... found repositioned in a proliferating organization [30] Genome organization and the nuclear lamina One of the enigmatic suggested roles for lamins is in genome organization, which could impact on ... spermatocytes and oocytes possibly reflects the distinct organization of the nuclei of these cells in general and chromatin in particular in germ cells Indeed, alteration of chromosome positioning and reorganization ... interphase genome organization and their influence over genome function It appears from our studies that A-type lamins influence chromosome position within interphase nuclei How this happens and what...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20
... parasites after days and 2, 4, and 24 weeks after transfection Lanes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 show the PCR products obtained using the primer pair T7 and RIB Lanes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 show the ... discussions and Edith Trejo and Carlos Zadikian for technical assistance We are indebted to Drs J J Cazzulo and C Labriola for their generous gifts of a cruzipaincontaining plasmid and primers A and ... activity levels for each time-point is relevant and allowed us to detect the transient and stable periods of exogenous gene expression Genome organization of transformed parasites In order to...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Content strategy for mobile and why should you care
... what’s content (strategy) anyway? In the web industry, anything that conveys meaningful information to humans is called content ” Erin Kissane, The Elements of Content Strategy (A Book Apart) Content ... Strategy (A Book Apart) Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, and governance of useful, usable content ” Kristina Halvorson, The Discipline of Content Strategy (A List Apart) Becoming ... Front-end dev and designer with years of experience Earlier worked at AdTaily and Applicake Currently @XHTMLized karolinaszczur Understanding mobile context Becoming responsive Managing content Usable...
Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2014, 21:31
Minireview Maize DNA-sequencing strategies and genome organization Ron J Okagaki and Ronald L ppt
... the genome, and it seems possible that genes encoding microRNAs and small polypeptides will be captured by one or other technique The application of genome filtration for sequencing the maize genome ... foundation for exploring the complete genome Genome Biology 2004, 5:223 http://genomebiology.com/2004/5/5/223 Genome Biology 2004, Volume 5, Issue 5, Article 223 Okagaki and Phillips 223.3 References ... genome organization must be considered before applying genome- filtration techniques to other organisms If funding becomes available, there are strong reasons for sequencing the entire maize genome...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:20
Marketing Strategy for welding and cutting products in Namviet company.doc
... many open fields and new business, because growth and development of its future development and to create momentum for a new powerful company, joint stock company investment and commercial construction ... Marketing Strategy for the welding and cutting products in Namviet, and the last one I give out some more main solutions to improve this Field study report – Dam Thi Le Minh Marketing Strategy ... equipment and spare parts Building materials business Transportation Mining Broker dealers and auction Installation of machinery and industrial equipment Construction of public works and civil...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:45
Ebook computer organization and design 4th edition oct 2011 new
... Add Unsigned addu R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] And and R R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt] And Immediate andi I Branch On Equal beq I Branch On Not Equal bne I Jump j Jump And Link Jump Register addi 8hex 9hex / ... interface between the hardware and software is of particular importance This new edition of Computer Organization and Design is mandatory for any student who wishes to understand multicore architecture ... understand basic computer organization as well as readers with backgrounds in assembly language and/ or logic design who want to learn how to design a computer or understand how a system works and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2013, 15:53
William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture P1
... than CPU and RAM § Need I/O modules Input/Output Module § Entity of the computer that controls external devices & exchanges data between CPU, Memory and external devices § Interface to CPU and Memory ... identifier CPU commands contain identifier (address) I/O Mapping § § Memory mapped I/O • Devices and memory share an address space • I/O looks just like memory read/write • No special commands for I/O ... reads word from I/O module Writes to memory I/O Commands § CPU issues address • Identifies module (& device if >1 per module) § CPU issues command • Control - telling module what to ü e.g spin...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture P2 pptx
... allocated to program and data May be a number of program and data segments Advantages of Segmentation § Simplifies handling of growing data structures § Allows programs to be altered and recompiled ... not require contiguous page frames Use page table to keep track Logical and Physical Addresses - Paging Virtual Memory § Demand paging • Do not require all pages of a process in memory • Bring in ... Objectives and Functions § Convenience • Making the computer easier to use § Efficiency • Allowing better use of computer resources Layers and Views of a Computer System Operating...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture P4 docx
