Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 09:20
... possess a rich combinatorial underpinning resulting in truly surprising identities The Sn case deserves special attention since the results in this case extend in a remarkable manner many well ... (1.5) Of course, since the S3 m-quasi-invariants are easily obtained from the m-quasiinvariants of the dihedral groupd D3 , in principle, the results in [7] should have a bearing on what we here ... least 2m − − j which combined with the inequality in (5.35) yields that degree(Rj ) = 2m − − j (5.38) completing the induction Now setting t = u/v in (5.35) and mutiplying both sides by v 2m−2−j...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo y học: "A prospective observational study of the relationship of critical illness associated hyperglycaemia in medical ICU patients and subsequent development of type 2 diabetes"
... pre-existing increased insulin resistance and dysfunction of beta cells Insulin resistance is present in the acutely ill [13,15,18,28] in different intensity, but the factors determining the extent ... Mediators of cytokine-induced insulin resistance in obesity and other inflammatory settings Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2002, 5:377-383 15 Marik PE, Raghavan M: Stress-hyperglycemia, insulin and immunomodulation ... and immunomodulation in sepsis Intensive Care Med 2004, 30:748-756 16 Aljada A, Ghanim H, Assian E, Dandona P: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibits insulin-induced increase in endothelial nitric...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:02
Báo cáo y học: "Clinical review: Treatment of new-onset atrial fibrillation in medical intensive care patients – a clinical framework"
... on stroke incidence There are insufficient data in medical ICU patients, but in CTS patients it is clear that the stroke incidence is increased in patients with AF Besides AF, a proinflammatory ... understanding of AF in critically ill patients Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests References Pinski SL: Atrial fibrillation in the surgical intensive ... 32:890-891 Reinelt P, Karth GD, Geppert A, Heinz G: Incidence and type of cardiac arrhythmias in critically ill patients: a single center experience in a medical cardiological ICU Intensive Care...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35
... De Klerk (2007) New Towns in development policy: an introduction”, In: D.H Frieling, ed., Research on New Towns First International Seminar 2006, Almere, International New Town Institute, Almere, ... looking Figure Changing types of architecture through main axis (Nguyen Duy Trinh street) in Linh Dam (Mapping - Quyen Phuong, 2011) 669 Linh Dam new town - Solution for the High-density development ... quarter in the middle, still has the highest density) New Towns in the south-west of Hanoi (including Linh Dam) have been rapidly developed in many types and forms, contributing very much in the...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:15
... vật chất, tinh thần lao động nghèo nàn Họ thường tiêu tiết kiệm cho khoản chi phí sinh hoạt thiết yếu Có 22,86% nữ lao động tự phải sống nơi có điều kiện sinh hoạt thiếu thốn, vệ sinh Họ thường ... 22,86% nữ lao động tự phải sống nơi có điều kiện sinh hoạt không đảm bảo, vệ sinh; 40,95% không sử dụng nước có không ổn định; 11,43% cho chỗ họ an ninh không đảm bảo Có thể nói, nơi nữ lao động ... theo điều kiện sống mức tối thiểu, tạm bợ khu nhà trọ rẻ tiền với điều kiện sinh hoạt an ninh không đảm bảo Đời sống tinh thần lao động hạn chế Họ thấy cô đơn, nhớ gia đình Các hoạt động giao lưu,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 08:15
Tài liệu New product development in textiles potx
... J Xin Recycling in textiles Edited by Y Wang Clothing biosensory engineering Y Li and A S W Wong Biomechanical engineering of textiles and clothing Edited by Y Li and D X-Q Dai Digital printing ... The Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company was founded in Two Harbors, Minnesota in 1902, later becoming 3M™ The company’s roots were in Published by Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012 New ... discount merchandising, opening its first Target discount store in 1962 In 1966 it branched out into discount book selling Through growing expertise in sourcing and buying in bulk, strong financial...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 18:20
Patents and New Product Development in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries
... approval involves undertaking successive trials of increasing size and complexity Joseph A DiMasi, “Success Rates for New Drugs Entering Clinical Testing in the United States,” 58 Clinical Pharmacology ... R&D for New Drug Introductions in the 1990s,” forthcoming in Pharmco-Economics, 2002; For earlier studies of new drug introductions in the 1970s and 1980s, see “Returns to R&D on New Drug Introductions ... Lichtenberg has reported on his finding concerning the impact of new drugs on increased longevity, worker productivity, and savings in other types of medical expenditures.4 He finds significant aggregate...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 21:59
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Fostering industrial development in aFrica in the new global environment doc
... Manufacturing Mining & utilities Eastern Africa Industry Manufacturing Mining & utilities Middle Africa Industry Manufacturing Mining & utilities Northern Africa Industry Manufacturing Mining & utilities ... (a) fostering new industrial capacity, (b) diversifying production, (c) creating inter-sectoral and inter-industry linkages, (d) promoting learning, (e) improving productivity, (f) shifting economic ... 1.Contribution of industry to GDP, 1970–2008 % share of GDP World Industry Manufacturing Mining & utilities Developing Industry economies Manufacturing Mining & utilities African developing Industry economies...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new fixed point theorems for set-valued contractions in complete metric spaces" doc
... fixed point in X Fixed point theorem (I) In this section, we assume that the function ψ : ℝ +5 ® ℝ + satisfies the following conditions: (C1) ψ is a strictly increasing, continuous function in each ... 0, that is, μ Î Tμ, since Tμ is closed Fixed point theorem (II) In 1972, Chatterjea [6] introduced the following definition Definition Let (X, d) be a metric space A mapping f : X ® X is said ... all t Î [0, ∞) Then, T has a fixed point in X In the recent, Amini-Harandi [5] gave the following fixed point theorem for setvalued quasi-contraction maps in metric spaces Theorem [5]Let (X, d)...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Fixed point theorems for some new nonlinear mappings in Hilbert spaces" pptx
... nonexpansive mappings in a Hilbert space In 2008, Kohsaka and Takahashi [6] introduced nonspreading mapping and obtained a fixed point theorem for a single nonspreading mapping and a common fixed point theorem ... 1.1 The class of asymptotic nonspreading mappings contains the class of nonspreading mappings and the class of TJ-2 mappings in a Hilbert space Indeed, in Definition 1.1, we know that (i) if a ... nonspreading mappings and asymptotic TJ mappings In this paper, we study asymptotic nonspreading mappings and asymptotic TJ mappings We prove fixed point theorems, ergodic theorems, demiclosed principles,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Fixed point theorems for some new nonlinear mappings in Hilbert spaces" pot
... nonexpansive mappings in a Hilbert space In 2008, Kohsaka and Takahashi [6] introduced nonspreading mapping and obtained a fixed point theorem for a single nonspreading mapping and a common fixed point theorem ... 1.1 The class of asymptotic nonspreading mappings contains the class of nonspreading mappings and the class of TJ-2 mappings in a Hilbert space Indeed, in Definition 1.1, we know that (i) if a ... nonspreading mappings and asymptotic TJ mappings In this paper, we study asymptotic nonspreading mappings and asymptotic TJ mappings We prove fixed point theorems, ergodic theorems, demiclosed principles,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Some new nonlinear integral inequalities and their applications in the qualitative analysis of differential equations" potx
... ∞ ds = ∞, a(t), a(t) are defined as in Theorem 2.1, and a(0) > ψ(φ −1 (s)) t0 t0 >0 If x Î C(R+, R+) satisfies the following integral inequality containing multiple integrals (0, ∞) and α1 (t) ... R+, R+), and a, j, ψ, ω, a, b, J, Y are defined as in Theorem 2.3 If u Î C(R+ × R+, R+) satisfies the following integral inequality containing multiple integrals β(y) φ(u(x, y)) ≤a(x, y) + [f (s, ... R+), i = 1, 2, and a, j, ψ, ω, J, Y are defined as in Theorem 2.3 If u Î C(R+ × R+, R+) satisfies the following integral inequality containing multiple integrals β(y) φ(u(x, y)) ≤ a(x, y) + [f1...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Some new finite difference inequalities arising in the theory of difference equations" pptx
