species introductions and their impacts in north american shield lakes

Báo cáo khoa học: "Intraspecific variation of growth and adaptive traits in North American oak specie" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Intraspecific variation of growth and adaptive traits in North American oak specie" potx

... origins include Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois and Michigan The Ohio collections originally included Q velutina seedlots from the same provenances and Connecticut In southeastern ... flushing begins in tamour ern in northern Ohio Schlarbaum, 1991) Data of bud-break advances with inin seed source elevation; in western North Carolina, the time spread between the lowest and highest ... trees of northwestthen proceeds ’eastward’ origin, through trees of northern origin to trees of northeastern origin, and also ’southward’ to trees of central and southern provenance, ending in trees...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

13 306 0
Báo cáo y học: "The Yin and Yang actions of North American ginseng root in modulating the immune function of macrophages" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "The Yin and Yang actions of North American ginseng root in modulating the immune function of macrophages" ppsx

... respectively [8] Ginseng contains bioactive compounds such as ginsenosides, which are steroidal saponins containing different sugar moieties and possessing different lipidsolubility [5] and polysaccharides ... effects of ginseng by examining the immuno-modulatory effect of AQ and ALC extracts prepared from 4-year-old Ontario grown NA ginseng roots in RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cell line and (2) to ... This finding should provide new directions for researchers exploring anti-inflammatory agents in ginseng Findings on the extract-specific immuno-modulatory effect have significant implications in...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

11 498 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of eight new reciprocal translocations in the pig species. Estimation of their incidence in French populations" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: "Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of eight new reciprocal translocations in the pig species. Estimation of their incidence in French populations" pot

... Mäkinen A., Andersson M., Nikunen S., Detection of the X chromosomes in a Klinefelter boar using a whole human X chromosome painting probe, Anim Reprod Sci 52 (1998) 317–323 [22] Mäkinen A., Andersson ... procedures) Nine new chromosomal rearrangements were detected within these control activities during the January 2000 to June 2001 period, including one pericentric inversion (analysis in progress) and ... wet slides and air dried Slides were treated with 0.1% Trypsin (Difco) and stained with 3% Giemsa solution to generate GTG-banding [30] Chromosomes were arranged according to the standardized...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

18 381 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Genome size variation and evolution in North American cyprinid fishes" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Genome size variation and evolution in North American cyprinid fishes" ppt

... number of species within a group or subgroup and divergence in genome size Genome size change and speciation The findings that the majority of genome size variation in North American cyprinids appears ... genome size change and speciation has not been tested critically In the following, data on intra- and interspecific genome size variation among 49 species of North American cyprinid fishes are presented ... energy expended in replicating such DNA begins to infringe on the energy needs of the organism (Doolittle and Sapienza, 1980) In a very general way, the cyprinid genome size data are not inconsistent...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20

19 207 0


... (impervious land including residential, commercial and industrial land together with public transportation land), water (streams, canals, lakes and reservoirs), and barren land (bare exposed rocks and ... 5.2.1 Landscape change in response to urbanization and greening policies 61 5.2.2 Concentric and directional landscape analyses and change intensity 62 5.2.3 Interpretation of landscape indices ... 2006) It has been widely used in investigating LUCC, inferring ecological flows and guiding sustainable planning (Wu & Hobbs, 2002) While landscape ecology emerged in Europe half a century ago...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:58

129 531 0
Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

Characteristics of Leachate from Citrus Groves and their Changes in the Collecting Reservoirs in Matsuyama, Japan

... grove from points Sampling points St.1 and St.2 are in the same stream, and sampling point St.3 is in the other stream The two streams flow together to be one stream and the sampling point St.4 is ... and periphery of the Seto Inland Sea The location of the research area and the distribution of the citrus groves in Matsuyama region are shown in Fig Matsuyama is situated in Shikoku Island in ... grove were investigated and their behaviors in the collecting reservoirs were discussed The main results obtained from the investigation are as follows: 1) Nitrogen concentration in grove soil...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

10 717 0
Differences in North American English

Differences in North American English

... regional differences in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in the United States and Canada There are naturally hundred of such differences But in spite of these differences, North Americans not ... understanding one another, even if they come from places that are as far as, say, the northern part of Canada and the south Texas The linguistic differences are simply not great enough to interfere ... objects are determined by geography and not by social or economic class as they are in some other countries I want to say, in conclusion, that I have given you just a handful of examples of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 13:10

