spi master mode timing cke 0 smp 0

Tài liệu PIC16F87XA Data Sheet ppt

Tài liệu PIC16F87XA Data Sheet ppt

... Register 11 1111 11 1111 CM0 00 00 0111 00 00 0111 CVR1 CVR0 00 0- 00 00 000 - 00 00 PCFG1 PCFG0 00 00 00 00 00 00 x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented locations read as 0 Shaded cells are not ... Vector 00 04h 00 00h Interrupt Vector 00 00h 00 04h 00 05h 00 05h Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page On-Chip Program Memory 0FFFh 100 0h On-Chip Program Memory Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page 0FFFh 100 0h Page 17FFh 1 800 h Page ... 1 50 CCP1M1 CCP1M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 OERR RX9D 00 00 000 x 112, 1 50 xxxx xxxx 63, 1 50 CCP2Y CCP2M3 CCP2M2 CHS1 CHS0 GO/DONE CCP2M1 CCP2M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 A/D Result Register High Byte ADCS1 00 00 000 0...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20

234 3,8K 0
PIC16F877A data sheet

PIC16F877A data sheet

... Register 11 1111 11 1111 CM0 00 00 0111 00 00 0111 CVR1 CVR0 00 0- 00 00 000 - 00 00 PCFG1 PCFG0 00 00 00 00 00 00 x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented locations read as 0 Shaded cells are not ... Vector 00 04h 00 00h Interrupt Vector 00 00h 00 04h 00 05h 00 05h Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page On-Chip Program Memory 0FFFh 100 0h On-Chip Program Memory Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page 0FFFh 100 0h Page 17FFh 1 800 h Page ... 1 50 CCP1M1 CCP1M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 OERR RX9D 00 00 000 x 112, 1 50 xxxx xxxx 63, 1 50 CCP2Y CCP2M3 CCP2M2 CHS1 CHS0 GO/DONE CCP2M1 CCP2M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 A/D Result Register High Byte ADCS1 00 00 000 0...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 20:30

234 1,2K 0
PIC16F87XA Data Sheet28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers 2003 Microchip Technology doc

PIC16F87XA Data Sheet28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers 2003 Microchip Technology doc

... Register 11 1111 11 1111 CM0 00 00 0111 00 00 0111 CVR1 CVR0 00 0- 00 00 000 - 00 00 PCFG1 PCFG0 00 00 00 00 00 00 x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented locations read as 0 Shaded cells are not ... Vector 00 04h 00 00h Interrupt Vector 00 00h 00 04h 00 05h 00 05h Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page On-Chip Program Memory 0FFFh 100 0h On-Chip Program Memory Page 07 FFh 08 00h Page 0FFFh 100 0h Page 17FFh 1 800 h Page ... 1 50 CCP1M1 CCP1M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 OERR RX9D 00 00 000 x 112, 1 50 xxxx xxxx 63, 1 50 CCP2Y CCP2M3 CCP2M2 CHS1 CHS0 GO/DONE CCP2M1 CCP2M0 00 00 00 64, 1 50 A/D Result Register High Byte ADCS1 00 00 000 0...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 15:20

234 1K 0
Interface Solutions I2C-bus potx

Interface Solutions I2C-bus potx

... >Kount=165=0xA5 Delay 100 us banksel Kount 100 us movlw H‘A5' movwf Kount 100 us R 100 us decfsz Kount 100 us goto R 100 us return CBLOCK 0x 20 Kount 100 us Kount10ms ENDC ;10ms delay ; call 100 times of 100 us delay ... SSPSTAT movwf SSPSTAT ; 100 KHZ (no slew rate control) ;selection with I2C mode movlw 0x28 ;00 10 100 0 (SSPEN=1, SSPM3 :0= 100 0 ) master mode Banksel SSPCON movwf SSPCON Master Synchronous Serial ... Bidirectional I2C Buffer 15 10/ 2/ 201 2 16 10/ 2/ 201 2 17 10/ 2/ 201 2 18 10/ 2/ 201 2 19 10/ 2/ 201 2 20 10/ 2/ 201 2 Pin No (DB25) Signal name Direction Register bit Inverted Strobe In/Out 10 11 Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

