students attitudes towards using mind mapping techniques

Sử dụng CAP (quá trình áp dụng cụm từ kết hợp) để phát triển việc sử dụng cụm từ kết hợp trong các bài viết của 1 nhóm sinh viên năm thứ 2 hệ đào tạo chuẩn

Sử dụng CAP (quá trình áp dụng cụm từ kết hợp) để phát triển việc sử dụng cụm từ kết hợp trong các bài viết của 1 nhóm sinh viên năm thứ 2 hệ đào tạo chuẩn

... grammatically correct to using appropriate language to express opinions in the process of writing (Ross, 1968, p 253) Students not seem to have difficulty forming a central idea and using correct grammar ... familiar and simple words That is why language teachers not draw students attention to the collocations in a text, thereby causing students not to notice collocations and learn them To tackle this ... rectify students mistakes about collocations Biskup (1992, quoted in Ying and Hendricks, 2002, p 69) thinks it is vital that raising students awareness of the importance of learning and using...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:33

98 624 0
Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

Application of task-based language teaching in teaching writing to non-major English students at Namdinh industrial college = Áp dụng phương pháp dạy học theo đ

... choosing every ten students in each class, I hope to receive a participation of students Thus from 16 classes my total students will be 80 All students were taught English 9, and all are using English ... all the students aged 16; 50 students are female (62.5%), 30 students are male (37.5%) The percentage of the students rated themselves good and fairly good at English was 60% and 32 students ... the text Item 17 Asking students to discuss the text after reading Item 18 Asking students to summarize the text (written or oral) Item 19 Assigning students tasks to using the information in...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:07

82 749 0
On applying process approach in teaching writing skill for grade 10 non  major students at dong da high school

On applying process approach in teaching writing skill for grade 10 non major students at dong da high school

... major students hold a more positive attitude towards English writing; both English major students and non-English major students cannot handle the strategy of “coherence” well and English major students ... researcher randomly selected 20 students (4 students in each class) The interviews questions for students were translated into Vietnamese so as to avoid misunderstanding and the students could find it ... topic Leave time for students to 0 60 80 30 20 10 0 brainstorming Help students to make a simple 20 60 20 outline Ask students to discuss to 50 20 20 10 develop ideas Show students how to express...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:29

31 1,2K 6
Problems experienced by teachers in teaching writing to English major students at Hanoi University of Industry and suggested solutions  giáo viên gặp phải trong

Problems experienced by teachers in teaching writing to English major students at Hanoi University of Industry and suggested solutions giáo viên gặp phải trong

... improve students communicative competence Using time effectively 25.0% Students prepare lessons at home Teachers increase the speed of teaching 58.3% Students write at home 16.7% Chart 7: Using ... blamed for students failure in writing Among a large number of grammatical mistakes, teachers pointed out a typical one that students, especially first-year students, used to make: using “to ... feedback to your students? Problems in giving feedback to students Percentage a Written comments are time-consuming 41.7 % b The students often make the same mistake again 41.7 % c The students are...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:30

57 613 0
Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

Techniques in teaching writing for high school students

... on some techniques in teaching writing for high school students with the hope that it would contribute to the promotion of enhancing the teaching and learning writing among teachers and students ... when we want to evaluate the English level Many students, as well as teachers, consider writing so difficult that they hardly master it However, the students are not only to blame for this problem ... topic + Make list of everything that comes to your mind about it + Use words, phrases and sentences + Keep writing down whatever comes up to your mind until run out of ideas Outlining a paragraph...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 09:12

12 325 0
idea  generating activities in teaching writing

idea generating activities in teaching writing

... on idea- focusing techniques/ activities in teaching writing for high school students 40 - A study on idea- structuring techniques/ activities in teaching writing for high school students ... Table 7: Frequency of using some different activities to help students generate ideas Activity The table presents the frequency of using some different activities to help students generate ideas ... as much ideas from students as possible Teachers often get various and interesting ideas from students and they need to help students to choose the most suitable ones “Letting students discuss...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

40 488 0
skkn techniqes of using new language games in teaching grade 10 english lessons effectively

skkn techniqes of using new language games in teaching grade 10 english lessons effectively

... different students, especially students of the Old Semi-state school where there are much more weak students than advanced ones, I would like to present some abilities of techniques of using new ... Techniques of using new language GAMES in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively” Since education reform, students have loved learning English but mainly advanced students And weak students ... Techniques of using new language GAMES in teaching Grade 10 English lessons effectively” language Games which are considered to be the new teaching techniques in place of the old one that students...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 13:50

19 974 4
a study on teacher s difficulties in teaching writing skill to the 11th grade at a school in bac giang n

a study on teacher s difficulties in teaching writing skill to the 11th grade at a school in bac giang n

... that the students laziness and negative attitudes towards writing lessons all made it difficult for the teachers in teaching process In addition, large size classes with multi-level students ... teachers can give students are answering the questions to form a paragraph or making paragraph using given words (iii) Free Writing teaching Students write about any topics by using language to ... the writing + Providing necessary words and structures relating to topic by using open-guided techniques to remind what students have learned and teach how to use what words or structures they haven’t...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18

58 832 3
An investigation in paraphrasing experienced by vietnamese students of english in academic writing

An investigation in paraphrasing experienced by vietnamese students of english in academic writing

