sql loader control file reference

Trả lời bài tập Oracle SQL*LOADER

Trả lời bài tập Oracle SQL*LOADER

... parfile Parfile sau tham trỏ hàng lệnh • Chỉ đònh thông số hàng lệnh file control Để đặt thông số hàng lệnh vào file control, mệnh đề options cần sử dụng file control Mệnh đề nên đặt đầu file, ... qui ước, SQL* Loader đọc nhiều record liệu từ file input vào mãng liên kết Khi mãng đầy, SQL* Loader đưa liệu cho chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc ... chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc record từ datafile, chuyển trực tiếp vào khối liệu Oracle ghi chúng lên đóa, bỏ qua hầu hết việc xử lý sở liệu...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 09:50

2 1,4K 7
SQL Loader

SQL Loader

... parfile Parfile sau tham trỏ hàng lệnh • Chỉ đònh thông số hàng lệnh file control Để đặt thông số hàng lệnh vào file control, mệnh đề options cần sử dụng file control Mệnh đề nên đặt đầu file, ... qui ước, SQL* Loader đọc nhiều record liệu từ file input vào mãng liên kết Khi mãng đầy, SQL* Loader đưa liệu cho chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc ... chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc record từ datafile, chuyển trực tiếp vào khối liệu Oracle ghi chúng lên đóa, bỏ qua hầu hết việc xử lý sở liệu...

Ngày tải lên: 01/09/2012, 09:45

2 752 0
Tìm hiểu về SQL Loader

Tìm hiểu về SQL Loader

... parfile Parfile sau tham trỏ hàng lệnh • Chỉ đònh thông số hàng lệnh file control Để đặt thông số hàng lệnh vào file control, mệnh đề options cần sử dụng file control Mệnh đề nên đặt đầu file, ... qui ước, SQL* Loader đọc nhiều record liệu từ file input vào mãng liên kết Khi mãng đầy, SQL* Loader đưa liệu cho chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc ... chế xử lý Oracle SQL hay tối ưu hóa để chèn Trong load trực tiếp, SQL* Loader đọc record từ datafile, chuyển trực tiếp vào khối liệu Oracle ghi chúng lên đóa, bỏ qua hầu hết việc xử lý sở liệu...

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2012, 09:49

2 1,4K 9
PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part No. B10802-01 December 2003 .PL/SQL

PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part No. B10802-01 December 2003 .PL/SQL

... 89-4 xiii 90 DBMS _SQL Using DBMS _SQL 90-2 Summary of DBMS _SQL Subprograms 90-25 91 DBMS_SQLTUNE Using DBMS_SQLTUNE 91-2 Summary of DBMS_SQLTUNE Subprograms ... package specification, so they can be referenced only by other objects in the package They cannot be referenced outside the package See Also: s PL /SQL User's Guide and Reference s Oracle Database Application ... UTL_ENCODE Summary of UTL_ENCODE Subprograms 154-2 155 UTL _FILE Using UTL _FILE 155-2 Summary of UTL _FILE Subprograms 155-8 156 UTL_HTTP Using UTL_HTTP ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15

3,8K 333 0
Oracle SQL Loader docx

Oracle SQL Loader docx

... Nội dung Giới thiệu Oracle SQL Loader File đầu vào :Control file, data file File đầu ra: Database, Log file, bad file, discard file Demo Oracle SQL Loader ?  Là tiện ích sử dụng để ... *.dat, *.txt, *.xls, *.mdb, …  SQL* Loader đọc data file mô tả liệu bên control file Sử dụng thông tin tham số kèm theo để nạp liệu vào database Control fileControl file chứa thông tin miêu tả ... Discard file Chứa liệu định dạng tệp liệu đưa vào, chứa ghi không thoả mãn điều kiện load Câu lệnh thực thi:  sqlldr userid = username/pass control = đường dẫn chứa file control đường dẫn chứa file...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 16:20

21 705 12
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry pptx

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Pulp and Paper Industry pptx

