... number of possible states of the system; Gs is the performance of the system; qs is the corresponding probability M U j ( z ) = ∑ ql ⋅ z gl f ( g k , gl ) s =1 s system; N is the number of subsystems ... function of the , qM } , where ql = Pr {G = gl } , G M M sys i ; n is the number of components in subsystem i ; M i is the number of possible states of subsystem i Gm is the performance of subsystem ... The reliability of the power system obtained by the traditional system reliability theory is always conservative [5] (2) The power system is a multi -state system The multistate system theory can...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:38
... education system provides enormous economic benefits to the state economy For this study, REMI used a model of the State of Oklahoma to show the overall economic activity that depends on the state s ... Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSHRE) contracted Regional Economic Models, Inc (REMI) to conduct an analysis of the contribution of the higher education system of the State Oklahoma ... economic contribution of Oklahoma’s higher education system As well as providing hundreds of thousands of Oklahoma residents with the opportunity to obtain the advantages of higher education,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
... State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment in the semiconductor quantum dot system Double quantum dot system ... sum of independent functions, i.e V = V ( x ) + V (y) + V (z) (4) the eigenfunction of the system can be written as: ψ( x, y, z) = ψx ( x )ψy (y)ψz (z) (5) 22 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System ... other 32 14 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig 14 A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment (a) Double quantum dot system in absence of external...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20
... State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment in the semiconductor quantum dot system Double quantum dot system ... sum of independent functions, i.e V = V ( x ) + V (y) + V (z) (4) the eigenfunction of the system can be written as: ψ( x, y, z) = ψx ( x )ψy (y)ψz (z) (5) 22 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System ... other 32 14 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig 14 A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment (a) Double quantum dot system in absence of external...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20
... State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment in the semiconductor quantum dot system Double quantum dot system ... sum of independent functions, i.e V = V ( x ) + V (y) + V (z) (4) the eigenfunction of the system can be written as: ψ( x, y, z) = ψx ( x )ψy (y)ψz (z) (5) 22 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System ... other 32 14 State- of- the-Art of Quantum Dot System Fabrications Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH Fig 14 A schematic illustration of the proposed experiment (a) Double quantum dot system in absence of external...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 00:20
Summary of philosophy of law doctor’s thesis improving legals on state audit to meet requirements on building the socialist law state of vietnam
... state audit meeting the requirements of building the rule of law, strengthening the power control of state in Vietnam 4 Chapter RATIONALE OF COMPLETENESS OF THE STATE AUDIT LAW MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS ... of law in audit activities 2.4 REQUIREMENTS OF SOCIALIST LAW STATE OF VIETNAM FOR COMPLETION OF THE STATE AUDIT LAW Building Socialist law state of Vietnam according to the above viewpoints of ... expenditures of the State and the other state settlement, the administrative activities of the state and its officials c ) The object and scope of an audit of the State Accounts; account of the provincial...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 13:33
THE structure of the multiprogramming system
... inspection and modification of the state variables (allocated in the surrounding universe) that describe the current state of the system (as far as needed for the regulation of the ham~onious cooperation ... inspection of state variables including zero or more V-operations on private semaphores of other processes"; V(mutex) By the introduction of suitable state variables and appropriate programming of the ... survey of our system because I think it a nice example of the form that such a structure might take In my experience, I am sorry to say, industrial software makers tend to react to the system...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:05
List the components of a radio system
... • List the components of a radio system • Describe how different factors affect the design of a radio system • Explain the radio frequency spectrum Components of a Radio System • Components include: ... level of noise – Interference can take place • To reduce the interference of noise – Boost the strength of the signal – Use of filters when receiving the signal • Attenuation – A loss of signal ... is in the range of the highest sum and the lowest difference of the two frequencies – Sum and differences are known as the sidebands of the frequency carrier • Shield transmitted signal from “stray”...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52
Báo cáo y học: "980 nm diode lasers in oral and facial practice: current state of the science and art"
... suggestions of scientific literature on the advantages of the compactness, reliability, ease of use and affordability of the 980 nm Diode Lasers, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of one such ... experience" of the specialist The aim of this study was to verify the reliability and efficacy of one of these compact portable diode instruments, emitting a maximum power density of 30W/cm2 not ... developed for a broader range of wavelengths that will offer useful, predictable, and comfortable therapy for managing of dental patients Particularly, the use of a diode laser seems to be promising,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48
153 The role of marketing activities to bankcard and actual state of Ngân hàng nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn (AgriBank) cards
... per month, profit of transactions was nearly VND billion, balance of call deposit account was VND 1,425 million Collected service fee of the last quarter of the year was zero because of free issuing ... clearing and settlement system as a whole is interchange 10 CHAPTER TWO THE ROLE OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES TO BANKCARD AND ACTUAL STATE OF AGRIBANK CARDS 2.1 Introduction of Vietnam Bank for Agriculture ... 1.- Quantity of ATM, EDC Source Report on result of 2009 card products and services The graph shows the quantity of ATM, EDC changing over period of four years In 2007, the quantity of EDC is lesser...
Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2013, 12:13
Analysis of Brand Identity System of Vietnam Airline
... Transport Projection 60 Table 4.12: Number of Personnel as of May 1999 61 Table 4.13: Level of education of Vietnam Airlines employees (as of May 1999) .61 Table 4.14: Vietnam ... identity in the face of a new paradigm 2.3 Manage Brand Image 2.3.1 Three components of brand image The image of a brand has three contributing subimages: • The image of provider of the product/service, ... region and a host of other factors beyond the control of AAPA airlines, all of its members posted a massive, collective loss of US$843.8 million in the 1997-1998 financial year In view of financial...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:33
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods
... problem OP11 of system CP-24 Variable Power (ISO) of gas turbine GT01 (kW) Power (ISO) of gas turbine GT01a (kW) Load of gas turbine GT01 Load of gas turbine GT01a Steam pressure at exit of mixer ... the sum of the specific costs of the system products, which include the costs of capital investment, fuel, and operation and maintenance The total system product is the sum of the exergies of the ... denotes rate of exergy transfer, subscripts F and P indicate system fuel and system product, respectively, NK is the number of system components, and NP and NF are the numbers of system products...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30
Developement of Multi-Agent system (MAS) model for Bac Lieu case study
... of low rice price, and as there is high risk of shrimp failure the poor may have difficulties to recover from these failures In this paper, we present firstly some principles of multi-agent systems ... design of the model leads to new questions Lastly we propose a discussion on the next steps and possible perspectives for this research PRINCIPLES OF MAS 2.1 What is a MAS? The aim of multi-agent systems ... scenarios of management of the sluices It has been validated and is used on the field: for given needs the model helps the management of different sluices The main potential input of multi-agent...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 01:15
Developmentof the Microfinance system in Russia
... >5.6 millions (including 4.5 millions of individual entrepreneurs); 90 % of the total number of establishments; 44 % of GDP; 45 % of employment Sources of financing Business partners, relatives ... Microfinance System and Microfinancial Institutions Agriculture/country credit cooperatives Credit Unions Microfinancing Institute Commercial Banks State Funds (Regional Funds) for support of ... stimulation of goods and services production and distribution, and also for a mutuality of start-up enterprises in the acquisition of getting profits and a capital accumulation experience Main tasks of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 03:15
The JSP Files (Part 6) - State of Grace
... "maintaining state" actually means, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the approaches just described and, if we're doing our job right, get a laugh or two out of the whole exercise A Perfect State ... value of the EXPIRES attribute Learning To Write The JSP Files (part 6): State Of Grace setDomain(someURL) − sets the DOMAIN attribute of the cookie getDomain() − returns the current value of the ... discs from CDNow.com? In a "stateless environment", it would be very difficult to keep track of all the items you've shortlisted for purchase, as the stateless nature of the HTTP protocol would...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15
Genealogies and the State of Nature
... of the things Hume wrote in The Natural History of Religion, that is not because of the state- of- nature method per se, but because of the particular phenomena it is being used to illuminate State- of- nature ... Williams) could my own construction of the concept of knowledge in Knowledge and the State of Nature.6 What the words themselves suggest, to put it roughly, is that state- of- nature theories are those ... enough of them to bring such a story to an effective conclusion EXPLAINING THE CONCEPT OF KNOWLEDGE VIA A STATE OF NATURE” NARRATIVE I would now like to take a retrospective look at my own state- of- nature...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
The Critique of the Morality System
... historical facets of his position, some with the philosophical, and some with both.4 What are the defining features of the morality system? At the end of Chapter 10 of Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy ... in philosophy of the requirements of morality is Kant’s,” Williams (1995a), p 17 Later in this essay, I shall examine the accuracy of Williams’ portrait of Kant’s moral theory, and offer a few ... The Critique of the Morality System July 11, 2007 113 KANT AND THE MORALITY SYSTEM Now that we have a better idea of what Williams means by “the morality system, ” what are we to make of his complete...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Tài liệu Điều khiển thích ứng hệ thống xác định một phần ( Adaptive control of partially known system) ppt
... [17] N Sarkar, X Yun and V Kumar, Control of Mechanical Systems With Rolling Constrains: Application to Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots, The Int Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 13, No 1, pp 55-69, ... 2000 [11] K Tsuchia, T Urakubo and K Tsujita, A Motion Control of a Two-Wheeled Mobile Robot, Proc of the 1999 IEEE Int Conf on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol V, pp 690-696, 1999 [12] A Tayebi ... Feedback Control of Vehicles with Two Steerable Wheels, Proc of the 1996 IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation, pp 3105-3110, April 1996 [15] Y Zheng and P Moore, The Design of Time-Optimal...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 13:16
Tài liệu Activity 9.1: Identify Operating System Requirements pdf
... Activity 9.1: Identify Operating System Requirements Exercise 1: Identifying an Operating System for a Scenario (10 minutes) ! Identify the operating system requirements Participate in small ... operate mission-critical accounting and the inventory system for a manufacturing company Solution A B Activity 9.1: Identify Operating System Requirements 63 Exercise 2: Analyzing Technology Selection ... Scenarios A A group of 200 consultants who use their computers primarily for running complex spreadsheets Data on these computers is proprietary and confidential B A set of servers to operate...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16