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Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
Tài liệu The Right Thing to Do, The Smart Thing to Do Enhancing Diversity in the Health Professions pdf
... PRESS Washington, D.C. THE RIGHT THING TO DO, THE SMART THING TO DO 35 cused on the difficulties that medical students face in the first year, for example, but little is known about the third and fourth ... Colombia, these populations already constitute a majority, and in thirteen other states, minorities 22 THE RIGHT THING TO DO, THE SMART THING TO DO example, has implemented a plan to admit students ... ac- tion is not only the right thing to do . . . [but also] the smart thing to do.” 16 THE RIGHT THING TO DO, THE SMART THING TO DO noted, “and earn relatively high grades are the most promising...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 01:20
do the right thing
... years ago. The way I see it is that the main problem with Sal these days is that he isn't in the business for the love of it anymore, he is in it for the money. After all of these years ... communities finally hurts black people more than anyone else. Even though it seems like it is Sal who came out on the bottom here it is really the black community and relations among black Do the ... black community and relations among black Do the Right Thing The movie, Do the Right Thing, by Spike Lee is a hard hitting drama that deals with violence and racism in today's society. This...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:00
The Fast Food Diet Lose Weight and Feel Great Even If You’re Too Busy to Eat Right ppt
... white bread, and other starchy foods. There’s nothing wrong with eating these foods on occa- sion. And I’m not suggesting you peel the white bun off a burger and toss it in the trash, but white ... people typically overesti- mate the amount of food they need—but once it s on their plate they eat it, even if they’ve already had enough. Plan on seconds That’s right, I said “seconds.” This clever ... United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authoriza- tion through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The Structure and Process of Talking About Doing" pdf
... of "critical phenomena" from the transcripts for evaluating the model. So far, we have focussed our efforts on two types of problem solving phenomena: the changes in the problem ... ere oloeely relltld ~O the ~r~romnoe oF 5he problem tooK, lad o~here tt~c are oZoeely related to the report of the task aoClona. ~n the psr~lo,,~ar problem demean of the H~aeionsr£ee and ... ~n the model exhih:L?, beJ'dltvior that oorreeponds oAoeely to the nneo of do5o el' interest? ~, Pridln~Lon ~ uni~nia~id dlEt~| Clfl the nodv4 exnib/.5 unexpeocod behavior the5 then...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
... TRONG THE GIFT OF THE MAGI” CỦA O. HENRY VÀ THE SENSIBLE THING CỦA F. SCOTT FITZGERALD LOVE AND SACRIFICE IN THE GIFT OF THE MAGI” BY O. HENRY AND THE SENSIBLE THING BY F. SCOTT FITZGERALD ... OF THE STUDY Despite being written a long time ago and by two writers who came from two different literary periods, The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry and The Sensible Thing by F. Scott Fitzgerald ... appeal to the readers of all times throughout the world thanks to their profound contents. The more the concepts of love and sacrifice in both works are analyzed and contrasted in depth, the more...
Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2013, 23:06
Khai thác thế mạnh của hàm IF trong EXCEL góp phần cải tiến phần mềm Quản lí điểm nhà trường đạt hiệuquả cao
... công thức HKI) fx =IF( OR(AD4="CĐ",COUNTIF(T4:AD4,"CĐ")>=3),"CĐ" ,IF( AND(AD4 ="Đ",COUNTIF(T4:AD4,"CĐ")<3),"Đ" ,IF( AND(AD4="M"),"M","Ko"))) ... như sau: fx =IF( OR(AE4="Ko",AF4="CĐ"),"CĐ" ,IF( AND(AF4="Ko"),"Ko" ,IF( AN D(AF4="M"),"M" ,IF( AND(AF4="Đ",COUNTIF(AE4:AF4,"CĐ")<2),"Đ" ,IF( AN D(AE4="M",AF="Đ"),"Đ"))))) ... ,"CĐ")=1),AND(J3>=5,MIN(B3:H3)>3.4,OR(B3>=5,C3>=5),COUNTIF(I3:I3,"C Đ")=0)),"TB" ,IF( OR(AND(J3>6.4,OR(B3>6.4,C3>6.4),COUNT(B3:H3)- COUNTIF(B3:H3,">=5")=1,COUNTIF(B3:H3,"<2")=1,COUNTIF(I3:I3,"C Đ")=0),AND(J3>6.4,OR(B3>6.4,C3>6.4),MIN(B3:H3)>=5,COUNTIF(I3:I3,"CĐ" )=1),AND(J3>3.4,MIN(B3:H3)>1.9)),"YẾU","KÉM"))))) Vấn...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2013, 00:35
... PR. According to the Institute of Public Relation of Singapore (IPRS), there are about 10,000 PR positions in Singapore, either in a consultancy or in-house role. This means that the opportunities for ... affairs, lack good language skills, detest reading and writing, and are not too bothered about your personal image, then perhaps PR might not be the ideal career choice for you. Nếu bạn ít nói, thích ... critical to the job. Người gia tiếp chuyên nghiệp ngày nay phải ăn nói lưu loát. Việc có thể chuyển các thông tin phức tạp và hàm ý đến các khán giả có chọn lọc là then chốt cho SEND THE RIGHT...
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 04:10
Accessing the Right Data Values
... instead. ISNULL(FamilyMembers, 1) >= 2 IIF The ternary conditional function, similar to the If and IIf operators in Visual Basic, and to the :? operator in C#. The operator contains three arguments. If the first argument ... supplied by the user. It then adds these columns to the application’s sample DataTable. Most of the code exists to ensure that the user provides valid column definitions. 2. Locate the Try Catch ... supplied by the user. It then adds these columns to the application’s sample DataTable. Most of the code exists to ensure that the user provides valid column definitions. 2. Locate the try catch...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20
Building for Bandwidth How to Choose the Right Cabling Infrastructure
... (UTP), with ratification expected in June 2006. Other standards bodies are also active, especially TIA and ISO committees with their work on Augmented category 6, also known as category 6a. With the ... the infrastructure that connects the devices; In the transition of 10Base-T to 100Base-TX, for example. Networks with category 3 cabling systems could support the first few generations of switches ... bodies, TIA and ISO. Focus on the Critical Decision Criteria The questions remain: with all the fiber and copper cabling choices at your disposal, which do you install today? There is no simple answer,...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 14:15
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P7
... recruit, it s time to write a screener and send it to the recruiter. Make sure to discuss the screener with your recruiter and to walk through it with at least two people in-house to get a reality ... Multiply the two entries in the two columns and write the results next to ■ them. The features with the greatest numbers next to them are the features you should test. Call these out and write ... already seen them, give people little information about them before they’ve seen them, since, as words, they’re quite general. Thus, the naming of sections (and maybe everything on the site in general)...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P8
... a.m. Usability Observation Evaluator’s Comments Cause of the Usability Defect, if There Is One Severity Rating The user did not select the right menu item (Options) to initiate the task. The ... the users. 13. Pleasurable and respectful interaction with the user. The user’s interactions with the system enhance the quality of his or her experience. The user is treated with respect. The ... comments on them. Some practitioners prefer to gather the defects and the good points about the interface on a single form, whereas others prefer to deal with all the defects and all the good...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15
User Experience Re-Mastered Your Guide to Getting the Right Design- P9
... a.m. Usability Observation Evaluator’s Comments Cause of the Usability Defect, if There Is One Severity Rating The user did not select the right menu item (Options) to initiate the task. The ... comments on them. Some practitioners prefer to gather the defects and the good points about the interface on a single form, whereas others prefer to deal with all the defects and all the good ... Usability defect Cause of the usability defect Severity rating Recommended solution Status description Beth The user did not select the right menu item (Options) to initiate the task. The...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 16:15
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