high school in bac ninh province

... mainly focuses on improving ten – grade students’ confidence in English presentation skills at a High School in Bac Ninh province by using PBL It includes 48 ten – grade students who are in ... problem solving (include interpreting the effects of war or findings of an experiment); and Type 4 involve obtaining a certain item of skill or knowledge… Haines (1989:1) classifies projects into three ... the students who are interested in presenting English in class is still small Therefore, a question raised: “What make students lack confidence in presentation?” Rather interested inLittle interested

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2022, 09:27

70 11 0
An action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking English at Nguyen Ba Ngoc lower secondary school

An action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking English at Nguyen Ba Ngoc lower secondary school

... Fluency-focused speaking 1.1.4 Definition of confidence 1.5 The importance of students‟ confidence in language learning 1.1.6 Main factors affecting students‟ English speaking ... contents in the text book and English speaking lessons? a Very interesting b Interesting c Normal d Not very interesting e Boring VIII Question 5: How often you speak English in English class time? ... makes you interested in learning English speaking skill best? a Interesting topics b Exciting activities c Good teaching methods e Other: ………………………………………………………… IX Question 8: In speaking lesson,

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:05

71 8 0
An action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school

An action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school

... speaking 1.1.4 Definition of confidence 1.5 The importance of students‟ confidence in language learning 1.1.6 Main factors affecting students‟ English speaking ... contents in the text book and English speaking lessons? a Very interesting b Interesting c Normal d Not very interesting e Boring VIII Question 5: How often you speak English in English class time? ... makes you interested in learning English speaking skill best? a Interesting topics b Exciting activities c Good teaching methods e Other: ………………………………………………………… IX Question 8: In speaking lesson,

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 12:12

74 12 0
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) an action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school

(Luận văn thạc sĩ) an action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school

... Fluency-focused speaking 1.1.4 Definition of confidence 1.5 The importance of students‟ confidence in language learning 1.1.6 Main factors affecting students‟ English speaking ... contents in the text book and English speaking lessons? a Very interesting b Interesting c Normal d Not very interesting e Boring VIII Question 5: How often you speak English in English class time? ... makes you interested in learning English speaking skill best? a Interesting topics b Exciting activities c Good teaching methods e Other: ………………………………………………………… IX Question 8: In speaking lesson,

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:00

71 5 0


... experiences In other words, writing is a thinking process and is much more than just Language in India 13 : February 2013 Y Nirmala, M.Phil Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories ... writing and the uses of pictures in the ESL classroom will be listed Language in India 13 : February 2013 Y Nirmala, M.Phil Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories as Tools at ... then all the main ideas come in a logical order 2.7.2 Essay Writing Language in India 13 : February 2013 Y Nirmala, M.Phil Teaching Writing Using Picture Stories as Tools...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20

261 642 1
an action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school = nghiên cứu hành động nhằm nâng cao khả năng tự tin trong tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 9

an action research on methods to improve students’ confidence in speaking english at nguyen ba ngoc lower secondary school = nghiên cứu hành động nhằm nâng cao khả năng tự tin trong tiếng anh của học sinh lớp 9

... speaking English Question is attempting to measure the students frequency of speaking English in class time in order to show that the students are interested in practicing speaking in the class ... them gain confidence in speaking English In studying my on students confidence in speaking I want to confirm that how students feel about themselves and have further understanding about students ... very interesting 12% Boring 36 55% 24 Chart reveals that the majority of the students are not interested in learning speaking in the class 55% of the students had low interest Not many students...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

71 813 3
A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

A study on increasing students’ participation in communicative activities in large classes by using group work and questioning technique at marie curie high school, hai phong

... interaction in large classes - Training students to peer teaching in large classes - Managing effectively a large classroom - Using multimedia to increase students participation in large classes - Strategies ... and questioning in teaching English in large classes, there are more students participating in the lessons in the two experimental classes than those in control classes in which no interventions ... group work in class helped increase student talking time in the lesson B- Observation of using questioning in experimental class 11B4 (see appendix5) a- Class description - Class 11B4 (55 students) ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02

42 617 2
using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

using short stories in teaching english in the context of vietnam australia school - hanoi = việc sử dụng truyện ngắn trong giảng dạy tiếng anh tại ngữ cảnh trường trung học việt úc - hà nội

... of using short stories in teaching English was to improve students interest in learning and involve them in class activities Frequently, their aims of using short stories were to improve students ... techniques for integrating short stories in English teaching Some obstacles limiting the teachers‟ use of short stories in teaching and students learning were studied Understanding about students ... literature in general in language classes Following are some suggestions for further studies: using short stories for lower level students; using short stories to overcome cultural barriers; using short...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

65 1,2K 7
A study on students’ errors in using the English subjunctive mood = Nghiên cứu tình huống về những lỗi sai trong việc sử dụng thức giả định của sinh viên

A study on students’ errors in using the English subjunctive mood = Nghiên cứu tình huống về những lỗi sai trong việc sử dụng thức giả định của sinh viên

... expressed by the past indefinite of the indicative mood In the principal clause, we find the analytical subjunctive consisting of the mood auxiliary should or would and the indefinite infinitive Should ... given 0.2 point 2.3 Results In order to reveal the problems in using subjunctive mood of students, ninety intermediate-level students of Hai Phong Private University are participants in current ... errors in the present subjunctive are classified into two types: In some certain fixed expressions and in some object class We can see more kinds of mistakes that students often make in the past...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:34

63 583 0


... follows First, group work in class inevitably results in a noisy and chaotic classroom Right from the beginning of a group activity, the organization stage involving grouping students might 10 cause ... Listening attentively to peers, and/or taking notes, and rarely speaking 2.29 up (marginal interaction) Observing in silence, seemingly accepting whatever is discussed and 1.81 saying nothing to ... group work 26 3.2 Students' participation in in -class group work 32 3.3 Factors affecting students" participation m in- class group work 43 3.4 Teachers' monitoring strategies during group work 60...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 11:51

108 1,4K 1
A study on using short stories to improve the effeciency of teaching speaking and listening skills to students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre = Nghiên cứu

A study on using short stories to improve the effeciency of teaching speaking and listening skills to students at Haiphong Foreign Language Centre = Nghiên cứu

... the information of students attitude toward using short stories in language teaching, carefully chose the stories and applied them into her classes In the eight weeks of integrating short stories ... literature in language classes, followings are some suggestions for further studies - Using literature in teaching writing and reading skills - Using literature for students of lower levels - Using ... to find out students attitude toward using short stories in language teaching Information gathered is presented in Figures – and Table  Question seeks for the students interest in reading...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:54

48 1K 2