sized enterprise at agribank hoinoi north branch

Luận văn thạc sỹ - Enhancing lending quality to individuals at Agribank Dong Da branch

Luận văn thạc sỹ - Enhancing lending quality to individuals at Agribank Dong Da branch

... 3.3.2 Recommendations for Agribank Branches of Bank is a part of Agribank system, all operations of the branch are directly affected by the policy, orientation and operation of Agribank In order ... with individuals at Agribank Dong Da branch - Proposing orientations, solutions and recommendations to improve credit quality for households and individuals at Agribank Dong Da branch Methodology ... General research thesis on organization and operation of Agribank Dong Da branch, analyze and explain the real situation of credit quality in Agribank Dong Da branch, thereby assessing the reasons...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2020, 06:12

63 32 0
LV thạc sỹ_Strategy on expanding and developing credit service for small and medium sized enterprises at agribank

LV thạc sỹ_Strategy on expanding and developing credit service for small and medium sized enterprises at agribank

... Matrix, strategy of AgriBankNorth Hanoi Branch at aggressive position: Page 51 Figure 3.1: Strategies on SPACE Matrix FS CA-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 IS -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 ES AGRIBANKNorth Hanoi Branch ... situation of credit service for small and medium -sized enterprises at AgribankNorth Hanoi Branch Chapter 3: Strategy on expanding and developing credit service for small and mediumsized enterprises ... 16 CHAPTER II: REAL SITUATION OF CREDIT SERVICE FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM -SIZED ENTERPRISES AT AGRIBANKNORTH HANOI BRANCH 18 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF AGRIBANKNORTH HANOI BRANCH .18 2.1.1 Process...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2020, 22:46

62 15 0
Improvement the marketing mix policy for internet banking service (IBank) at agribank cau giay branch

Improvement the marketing mix policy for internet banking service (IBank) at agribank cau giay branch

... CHAPTER CURRENT SITUATION OF MARKETING – MIX POLICY FOR INTERNET BANKING AT AGRIBANK – CAU GIAY BRANCH 44 2.1 Features of Agribank - Cau Giay Branch 44 2.1.1 The process of formation and development ... situation of marketing – mix policy for internet banking services at Agribank - Cau Giay Branch 53 2.2.1 Actual situation of implementing Internet Banking service marketing policy at Agribank ... MARKETING MIX POLICY FOR INTERNET BANKING AT AGRIBANK – CAU GIAY BRANCH 79 3.1 Development orientation of internet banking service at Agribank - Cau Giay branch 79 3.2 Combined Marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2021, 22:48

108 20 0
Improvement the marketing mix policy for internet banking service (ibank) at agribank cau giay branch

Improvement the marketing mix policy for internet banking service (ibank) at agribank cau giay branch

... CHAPTER CURRENT SITUATION OF MARKETING – MIX POLICY FOR INTERNET BANKING AT AGRIBANK – CAU GIAY BRANCH 44 2.1 Features of Agribank - Cau Giay Branch 44 2.1.1 The process of formation and development ... situation of marketing – mix policy for internet banking services at Agribank - Cau Giay Branch 53 2.2.1 Actual situation of implementing Internet Banking service marketing policy at Agribank ... MARKETING MIX POLICY FOR INTERNET BANKING AT AGRIBANK – CAU GIAY BRANCH 79 3.1 Development orientation of internet banking service at Agribank - Cau Giay branch 79 3.2 Combined Marketing...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2021, 12:09

108 12 0
Solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

Solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

... E-BANKING SERVICES AT AGRIBANK TAY DO BRANCH 3.1 SWOT analysis for developing electronic banking services at Agribank Tay Do branch Table 3.1: SWOT Model of Agribank Tay Do branch STRENGTHS - ... services During the internship at Agribank Tay Do branch, it was found that the troubleshooting of e-banking services at the branch still had some inadequacies that the current handling process ... configuring and updating the latest versions of anti-virus and malware software for the entire computer system at Agribank Tay Do branch + Storing business data such as accounting, office operations and...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2021, 17:03

97 11 0
Solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

Solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

... E-BANKING SERVICES AT AGRIBANK TAY DO BRANCH 3.1 SWOT analysis for developing electronic banking services at Agribank Tay Do branch Table 3.1: SWOT Model of Agribank Tay Do branch STRENGTHS - ... (Headquarters of Agribank Tay Do adequate attention when the statistics branch is near My Dinh Urban Area, the about the proportion of revenue from second-level branch is located in Dan this ... services During the internship at Agribank Tay Do branch, it was found that the troubleshooting of e-banking services at the branch still had some inadequacies that the current handling process...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2021, 06:24

91 38 0
(Luận văn HV chính sách và phát triển) solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

(Luận văn HV chính sách và phát triển) solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

