strongly disagree 2 disagree 3 neutral 4 agree 5 strongly agree

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows  2

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 2

... 25 -May-09 c175mm0sd20090 52 5 2 121 45 c 150 mm0sd20090 52 5 210 43 0 c 1 25 mm0sd20090 52 5 20 52 1 7 c100mm0sd20090 52 5 2 0 35 17 c75mm0sd20090 52 5 2010 42 c50mm0sd20090 52 5 1 955 06 3 /2 D 3 /2 D 3 /2 D 3 /2 D 3 /2 D 3 /2 D 0 0 0 ... c75mm2s2D200906 041 94 931 .vno c50mm2s2D2009060 42 0 04 13. vno c0mm2s2D200906 051 71 058 .vno 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 0 0 0 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 150 1 25 100 75 50 2 2 2 25 25 25 25 25 25 4- Jun-09 ... c 150 mm07s2D200906 05 13 32 0 4. vno c 1 25 mm07s2D200906 05 13 52 1 2.vno c100mm07s2D200906 05 14 122 9.vno c75mm07s2D200906 051 43 3 44 .vno c50mm07s2D200906 05 1 45 120 .vno c0mm07s2D200906 051 73 6 23 .vno 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5 /2 D 5/ 2...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

108 275 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 1

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 1

... Carriage Design 36 3. 4. 1 Ladder Chassis 38 3. 4 .2 Drive Train 38 3. 4 .3 Cable Train and Cabling 40 3. 4. 4 Model and Instrumentation frame 41 3. 4. 5 Structural Response of Tow Carriage 42 3. 4. 6 Ramp Up acceleration ... acceleration rates 43 3 .4. 7 Controls and Safety 43 3 .5 Kinematics Measurement 44 3. 6 Wave Elevation Measurements 45 3. 7 Force Measurements 46 3. 8 Flow Visualization 51 3. 8.1 PIV Technique 51 3. 8 .2 PIV system ... PIV 84 4 .4. 1 Test Matrix 84 4 .4 .2 Visualization frame of reference 84 4 .4 .3 Flow Vector Characteristics in the Bluff Cylinder Wake 85 4. 4 .3. 1 Typical Flow Vector Visualization Plot 85 4. 4 .3 .2 Single...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

195 474 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 3

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 3

... Hz 2. 0 12 Hz 1 .5 63 Hz 1.8 65 Hz Fx 1 .5 63 Hz 1.8 65 Hz (c) Fy 1. 5 24 Hz 1.719 Hz Fx 1.719 Hz (d) Fy 1. 5 24 Hz 1 .49 4 Hz 1.6 02 Hz Fx 1.6 02 Hz (e) Fy 1 .49 4 Hz 28 2 1. 42 6 Hz Fx 1. 42 6 Hz Fy (f) Figure B2 ... Fy 1 .5 92 Hz 1 .27 0 Hz 1 .5 14 Hz Fx 1 .27 0 Hz (c) Fy 1 .48 4 Hz 1 . 24 0 Hz 1 .41 6 Hz Fx 1 . 24 0 Hz (d) Fy 1 .38 7 Hz 1 .22 1 Hz 1. 32 8 Hz Fx 1 .22 1 Hz (e) 1 .30 9 Hz Fy 28 4 1.1 72 Hz Fx (f) 0 .27 3 Hz Fy Figure B3 1.1 72 ... C= 150 mm/s, (b) C= 1 25 mm/s, (c) C= 100 mm/s, (d) C= 75 mm/s, and (e) C= 50 mm/s 28 1 1. 621 Hz 1. 53 3 Hz Fx 0. 156 Hz 1. 53 3 Hz (a) 1. 621 Hz Fy 1 .5 92 Hz 2. 38 3 Hz 1 .5 14 Hz Fx 1 .5 92 Hz (b) Fy 1 .51 4...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

64 231 0
Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 4

Characteristics of flow in the wake region of a bluff vertical cylinder in the presence of waves,currents and combined wave current flows 4

