social engineering caller id spoofing physical break in and dumpster diving

social engineering – a real story in a multi-national company

social engineering – a real story in a multi-national company

... from main dictionary only Ingore wwords in UPPERCASE Ingore wwords wwith numbers Ingore Internet and file addresses 11 Security (an toàn): TT Tiếng Anh Read-only recommended Remove personal information ... khôi phục Tích, Máy tính không tự động lưu thông tin sửa đổi tập tin bạn, bạn tắt máy không lưu lần cuối sửa đổi tập tin bạn mở lại Error Checking (kiểm tra lỗi): TT Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt Tích ... Tích, ô không khoá chứa containing formulas công thức công thức Formulas referring to Công thức tham chiếu Tích, công thức tham chiếu empty cell ô rỗng ô rỗng List data validation error Danh sách...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2014, 09:48

9 579 0
Social Engineering

Social Engineering

... kỹ thuật công Social engineering Social engineering chia thành hai loại phổ biến: Human-based: Kỹ thuật Social engineering liên quan đến tương tác người với người để thu thông tin mong muốn Ví ... thống; in liệu nhạy cảm tên đăng nhập password; ghi source code; băng đĩa; đĩa cứng hết hạn Phương pháp nâng cao kỹ thuật Social engineering Reverse Social Engineering (Social engineering ngược) ... đe dọa social engineering hợp lý hóa mối nguy hiểm tổ chức Social engineering sách an ninh: Phát triển văn thiết lập sách thủ tục quy định nhân viên xử trí tình mà công social engineering Bước...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 14:53

20 2K 4
Social Engineering

Social Engineering

... Giới thiệu Social Engineering Phân loại Social Engineering Các bước công Các mối đe dọa Phòng tránh Social Engineering Nội dung Giới thiệu Social Engineering Phân loại Social Engineering Các bước ... tránh Social Engineering Giới thiệu Social Engineering Social Engineering việc lợi dụng lòng tin người khác để thao túng hành vi họ bắt họ tiết lộ thông tin bí mật Giới thiệu Social Engineering ... Social Engineering hình thức công khó phòng chống Nội dung Giới thiệu Social Engineering Phân loại Social Engineering Các bước công Các mối đe dọa Phòng tránh Social Engineering Phân loại Social Engineering...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2013, 09:06

72 832 8
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures v6 module 11 social engineering

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures v6 module 11 social engineering

... Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures v6 Social Engineering Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker Module Flow Social Engineering Social Engineering Threats and Defenses Types of Social Engineering Countermeasures ... Prohibited Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures v6 Social Engineering Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker What is Social Engineering Social Engineering is the human side of breaking into a corporate ... EC-Council Types of Social Engineering Social Engineering can be broadly divided into two types: human-based and computer-based Human-based social engineering involves human interaction in one manner...

Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 20:22

82 415 0
Tài liệu Sport and Physical Activity in Children with Congenital Heart Disease ppt

Tài liệu Sport and Physical Activity in Children with Congenital Heart Disease ppt

... surgery/interventions (including ablations) 1.1 Without remaining findings (complete correction) 1.2 With minimal findings 1.3 With clinically significant findings 1.4 After palliative interventions: ... expected in this setting Recommended types of exercise include interval training at moderate intensity, e.g., ball games and running games, or moderate stamina training Their afterload reducing effect ... forms of exercise and games in childhood Types of exercise with a high dynamic/low static component Running, skipping, jumping, cycling, swimming, inline skating, skateboarding, running games, ball...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

8 638 0
Tài liệu Time trends in leisure time physical activity and physical fitness in elderly people: 20 year followup of the Spanish population national health survey (1987-2006) docx

Tài liệu Time trends in leisure time physical activity and physical fitness in elderly people: 20 year followup of the Spanish population national health survey (1987-2006) docx

... 2001, 2003, and 2006 The SNHS is an ongoing, home-based personal interview examining a national representative sample of non-institutionalized population residing in main family dwellings (households) ... proportional random selection of primary and secondary sampling units (towns and sections, respectively), with the final units (individuals) being selected by means of random routes and sex- and age-based ... determined by antiaging messages that appear in mass media [51], social [42] and cultural contexts [44] They may have a tendency to integrate socially, avoiding showing they need help for anything...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