... nondecreasing in the first variable, while decreasing in the second variable, a is nondecreasing in the first variable, and b is decreasing in the second variable, a, b, p, q, r, l are defined as in ... nondecreasing in the first variable, while decreasing in the second variable, a is nondecreasing in the first variable, and b is decreasing in the second variable, a, b are defined as in Theorem ... nondecreasing in the first variable, while decreasing in the second variable”, “ f (m, n) is nondecreasing in the first variable and decreasing in the second variable”, and “b is decreasing in the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some New Double Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Function in n-Normed Space" docx
... Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics, vol 27, no 1, pp 53–58, 2008 E Savas, “On some new sequence spaces in 2-normed spaces using ideal convergence and an Orlicz ¸ function,” journal of Inequalities ... to an x in X in the n-norm if in n-normed space X, ·, , · lim x1 , x2 , , xn−1 , xk − x k→∞ 0, is aid to be 1.3 for every x1 , x2 , , xn−1 ∈ X Definition 1.3 see 16 Let X be a linear space ... following new double sequence space as follows: l M, p, ·, , · x ∈S n−X : : ∞,∞ M k,l xk,l , z1 , z2 , , zn−1 ρ pk,l < ∞, ρ > , 2.1 for each z1 , z2 , , zn−1 ∈ X The following inequalities...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On Some New Sequence Spaces in 2-Normed Spaces Using Ideal Convergence and an Orlicz Function" pptx
... sequence in X is convergent to some x in X Quite recently Savas 15 defined some sequence spaces by using Orlicz function and ¸ ideals in 2-normed spaces In this paper, we continue to study certain new ... ρ2 pk ≥ε ∈I for some ρ1 > 0, 2.4 n∈N: M λn k∈I r ≥ε ∈I for some ρ2 > 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Since , ·, is a 2-norm, and M is an Orlicz function the following inequality holds: ... ,z ρ M λn k∈I n pk ≥K ∈I for some ρ > 0, and each z ∈ X , 2.1 where In n − λn 1, n The following well-known inequality If ≤ pk ≤ sup pk 16, page 190 will be used in the study H, D max 1, 2H−1...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some Geometric Inequalities in a New Banach Sequence Space" docx
... exceed s2 Again using the fact xn →0 coordinatewise, there exists n3 > n2 such that s2 xn (i)ei i =1 < ε2 , when n ≥ n3 (2.4) m(φ,p,Δ) Continuing this process, we can find two increasing sequences ... 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications In [2], the space m(φ) has been considered for matrix transformations and in [3] some of its geometric properties have been ... elements of σ which exceed s j Note that z j (i) is a term in the sequence with fixed j and running i 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Since ε j −1 + ε j < 1, we have z j (n) φ s n ∈σ ≤ ε...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Some Geometric Inequalities in a New Banach Sequence Space" pot
... exceed s2 Again using the fact xn →0 coordinatewise, there exists n3 > n2 such that s2 xn (i)ei i =1 < ε2 , when n ≥ n3 (2.4) m(φ,p,Δ) Continuing this process, we can find two increasing sequences ... 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications In [2], the space m(φ) has been considered for matrix transformations and in [3] some of its geometric properties have been ... elements of σ which exceed s j Note that z j (i) is a term in the sequence with fixed j and running i 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Since ε j −1 + ε j < 1, we have z j (n) φ s n ∈σ ≤ ε...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo y học: " Red cell transfusion triggers in critically ill patients: time for some new TRICCs" docx
... not surprising that surveys indicate continued variation in clinical practice [11,13] The other key uncertainty relates to the impact of prestorage leucodepletion, which was not used during the ... between ischemic heart disease and the hemoglobin level maintained in intensive care, which could have been underestimated in the original trial report [10] All of these subgroup analyses were ... colleagues simply add to our uncertainty Abbreviations TRICC = Transfusion requirements in critical care Competing interests The author declares that he has no competing interests Published: 23 June...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:22