... 0.6D 36 5 Vector Plots (CFD Simulation) Currents C = 50 mm/s Wave Period T = 0.7 s Spacing x=1½D Offset y=0 Time = 53 T Time = 53 T + 2Te Time = 53 T + 4Te Time = 53 T + 6Te Time = 53 T + 8Te Time = 53 T ... 0.6D 3 62 Vorticity Plots (CFD Simulation) Currents C = 100 mm/s Wave Period T = 0.7 s Spacing x=1½D Offset y = 0.6 D Time = 52 T Time = 52 T + Te Time = 52 T + 2Te Time = 52 T + 3Te Time = 52 T + 4Te ... 11T’ t = 12T’ 37 5 t = 13T’ t = 14T’ t = 15T’ t = 16T’ t = 17T’ t = 18T’ t = 19T’ t = 20 T’ t = 21 T’ t = 22 T’ t = 23 T’ t = 24 T’ Figure H1 Iso surface plots of wave and currents run, C = 50 mm/s,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54

57 228 0
Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

Intake manifold design effect on air fuel mixing and flow for an LPG heavy duty engine

... Management 46 (20 05) 22 58 22 87 [ 13] Trigui N., V Griaznov, H Affes and D Smith CFD Based Shape Optimization of IC Engine Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev IFP, Vol 54 (1999), No 2, pp 29 7 -30 7 [ 14] ... Cooling system Firing order Value IVECO 821 0. 02 Cylinders – Inline 137 x 156 13. 8 26 0 78 16:1 (Diesel), 12 : (LPG) 700 - 20 00 Water cooling 1 -5 -3- 6 -2- 4 3 .2 Governing equations The governing equations ... Volume 3, Issue 1, 20 12, pp.61- 72 65 (a) Optimized intake manifold (b) Second intake manifold Figure 3D Model of intake manifolds ISSN 20 76 -28 95 (Print), ISSN 20 76 -29 09 (Online) 20 12 International...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

12 893 1
Tài liệu Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods and Applications pdf

Tài liệu Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods and Applications pdf

... Congress ISBN-10 ISBN- 13 ISBN-10 ISBN- 13 ISBN-10 ISBN- 13 1 -4 020 -46 64 -2 (PB) 978-1 -4 020 -46 64 -3 (PB) 1 -4 020 -46 62- 6 (HB) 978-1 -4 020 -46 62- 9 (HB) 1 -4 020 -46 63- 4 (e-books) 978-1 -4 020 -46 63- 6 (e-books) Published ... Ecology & Systematics 14 :21 3 - 23 0 Chave, J., and S A Levin 20 03 Scale and scaling in ecological and economic systems Environmental and Resource Economics 26 : 52 7 -55 7 Clark, W C 19 85 Scales of climate ... Institute, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN 55 811- 14 42 George E Host, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN 55 811- 14 42 Laura F Huenneke, College of Engineering...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

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Crude Democracy: Natural Resource Wealth and Political Regimes ppt

Crude Democracy: Natural Resource Wealth and Political Regimes ppt

... 1 /2 CUUS 333 -BOOK cuus 333 -dunning Gutter margin: 3/ 4 978 52 1 51 500 ii July 26 , 20 08 12: 1 P1: KPB Head margin: 1 /2 CUUS 333 -BOOK Gutter margin: 3/ 4 cuus 333 -dunning 978 52 1 51 500 July 26 , 20 08 12: 1 ... CUUS 333 -BOOK cuus 333 -dunning Gutter margin: 3/ 4 978 52 1 51 500 xxii July 26 , 20 08 12: 1 P1: KPB Head margin: 1 /2 CUUS 333 -BOOK cuus 333 -dunning Gutter margin: 3/ 4 978 52 1 51 500 July 26 , 20 08 12: 1 Does Oil ... 87 1 23 157 1 63 1 85 187 xi P1: KPB Head margin: 1 /2 CUUS 333 -BOOK cuus 333 -dunning Gutter margin: 3/ 4 978 52 1 51 500 xii July 26 , 20 08 12: 1 P1: KPB Head margin: 1 /2 CUUS 333 -BOOK Gutter margin: 3/ 4...

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Báo cáo khoa học: "Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for Maximum Entropy" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for Maximum Entropy" pdf

... fast convergence 150 20 0 (b) CoNLL2000 97 93. 5 93 96 .5 92. 5 96 F1 measure Testing Accuracy 100 Training Time (s) (a) BROWN 95. 5 92 91 .5 95 91 CD SCGIS GIS LBFGS 94. 5 94 50 0 1000 150 0 Training Time ... Math Statist., 43 ( 5) : 147 0– 148 0 Stephen Della Pietra, Vincent Della Pietra, and John Lafferty 1997 Inducing features of random fields IEEE PAMI, 19 (4) :38 0 39 3 Joshua Goodman 20 02 Sequential conditional ... of each sub-problem 3 .2 A Fast CD Method 10 10 −1 10 Relative function value difference 10 CD SCGIS GIS LBFGS 2 10 CD SCGIS GIS LBFGS 10 10 −1 10 2 50 0 1000 150 0 10 20 00 50 Training Time (s)...

