students apos opinion on speaking in group discussion

A study on applying group discussion approach to enhanse speaking skills of English for the first year students at An Duong Vocational Middle School = Áp dụng đ

A study on applying group discussion approach to enhanse speaking skills of English for the first year students at An Duong Vocational Middle School = Áp dụng đ

... Teachers' opinion on teaching speaking skill Table 9: Teachers opinion on the important role of group discussion in improving speaking skill Table 10: Teachers’ opinion on group discussion in teaching ... practice speaking skill in class Part (Question 4, 5): Students opinion on speaking in group discussion Part (Question 6, 7): Students opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of group discussion ... Teachers’ opinion on group discussion in teaching speaking skill (by percent) According to Table 10, increasing students speaking time, improving students motivation, creating exciting atmosphere...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:59

51 979 0


... correlation between students motivation in learning speaking English and their speaking ability .62 4.3.2 Findings from the interview on the correlation between students motivation in learning speaking ... testing on students motivation in learning speaking English and speaking ability are presented Studies about the correlation between students motivation in learning speaking English and their speaking ... and speaking ability The correlation between intrinsic motivation and speaking ability In 1982, England examined the role of intrinsic motivation in adults’ second language learning on foreign students...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:36

190 790 3


... English speaking lessons, their problems in speaking, how interested they in speaking lessons, the teaching methods their teachers use in speaking periods and their expectation to speaking lessons ... reasons for learning speaking skill Table 2: Students interest in speaking activities Table 3: Students factors make them not interested in speaking English Table 4a, 4b: Students opinions ... Teachers’ opinion of students factors making them not interested in speaking English 25 The table shows that teachers’ opinion of students factors making them not interested in speaking English...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:25

55 668 2
the study applying role-play in increasing student interest in learning speaking to grade 11 students at lai vung 2 high school

the study applying role-play in increasing student interest in learning speaking to grade 11 students at lai vung 2 high school

... (75%) think that applying role-play is useful in increasing students' interest in learning speaking while other not think so Table 4: Teachers‟ opinion about applying role-play in increasing students' ... Figure 13: Students' opinions about their teacher's instruction .28 Figure 14: The increasing of students' interest in learning speaking 29 Figure 15: The improvement of students' speaking ability ... increasing of their students' interest in learning speaking 39 Figure 10: Teachers' opinion about their students' speaking ability improvement 40 viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

69 852 2
A study on the difficulties in learning speaking English of the first year students at the Faculty of Information Technology, Thai Nguyen University

A study on the difficulties in learning speaking English of the first year students at the Faculty of Information Technology, Thai Nguyen University

... another definition on speaking He considered speaking is “an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and meaning and processing information, it is often spontaneous ... are conventional ways of presenting information: Information routines and interactional routines He explained informational routine recurring types of information structures, including stories; ... descriptions of places and people; presentation of facts; comparisons; instructions Meanwhile, interactional routines are routines based not so much on information content as on sequences of kinds...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

63 5,9K 14
A study on difficulties in learning speaking skill faced by non-English major students at Hanoi University of Industry = Nghiên cứu về những khó khăn trong việc

A study on difficulties in learning speaking skill faced by non-English major students at Hanoi University of Industry = Nghiên cứu về những khó khăn trong việc

... speaking involves two kinds of routines in the process of communicating They are information routines and interactional ones Information routines may be described to involve two sub-routines: ... requesting and providing information and situations i.e asking for information in a city and ordering meals in a restaurant The second one is guessing games: Students the games in pairs or groups: ... share ideas within small group before speaking in public An opinion sharing activity: may require using factual information, formulating arguments and justifying one’s opinion For some topics, there...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:01

77 5,7K 32
How to maximize part-time students ’ involvement in English speaking lessons at Hai Phong Foreign Languages Centre

How to maximize part-time students ’ involvement in English speaking lessons at Hai Phong Foreign Languages Centre

... their poor pronunciation and mother-tongued inference have bad influence on their involvement in English speaking lessons 1.4 Teachers difficulties in teaching speaking in speaking lessons The result ... 6: Teachers talking time in speaking lessons The information obtained from Figure indicates that teachers always take much time explaining in speaking lessons (70%) Only a small minority (10%) ... their involvement in speaking lessons including: subjective factors from the learners themselves such as finding ideas, finding words, poor pronunciation ect and objective ones such as uninteresting...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

40 1,6K 10
Classroom activities to stimulate 10-form students’ presentation in english speaking lessons at marie curie high school, hai phong

Classroom activities to stimulate 10-form students’ presentation in english speaking lessons at marie curie high school, hai phong

... English speaking lesson, taking the one of Unit 10 (Conservation, Appendix 3), for example In this lesson, students will get information in reading part in task and Then they work in groups to find ... develop speaking skill in English learning The second reason, in my opinion, is the names of characters and scenes in the text book Students may not be interested in the book since learning English ... question – What is your opinion of presentation tasks in English speaking class? And question – How much time you usually spend on presentation task in a 45-minute English lesson?) For question...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:01

58 1,3K 2
An investigation into Phuc Trach Upper Secondary School students’ difficulties in learning English pronunciation

An investigation into Phuc Trach Upper Secondary School students’ difficulties in learning English pronunciation

