strategic fit in supply chain management pdf

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improvement of export and domestic markets for Vietnamese fruit through improved post-harvest and supply chain management " pdf

Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Improvement of export and domestic markets for Vietnamese fruit through improved post-harvest and supply chain management " pdf

... less than desirable supply chains operating in Southern Vietnam Supply/ Value Chain Maps Easy and simple to understand supply/ value chain maps were constructed to enable supply chain stakeholders ... Principles of supply chains, developing supply chains, supply chain analysis developing strategic plans and action plans Process outline for developing supply chains (Manuals and Workbooks) Workshop ... Monitoring Quality via Sequential Sampling of Mango Down The Length of The Supply Chain ii Section 2:- Identifying Mango Problems and Disorders in the Value Chain Principles of supply chains, developing

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20

61 378 0
the role of supply chain processes and information sharing in supply chain management

the role of supply chain processes and information sharing in supply chain management

... differentiation supply chains Journal of Global Information Management 7(1) 16-25 Supply Chain Council 2000 Supply Chain Operations Reference Model Version 5.0 Supply Chain Council 2002 E-business and supply ... assimilating supply chain dynamics information and using that information to guide the use of effective supply chain process Effective supply chain process is important for mediating the influence ... of supply- chain demand requirements N/A (VIIIA6) The designation of a supply chain planning team (VIIIA7) N/A Both marketing and manufacturing functions are involved in N/A supply chain planning

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:47

265 543 0
Information shared postponement strategies in supply chain management

Information shared postponement strategies in supply chain management

... postponement in a supply chain. 150 Figure 5-3: The service level of information- shared postponement in a supply chain 152 x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Supply chain management ... in- depth literature review is carried out in this study 2.1 The Concept Of Supply Chain And Supply Chain Management A supply chain is a system of business enterprises that links ... supply chain dynamics Figure... unavailability of accurate market information in the upstream tiers of a supply chain, sharing useful and timely information in a supply chain has

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11

222 359 0


... counter-intuitive is that, chain 1 who holds no inventories will end up with a larger profit than chain 2; yet, chain 2 is still incentivized to carry over inventories as both chains’ profits are ... the inventories level in future period, inducing chain 1 to a lower level sales correspondingly. This weakens the quantity competition between two chains and results in an increase in both chains’ ... to two chains, between which the horizontal (inter -chain) quantitysetting competition is introduced. These two chains, each consisting of a single supplier and a single retailer, conducting sales

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 10:11

87 597 0
A review of structural equation modeling sample size in supply chain management discipline

A review of structural equation modeling sample size in supply chain management discipline

... conduct structural equation modeling technique in supply chain management (SCM) discipline The paper reviewed a set of 42 empirical research articles in supply chain management research with respect ... performance in a supply chain context Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13(4): 317-327 31 Kenneth, W G J., Dwayne, W., & Anthony, I 2012 Aligning marketing strategies throughout the supply ... Research in Supply Chain Management, Research Methodologies in Supply chain management Germany: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg 61 Tenko, R., & Keith, F W 1995 Issues in applied structural equation modeling

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 02:02

18 85 0
Maximising co-creation strategy through integration of distinctive capabilities and customer experiences in supply chain management

Maximising co-creation strategy through integration of distinctive capabilities and customer experiences in supply chain management

... Uncertain Supply Chain Management (2020) 187–196 Contents lists available at GrowingScience Uncertain Supply Chain Management homepage: Maximising co-creation ... key in sustaining business of the firms to focus on developing customer experience and providing distinctive capabilities © 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada Introduction Industry ... the figure below: Fig Research Findings L W W Mihardjo et al /Uncertain Supply Chain Management (2020) 193 Discussion and Implication The findings of this study indicate that there was a significant,

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 22:57

10 29 0
Interpretive structural modeling of critical factors for buyer-supplier partnerships in supply chain management

Interpretive structural modeling of critical factors for buyer-supplier partnerships in supply chain management

... Uncertain Supply Chain Management (2020) ****–**** Contents lists available at GrowingScience Uncertain Supply Chain Management homepage: Interpretive structural modeling ... modeling technique: An Indian perspective Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(2), 231-257 Majumdar, A & Sinha, S.K (2019) Analyzing the barriers of green textile supply chain management ... Business Economics, 41(1), 277–293 Bhaskar, B.G., Rakesh, D.R., & Narkhede, B (2019) Determinants of sustainable supply chain management: A case study from the oil and gas supply chain Sustainable