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hughes t. groove and flow - six analytical essays on the music of stevie wonder (диссертация)

hughes t. groove and flow - six analytical essays on the music of stevie wonder (диссертация)

... Mind, Motown Records 37 4 63- 031 4 -2 (19 72) , Talking Book, Motown 37 4 63- 031 9 -2 (19 72) , Innervisions, Motown 37 4 63- 0 32 6 -2 (19 73) , and Fulfillingness’ First Finale, 37 4 630 3 32 - 2 (19 74) However, despite ... Records 37 4 63- 51 59 -2 (1969), the last one on All Directions, Motown Records 37 4 63- 54 1 7 -2 (19 72) All four can be found on My Girl: The Very Best of the Temptations, Motown Records 44 0-017 -29 8 -2 (20 02) ... Nothin’” 23 6 33 The First Eight Measures of the Introduction to “You Haven’t Done Nothin’” 24 2 34 The Vocal Melody of the Verse of “You Haven’t Done Nothin’” 24 5 35 The Horn Melody...

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Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Construction of Orthonormal Piecewise Polynomial Scaling and Wavelet Bases on Non-Equally Spaced Knots" docx

... 0. 62 0.66 −1 2 0 .5 0. 54 0 .5 0. 54 0 .58 0. 62 0.66 −1 2 0 .5 0. 54 (e) −18 22 j =4 j =4 20 24 26 28 0 .5 0. 54 0 .58 0. 62 0.66 −1 2 0 .5 0. 54 0 .5 0. 62 0.66 0 .58 0. 62 0.66 0. 54 0 .58 (i) 0 .58 0. 62 ... 0. 62 0.66 (h) j =5 j =5 (g) − 14 −16 −18 20 22 24 26 28 30 − 32 0 .58 (f) −16 30 0.66 (d) j =3 j =3 (c) − 14 −16 −18 20 22 24 26 28 30 − 32 0. 62 (b) j =2 j =2 (a) 0 .58 0. 62 0.66 −1 2 0 .5 0. 54 ... − 14 −16 −18 20 22 24 26 28 30 − 32 0 .5 j=1 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing j=1 12 0. 54 0 .58 0. 62 0.66 −1 2 0 .5 0. 54 − 14 −16 −18 20 22 24 26 28 30 − 32 0 .5 0. 54 0 .58 ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

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Báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of endomycorrhizal development and light regimes on the growth of Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff seedlings" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of endomycorrhizal development and light regimes on the growth of Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff seedlings" pptx

... ratio 6 1 82 3. 46 9 32 1 . 42 6 16 .59 5 126 . 45 5 8 .46 1 60. 022 12. 741 30 8.109 1. 156 160.7 13 2. 766 126 . 45 5 2. 820 30 .011 2. 1 24 1.6 93 0.6 83 94. 933 1. 6 34 74. 697 1.666 17. 727 1 . 25 4 P 0 .5 6 34 < 0.0001 0. 140 1 < 0.0000 ... and Soil 159 (19 94) 1 23 –1 32 [22 ] Gallaud I., Étude sur les mycorhizes endotrophes, Revue Générale de Botanique 17 (19 05) 5 48 ; 66– 83; 1 23 – 1 35 ; 22 3 23 9; 31 3– 32 5 ; 42 5 – 43 3 ; 47 9 50 0 [ 23 ] Givnish ... 0 .22 bc 10 .44 ± 0 .26 bc Height (cm) 14. 42 ± 0 .33 a 15. 99 ± 0 .46 b 15. 51 ± 0. 43 ab 20 . 34 ± 0 .58 c 16. 14 ± 0 .59 b 16.61 ± 0. 63 b Leaf area (cm2) 92. 17 ± 5 .41 a 21 5. 42 ± 21 .17 b 1 42 . 17 ± 9.89 c 40 8 .47 ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

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Báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of liming and gypsum regimes on chemical characteristics of an acid forest soil and its leachates" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: " Effects of liming and gypsum regimes on chemical characteristics of an acid forest soil and its leachates" ppsx