27 77 0
Nghiên cứu chế tạo hệ thống start stop trên ôtô

Nghiên cứu chế tạo hệ thống start stop trên ôtô

... ng Start- Stop từ ăm 200 6, hi họ gi i thiệu m u xe hệ thứ hai [6]  Fiat Group Fiat gi i thiệu hệ th g ày ủ Rob rt Fiat 500 Bắt ầu từ th g h os h GmbH vào cu i ăm 200 8 ăm 200 9, Alfa Romeo ũ g gi ... t ặt hai tụ C 10 C8 p 7 805 T g tự ầu r t ể dập xung nhọn bảo ặt hai tụ C9 C11 ể ch ng nhiễu nguồn Tụ C8 C9 tụ DC có giá trị 100 0 μF 4 70 μF Tụ C 10 C11 hai tụ xoay chi u có giá trị 0, 1 μ F ầu mạch ... xă g ã tiêu thụ Luận văn tốt nghiệp 3.2.2 Ph ơng pháp đ - â ng ăng iệ tử FP 700 0 v i ộ h hx SSI c sử dụ g ể o h i 0. 01 g m Hình 3.1: â g hiê - g xă g tiêu thụ iệu i v trê ô tô iệ tử c ngắt ể ết...

Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2020, 14:00

68 584 4


... 1886 Robert Bosch • Vào năm 60- 70 kỉ 20, nhà sản xuất xe giới chịu áp lực từ việc thiết kế dòng xe tiết kiệm nhiên liệu, đồng thơi ko gây ô nhiễm môi trường • 19 70, Bosch phát triển thành công ...  Theo tiêu chuẫn EU tính đến 201 2, trung bình khí thải CO2 130g/km  Thế giá trị ngày thu hẹp lại, điều chứng tỏ xe kinh tế giá trị thấp  Thực tế cuối năm 200 7, bosch tung giới 1,5 triệu hệ ... khí hậu, đòi hỏi ô tô phải giảm thiểu lượng khí thải CO2 , giá xăng dầu ngày đắt đỏ  Tháng năm 200 7, Bosch thức đưa hệ thống đại đáp ứng nhu cầu   Hệ thống điện Start-Stop II Ưu điểm  Khi xe...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 10:44

17 1,2K 5
Sử dụng VHDL thiết kế  bộ đếm tiền chẵn từ 00 – 98 hoặc  Đếm lẻ từ 01 – 99  hiển thị trên LED 7 thanh  có tín hiệu SELECT, RESET, START, STOP.

Sử dụng VHDL thiết kế bộ đếm tiền chẵn từ 00 – 98 hoặc Đếm lẻ từ 01 – 99 hiển thị trên LED 7 thanh có tín hiệu SELECT, RESET, START, STOP.

... B’ A’ JD KD JC KC JB KB JA KA 0 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 1 X X X X 0 1 0 X X X X 0 1 X X 0 X X 1 1 0 X X X X 1 0 1 X X X X 1 1 0 X X X X 0 0 X 0 X X X 0 0 0 X X X X Bảng + Tối thiểu hàm ... biến temp1 số nguyên từ 0- 10 -khai báo biến temp2 số nguyên từ 0- 10 -Nếu biến rst=1 thì— Còn không clk mức cao thì— Nếu stt=1 thì— Xét stp =0 thì— Xét sel=1 – Xét temp1 =0 gán temp1=1— Còn không ... (temp1=1) then if (temp2=9) then temp2: =0; else temp2:=temp2+1; end if; end if; end if; end if; if (sel= '0' ) then if (temp1= 10) then temp1: =0; if (temp2=9) then temp2: =0; else temp2:=temp2+1; end if;...

