students attitudes toward speaking skill

SKKN obstacles encountered by 10th form students when learning speaking skill

SKKN obstacles encountered by 10th form students when learning speaking skill

... background of the speaking skill 1.1 What is the speaking skill? 1.2 The importance of speaking 1.3 Phases in the speaking learning process 1.4 Potential problems in learning the EL speaking skill The ... speaking skill 1.1 What is the speaking skill? 1.2 The importance of speaking 1.3 Phases in the speaking learning process 1.4 Potential problems in learning the EL speaking skill ... into the process of learning the speaking skill for the students It may play a crucial role in enhancing the speaking skill to the students It motivates the students? ?? desire for learning English,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2016, 15:58

21 457 0
The obstacles of students in english speaking skill and the ultimate solutions of teachers in english speaking class

The obstacles of students in english speaking skill and the ultimate solutions of teachers in english speaking class

... The Obstacles Of Students In English Speaking Skill And The Ultimate Solutions Of Teachers In English Speaking Class Nguyen Chau Bich Tuyen M.A in TESOL, Ho ... freshman students but also the excellent or junior students at HOU, have stuck in various difficult situations in oral English expression Hence, in this writing, the series of obstacles of students ... writing, the series of obstacles of students in English speaking skill will be exposed, and the ultimate solutions of instructors in English speaking class will be described Normally, the barriers...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2017, 17:49

14 405 0
Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

... English speaking skill in secondary school in particular And grammar and vocabulary CHANT is a useful solution to help students improve speaking skill - Chants use natural spoken English: Students ... quality of students III OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY I undertake this project to introduce innovative teaching methods that are oriented towards the development of English proficiency skills for students ... CHANTS to help students improve the speaking skill? ?? II PURPOSES OF THE STUDY Objective of implement the innovation in teaching methods in English for junior high school is to train skills, form...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2019, 13:52

16 100 0
Motivating 10th grade students in a speaking skill lesson at ham rong high school

Motivating 10th grade students in a speaking skill lesson at ham rong high school

... their English speaking skill was bad They had to go to the English center to add their English speaking skill This is the problem I have been thinking for a long time The English which students have ... their students will feel confident and feel like speaking English when they have English lessons at supper secondary school This is my experience in motivating students in speaking English skill ... classes students have four English lessons a week but their English speaking skill is not good After four years of studying in lower secondary school and one year in upper secondary school, most students...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2019, 19:03

24 43 0
Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

... English speaking skill in secondary school in particular And grammar and vocabulary CHANT is a useful solution to help students improve speaking skill - Chants use natural spoken English: Students ... quality of students III OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY I undertake this project to introduce innovative teaching methods that are oriented towards the development of English proficiency skills for students ... CHANTS to help students improve the speaking skill? ?? II PURPOSES OF THE STUDY Objective of implement the innovation in teaching methods in English for junior high school is to train skills, form...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2019, 09:49

16 103 0
Organizing some speaking activities combining some related topics in english textbook 10 encourage students to learn speaking skill easily

Organizing some speaking activities combining some related topics in english textbook 10 encourage students to learn speaking skill easily

... to help students towards active learning, against passive habits At present, English requires students to practice communication skills or to speak more correctly, listening and speaking skills ... English Speaking Club - General description: Students have chances to practise speaking and listening skill through interaction in pairs and in groups - Aims: + Develop speaking and listening skill ... Students like to this lesson - Students have learned some skills and how to exercises - Students' speaking skills have improved - Create many situations that stimulate the students' logical thinking...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2020, 18:25

21 74 0
Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

Using grammar and vocabulary CHANT to help students improve the speaking skill

... English speaking skill in secondary school in particular And grammar and vocabulary CHANT is a useful solution to help students improve speaking skill - Chants use natural spoken English: Students ... quality of students III OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY I undertake this project to introduce innovative teaching methods that are oriented towards the development of English proficiency skills for students ... CHANTS to help students improve the speaking skill? ?? II PURPOSES OF THE STUDY Objective of implement the innovation in teaching methods in English for junior high school is to train skills, form...