... highest address § This is called little-endian Standard … What Standard? § Pentium (80x86), VAX are little-endian § IBM 370, Moterola 680x0 (Mac), and most RISC are big-endian § Internet is big-endian ... Operands can also be represented in this way • ADD A,B Instruction Types § Data processing • Arithmetic & Logic instruction ü Process numeric data ü Operates on bits of the word as bits and not ... allowed in an instruction § Decide the categories of processor architecture § addresses • Operand 1, Operand 2, Result • a = b + c; • May be a forth - next instruction (usually implicit) • Not common...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture P5 pptx
... technique -Tells where the operand is Immediate Addressing § Operand is part of instruction § Operand = address field § e.g ADD • Add to contents of accumulator • is operand § No memory reference ... Opcode operand Size of number is restricted to the size of operand filed Direct Addressing § Address field contains address of operand § Effective address EA = address field A § Operand = (EA) ... location containing operand • Register or memory location • (EA) contents of location EA § e.g ADD A • Add contents of cell A to accumulator • Look in memory at address A for operand § Single memory...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture P6 pptx
... blocks (see O/S) • Interrupt Vectors (see O/S) § N.B CPU design and operating system design are closely linked Example Register Organizations Foreground Reading § Stallings Chapter 11 § Manufacturer ... resumption after interrupt Contents of PC copied to MBR Special memory location (e.g stack pointer) loaded to MAR MBR written to memory PC loaded with address of interrupt handling routine Next instruction ... performance Pipelining § § § § § § Fetch instruction Decode instruction Calculate operands (i.e EAs) Fetch operands Execute instructions Write result § Overlap these operations Timing of Pipeline...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15
Tài liệu Document Format and Contents doc
... Purpose, Applicable Documents, and Procedure, are mandatory and the other three: Definitions, Overview, and General Requirements, can be used as necessary If any of the mandatory sections are not ... Format and Contents 3.7.0 41 ENGINEERING PROCEDURE FORMAT Figure 3.5 illustrates the format of an engineering procedure The cover page can have a header and a footer to capture useful information and ... page, such as the departmental instruction number, page number, and the signatures of the originator and approver Document Format and Contents Departmental Instruction Title: Dept Inst No.: ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15
... Main Memory and Processor 287 L1 and L2 Cache Placement 287 Split Cache Organization 288 Organization of Cache into Lines 289 Division of Memory into Blocks 290 Organization ... 386 Format and Parameters of the EQU Directive 386 Sample Code with and without the EQU Directive 386 Format and Parameters of the MOV Opcode 387 Format and Parameters of the IN and OUT ... and OUT Opcodes 387 Format and Parameters of the ADD Opcode 388 Format and Parameters of NEG, NOT, DEC, and INC 388 Format and Parameters of SAR, SHR, SAL, and SHL 389 Example of a JMP...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 21:20
3 Reasons Your Social Strategy is Failing (And What to Do Instead)
... partners to cross-promote and help you distribute this content Then run contests to increase engagement and excitement for the upcoming holiday specials Finally, use lead nurturing and email marketing ... strategies that any business can use to increase revenue and tips, tactics and tools to get more traffic, leads and sales Click here to sign up now And connect See complet e prof ile Would you like ... promotion and drive awareness for years to come The same goes for your own in-house email list or blog These are platforms that grow in value, and allow you to freely share messages and instantly...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 09:36
Tài liệu European strategy for child and adolescent health and development pptx
... potential for health and development and to reduce the burden of avoidable disease and mortality The intention is to encourage healthy growth and development and to reduce illness and mortality, not ... facilities and the wider physical and cultural environment Children and adolescents are citizens in their own right and should be actively engaged in the planning and monitoring of any national strategy ... detection and management of the main communicable diseases; • prevention, detection and treatment of parasitic infections and infestations; and • detection and management of vision and hearing...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and the Republic of Yemen 2008–2013 pdf
... Public Health and Population, 2005 19 Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen registration of fees and accounts are not uniform, and the problems ... Commission and Governments of Germany, 29 Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United ... Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and Yemen of education and skills of mental health staff as well as the establishment of treatment protocols and procedures...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20