11 912 0
Social Engineering Presentation

Social Engineering Presentation

... SOCIAL ENGINEERING LÀ GÌ ??? SOCIAL ENGINEERING: noun "The p chan ractice o g f - Lon e society making c gm a n Dic accordin hanges to g tiona ry of to a polit laws in o "The r ic ... SOFTWARE It's free and cool !! INSTALL CÁC BƯỚ CT •Thu ẤN C t •Chọ hập thông Ô NG n mụ tin c •Tấn công tiêu : Intim idatio Ego - Sym n pathy - PHÒNG TRÁNH TẤN CÔNG SOCIAL ENGINEERING VS Các mối đe ... en W in dow m ch tta s il a Ma COMPUTER BASED te ebsi W Interesting Software PHISING VOICE + PHISING = POP-UP WINDOWS MAI L AT TAC HME NTS •Virus Meliss •Wor m ILO a VEYO U WEBSITE INTERESTING...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 14:14

40 680 0
mobile mini robots for engineering, Vol.6, No.1 Published in Australia© 2002 pdf

mobile mini robots for engineering, Vol.6, No.1 Published in Australia© 2002 pdf

... (1997) Schilling, K., Telediagnosis and Teleinspection Potential of Actual Telematic Techniques In: Leeming, M.B and Topping, B.H.V (Eds), Innovation in Civil and Construction Engineering Edinburgh: ... demonstrations of a forklift handling device and optical line following system A rock and sand landscape similar to Mars, including facilities for a tether link to power and control rovers A rover ... line crossings and a random starting point Tuning of the controller to avoid unwanted oscillations Crossing of a maze parcours by remote control, with the following aims: - Design of a user interface...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

6 495 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Increased NADPH concentration obtained by metabolic engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway in Aspergillus niger docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Increased NADPH concentration obtained by metabolic engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway in Aspergillus niger docx

... Enzymes in boxes were subjected to metabolic engineering in this study Metabolites and enzymes in italics were measured in wild-type and engineered strains Enzymes involved in polyol formation and ... shown in Fig Figure S3 Scores and X-loading Weights and Y-loadings in PLS regression shown in Fig Figure S4 Residual variance of calibrated X and of validated Y (NADPH) in PLS regression shown in ... [38] using · 107 protoplasts Overexpressing strains were obtained by cotransformation of the uridine requiring strain [39] NW129 (cspA1 goxC17 pyrA6) with lg of the plasmid pGW635 containing the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

13 383 0
Hampering the Human Hacker and the Threat of Social Engineering pptx

Hampering the Human Hacker and the Threat of Social Engineering pptx

... Contents Social Engineering – What is it? Social Engineering Tactics and Tools – Using Deception to Break In Preventing Social Engineering Attacks – The Best Breach is No Breach at All About Voxeo Introduction ... however, begin the process of stopping social engineering attacks in their tracks by understanding how social engineering tactics work and training personnel to recognize them Adding specialized ... access.” Social Engineering Tactics and Tools – Using Deception to Break In Social engineering attacks are based on one thing – information Without information about your customers, social engineers...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20

10 356 0
corporate social responsibility strategies for sustainable development for small and medium enterprises in the village of bac ninh province, vietnam

corporate social responsibility strategies for sustainable development for small and medium enterprises in the village of bac ninh province, vietnam

... population and labor Labour structure in 2008 in Bac Ninh province has 56,683 employees in small and medium enterprises 36 In North and security in 2009 is 1024.3 thousand people Population increases, ... whole mind in the business - Create a basis for mobilizing resources, including, intellectual and material resources, financial resources, ensuring effective implementation of business in manufacture ... 5 GiaBinh 8 Lương Tai BacNinh 2 Total 62 54 Acquiculture 1 Figure 4.1 - The medium and small villages in BacNinh province in 2008 (Source: BacNinh Department of Trade in 2008) Businesses in the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

69 577 0


... excitation of XK lines of copper and zinc included in a lead matrix, without interfering with the XL lines of this metal (10.45 and 10.55 keV), and thereby analysing copper and zinc ERDA [129] ... and restoration practices in previous times As well, identification of metallic inserts in statues, evidence of later repainting, lining or transposition of easel paintings, the application of ... biophysical systems due to strain and /or degradation The systems in which he is interested contain collagen, fibrillin, and cellulose (which relate, in the cultural heritage discipline, to an interest...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