2 337 0
A study on english food   related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

A study on english food related idioms and proversbs and their equivalents in vietnamese

... confusing in defining, memorizing and using them To overcome these, some solutions are introduced in chapter III such as learning by heart, reading books, magazine, stories pictures and studying ... an insight into the similarities and differences in the use of language and images in English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs II Some popular English idioms and proverbs relating to food and ... difference and similarities between English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs Chapter 2: An investigation into English idioms and proverbs relating to food and their equivalence in Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

55 834 4
A study on possessive determiners in english and their equivalents in vietnamese

A study on possessive determiners in english and their equivalents in vietnamese

... commit errors when learning and using possessive determiners in English Errors in using “a” and “the” in possessive determiners In process of studying “possessive determiners”, Vietnamese learners ... determiners use for feelings and thoughts to the person [81] Too many people blame their failings and their unhappiness on luck Scientists have taken a great interest in his ideas (Collin Cobuild, ... when using “possessive determiners” and suggested solutions Errors in word order of possessive determiners and the head noun Errors in using “a” and “the” in possessive determiners ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53

59 749 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Direct identification of hydrophobins and their processing in Trichoderma using intact-cell MALDI-TOF MS docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Direct identification of hydrophobins and their processing in Trichoderma using intact-cell MALDI-TOF MS docx

... hydrophobins HFBIII of H jecorina and T longibrachiatum, and SRH1 and HFB1 of T atroviride, involving signal peptides, Kex2type processing, and C-terminal amino acid cleavage (Table 2) In addition, the recorded ... terminal amino acid residues of all six hydrophobins providing this single match A rapid means of identifying peaks corresponding to hydrophobins in MALDI-TOF mass spectra was elaborated, making ... mass peak was missing (Fig 3B) Deviating post-translational processing of hydrophobins in H jecorina strains To investigate strain diversity with respect to metabolite production and low-mass proteomics...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 02:20

12 634 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The small heat shock proteins and their role in human disease pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The small heat shock proteins and their role in human disease pptx

... formation of huntingtin-containing inclusion bodies in Huntington’s disease encourages cell survival, whereas monomers and small inclusion bodies of huntingtin, a protein possessing abnormal polyQ ... aB-Crystallin R120 corresponds to aA-crystallin R116 and both are conserved a-crystallin domain arginines R120G aB-crystallin permits intermediate filament self association in vitro, although binding ... aAcrystallin requires this domain [66] Attachment of R116C aA-crystallin to Hsp27 and aB-crystallin increases in comparison to wild type, while binding to cC-crystallin and bB2-crystallin decreases...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

15 573 0
Tài liệu An International Comparison of Milk Supply Control Programs and Their Impacts pot

Tài liệu An International Comparison of Milk Supply Control Programs and Their Impacts pot

... though gains in the US and New Zealand have been the lowest In New Zealand, the continued use of low input farming limits some of the gains that have been made from formulating and feeding of concentrated ... exports in 1996, increased their share to nearly 20% in 2008 before falling back to 14% in 2009 New Zealand has taken the top spot from the EU-15, increasing their share from 30% in 1996 to 38% in ... growth in the EU and Canada and created an economic incentive for imports o Slow domestic and export growth has pushed Canadian and European processors to invest and expand in the US and other...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

83 436 0
The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” - A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Consumer Markets potx

The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” - A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Consumer Markets potx

... or sustainable harvesting one of the Six Sins practices without attention to manufacturing impacts such as air emissions, water emissions, and global warming impacts Defining and Quantifying the ... Sins of GreenwashingTM” Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off Sin of No Proof Sin of Vagueness Sin of Irrelevance Sin of Fibbing Sin of Lesser of Two Evils © 2007 TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc ... apparent increase in “greenwashing” – false or misleading green marketing claims In an effort to describe, understand, and quantify the growth of greenwashing, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

15 764 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Comprehensive sequence analysis of horseshoe crab cuticular proteins and their involvement in transglutaminase-dependent cross-linking potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Comprehensive sequence analysis of horseshoe crab cuticular proteins and their involvement in transglutaminase-dependent cross-linking potx

