students attitudes towards gap fill exercises

Enhancing input to improve Hanoi College of Electronics and Electro-refrigeratory Technics non-English major students' speaking performance = Tăng cường kiến th

Enhancing input to improve Hanoi College of Electronics and Electro-refrigeratory Technics non-English major students' speaking performance = Tăng cường kiến th

... 1: Students opinion about speaking skill Table 2: Students difficulties in speaking performance Table 3: Students expectation for what to be done to improve their speaking skill Table 4: Students ... factors Students can read with pleasure within their own comfort zone both in the students own time when and where the students chooses, or inside the classroom From extensive readings, the students ... study, 60 first year students (the second semester students) from three classes have randomly selected to investigate They are both female and male students The numbers of male students are much...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:19

62 506 0
Using Role play technique to motivate second year Accounting- Majored at Dainam University to improve their speaking skill

Using Role play technique to motivate second year Accounting- Majored at Dainam University to improve their speaking skill

... understandable way For the students The students are hoped not to be shy in acting out their role The students are hoped to be active and creative in enriching their vocabularies The students are expected ... the role play to the students, the teachers should make sure that the students have fully understood and have the information they need The teacher should keep control the students activities ... play motivate students to participate more in speaking class? Through the data analyzed in the previous part, it is effective to use role play as a motivator for students to speak Most students have...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42

5 544 2
Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth year students of english in vinh university

Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth year students of english in vinh university

... are 14 students (21%) who always vary their tone in interpreting These students know how to make their interpretation better Most of the students (64%) just vary their tone sometimes, and students ... Question 1: What are the attitudes of forth year students of English toward public speaking skill in interpreting? …………………………………………………………… 23 Question 2: How students self evaluate their ... skill in interpreting for forth year students of English at Vinh University by seeking answers to the following questions: What are the attitudes of forth-year students of English in Vinh university...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33

57 1,3K 7
Developing a system of exercises to improve public speaking skill in interpreting for the 4th year students of english at vinh university

Developing a system of exercises to improve public speaking skill in interpreting for the 4th year students of english at vinh university

... exercise are not complex, students can it everywhere such as in class, at home … Public speaking exercises are individual exercises or group exercises so it is convenient for students to practice ... interesting exercises to help students can both in class and at home The exercises to improve voice and using body language should be focused Besides, most students give precious ideas in building exercises ... these exercises effectively 26 In sum, students gave many previous suggestions in building public speaking exercises The ideas from students are the foundation for the author to give the exercises...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 20:21

71 690 1
A study on extra-activities to improve English speaking skill of QTTN class at HPU

A study on extra-activities to improve English speaking skill of QTTN class at HPU

... discussion ……………………………………………42 3.1 Students English ability…………………………………………………42 3.2 .Students attitude towards how speaking important to them ….…………43 3.3 .Students taking part in extra-activities ... the all-important rapport with your students Relax, Listen and Describe Ideal for students of all ages, this simple activity is ideal if you want to get the students outside without the luxury ... dormitory is a place of everyday life, students emotions flow naturally, thus the students will learn to speak English with real emotions Therefore the more the students speak English, the more natural...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 01:26

67 817 1
A study on the use of communicative activities to improve ESP reading skills for civil engineering students at University of Civil Engineering

A study on the use of communicative activities to improve ESP reading skills for civil engineering students at University of Civil Engineering

... STUDY ON THE USE OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE ESP READING SKILLS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING (Nghiên cứu việc sử dụng hoạt động giao tiếp giúp phát ... Reading skills in ESP 1.5.3 Teaching reading ESP The roles of reading students The roles of reading teachers 10 The reading material’s ... class 17 Special features of Civil Engineering texts 18 Information -gap activity and Information-transfer activity 20 Chapter 2: The Quasi-experiment 22...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:36

5 1,3K 6
Some suggestions to improve listening sub skills for the third year students at faculty of english, HOU

Some suggestions to improve listening sub skills for the third year students at faculty of english, HOU

... themselves at home TABLE : STUDENTS FAVORITE LISTENING EXERCISES Q5 What types of listening exercises you find Answer % interesting? A True/false statement 43% B Gap filling 52% C Summarizing ... listening as well as challenges facing students Question aims to explore the time the third year students have been learning English Question aims to find out students attitudes toward listening skills ... where students are given certain instructions and show their understanding by a physical response (they draw, write, tick and underline etc.) • Filling in gaps; while listening to a dialogue students...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:20

66 635 3
What can be done

What can be done

... he met some positive attitudes, he adds: ‘I have also been accused of adding fuel to the fire of intolerance and ethnic hate by asking people about ethnic and linguistic attitudes , and he comments:41 ... to meet the community’s immediate needs But the gap between the two viewpoints is still very great As Colette Grinevald puts it:56 Bridging the gap between academic linguistics and community wants ... many parts of the world benefiting from a trend in public opinion displaying increased sympathy towards cultural and linguistic rights The mood was particularly strong in Europe, where a series...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

40 436 0
Using role play to enhance english speaking skills for the 10th graders at nghi loc IV high school luận văn thạc sĩ giáo dục học

Using role play to enhance english speaking skills for the 10th graders at nghi loc IV high school luận văn thạc sĩ giáo dục học

... Average Score FIGURES Figure 1: The students response on role play exploited by the teacher Figure 2: The students attitudes towards role play Figure 3: Students feelings in speaking lessons ... crucial for the students If the students study on writing, they will rebuild the wrong sentences but when the students speak, they not correct the wrong sentences So far, the students feel afraid ... strategy to teach their students For students, the finding of this study provides an insight into role -play and helps students improve their speaking skill Teachers may also improve students perception...

Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:41

80 1,6K 17
Why do Internet services fail, and what can be done about it? ppt

Why do Internet services fail, and what can be done about it? ppt

... quantitative data we have presented in this paper Unfortunately, we found that operators frequently filled out the database forms incorrectly for example, fields such as problem starting time, problem ... suggested in [2], the workload should include standard service administrative tasks A recent step towards this type of benchmark is described in [16] 6.4 Representativeness While our data was taken...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

15 387 0
Private Enterprise for Public Health Opportunities for Business to Improve Women’s and Children’s Health pptx

Private Enterprise for Public Health Opportunities for Business to Improve Women’s and Children’s Health pptx

... well placed to address many gaps across this system At the global level, it is possible to identify a number of areas where companies may be well positioned to fill gaps in the provision of health ... – They seek to influence the demand conditions for products and services, such as cultural attitudes towards health and health seeking For example, pharmaceutical and medical device firms support ... to address multiple gaps in the health landscape simultaneously This can be achieved most effectively through partnership working From an economic perspective, health-system gaps can constrain...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 06:20

44 393 0
pariah politics understanding western islamist extremism and what should be done jan 2009

pariah politics understanding western islamist extremism and what should be done jan 2009

... religious understanding and tolerance 157 5.2 Suspiciousness towards British Muslims 158 xxxii List of Figures 5.3 Comparative attitudes towards different racial groups and Muslims as neighbours, ... this new force is less how best to deal with particular communities and their alleged tendency towards extremism, but more how to understand the maelstrom of change for which they have become ... (Ibn Sina), and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) Ibn Sina’s canon of medicine was a standard text for medical students well into the seventeenth century Later, my own nomination for the greatest British genius...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:28

389 393 0
Applying learning strategies to improve TOEFL listening skill of Advanced Program students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology

Applying learning strategies to improve TOEFL listening skill of Advanced Program students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology

... AP students - Investigating the relationship between listening strategy use and language proficiency level of AP students at TNUT - Pointing out some suggestions for English teachers and students ... of listening strategy use by AP students and the relationships between listening strategy use and proficiency level of AP students with the hope of helping the students improve their listening ... showed the percentage of students obtaining the different levels of TOEFL score Chart 1: TOEFL score obtained by AP students Chart shows the TOEFL ITP test score got by 47 AP students at the first...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:33

67 478 1
Inequality What Can Be Done

Inequality What Can Be Done

... have accumulated many debtsto those with whom I have worked, to colleagues around the world, to students, and to writers in different fields I can single out only a few Over a long period, I have ... Lagarde, have declared rising inequality to be a priority When the Pew Research Centers Global Attitudes Proj asked respondents in ect 2014 about the greatest danger to the world, it found that ... policy proposals that could, I believe, bring about a genuine shift in the distribution of income towards less inequality Drawing on the lessons of his tory, and taking a fresh look through distributional...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2015, 21:25

399 285 0
Investigating how to improve oral presentation skills for the second - year english majors of the department of foreign languages at hung yen university of technology and education

Investigating how to improve oral presentation skills for the second - year english majors of the department of foreign languages at hung yen university of technology and education

... English major learners also have serious attitudes towards learning English for their communications as well as oral presentations at work In reality, most students leaving college today lack the ... advantages of asking students to give presentations on the subject of their concern Firstly, it gives students a good opportunity to practice their speaking skill It also increases the students confidence ... To help the students overcome such difficulties, the research will try to - investigate the students as well as teachers’ perceptions of what a good oral presentation is - identify students and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

10 1,4K 35
Some techniques to help fourth year students at the faculty of english, hanoi open university to improve their english   vietnamese translation skill

Some techniques to help fourth year students at the faculty of english, hanoi open university to improve their english vietnamese translation skill

... source language TL: targer language LISTS OF FIGURES AND TABLES Table 1: Students attitudes toward learning translation Table 2: Students learning translation problems Table 3: Student‟s understand ... limitation of time, the number of students taking the test is 100 The answers of students to the translation test present some common mistakes made by fourth- year students of English faculty while ... you like best? The majority of 100 students got the right answer of this sentence (93 students) as: Bạn thích thầy cô nhất? Nevertheless, there were still students translated as: + Ai giáo viên...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:21

65 846 3

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