235 488 0
The State of Social Media Marketing Report: 7 Major Findings & In-Depth Analysis doc

The State of Social Media Marketing Report: 7 Major Findings & In-Depth Analysis doc

... State of Social Media Marketing Table of Contents Letter from the CEO Foreward Major Findings Key Finding #1 Key Finding #2 Key Finding #3 10 Key Finding #4 12 Key Finding #5 15 Key Finding #6 ... CMOs and social media strategists think about organizing and optimizing social marketing and lays out the steps and best practices to get the most value from social media investments Social Business: ... ties Social Prospecting, Social Scoring and Social Profile Database into one solution resulting in a detailed social marketing ROI Awareness works with some of the world’s leading brands and marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

41 595 0
Sport and Physical Education in China potx

Sport and Physical Education in China potx

... of sport and PE in China In his introductory chapter, he sets the tone for our book in maintaining that, to understand the contextual position of sport in China—its ‘Chineseness’—demands a much ... and forward looking and modern (in Olympic sport) This combination of tradition and the modern is a constantly recurring theme in China and can Sport in China be seen in many ways: in cliches such ... Boating is referred to as a recreational activity, and according to Tan (1987:2) there is evidence in the Book of Songs that women enjoyed fishing, boating, singing and dancing, and certain activities...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

299 411 0
Auditing for Social Change: A Strategy for Citizen Engagement in Public Sector Accountability docx

Auditing for Social Change: A Strategy for Citizen Engagement in Public Sector Accountability docx

... institutions adopting a more engaging behaviour in its decision-making and the civil society organizations becoming more collegial and supportive in its dialoguing role, aiming at interlinking issues ... participatory processes continue to remain limited to planning and to some extent budgeting, but not in monitoring and auditing, leaving an important gap in the accountability process In a 17 January 2005 ... thereby improving governance and reducing poverty 2.  Institutional Setting This section outlines the current institutional framework of auditing in public finance management in developing countries...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 02:20

220 373 1
tiểu luận social engineering - phương pháp tấn công nguy hiểm trong công tác bảo mật thông tin vẫn còn bị chúng ta xem nhẹ

tiểu luận social engineering - phương pháp tấn công nguy hiểm trong công tác bảo mật thông tin vẫn còn bị chúng ta xem nhẹ

... lấy thông tin  DumpsterDiving and Shoulder Surfing: Đây hai hình thức sử dụng sớm Social Engineering Dumpster diving có nghĩa sẵn sàng thu thập thứ dơ bẩn, bị vứt bỏ để lấy thông tin họ cần, ... ThomasR.Peltier, Social Engineering: Concepts and Solutions” ,in Information Security and Risk M anagement [5] Aaron Dolan, "Social Engineering" in G SEC Option version 1.4b February 10, 2004 bảo vệ an ninh ... 25 Nhận thức chuyên gia Social Engineering  Có 43% số người vấn cho biết họ đối tượng bị khai thác Social Engineering Chỉ có 16% khẳng định họ đối tượng Social Engineering, 41% không nhận thức...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 10:46

13 849 0


... Chapter Examination of the Head and Neck Examine the head and face Examine the ears and temporomandibular joints Examine the nose Examine the eyes Examine the hair Examine the neck Examine the lymph ... undergoing a bacteremia-inducing dental procedure Neurologic System HIV Infection and AIDS Considering the incidence of HIV infection in the general population, dentists can expect to encounter infected ... underlying nutritional, toxic, or metabolic abnormality 35 This occurs in middle-aged and elderly individuals and causes excruciating paroxysms of pain involving the lips, gums, cheek, or chin, and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 16:37

253 250 0
scientific american   -  1998 10  -  how hackers break in

scientific american - 1998 10 - how hackers break in

... protects against endometrial cancer, by inducing monthly shedding of the uterine lining (including any malignant cells) But many older women dislike having “periods” again, and progestins not alleviate ... therapy and tamoxifen, it increases the incidence of blood clots in the veins And many questions persist Clinicians have yet to determine whether raloxifene remains effective and safe indefinitely and ... residency in surgery sis might keep growing tumors in check and slowly gaining adherents to the at Massachusetts General Hospital in It was only through giving a lecture idea that inhibiting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:47

98 520 0

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