... other known cysteine-containing chitin-binding domains [14], such as plant chitin-binding proteins and horseshoe crab antimicrobial peptides with chitin-binding affinity [15–17] Rebers and Willis reported ... chitin-binding proteins in T tridentatus Amino acid compositions of high molecular mass (HMM) chitin-binding proteins HMM chitin-binding proteins resolved by 2D SDS ⁄ PAGE were categorized into ... with asterisks Numbers on the right indicate amino acid residue numbers and DE29 is involved in chitin binding In insects, cuticular proteins containing cysteine residues have not been reported,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 21:20

13 583 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments: Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Towards Finding and Fixing Fragments: Using ML to Identify Non-Sentential Utterances and their Antecedents in Multi-Party Dialogue" ppt

... start with training a model using a baseline set of features, and then add each remaining feature individually, recording the gain (w.r.t the fmeasure (f (0.5), to be precise)), and choosing the best-performing ... said in the introduction, the main task we want to tackle is to align (certain kinds of) NSUs and their antecedents Now, what characterises this kind of NSU, and what are their antecedents? In ... Computing Meaning, volume Kluwer Raquel Fern´ ndez, Jonathan Ginzburg, and Shalom Lappin a 2004b Classifying ellipsis in dialogue: A machine learning approach In Proceedings of COLING 2004, Geneva,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22

8 348 0
Báo cáo Y học: Fluorescent analogs of UDP-glucose and their use in characterizing substrate binding by toxin A from Clostridium difficile pdf

Báo cáo Y học: Fluorescent analogs of UDP-glucose and their use in characterizing substrate binding by toxin A from Clostridium difficile pdf

... as the metal binding event would be totally independent of the interactions involved in the enzyme–substrate complex The binding of MUG and Mg2+ are not independent, however, but instead are highly ... donor involved in the transferase Fig Diagram showing the thermodynamic equilibria and their dissociation constants involved in the binding of UDP-Glc, MUG and Mg2+ to TcdA Values shown in parentheses ... containing varying concentrations of UDP-Glc (0–145 mM) were studied The variable concentrations of UDP-Glc were obtained by starting with a stock solution containing all of the components including...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

8 516 0
Bioavailability and toxicity of cd to microorganisms and their activities in soil

Bioavailability and toxicity of cd to microorganisms and their activities in soil

... being an enzyme inhibitor, can have deleterious effects on membrane structure and function by binding to the ligands such as phosphate and the cysteinyl and histidyl groups of proteins (Collins ... 0.87% C different soils: River sand, Gley, Gray lowland, Andosol and Humic Andosol (pH 5.7–8.5) different soils—River sand, Gley, Gray lowland, Andosol and Humic Andosol (pH 5.7–8.5)q2% sludge ... ecophysiological indicator of heavy metal stress in soil (Anderson and Domsch, 1990; Brookes, 1995) qCO2 decreased in the heavily Cd contaminated soil over that in control during the first 2-d incubation (Landi...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:21

15 596 0
Cadmium and zinc interactions and their transfer in

Cadmium and zinc interactions and their transfer in

... YA and MA in spring wheat lands, respectively, and 46 and 20 times in corn lands, respectively Soil Zn concentration at WA was and 1.5 times higher than the contents found at YA and MA in spring ... Ž1994., who, in their pot experiment, concluded that the contents of Cd and Zn in spring wheat parts Žstraw and grain increased with increasing the two metal concentrations in sandy soils The ... results and the work reported here may depend on the Cd and Zn contents and their combinations in soils and also on the soil characters and crop species and tissues These divergent findings agree...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22

9 502 0


... have a strong stake in maintain ing extended agreements in order to protect their ability to receive returns on the time and money they have invested in their clients during earlier, less profitable ... entered into an oral contract with one another stating that, in exchange for Waisbren’s assistance in developing Peppercorn’s projects, managing its business affairs, supervising its publicity, and ... in violation of the procurement restriction B P RIVATE LAW Performing in the entertainment industry is one of the most highly unionized occupations in American industry,78 so it is unsurprising...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 17:20

24 714 0