... thesis which contains six main points: place of pronunciation in oral communication and foreign language learning, preliminary considerations in teaching pronunciation, pronunciation teaching methodologies, ... little attention to intonation Doan Thien Thuat explained that they not pay much attention to intonation because a tone language often has very limited intonation In fact, it has intonation, but the ... common mistakes, consonant common mistakes, stress, rhythm and intonation problems Considering the common difficulties that students in the world can make us easier to see common pronunciation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:04

60 1,5K 12


... interview and the observation The last chapter, Major Findings and Suggestions, offers some major findings and suggestions for enhancing students motivation in learning reading skills The conclusion ... Overview on Reading Theories 1.1.1 Definition and Types of Reading * Definition Reading is an activity with a purpose A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in ... Factors Affecting Students' Motivation in Learning Reading In the literature so far, there have been so few studies on the factors that influence students' motivation in learning reading in a foreign...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:21

37 1,8K 11
an investigation into students’ reticence in english speaking lessons- a case of toan thang high school = điều tra về tính trầm lặng của học sinh trong các giờ nói tiếng anh - điển cứu tại trường thpt toàn thắng

an investigation into students’ reticence in english speaking lessons- a case of toan thang high school = điều tra về tính trầm lặng của học sinh trong các giờ nói tiếng anh - điển cứu tại trường thpt toàn thắng

... from one or several reasons in some certain situations, but more often, a final manifestation of serial complicated reactions during interactions such as tension, inhibition, awkwardness, painful ... participating in English Speaking class In order to make it clearer, all the items in question 13 of the second questionnaire, which seek for reasons of students reticence behaviour in English Speaking ... different Speaking activities, from answering questions and working in groups to competing in games 3.2.2 What are students perception of their own learning behaviour and factors influencing such...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

86 699 2
A study on students' difficulties in learning English for special purposes at Faculty of Broadcasting Technology of College of Broadcasting I

A study on students' difficulties in learning English for special purposes at Faculty of Broadcasting Technology of College of Broadcasting I

... language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learners reasons for learning” For Hutchinson and Waters, starting point in determining appropriate input for ESP ... research including Reading and reading comprehension, ESP reading and problems in learning ESP reading 3 Chapter discusses the present situation of teaching and learning reading English in Faculty ... Table 7: Students expectation in methodology PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Owing to the ongoing process of regional and global integration in Vietnam, the demand for English language learning across...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:27

67 906 0
A study on the effect of teachers' oral feedback on students' interesr in English speaking lessons at An Lao High School

A study on the effect of teachers' oral feedback on students' interesr in English speaking lessons at An Lao High School

... skill 1.1.1 Definition of speaking skill Florez (1999) defined speaking was „an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information‟ (Balley, ... speaking in front of the class They don‟t take part in speaking lesson confidently Question How is your desire to learn English speaking? Students stated that they had strong desire in learning ... students in speaking lessons? How you often give oral feedback on students in speaking lessons? What you think about the effects of teacher‟s oral feedback to students interest in speaking lessons?...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:31

50 955 0
A study on second-year navigation students' difficulties in learning ESP vocabulary at Haiphong Poli-technical College

A study on second-year navigation students' difficulties in learning ESP vocabulary at Haiphong Poli-technical College

... teaching of meaning 14 1.5.2 Encouraging the development of effective strategies 14 1.5.3 Exposing learners to vocabulary through reading and training lexical inferencing 14 1.5.4 Teaching the ... NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES TRẦN THÁI SƠN A STUDY ON SECOND-YEAR NAVIGATION STUDENTS Difficulties IN LEARNING ... Materials 11 1.4.3 Pronunciation and spelling 12 1.4.4 Prototypes 12 1.4.5 Contextualization 13 1.4.6 Learner autonomy 13 1.5 Strategies to enhance students vocabulary 14 1.5.1 Developing a variety...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:36

5 629 3
Improving 11th grade students’ motivation in English speaking lessons at Vietnam – Poland High School by using communicative activities = Cải thiện động cơ học

Improving 11th grade students’ motivation in English speaking lessons at Vietnam – Poland High School by using communicative activities = Cải thiện động cơ học

... the learning environment In terms of action research on students motivation in speaking, He Lina in China carried out “How can I help my students motivation in speaking? ” He Lina is in charge ... learning foreign language in general and in speaking skill in particular 1.5 Techniques for improving students motivation in speaking lessons How to improve students motivation in English speaking ... level of motivation The second one is for gathering the students de - motivating factors in speaking lessons  Questionnaire 2: It contained questions in parts in order to find out students attitude...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:19

78 1,2K 2
Factors affecting non-English major students’ motivation in learning English listening skills at College of Industrial Techniques hứng thú học kĩ năng nghe tiến

Factors affecting non-English major students’ motivation in learning English listening skills at College of Industrial Techniques hứng thú học kĩ năng nghe tiến

... teacher Chart 2: Students participation in speaking lessons In answering question 4, which asked students for their current participation in listening lessons, the answers are presented in term of ... Learning conditions affecting students motivation in learning English listening skills Please put a tick (√) to show your ideas about your learning Percentage condition in learning listening ... listening skills 1.2.1 Definition of listening skills In second language learning and teaching, listening is defined as the process of understanding speech in a second or foreign language Listening...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:34

52 1,7K 2