... (Headquarters of Agribank Tay Do adequate attention when the statistics branch is near My Dinh Urban Area, the about the proportion of revenue from second-level branch is located in Dan this ... services During the internship at Agribank Tay Do branch, it was found that the troubleshooting of e-banking services at the branch still had some inadequacies that the current handling process ... configuring and updating the latest versions of anti-virus and malware software for the entire computer system at Agribank Tay Do branch + Storing business data such as accounting, office operations and...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2022, 09:42

91 1 0
(Luận văn) solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

(Luận văn) solutions for developing e banking services at agribank tay do branch

... (Headquarters of Agribank Tay Do adequate attention when the statistics z gm @ branch is near My Dinh Urban Area, the about the proportion of revenue from second-level branch is located in Dan this ... services During the internship at Agribank Tay Do branch, it was found that the troubleshooting of e-banking services at the branch still had some inadequacies that the current handling process ... affected objects, the source of attack, the purpose of attack, the systems being attacked, the method of attack, leaked information, reported to the branch' s IT department, z at nh submitted to the Board...

Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2023, 09:44

91 0 0
Factors affecting customer experience at agribank   yen dung branch

Factors affecting customer experience at agribank yen dung branch

... experience at Agribank – Yen Dung branch .26 2.2.1 List of products and services 26 2.2.2 Customers at Agribank – Yen Dung branch 27 2.3 Insights into Customer experience at Agribank ... at Agribank - Yen Dung branch 28 2.3.1 Customer experience’s overview at Agribank Yen Dung 28 iii 2.3.2 Current status of customer experience at Agribank – Yen Dung Branch? ??…………………………………………………………………………….29 ... RECOMMENDATIONS .57 4.1 Development strategy of Agribank – Yen Dung Branch 57 4.2 Conclusions and recommendations 58 4.2.1 Recommendations for Reliability group 58 4.2.2 Recommendations...

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2023, 17:29

91 7 0
Solutions to non cash payment improvement at agribank lang ha branch,graduation thesis

Solutions to non cash payment improvement at agribank lang ha branch,graduation thesis

... Lang Ha branch, Consolidated Statements on products and services over years from 2011 to 2015 16 Agribank, Lang Ha Branch, Consolidated Statements on credit operation from 2011 to 2015 17 Agribank, ... 20 Table 3: Bad debt ratio at Agribank Lang Ha Branch 22 Table 4: Main business outcomes at Agribank Lang Ha branch 22 Table 5: Lending over mobilizing fund rate 23 Table ... by cheque at Agribank Lang Ha between 2011 and 2015 28 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Fund mobilization at Agribank Lang Ha 18 Table 2: Lending at Agribank, Lang Ha Branch ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2023, 00:13

123 3 0
Capital mobilization at agribank hoa lu branch situation and recommendations,graduation thesis

Capital mobilization at agribank hoa lu branch situation and recommendations,graduation thesis

... situation of capital mobilization at AGRIBANK HOA LU branch Chapter 4: Solutions and recommendations to improve capital mobilization of AGRIBANK HOA LU branch IV Nguyen Le Thuy Duong – K15ATCB ... dedication, respectfulness, humility and cooperation 4.3 Recommendations 4.3.1 Recommendations to AGRIBANK AGRIBANK HOA LU is one of AGRIBANK? ??s branches, so its performance also affects AGRIBANK? ??s ... STATE BANK OF VIETNAM BANKING ACADEMY Foreign Language Faculty - - GRADUATION THESIS CAPITAL MOBILIZATION AT AGRIBANK HOA LU BRANCH: SITUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Lecturer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2023, 00:14

71 4 0
Internship report at agribank -   back khoa branch

Internship report at agribank - back khoa branch

... and 5 which is illust rated by the following chart: c. Operation · Mobilization Over the years, capital mobilization of Agribank receiving depositing money from organizations and individuals, ... documents relating to banking rules, the branch Charter as well as credit operations or even any papers that I saw there. Generally, I studied the process of loan application for enterprises ... all related information as well as recalculating on-that-day interest. 2. Document preparation Since I was trained to be familiar with legal documents, I knew which items need for what, and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 15:16

14 2,8K 20
Internship Report - some solutions for the enhancement of household production lending activities at agribank – son dong branch

Internship Report - some solutions for the enhancement of household production lending activities at agribank – son dong branch

... Dong Branch (Source: Agribank s Son Dong Branch) 2 - EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTION LENDING AT THE BRANCH 2.1 Current situation 2.1.1 Qualitative ... 1.2 Agribank? ??s business volume as of October 2013………………………… p.10 Diagram 1.1 Organizational structure of Agribank? ??s Son Dong Branch? ??………… p.12 Diagram 2.1 Loans structure at Agribank? ??s Son Dong Branch ... information in credit agreement and certificate of land use are exactly matched. - Arranged credit documents (application for loans, credit insurance application and other important administrative...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 15:22

24 1,8K 9
LV Thạc sỹ_Imporving short term loan quality at Agribank north hanoi branch