... resulting SO2 controlled TRS emissions of the recovery boiler are mitigated by efficient combustion control and CO measurement; TRS emissions of the lime kiln are mitigated by controlling the ... control of NOx emissions from auxiliary boilers by controlling the firing conditions, and installation of low-NOx burners • reducing SO2 emissions by using bark, gas or low sulphur fuels or controlling ... BAT is further the control of NOx emissions from the recovery boiler (i.e ensuring proper mixing and division of air in the boiler), lime kiln and from auxiliary boilers by controlling the firing...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

509 3K 4
oracle sql loader 2001

oracle sql loader 2001

... introduces you to the SQL* Loader control file The SQL* Loader control file, which differs from the database control file, describes the input data, and controls almost every aspect of SQL* Loader s behavior ... to with SQL* Loader SQL* Loader control files, on the other hand, are text files containing commands that control SQL* Loader s operation Once you have a data file to load and a control file describing ... files—one set for each input file The SQL* Loader Control File The SQL* Loader control file is the key to any load process The control file provides the following information to SQL* Loader: • The name and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:54

270 325 0
sql functions programmer's reference (programmer to programmer)

sql functions programmer's reference (programmer to programmer)

... Procedural Extensions to SQL SQL Procedural Extensions by Vendor Oracle PL /SQL Microsoft or Sybase Transact -SQL IBM Procedural SQL MySQL PostgreSQL Summary Chapter 5: Common ANSI SQL Functions ANSI ... Popular SQL Implementations Introduction to SQL Understanding the SQL Standard Overview of Vendor Implementations of SQL Oracle IBM DB2 UDB Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase MySQL PostgreSQL Connecting ... Microsoft SQL Server Sybase MySQL and PostgreSQL Summary Chapter 3: Comparison of Built-in SQL Functions by Vendor Types of Functions Classifying Built-in SQL Functions Oracle IBM DB2 UDB Microsoft SQL...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:17

795 223 0
SQL loader

SQL loader

... điểm SQL Loader Load liệu SQL Loader Demo load liệu SQL Loader Load liệu SQL Loader Sql* Loader nạp liệu từ file bên database vào Oracle database Load liệu SQL Loader SQL* Loader sử dụng file ... định nghĩa control file • Parameter file (file tham số) file tuỳ chọn sử dụng chứa tham số dòng lệnh cho trình load Load liệu SQL Loader • SQL* Loader sử dụng file sau đây: • Bad File: sử dụng ... • Log File: tạo SQL* loader chứa ghi thông tin trình load liệu • Discard File: file tạo cần thiết, file chứa tất ghi không thoả mãn điều kiện lựa chọn Load liệu SQL Loader Load liệu SQL Loader...

Ngày tải lên: 03/12/2015, 22:54

32 1,3K 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P5

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P5

... PL /SQL programs even between client and server PL /SQL programs Prior to PL /SQL Release 2.3, you would have had to fetch all data from the cursor, store it in PL /SQL variables (perhaps a PL /SQL ... Execution Tips for PL /SQL Loops This chapter explores the iterative control structures of PL /SQL, otherwise known as loops, which let you execute the same code repeatedly PL /SQL provides three different ... look at how you define, raise, and handle exceptions in PL /SQL Previous: 7.7 Tips for PL/ SQL Loops 7.7 Tips for PL /SQL Loops Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 8.2 The Exception...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15

50 379 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P6

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P6

... recently executed SQL statement through SQL cursor attributes The SQL cursor has the same four attributes as an explicit cursor: SQL% FOUND SQL% NOTFOUND SQL% ROWCOUNT SQL% ISOPEN 6.9.6 Differences Between ... "Implicit SQL Cursor Attributes" later in the chapter You can reference cursor attributes in your PL /SQL code, as shown in the preceding example, but you cannot use those attributes inside a SQL statement ... even be aware of that SQL statement execution If you plan to make use of a SQL cursor attribute, make sure that you reference that attribute immediately after you execute the SQL statement The %FOUND...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15

50 348 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P7

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P7

... Sequential Control Statements Conditional and Sequential Control Contents: Conditional Control Statements Sequential Control Statements This chapter describes two types of PL /SQL control statements: ... Previous: 5.2 Sequential Control Statements 5.2 Sequential Control Statements Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 6.2 Cursors in PL/ SQL 6.2 Cursors in PL /SQL The Oracle Library ... Previous: 5.1 Conditional Control Statements Chapter Conditional and Sequential Control Next: Database Interaction and Cursors 5.2 Sequential Control Statements Certain PL /SQL control structures offer...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 17:15