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2015, 14:15

36 3,2K 21
AN0515   communicating with the i2c™ bus using the PIC16C5X

AN0515 communicating with the i2c™ bus using the PIC16C5X

... Bit Assignments 00 45 ; 00 46 ; 00 47 ; 00 48 00 00 004 9 ; 00 50 ; 00 51 ; 00 52 00 07 DI 00 53 00 06 DO 00 54 ; 00 55 ; 00 56 ; 00 57 00 07 00 58 00 06 00 59 ; 00 60 ; 00 61 ; FLAG Bits ERROR EQU ; Error ... during SCL 01 05 00 13 00 00 NOP 01 06 00 14 00 00 NOP 01 07 00 15 00 00 NOP 01 08 00 16 2 306 BCF RB,SCL 01 09 00 17 400 0 RETLW ; Timing adjustment ; Start clock train 01 10 ; 01 11 ;END SUB 01 13 ; 01 14 ; ... 02 01 01 01 00 53 MOVWF ERCODE ; Save error code 02 02 01 02 2411 BSF FLAG,ERROR ; Set error flag 02 04 01 03 00 00 NOP 02 05 01 04 00 00 NOP 02 06 01 05 2 306 BCF RB,SCL ; Return SCL to low 02 07 01 06 400 0...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:48

12 334 0
AN0554   software implementation of i2c bus master

AN0554 software implementation of i2c bus master

... 00 000 016 00 000 017 00 000 018 00 005 00 006 00 007 00 008 00 009 00 0 10 000 11 00 012 00 013 00 014 00 015 00 016 00 017 00 018 00 019 00 0 20 000 21 00 022 00 023 00 024 00 025 00 026 00 027 00 028 00 029 00 0 30 000 31 00 032 ... TEXT 00 001 00 002 00 003 00 004 00 005 00 006 00 007 00 008 00 009 00 0 10 000 11 00 012 00 013 00 014 00 015 00 016 00 017 00 018 00 019 00 0 20 000 21 00 022 00 023 00 024 00 025 00 026 00 027 00 028 00 029 00 0 30 000 31 00 001 ... Inc 00 001 00 002 00 003 00 004 00 005 00 006 00 007 00 008 00 009 00 0 10 000 11 00 012 00 013 00 014 00 015 00 016 00 017 00 018 00 019 00 0 20 000 21 00 022 00 023 00 024 00 025 00 026 00 027 00 028 00 029 00 0 30 000 31 00 032...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:51

62 240 0
How to stop worrying and start living

How to stop worrying and start living

... that he was terribly worried when the President, in order to raise the price of wheat, bought 4, 400 ,00 0 bushels in one day He says in his diary: "I felt literally dizzy while the thing was going ... what I was told, because I had no alternative But there was one block of securities, worth $7 50, 000 , which I left off the list I gave to the admiral I left that block of securities off the list ... a million dollars more of strawberries in the next twelve months! We had already borrowed $3 50, 000 from the banks We couldn't possibly pay off or renew these loans No wonder I was worried! "I...

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2013, 18:57

210 523 0
Tiểu luận bus i2c trong đo lường và điều khiển

Tiểu luận bus i2c trong đo lường và điều khiển

... đường truyền với tốc độ 100 Kbits/s – Chế độ chuẩn (Standard mode) Tốc độ truyền lên tới 400 Kbits/s – Chế độ nhanh (Fast mode) cao 3,4Mbits/s – Chế độ cao tốc (High‐speed mode) Một bus I2C hoạt ... báo sau: #use i2c(chế_độ, tốc độ, sda = PIN_C4, scl=PIN_C3) ‐ Chế độ: Master hay Slave ‐ Tốc độ: Slow ( 100 KHz) hay Fast ( 400 KHz) ‐ SDA SCL chân i2c tương ứng PIC Sau khai báo trên, ta sử dụng ... giao tiếp Master Slave chế độ bus I2C, toàn bus quản lý master Trong chế độ không xảy tình trạng xung đột bus hay đồng xung clock có master tạo xung clock Chú ý: Trên bus I2C có nhiều master điều...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 14:01

15 450 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living By Dale Carnegie ppt

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living By Dale Carnegie ppt

... that he was terribly worried when the President, in order to raise the price of wheat, bought 4, 400 ,00 0 bushels in one day He says in his diary: "I felt literally dizzy while the thing was going ... what I was told, because I had no alternative But there was one block of securities, worth $7 50, 000 , which I left off the list I gave to the admiral I left that block of securities off the list ... a million dollars more of strawberries in the next twelve months! We had already borrowed $3 50, 000 from the banks We couldn't possibly pay off or renew these loans No wonder I was worried! "I...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20