... les Ardennes R F F XL 14 4, 33 6 - 34 7 Peter M, Attawill PM, Mark AA (19 93) Tansley review no 50 : nutrient cycling in forests New Phytol 1 24 , 56 1 -5 82 H van, Weissen F ( 19 73) Elements of a functional ... (0 -21 cm) when gypsum was used (table II) -1 Using the 2. 8 t rate, the increases in CaCO were 4 .2, 0 .4, 0 .2 and 0 .2 in the A B B and B layers respec,, 1/1 1/1 1 /2 1 /3 with tively; 1 .4, 0 .2, 0.1 ... Plant Soil 87, 34 3 - 35 8 McBride MB, Bloom PR (1977) Adsorption of aluminum by smectite: an Al model 2+ 3+ exchange Ca Soil Sci Soc Am J 41 , 10 73- 1077 Messik DL, Alley MM Zelazny LW (19 84) Movement...

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Báo cáo sinh học: "Estimating variances and covariances for bivariate animal models using scaling and transformation" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: "Estimating variances and covariances for bivariate animal models using scaling and transformation" pot

... effects J Dairy Sci 73, 24 94 - 25 02 Meyer K (19 85) Maximum likelihood estimation of variance components for a multivariate mixed model with equal design matrices Biometrics 41 , 1 53 - 1 65 Meyer K (1989) ... trait Z Tierz Zuchtungsbiol 101, 33 -50 Patterson HD, Thompson R (1971) Recovery of inter-block information when block sizes are unequal Biorn,etrika 58 , 54 5 -5 54 Schaeffer LR, Wilton JW, Thompson ... 43 , 75- 93 Taylor JF, Bean B, Marshall CE, Sullivan JJ (19 85) Genetic and environmental components of semen production traits of artificial insemination Holstein bulls J Dairy Sci 68, 27 03 -27 22...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

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Báo cáo khoa học: "Cutaneous vascular reactivity and flow motion response to vasopressin in advanced vasodilatory shock and severe postoperative multiple organ dysfunction syndrome" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Cutaneous vascular reactivity and flow motion response to vasopressin in advanced vasodilatory shock and severe postoperative multiple organ dysfunction syndrome" pot

... (oscillations/min) 16.7 ± 7.7 15 .3 ± 10 .2 70 ± 47 .5 49 .4 ± 24 .8 15. 73 ± 5. 15 14 .38 ± 7 .31 AVP/NE NE 7 .49 ± 3 .2 0. 54 8 14 .38 ± 4. 85 13. 78 ± 9.17 8.99 ± 3. 92 0.089 0 .56 0. 055 § 10.7 ± 3. 81 AVP/NE‡ NE ODS reperfusion ... hour P 64 ± 81 ± 12 0. 047 † 3. 8 ± 1.1 3. 5 ± 0.9 3. 5 ± 0.8 AVP/NE 57 1 ± 140 52 6 ± 130 4 82 ± 111 4 93 ± 119 AVP/NE 155 ± 39 157 ± 35 NE VO2I (mL/min/m2) 66 ± 13 4. 1 ± 1 .2 NE DO2I (ml/min/m2) 64 ± AVP/NE ... per m2) 131 ± 35 137 ± 41 72 ± 66 ± 13 SvO2 (%) AVP/NE 71 ± AVP/NE* 0. 75 ± 0 .31 0 .51 ± 0.19 NE 0. 65 ± 0 . 23 0 .44 ± 0. 15 0 .44 ± 0.16 NE 0 .31 ± 0 .2 0 .29 ± 0.19 7 .30 ± 0. 12 7 .30 ± 0. 12 NE 7 .33 ± 0.1...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22

7 228 0
Influence of pipe length and flow rate on nano particle deposition in laminar circular pipe flows

Influence of pipe length and flow rate on nano particle deposition in laminar circular pipe flows

... defined as follow [3] : DE = − (0.819e − 14. 63 + 0.0976e −89 .22 ∆ + 0.0 32 5 e − 22 8∆ + 0. 050 9e − 1 25 .9∆ 2/ 3 ) (10) The third one is developed by Yeh and Schum [5] at 1980 which determined the deposition ... was developed by Thomas [2] at 1976 which is calculated by the following equation: DE = − (0.819e − 14. 63 + 0.097 e −89 .2 ∆ + 0. 032 e 22 8 ∆ + 0. 027 e 4 92 ∆ + 0. 0 25 e 30 00 ∆ ) (8) where ∆ is the ... Aerosol Science, (19 75) 1 25 -1 32 [4] D.B Ingham, Diffusion of aerosols in the entrance region of a smooth cylindrical pipe, Journal of Aerosol Science, 22 (1991) 25 3 - 25 7 [5] Y.H C., S.G M., Models...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:06