50 419 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P8

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P8

... a BFILE Instead, you rely on the underlying filesystem for data integrity The BFILE datatype Use the BFILE datatype to store large binary objects (up to four gigabytes in size) in files ... to these files (which can reside on a hard disk, CD-ROM, or other such device) When you declare a BFILE variable, you allocate memory to store the file locator of the BFILE, not the BFILE contents ... Working with BFILEs BFILEs are very different from internal LOBs in a number of ways: q q The value of a BFILE is stored in an operating system file, not within the database at all BFILEs not participate...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15

50 379 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P9

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P9

... Next: 3.3 Formatting Control Structures 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements Because PL /SQL is an extension to the SQL language, you can place SQL statements directly in your PL /SQL programs You can ... Previous: 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements 3.2 Formatting SQL Statements Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 3.4 Formatting PL/ SQL Blocks 3.4 Formatting PL /SQL Blocks The Oracle ... lines inside a sql statement when you are coding that sql from within a pl/ sql block You may not, on the other hand, embed white space in sql statements you are executing from the sql* Plus command...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 15:15

50 353 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P10

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P10

... watermark transaction Because the SQL is called from within PL /SQL, you can make use of PL /SQL constructs in the SQL statement The following example references the PL /SQL variable last_hire_date in ... Control structures PL /SQL provides procedural extensions to SQL to implement the following types of control structures: q q q Conditional control via IF statements Iterative control via ... SQL statements and PL /SQL programs Improve the performance of your SQL statements SQL is a nonprocedural language, yet application requirements often demand procedural logic in your SQL The SQL...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15

50 406 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P11

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P11

... written in SQL* Forms, SQL* Reportwriter, SQL* Plus, and SQL* Menu While their PL /SQL skills have progressed to meet the needs of specific applications, most could expand both their PL /SQL knowledge ... PL /SQL is integrated tightly into Oracle's SQL language: you can execute SQL statements directly from your procedural program Conversely, you can also call PL /SQL functions from within a SQL ... attempt to reference a row in a PL /SQL table which has not been defined (PL /SQL tables are covered in Chapter 10, PL /SQL Tables.) You attempt to read past the end of an operating system file (using...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15

50 320 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P12

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P12

... and Modifying PL /SQL Table Rows Filling the Rows of a PL /SQL Table Clearing the PL /SQL Table PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 Working with PL /SQL Tables A PL /SQL table is a one-dimensional, ... PL /SQL Tables Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.4 Declaring a PL/ SQL Table 10.3 PL /SQL Tables and DML Statements Tables are PL /SQL constructs PL /SQL is a linguistic extension of the Oracle SQL ... Characteristics of PL /SQL Tables 10 PL /SQL Tables Contents: PL /SQL Tables and Other Collections Characteristics of PL /SQL Tables PL /SQL Tables and DML Statements Declaring a PL /SQL Table Referencing...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

50 391 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P13

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P13

... Rows of a PL /SQL Table Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 10.7 Clearing the PL /SQL Table What happens when you are done with a PL /SQL table and ... Rows of a PL /SQL Table 10.6 Filling the Rows of a PL/ SQL Table Oracle PL /SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Book Index Next: 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements ... Previous: 10.7 Clearing the PL /SQL Table Chapter 10 PL /SQL Tables Next: 10.9 Working with PL /SQL Tables 10.8 PL /SQL Table Enhancements in PL /SQL Release 2.3 PL /SQL Release 2.3 offers significantly...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

50 304 0
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P14

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference- P14

... text will need to be broken up into the paragraph format: /* Filename on companion disk: testwrap .sql */ DECLARE /* Declare a PL /SQL table to hold the lines of the paragraph */ loc_para wrap.paragraph_tabletype; ... two spaces between each repetition LPAD ('Why I Love PL /SQL' , 53, 'DRAFT-ONLY '); ==> 'DRAFT-ONLY DRAFT-ONLY DRAFT-ONLY Why I Love PL/ SQL' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com ... reference to the parameters in the program as I manipulate the values Because of this they cannot be simply OUT parameters Here is the version of parse_name that checks for middle names: /* Filename...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 19:15

50 334 0