... to find methods to help students achieve better ways of students paraphrasing skill in academic writing? paraphrasing What are paraphrasing techniques that Vietnamese students of 1.2 AIMS AND ... quantitatively into categories: Students' ability to learn paraphrasing skills Students preference and difficulties of paraphrasing Students awareness of, and avoidance of plagiarism Students improvement ... Students Preference and Difficulties of Paraphrasing Students Awareness of Plagiarism and Its Avoidance Table 4.2 Students Preference and Difficulties of Paraphrasing Table 4.3 Students ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38

13 281 0


... prevent students from the production of ideas Step 2: Students extend ideas into note form Step 3: Students organize ideas and produce an outline Teacher gives out the checklist And then students ... (3 minutes) STUDENTS ACTIVITIES Some effective ways in teaching writing – Grade12 Aim: To motivate the students interest in the lesson - Teacher has students watch a video clip - Students watch ... writing stage is the time for students to think and develop ideas about a topic If students not prepare well enough they cannot write well The pre-writing stage lessens students anxiety and builds...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:32

41 596 0


... prevent students from the production of ideas Step 2: Students extend ideas into note form Step 3: Students organize ideas and produce an outline Teacher gives out the checklist And then students ... groups Students draft theirs writing thanks to the checklist and the format provided by teacher Teacher can help students by giving a set of guiding questions By answering these questions, students ... writing stage is the time for students to think and develop ideas about a topic If students not prepare well enough they cannot write well The pre-writing stage lessens students anxiety and builds...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2016, 02:32

47 566 0


... the students difficulties in paragraph writing Firstly, the study will find out the common errors that students are used to make, students background and students recommendations though the students ... help teachers of English deal with their students problems like using pictures and using readings with various activities such as working with the text using copying, working with the text to ... IV.1 Using pictures to teach paragraph writing IV.1.1 The reasons for using pictures in teaching paragraph writing Using pictures in teaching paragraph writing is very useful It not only helps students...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:40

61 1,4K 4
exploiting model essays in teaching ielts writing to students in foundation studies department hanoi university

exploiting model essays in teaching ielts writing to students in foundation studies department hanoi university

... instructive, providing significant pointers aiming to help students “crop up an extremely impressive job” • It enhances students work Students work may truly be improved when the author takes ... which was to teach students how to write argument-led essay In the first phase of the lesson, teacher gave students the topic for the test as well as its requirements Then students were asked ... ten-minute discussion, teacher elicited students answers, then delivered a model essay to students for reading and analyzing First, teacher encouraged students to figure out the essay structure/organization...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

65 356 3
A study on how to apply communicative language teaching techniques in teaching grammar to first-year non major English students at Hanoi General College

A study on how to apply communicative language teaching techniques in teaching grammar to first-year non major English students at Hanoi General College

... one where students are led to the grammar through a series of steps- this is what is meant by the „discovery techniques , In other words, the „discovery techniques aims to lead students towards ... purposes of CLT techniques used in classroom For the purposes of using CLT techniques, as we can see in table 5, all of the teachers (100%) share the same idea that the aim of using CLT techniques ... 1.2.3 CLT techniques 10 1.3 CLT techniques and teaching grammar 13 1.3.1 The use of CLT techniques in teaching grammar 13 1.3.2 Difficulties in applying CLT techniques...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:30

55 1,7K 3
Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

Investigation into Task-based language teaching in teaching ESP to the non-English major 2nd year students at Academy of Finance

... Frequency of using TBLT in ESP teaching for the nd year students at AOF (from Teachers’ answer) Chart (b): Frequency of using TBLT in ESP lessons for the 2nd year students at AOF (from students ... the non- major second- year students at AOF 3.1 Teachers and students perceptions of TBLT in ESP 3.1.1 Teachers and students opinion about ESP Table 1: Teachers and Students opinion about ESP ... to students It can be explained that ESP has a lot of new vocabulary or technical terms while they just complete Business Basics of English In short, the attitudes towards ESP of teachers and students...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

73 872 2
Nghiên cứu về phát triển ngôn ngữ cho học sinh trường Tiểu học Đoàn Xá thông qua điệu ca, bài hát và trò chơi = A study on using chants, songs and games to DEVELOP LANGUAGE IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO  STUDENTS AT DOAN XA PRIMARY SCHOOL

Nghiên cứu về phát triển ngôn ngữ cho học sinh trường Tiểu học Đoàn Xá thông qua điệu ca, bài hát và trò chơi = A study on using chants, songs and games to DEVELOP LANGUAGE IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO STUDENTS AT DOAN XA PRIMARY SCHOOL

... Gardner R C and Macintyre P D (2008:1-11) have listed some roles of students such as: Firstly, students should have positive attitudes towards learning They have to learn vocabulary and they have to ... question were to find out the students attitudes towards learning vocabulary with the use of chants, songs and games - Question aimed at finding out the improvement of students in the lessons with ... Questionnaire for students 3.1.1 Aims The questionnaire was used to find out students ideas about the effectiveness of using chants, songs and games in teaching vocabulary and students favourable...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:00

69 617 0


... teaching students correct pronunciation But at last I have achieved success in solving the problem - not for all students - but for most of them This success is particularly evident with students ... Queen’s English to pronounce English words We can sympathize with Vietnamese students learning English as we with English students who are learning Vietnamese The Vietnamese language does not have ... encouraging for students to learn at least five words by heart with signs of the equivalent pronunciation for each English sound During the teaching activity, teachers should correct whenever students...

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2015, 17:42

14 983 1

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