Ngày tải lên: 27/05/2020, 03:35

14 42 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 1

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 1

... advanced concept of Outsourcing? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Importance of? ?Supply? ?Chain? ?Management? ?(SCM) Reasons to Employ SCM Origin of SCM Important Elements of SCM Advances? ?in? ?SCM What is a? ?Supply? ?Chain? A? ?supply? ?chain? ?consists of the flow of products and services from: ... 1 PART I An Overview of? ?Supply? ?Chain? ?Management By  Dr. Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 1: Advances in Supply Chain Management: An Overview Road Map of the Course Material ... exactly is? ?supply? ?chain? ?management? ?to its proponents? There has been an  attempt to distinguish logistics from? ?supply? ?chain? ?management,  declaring  logistics to be a subset of? ?supply? ?chain? ?management.  Recently, the Council of 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:40

26 31 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 2

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 2

... Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 1: Advances in Supply Chain Management: An Overview (Cont……) Lec 2 : Learning Objectives n n To define the essence of? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management? ?(SCM) and to discuss how does  ... it relate to Advanced Planning In? ?which sense are the underlying planning  concepts “advanced”?  Summary of Last Lecture n The lecture has proceeded from the very basic definition and origin of  supply? ?chain? ?management? ?to the developments? ?in? ?the field over the period  ... Use JIT to improve the “pull” of materials to reduce inventory  levels ­ To gain and maintain a competitive advantage, firms are  using the just? ?in? ?time (JIT) philosophy, which is to eliminate waste  by cutting unnecessary inventory and removing delays? ?in? ?operations. 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:40

49 44 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 3

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 3

... Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 2: Supply Chain Analysis Lec 3 : Learning Objectives To understand the improvement process? ?in? ?SCM, give the clear picture  of the structure of existing? ?supply? ?chain? ?and the way it works.  ... An accurate analysis of the? ?supply? ?chain? ?serves several purposes and is more a  continuous task than a one time effort.? ?In? ?today’s fast changing business  environment, although a? ?supply? ?chain? ?partnership is intended for a longer  duration,? ?supply? ?chains keep evolving and changing to accommodate best to  ... attribute often stressed? ?in? ?literature is the division into innovative product  supply? ?chains and functional product? ?supply? ?chains (see e.g. Fisher 1997;  Ramdas and Spekman 2000). Innovative product? ?supply? ?chains are  characterized by short product life cycles, unstable demands, but 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:41

28 39 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 4

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 4

... Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 2: Supply Chain Analysis (Cont……) Lec 4 : Learning Objectives To discuss the key performance measures necessary to achieve? ?supply? ? chain? ?excellence  Inventories are often built up at the interface between partners. As a  ... Often claimed citations like “inventories hide faults” suggest to avoid any  inventory? ?in? ?a? ?supply? ?chain.  This way of thinking is attributed to the Just­ In? ?Time­philosophy, which aligns the processes? ?in? ?the? ?supply? ?chain? ?such  ... on substantial processes of the? ?supply? ?chain.  Hence, an integrated  information system operating on a joint database and a mutual cost  accounting system may prove to be a vital part of the? ?supply? ?chain 18  Inventory Analysis

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:41

32 29 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 5

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 5

... 1 Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 2a: Advancements? ?in? ? Inventory? ?Management Lec 5 : Learning Objectives n n n n n n n n n Distinguish dependent from independent demand inventories ... Four of the original EOQ assumptions maintained u u u u l No constraints are placed on lot size Holding and ordering costs Independent demand Lead times are certain Order is placed to bring the inventory position up to the  ... Decouple dependencies? ?in? ?the? ?supply? ?chain? ?(e.g., safety stock) Four broad categories of inventories (already discussed? ?in? ?detail? ?in? ?the last  lecture) n Raw materials­ unprocessed purchase inputs n Work? ?in? ?process (WIP)­ partially processed materials not yet 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:41

42 45 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 6

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 6

... 1 Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management Chapter 3: Types of Supply Chains Lec 6 : Learning Objectives  To be able to identify the type of decision problems facing the? ?supply? ? chain? ?and guide the selection of standard or specialized modules, models  ... So far the previous lectures has given the detailed  analysis of the operations and processes  constituting the? ?supply? ?chain? ?has given the clear picture of the structure of existing? ?supply? ? chain? ?and the way it works. Key performance measures and inventory analysis and  management? ?has aslo been explained? ?in? ?detail to achieve? ?supply? ?chain? ?excellence. The  ... and algorithms for decision making, this lecture will defines a ? ?supply? ? chain? ?typology”, supporting the SCOR­model at level 2. The second  level deals with the configuration of the? ?supply? ?chain.  At this level 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:42

