stem cell biology and regenerative medicine usc

Ebook chemical and functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine part 2

Ebook chemical and functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine part 2

... to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Edited by Sheng Ding Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc 145 146 PROTEIN CHARACTERIZATION BY BIOLOGICAL MASS SPECTROMETRY biological systems Since ... embryonic stem cells during their self-renewal However, after the identification of the protein constituents of a given system, the next step usually involves understanding how these systems change ... of stem cell biology The various references cited are clearly not meant to be exclusive, but rather provide good starting points for obtaining additional details regarding the numerous topics and

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 11:31

20 0 0
Ebook chemical and functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine part 1

Ebook chemical and functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine part 1

... CHEMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMIC APPROACHES TO STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CHEMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMIC APPROACHES TO STEM CELL BIOLOGY AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Edited ... and functional genomic approaches to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine / [edited by] Sheng Ding p ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-470-04146-8 (cloth) Stem ... Xu, Simon Hilcove, and Sheng Ding Regeneration Screens in Model Organisms 207 Chetana Sachidanandan and Randall T Peterson 10 Proteomics in Stem Cells 223 Qiang Tian and W Andy Tao Index 243

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 11:33

20 7 0
The march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine stem cell res ther 2018 9 1 p 201

The march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine stem cell res ther 2018 9 1 p 201

... marrow stem cell, MSC mesenchymal stem cell, MB mybolast, CSC cardiac stem cell, EPC endothelial progenitor cell, ESC embryonic stem cell, ICM inner cell mass, iPSC induced pluripotent stem cell, ... specialized cell types [8] This review describes different types of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adult stem cells (ASCs), and focuses primarily on induced pluripotent stem cells ... and colleagues Phenotype and developmental potential of cardiomyocytes from induced pluripotent stem cells and human embryonic stem cells In: Ainscough J et al eds Nuclear reprogramming and stem

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2021, 23:02

31 10 0
Luận văn the march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine stem cell res ther 2018 9 1 p 201

Luận văn the march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine stem cell res ther 2018 9 1 p 201

... reducing cardiac degeneration is stem cell therapy (SCT) In this review, we describe different types of stem cells, including embryonic and adult stem cells, and we provide a detailed discussion ... properties of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) We also present and critically discuss the key methods used for converting somatic cells to pluripotent cells and iPSCs to cardiomyocytes (CMs), ... Abou-Saleh et al Stem Cell Research & Therapy (2018) 9:201 Page of 31 Fig Stem cell research: key dates Genetic reprogramming started as early as 1958 with the first somatic nuclear cell transfer,

Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2023, 20:04

61 1 0
Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 1

Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 1

... in the GIS Stem Cell groups for companionship, support and helpful discussions Most importantly, my family has given me incredible support and encouragement Their love and understanding helped ... Transcriptional control of stem cell pluripotency 1.1.1 The transcription factors OCT4, NANOG and SOX2 constitute the human embryonic stem cell transcriptional core 1.1.2 An expanded transcriptional ... pluripotent stem cells 28 3.2 Expansion and mitotic inactivation of MEF cells 28 3.3 Preparation of MEF-conditioned medium 29   iii  3.4 Culture of PA6 mouse skull bone marrow stromal cells 29 3.5

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 17:54

83 381 0
Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 3

Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 3

... players in embryogenesis and in developmental processes (Amaral and Mattick, 2008; Dinger et al., 2008) Recent studies in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) indicate ... in NPCs compared to hESCs and neurons, and mirrored the expression of genes known to be important in the maintenance of neural stem cell identity, such as PAX6, POU3F2 and SOX1 (Figures 5.2C-D) ... 2009) and epigenetic processes (Mercer et al., 2010) So far, most efforts aimed at understanding lncRNA functions in pluripotency and neural differentiation focused on the mouse as a model system

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 17:54

55 327 0
Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 4

Roles of long non coding RNAs in human embryonic stem cell pluripotency and neural differentiation 4

... confirmed by qPCR in two independent cell lines: hESC (H1)-derived NPCs and an immortalized human neural stem cell line ReN-VM In both hESC-derived cells and ReN-VM cells, RMST expression was upregulated ... AK056164, AF429305 and AF429306 (Figure 7.1 and Figure 8.4) In humans, RMST is located on chromosome 12q23, and the ENCODE ChIP-seq data from human embryonic stem cells (H1) and neuroblastomas ... factor expressed in neural stem cells and non-neuronal cells, to repress neuronal gene expression To confirm that REST indeed binds upstream of RMST in the neural stem cell line ReN-VM, REST chromatin-immunoprecipitation

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 17:54

13 275 0
Dual roles of transcription factor zic3 in regulating embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation

Dual roles of transcription factor zic3 in regulating embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation

... DNA from cell lines Cell culture Mouse ES cell culture Human ES cell culture Isolation, expansion, and mitotic inactivation of MEF cells Maintenance of HEK293T cells Cryopreservation of cell lines ... of human and murine ESCs identifies divergent paths required to maintain the stem cell state. Stem Cells 23, 166 –185. 1358 Molecular Biology of the Cell [...]... sustains mouse ES cell self-renewal ... ES cell pluripotency. In addition, ChIP mapping by us and others has revealed Oct4, Nanog, and Molecular Biology of the Cell Zic3 Maintains ES Cell Pluripotency Figure 6. Effect of Zic2 and

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:02

271 283 0
Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 2

Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 2

... as in the regulation of intracellular calcium signals, in angiogenesis and control of cell adhesion molecule expression, and chemotaxis More particularly, in immune cells, it was shown that the ... (S1P), the goldstandard method to measure and quantify SPHK activity in vitro More details about this assay will be addressed below Cell lysis CHO cells were collected and re-suspended ... mixed and left to stand at room temperature for 5-10 minutes The organic and aqueous phases were separated by adding 240μl of chloroform and 240 μl of 2N KCl The mixture was then vortexed, and