183 1,3K 4
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living ppt

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living ppt

... that he was terribly worried when the President, in order to raise the price of wheat, bought 4, 400 ,00 0 bushels in one day He says in his diary: "I felt literally dizzy while the thing was going ... what I was told, because I had no alternative But there was one block of securities, worth $7 50, 000 , which I left off the list I gave to the admiral I left that block of securities off the list ... a million dollars more of strawberries in the next twelve months! We had already borrowed $3 50, 000 from the banks We couldn't possibly pay off or renew these loans No wonder I was worried! "I...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

183 492 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 1 pot

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 1 pot

... living I didn't know what made a motor-truck run That wasn't all: I didn't want to know I despised my job I despised living in a cheap furnished room on West Fifty-sixth Street-a room infested with ... How My Mother and Father Conquered Worry Part Six - How To Keep From Worrying About Criticism 20 - Remember That No One Ever Kicks a Dead Dog 21 - Do This-and Criticism Can't Hurt You 22 - Fool ... Things I Have Done Part Seven - Six Ways To Prevent Fatigue And Worry And Keep Your Energy And Spirits High 23 - How to Add One Hour a Day to Your Waking Life 24 - What Makes You Tired-and What...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 401 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 2 potx

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 2 potx

... according to the hills and valleys of emotional stress." That statement was backed up by a study of 15 ,00 0 patients treated for stomach disorders at the Mayo Clinic Four out of five had no physical basis ... who, secure within, can say: "To-morrow, thy worst, for I have liv'd to-day." Those words sound modern, don't they? Yet they were written thirty years before Christ was born, by the Roman poet ... compartment and keep it there till the liner returned home He set out on his trip, imbued with the spirit of old Omar: Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend, Before we too into the Dust descend;...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 427 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 3 docx

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 3 docx

... that he was terribly worried when the President, in order to raise the price of wheat, bought 4, 400 ,00 0 bushels in one day He says in his diary: "I felt literally dizzy while the thing was going ... what I was told, because I had no alternative But there was one block of securities, worth $7 50, 000 , which I left off the list I gave to the admiral I left that block of securities off the list ... "The usual amount of X-ray in such advanced cases, where they cannot apply radium, is 10 1/2 minutes a day for 30 days They gave me X-ray for 14 1/2 minutes a day for 49 days; and although my bones...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 356 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 4 potx

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 4 potx

... will inspire you to greater efforts; and how fascinating these entries will be when you chance upon them some evening, years from now! ~~~~~~~ In A Nutshell Develop a deep, driving desire to master ... extremely simple when you see how it is done “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living” By Dale Carnegie 30 "Here is the secret: First, I immediately stopped the procedure I had been using in my conferences ... boundless enthusiasm and love for my work Then something happened I became so discouraged that I despised my work and thought of giving it up I think I would have quit-if I hadn't got the idea, one...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 347 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 5 ppsx

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 5 ppsx

... a million dollars more of strawberries in the next twelve months! We had already borrowed $3 50, 000 from the banks We couldn't possibly pay off or renew these loans No wonder I was worried! "I ... per thousand between the ages of fifty and fifty-five as were killed per thousand among the 163 ,00 0 soldiers who fought at Gettysburg I wrote several chapters of this book at James Simpson's Num-Ti-Gah ... have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not." So don't bother to think about it! Spit on your hands and get busy Your blood will start circulating; your mind will start ticking...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 348 0
How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 8 doc

How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 8 doc

... over myself-dominion over my thoughts; dominion over my fears; dominion over my mind and over my spirit And the wonderful thing is that I know that I can attain this dominion to an astonishing ... constructive thinking Here is such a programme It is entitled "Just for Today" I found this programme so inspiring that I gave away hundreds of copies It was written thirty-six years ago by the late Sibyl ... this half-hour sometimes I will think of God, so as to get a little more perspective into my life 10 Just for today I will be unafraid, especially I will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

9 424 0