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2020, 07:13

16 48 0
Active learning the impact of active learning on student performance and students attitudes toward active learning in english class

Active learning the impact of active learning on student performance and students attitudes toward active learning in english class

... Active class 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Speaking Writing Reading Listening Figs A comparison of results between students taught with a traditional class (passive) and students taught actively The bar ... of four English skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking are significantly higher in the active classroom in comparison with scores in the passive classroom - Four language skills are developed ... developed equally in active class There is a huge disparity between Reading and Writing skills and Speaking, Listening skills in passive class - It appears that the shift in scores between passive and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2020, 15:32

60 61 0
a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university

... divided into sections: attitudes toward culture in learning English as a foreign language, attitudes towards cultural content in the book Solutions Pre-intermediate and attitudes toward the teaching ... 2: What are students attitudes towards the cultural content and the teaching of culture in this book? To start with attitudes towards culture in ESL learning, a great majority of students (94.4%) ... content 3) To study the teachers‟ attitudes towards the cultural content in the textbook 4) To find out mismatches between teachers‟ attitudes and students attitudes 3 Significance of the study...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18

79 670 3
An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

An investigation into teachers' and students' attitudes toward the use of mother tongue in English language classrooms at Hongai High school

... these skill lessons Moreover, the focus in the speaking class is for the students to practice communicating in English and the objective of the reading lesson is to develop students reading skills ... appropriately Scope of the study The study limits itself to the use of students native language as well as the teachers and students attitudes towards the use of L1 in the English language classroom The ... attitude of teachers and students towards using Vietnamese in the English classroom? How often teachers and students use Vietnamese in EFL classroom? What teachers and students use Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

48 923 0
An exploratory study on the teachers and students’ perceptions of an ESP course at the infantry officer training college number one

An exploratory study on the teachers and students’ perceptions of an ESP course at the infantry officer training college number one

... expectations toward ESP? .20 III.1.1 Students self- evaluation of English competence… 20 III.1.2 Students opinions about current ESP course……………………… 23 III.1.3 Students expectations toward ... students poor English language skills They argued that the students English language skills were inadequate to cope with the ESP courses, and made ESP courses inefficient By contrast, the students ... learning and the most important skill of English in the view of the students Most of the students held a neutral or negative attitude toward their English competence; some students felt that they had...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:25

56 675 0
An Evaluation of the book Target Pet for the first year non-English majors at Vinh University from the perspective of teachers and students

An Evaluation of the book Target Pet for the first year non-English majors at Vinh University from the perspective of teachers and students

... and students evaluation of English textbook in use at Vietnam University of Commerce (VUC) The analysis indicated that both the teachers and the students demonstrated positive attitudes toward ... reflect students' needs Since textbooks are often written for global markets they often not reflect the interests and needs of students and hence may require adaptation - They can deskill teachers ... helping the students achieve the goals and objectives from the perspective of students and teachers + to suggest the material adaptations in responding to the course requirements and students ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 18:52

110 1K 0
A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... discussion in speaking lessons at the MSA • build a stepping-stone toward the generalization of the findings into other classes, with different linguistic level students at the MSA • provide EFL students ... talk students could “prepare and arrange ideas” for their individual presentations, improve speaking skills by asking questions, responding others’, clarifying ideas to groupmates Therefore, students ... from 16 nonmajor students at the post elementary level at MSA over a period of ten weeks The students worked in small groups preparing for oral presentations For each topic, two students from two...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02

77 893 5
Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... complexity and accuracy - Find out other factors affect students speaking competence - experiment in higher or mixed proficiency level students - Include the subjects of both male and female ... framework  provide students with more chances to interact  build a stepping-stone to further study Research questions  What truly happens during group discussion in classroom?  Do the students in ... of the study  16 post-elementary non major students  all of them learned English for years at school  None of them has ever been to an English speaking country  they have little opportunity...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

15 800 0
Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

Native and Non-Native approaches to teaching English as a Global Lingua Franca as perceived by teachers and students at the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, ULIS – VNU

... language (ESL) students attitudes towards nonnative English -speaking teachers’ accentedness Master‟s thesis, California State University, Los Angeles Liu, J (1999) Non-native English speaking professionals ... university students in Hong Kong towards native and non-native teachers of English Master‟s thesis, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Cheung, Y L., & Braine, G (2007) The attitudes of university students ... 209231 Shank, G (2002) Qualitative research: A personal skill approach New Jersey: Merril Prentice Hall Shaw, D (1981) Asian students attitudes towards English In L Smith (Ed.) (1983), Readings in...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:39

12 820 7