36 36 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 7

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 7

... The present lecture has described the role of APS? ?in? ?supply? ?chain? ? management? ?. Hierarchy of planning tasks and? ?supply? ?chain? ?planning  matrix were also explained? ?in? ?detail. The? ?supply? ?chain? ?planning matrix  has explained? ?in? ?detail the long term, medium tem and short term  ... Role of APS, advances? ?in? ?SCM and planning task along the? ?supply? ? chain? ?help? ?in? ?the successful execution of? ?supply? ?chains SUMMARY of Last Lecture n Advanced planning? ?in? ?supply? ?chain? ?management? ?is crucial? ?in? ?today’s  ... Planning Tasks Along the? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? n n n n n Supply? ?Chain? ?Planning Matrix Long­Term Planning Tasks Mid­Term Planning Tasks Short­Term Planning Tasks  Coordination and Integration What is Planning? Why planning? Along a? ?supply? ?chain? ?hundreds and thousands of individual 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:42

32 22 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 8

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 8

... The last lecture has described the role of APS? ?in? ?supply? ?chain? ? management? ?. Hierarchy of planning tasks and? ?supply? ?chain? ?planning  matrix were also explained? ?in? ?detail. The? ?supply? ?chain? ?planning matrix  has explained? ?in? ?detail the long term, medium tem and short term  ... net requirements from warehouses & distribution centers customer demand  minus any on hand? ?in? ?transit inventories. It is a method used? ?in? ?business  administration for planning orders within a? ?supply? ?chain.  DRP enables the  user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and  ... Major ERP applications include – n n n n n n Accounting and finance Customer relationship? ?management Human resource? ?management Manufacturing Supplier relationship? ?management Supply? ?chain? ?management 38

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:42

40 25 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 9

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 9

... The last lecture has elaborated the advance planning processes? ?in? ?supply? ? chain? ?management.  The focus was on operations planning, aggregate  production plan, production scheduling, bill of material, material  requirement planning,  capacity planning, distribution requirement  ... to include the seasonal? ?in? ??uences and the additional demand which is  caused by promotions and marketing activities.  Lot­Sizing and Machine Scheduling Production planning? ?in? ?consumer goods industries seems simple as the  ... will be resumed? ?in? ?the present lecture? ?in? ?order to design planning  concepts fitting the particular requirements of these two types of? ?supply? ? chains LAYOUT  Examples of  Type­ Specific Planning Tasks and Planning 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:42

30 34 0
Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 10

Lecture Advances in supply chain management - Chapter 10

... software modules (eventually again comprising several software  components),each of them covering a certain range of planning tasks (see  Rohde et al. 2000).? ?In? ?Sect.4.2.1 the most important tasks of? ?supply? ?chain? ? planning have been introduced and classified? ?in? ?the two dimensions planning  ... Advances? ?in? ?Supply? ?Chain? ? Management? ? Part Chapter : Structure of Advanced Planning System Lec 10 : Learning Objectives        To describe the common structure underlying Advanced Planning System  ... need to offer planning functionality by themselves.  22 Also frequently offered are the tools for the integration (mostly  using Internet technology) of different? ?supply? ?chain? ?partners  operating? ?in? ?different locations. These software components 

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 13:43

34 21 0
Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

... transactions between com- panies in supply chains are characterised by adding value up through the chain and incurring costs (and consequent payments) down the chain. Supply chain management aims to reduce ... the ways that supply chain management is addressed by companies in the high- and low- volume sectors. 5. Supply chain management trends in high-volume industries In the high-volume industries, ... analysis of supply chain management. 182 C. Hicks et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 65 (2000) 179 }190 Supply chain management in the ETO sector is considered in the context of trends in high-volume manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

12 519 0
Strategic supply chain management ppt

Strategic supply chain management ppt

... given market very early in the production process. Strategic supply chain management is more than just innovation for the sake of being innovative. It’s creating a unique supply chain configuration ... understand the strategic role the supply chain plays in their businesses and are engaged today in large-scale transformative initiatives to wring more value from supply- chain investments, create ... +08'00' 10 Strategic Supply Chain Management sales and build-to-order manufacturing to the computer industry. In truth, Michael Dell is a visionary in supply chain management. PCs simply...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20

339 548 1