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06

32 310 0
Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 3

Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 3

... promote stem cells differentiation in order to develop novel and safer strategies for stem cells differentiation In our study, inhibition of the enzyme SPHK, which is tightly related to the cells ... when suppressing SPHK activity in the stem cells, the balance between proliferation and differentiation could be lost, the cell growth was arrested, and the cells would then enter into certain ... embryonic stem cells proliferation, while the inhibition of SPHK by DMS, abolished the stemness maintained by S1P+PDGF and caused the cells to spontaneously differentiate, to unknown and uncharacterized

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06

58 249 0
Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 4

Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 4

... maintaining their stemness However, human adult stem cells, such as MSCs, are very different with embryonic stem cells in terms of cell properties (such as differentiation potentials) and culture conditions ... roles in human adult stem cells Pébay et al (2005) showed that S1P could work synergetically with PDGF and promote human embryonic stem cells 122 Chapter Role of S1P in human BM- and AD- MSCs proliferation ... was discussed in Section 1.1 SPHK and S1P, S1P has dual functions It can act as an intracellular mediator, and it can also act as an extracellular ligand to bind and stimulate its-specific receptors,

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06

31 246 0
Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 6

Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation 6

... sphingosine-1-phosphate and platelet-derived growth factor in the maintenance of human embryonic stem cells." Stem Cells 23(10): 1541-8 Peng, H and J Huard (2003) "Stem cells in the treatment of muscle and connective ... (2007) "Whole genome analysis of human neural stem cells derived from embryonic stem cells and stem and progenitor cells isolated from fetal tissue." Stem Cells 25(5): 1298-306 Shmelkov, S V., S Meeus, ... composition and translational adult bone marrow-derived stem cell research." Stem Cells 24(5): 1409-10 Spiegel, S., O Cuvillier, et al (1998) "Sphingosine-1-phosphate in cell growth and cell death."

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06

25 467 0
Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation

Development of sphingosine kinase (SPHK) inhibitors and the role of sphingolipids in adult stem cell proliferation and differentiation

... one hand, it could act as an intracellular mediator and trigger numerous cellular events, including intracellular calcium release, and promote cell survival and cell growth On the other hand, ... BM-MSCs and AD-MSCs, as tissue-specific stem cells, are very different from human embryonic stem cells in terms of cell differentiation properties and in vitro culture conditions Human BM-MSCs and ... regard to stem cell differentiation Nevertheless, growth factors or cytokines provide attempts for expanding stem cells in a better-defined condition, which lowers the risk of stem cell transformation

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:06

31 524 0
Clinical significance of cancer stem cell markers and other related proteins in colorectal carcinomas   biological and methodological considerations

Clinical significance of cancer stem cell markers and other related proteins in colorectal carcinomas biological and methodological considerations

... minority of cancer stem cells These cancer stem cells possess tumour-related features such as uncontrolled growth and the ability to form metastases They also maintain their inherent stem cell capacity ... Clarke MF Cancer stem cells: models and concepts Annu Rev Med 2007; 58: 267-84 Dallas NA, Xia L, Fan F, et al Chemoresistant colorectal cancer cells, the cancer stem cell phenotype, and increased ... cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and a potential mediator of extracellular antimitogenic signals Cell 1994; 78(1): 59-66 Polyak K, Hahn W Roots and stems: stem cells in cancer Nat Med 2006; 12(3):

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:57

116 277 0
Cell biology and plamid

Cell biology and plamid

... nucleosomes. 7 Cell Theory ã Cells are the fundamental unit of life - nothing less than a cell is alive. ã All organisms are constructed of and by cells. ã All cells arise from preexisting cells. Cells ... neighboring cells to each other in tissues 29 Flagella and Cilia - cellular appendages can propel cells or propel materials over the cell surface cells that have flagella have few (usually 1 or 2) cells ... of cells. __________ cells - relatively simple cells - lack nuclear membrane and many organelles - bacteria and their relatives are all prokaryotic ___________ cells - more complex cells...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 17:52

35 332 5
Cell Biology and Cancer under a contract from the National Institutes of Health doc

Cell Biology and Cancer under a contract from the National Institutes of Health doc

... multiple methods and systematically gather data about student understanding and ability. Activity 5 Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer Activities 2 and 4 Activities 2, 3, and 4 Activity ... activi ties are complex and challenging, and Activity 5 will stretch your students’ abilities to listen, think, and speak. Using the Cell Biology The Cell Biology and and Cancer CD-ROM Cancer ... Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer should develop understanding of the cell. ã Cells store and use information to guide their functions. ã Cell functions are regulated. Activities 2 and 3 Activity...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20

164 579 1
REDISCOVERING BIOLOGY - Molecular to Global Perspectives: Cell Biology and Cancer pot

REDISCOVERING BIOLOGY - Molecular to Global Perspectives: Cell Biology and Cancer pot

... abnormalities in the cells in terms of their shape, size, and 10 Cell Biology and Cancer R EDISCOVERING B IOLOGY 17 Cell Biology and Cancer Glossary Anaplastic. A term used to describe cancer cells that ... the cell to enter S phase and M phase. 6 Cell Biology and Cancer Figure 2. The cell cycle is an ordered process of events that occurs in four stages. During the two gap phases, G1 and G2, the cell ... cancer cell growth and causes cancer cells to undergo apoptosis, or programmed cell death. It binds to abnormal proteins in cancer cells, blocking their action in promoting 12 Cell Biology and Cancer ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 01:20

17 592 1