10 416 0
Báo cáo y học: "High-Resolution Flow Cytometry: a Suitable Tool for Monitoring Aneuploid Prostate Cancer Cells after TMZ and TMZ-BioShuttle Treatment"

Báo cáo y học: "High-Resolution Flow Cytometry: a Suitable Tool for Monitoring Aneuploid Prostate Cancer Cells after TMZ and TMZ-BioShuttle Treatment"

... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 for the delivery of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) to the nuclear compartment of living cells J Mol Biol 20 02; 31 8: 23 7 - 24 3 Pipkorn R, Waldeck ... Clin Oncol 1998; 16: 22 72- 227 9 10 Autorino R, Di LG, Damiano R, De PS, and D'Armiento M Role of chemotherapy in hormone-refractory prostate cancer Old 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 issues, recent advances ... Radiother Oncol 73 Suppl 20 04; 2: S119-S 122 53 Pawlik TM and Keyomarsi K Role of cell cycle in mediating sensitivity to radiotherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 20 04; 59 : 928 -9 42 54 Trog D, Moenkemann...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48

10 408 0
Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

Undaria pinnatifida Habitat Loss in Relation to Sea Urchin Grazing and Water Flow Conditions, and Their Restoration Effort in Ogatsu Bay, Japan

... Sediment deposition 0.0 +0.6 3. 4 -1.9 100 12. 0 -5. 1 12. 5 -5. 0 13. 7 -6 .2 100 100 100 30 10 + 50 25 .5 -7 .4 80 20 30 37 .6 -9.1 50 .0 -9 .2 60 30 10 + + + + 10 + 30 + 50 + 10 20 + + + + + Percentage covers ... Pebble Sand Mud 0.0 0.1 0 .5 -0 .2 100 7.7 -4 .3 100 12. 7 -5. 7 15. 1 -6 .4 90 22 .0 -8 .3 80 + 30 60 10 100 10 30 .0 -8 .4 10 + + 40 .6 -9 .4 90 10 47 .5 -9 .3 + 20 60 10 + + 50 .0 -10 .2 40 60 + Percentage covers ... 60 50 40 20 03 30 20 04 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Density of sea urchin (ind m -2) 70 50 60 U pinnatifida (Line 1) U pinnatifida (Line 2) Sea urchin (Line 1) Sea urchin (Line 2) 50 40 30 40 30 20 20 ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

13 477 0
Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

Nitrogen Dynamics and Biomass Production in a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Cultivated with Forage Rice and their Mathematical Modeling

... Technology, Vol 7, No 4, 20 09 Q = 0.1 2. 0 1 .5 1.0 0 .5 0.0 20 40 60 2. 5 Q = 0 .2 2.0 1 .5 Supplied water 1.0 Supplied water (assumed in calc.) 0 .5 0.0 80 100 120 140 160 20 NO2 +3- N concentration [mg-N/L] ... Measured NO2 +3- N Concentration (“Q”: river water supply rate into each pot [m3/(m2·day)]) Q = 0.1 2. 0 1 .5 1.0 0 .5 0.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 NH4-N concentration [mg-N/L] Q = 0 .2 2.0 1 .5 Supplied ... assumed as before (Fig 3) 140 120 Q = 0.6 Q = 0 .2 Q = 0.1 Q = 0.6 Q = 0 .2 Q = 0.1 80 60 120 100 80 60 40 40 20 20 Plant height [cm] Leaf number [/hill] 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time after...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

16 581 1
CFD model of air movement in ventilated façade: comparison between natural and forced air flow

CFD model of air movement in ventilated façade: comparison between natural and forced air flow

... ventilator Building and Environment 43 -20 08 21 32 21 41 ISSN 20 76 -28 95 (Print), ISSN 20 76 -29 09 (Online) 20 13 International Energy & Environment Foundation All rights reserved 36 8 International Journal ... Buildings, Vol 34 , N Pp 46 9 -47 5 20 02 [2] Chen Q Ventilation performance prediction for buildings: a method overview and recent applications Building Environ 20 09 ;44 (4) : 848 e58 [3] Li Y, Nielsen ... Environment 42 (20 07) 40 06 40 15 [ 12] Omar S A., Mohamed B G A comparison between CFD and Network models for predicting wind-driven ventilation in buildings Building and Environment 42 - 2007 40 79 40 85 [ 13] ...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

12 508 0