LV Thạc sỹ_Imporving short term loan quality at Agribank north hanoi branch

... QUALITY AT AGRIBANK NORTH HANOI BRANCH 33 3.1 Orientation of Agribank North Hanoi about credit activity and increasing credit quality: 33 3.1.1 Orientation of Agribank North Hanoi ... framework which are related to credit activity of Agribank North Hanoi branch * Evaluate short-term loan activity at Agribank North Hanoi branch * Giving solution, recommendation to improve short-term ... TERM LOAN QUALITY AT AGRIBANK NORTH HANOI BRANCH 3.1 Orientation of Agribank North Hanoi about credit activity and increasing credit quality: 3.1.1 Orientation of Agribank North Hanoi about credit...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2020, 10:56

44 5 0
Recruitment and Selection activities at Agribank Vietnam – Soc Son branch

Recruitment and Selection activities at Agribank Vietnam – Soc Son branch

... effectiveness of branch? ??s operation For the application of information technology in operation, the branch plan to implement various activities such electronic data storage; preparing for computerization ... index is high that means the branch inspires the core values to candidates successfully If the ratio is too low, it means that the branch has problem in communicating with candidates about the ... designed as a general pattern which are not attractive enough to the candidates The branch needs pay more attention to the design, presenting recruitment information clearly, attractively to readers...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2019, 18:22

37 177 1
LV Thạc sỹ_The international payment development at the Agribank Bac Ninh branch

LV Thạc sỹ_The international payment development at the Agribank Bac Ninh branch

... analyzing current status of International Payment development at Agribank - Bac Ninh branch - Analyzing current status of International Payment development at Agribank - Bac Ninh branch, and simultaneously ... NINH BRANCH 64 III.1 Orientation of international payment development at Agribank - Bac Ninh branch 64 III.1.1 General orientation 64 III.1.2 Orientation for International ... thesis is the International payment Bank at the Agribank – Bac Ninh branch - Scope of research: the current status of the International Payment at the Agribank – Bac Ninh branch in the period...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2020, 22:24

87 77 2


... Nang Branch 24 2.1.2 Organizational apparatus of Agribank Nam Da Nang Branch 24 2.2 BUSINESS RESULTS IN YEARS 28 2.2.1 Capital mobilization situation of Agribank South Da Nang branch ... ratio of Agribank South Da Nang branch is always below the industry average This shows that the quality of loans at Agribank South Danang Branch is effective In addition, business results at Agribank ... situation of Agribank South Danang Branch 31 2.2.3 Business results of Agribank South Danang Branch 34 2.3 ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION OF AGRIBANK BUSINESS LOANS IN SOUTH DA NANG BRANCH...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2022, 15:13

83 4 0
Improving Internet Banking services at Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank)  Thang Long Branch  Tay Son Transaction Office

Improving Internet Banking services at Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) Thang Long Branch Tay Son Transaction Office

... performance Indicator – KPI - Customer retention rate > 80% - Rate of customers leaving the business < 10% - Rate of customer sympathy > 90% - Customer satisfaction index 9/10 points - Rate of customer ... crashes Quick and accurate registration process Transactions are done quickly and accurately Financial information is highly confidential Stay up-to-date with service-related information as well as ... 31 From what information source did you know about Agribank' s Internet Banking service ? Website Teller At the bank's counter Relatives, friends, colleagues Advertising in mass media What utilities...

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2022, 22:35

39 7 0
current situation of capital mobilization at agribank bank cho con south da nang branch

current situation of capital mobilization at agribank bank cho con south da nang branch

... mobilization at Agribank Cho Con- Nam Da Nang Branch& #34; is a graduate subjec Trang 61 2 3 A: GENERAL INFORMATION Full name : Lé Ba Tuan Trinh Class: A Institude Of Openeducation And Information ... current regulations of the State Bank and Agribank 2010 June 28 Officially opened a branch in Cambodia July 16 Agribank has issued Decision No 881/QD-HDQT-TDHo dated on promulgating regulations to ... bring satisfaction to customers In particular, Agribank is one of the banks with high and attractive savings interest rates Borrowing from Agribank People can easily apply loan services at all branches...

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2024, 16:27

67 0 0
Credit expansions to SMEs at techcombank   trung yen branch

Credit expansions to SMEs at techcombank trung yen branch

... MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) AT TECHCOMBANK - TRUNG YEN BRANCH 19 2.1 Introduction to Techcombank – Trung Yen branch 19 2.1.1 General information .19 2.1.2 Business operation ... SMES AT TECHCOMBANK - TRUNG YEN BRANCH 38 3.1 The essentials of extending credit to SMEs at Techcombank – Trung Yen branch 38 3.1.1 Small and medium enterprises development orientation ... development orientation of Techcombank – Trung Yen branch 40 3.1.3 Orientation of credit expansion to SMES at Techcombank – Trung Yen branch .41 3.2 Solutions to credit extension to SMEs at Techcombank...

Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 16:51

74 440 1