... Enrollment The Rise of the Higher Ed CMO CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER The Rise of the Higher Ed CMO CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Northwestern 2013 The Rise of the Higher Ed CMO CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Northwestern ... William & Mary 2014 The Rise of the Higher Ed CMO CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Northwestern 2013 William & Mary 2014 Ohio State 2015 The Rise of the Higher Ed CMO CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Northwestern ... ambassadors into storytellers is one of the most effective ways to share the experience to engage people to APPLY ENROLL GIVE CARE THE BOTTOM LINE: PEOPLE SUPPORT WHAT THEY HELP CREATE While an inclusive...
Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2016, 00:32
... example, it has been proven that the combination of the Lethal Dose 1% of mercury (LD1Hg) together with the LD1 of lead (Pb) results in the death of all animals, so the following toxicological equation ... problem occurring in some studies is the absence of documentation of the dental status before or at the time of the onset of multiple sclerosis In spite of these limitations [219] a reanalysis ... necessary cofactor for one of the complexes in the electron transport system of mitochondria and therefore ATP-synthesis Therefore, mercury inhibition of heme production could have a multitude of secondary...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo y học: " Transdisciplinary unifying implications of circadian findings in the 1950s" doc
... both sides of the spinal cord, including further the removal of the scrotal fat of male or of the large ligaments of female mice In my hands only (and within a year in the hands of others), epinephrine ... approaches of the adrenal [86,88,148,194], of the eyes [47,48], of half of the cerebral cortex [195], of the brain above the pons [196] and of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) [15,197-202], and by the ... view of the BIOsphere and the COSmos is the inescapable conclusion of the accumulating chronobiological evidence [56] Aschoff was aware of the ever broadening scope of time structures and had the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo y học: "Where is the difference between the genomes of humans and annelids" pot
... preservation of exon-intron gene structures Despite the fact that marine annelids and humans have the same number of introns, commonly in the same positions, the importance of these introns for the host ... role for the organism [14] Therefore, organismal complexity cannot be simply determined by the genome size, the number of protein-coding genes, the number of introns, or the total number of genomic ... Undoubtedly, the results in the Science article by Raible et al [1] will serve as important additional, yet non-decisive, evidence in these endless debates on the origin of species The new data of Raible...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:20
... newspaper Neither the advent of television nor that of internet could affect the importance of the newspaper The reason for it is the width, breadth and the depth of news provided by the newspaper, ... “Structure is an art of the performance on content factors of the writers Structurally, the writers can change the orders of the contents of the news story” In fact, the paragraph of a news story ... shows the reader the information of a new online game, the next Internet phenomenon to emerge from computers of college students” The characters of the timeliness, the immediacy, the impact and the...
Ngày tải lên: 02/09/2012, 11:12
The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study
... wake at a.m., but nap for two hours or so in the early afternoon Thus the influence on one's sleep pattern is worthy of consideration when choosing an occupation ...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing
... finished product, then adjustments will have to be made to the product's design Similarly, market research, which examines the extent and nature of the demand for products, has the role of guiding product ... not only the result of product research, but is also influenced by testing and market research If the testing stage (after assembly and inspection) reveals unacceptable problems in the finished ... research, while influenced by product sales, also serves to foster future sales by devising suitable advertising for the goods Thus the reality of consumer goods manufacturing goes well beyond...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:02
Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English
... ‘owned’ the dog the dog’ the dog’s the dog’s tail The smile of the princess The princess’s smile Who ‘owns’ the smile? Put the apostrophe after the owner Add -s Add what is ‘owned’ 18 the princess the ... remember to keep the -e with soft c and soft g words It’s the e that keeps them soft (courageous, traceable) (See SOFT C AND SOFT G.) Don’t keep the -e with these eight exceptions to the rule: truly, ... is ‘owned’ the dogs the dogs’ (no need here) the dogs’ tails The laughter of the women The women’s laughter Who ‘owns’ the laughter? Put the apostrophe after the owners Add -s if there isn’t...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:46
Monitoring the macroeconomic determinants of banking system stability
... on their credits to enterprises will depend, on the one hand, on the development of the outstanding amounts of these credits on the assets side of the balance sheet and, on the other, on the ... to the cyclical variables, because they tend to analyse the economy from the angle of monetary developments Thus, they trace the starting point of the financial crisis of the 1930s back to the ... enterprises? Do these periods change over time according to the size of the enterprises or depending on the business cycle? An analysis of the probabilities of default or of the risks of losses carried...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:11
Báo cáo y học: "The evolving story of medical emergency teams in quality improvement"
... patients), the proportion of MET calls which reflects deficiencies in care may be even higher The present study introduced the novel element of real-time characterization of events by the team at the ... substantial investments of additional resources Moreover, the direct involvement of clinicians in the detection of patient safety and quality -of- care problems likely facilitates the crucial next step ... debriefing flows naturally from the chart review that MET personnel perform to the providing of patient care This methodology does not replace the need for other forms of adverse event detection (such...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Báo cáo khoa học: "The clinical value of daily routine chest radiographs in a mixed medical–surgical intensive care unit is low"
... as removal of intravenous lines) The observers were not involved in the daily care of the patients, and ICU physicians were not aware of this part of the observation As a consequence, the clinical ... antimicrobial therapy in case of unexpected infiltrates on the CXR; repositioning of tubes in case of malposition of orotracheal tubes (ignoring planned extubations); ultrasound of the thorax in case of ... explained by the fact that physicians were not asked whether they would make changes in daily management of their patients in the present study; instead, we observed whether abnormalities on the CXRs...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:39
Báo cáo y học: "The Versatile Use of Temporoparietal Fascial Flap"
... define the fascial layers of the temporal region 5-6 All these names reflect an anatomical feature of the related fascia The TPF lies just beneath the hair follicles and subcutaneous fat of the ... located deeper at the level of the ear and approximately 10 cm above the crus helix, they take a more superficial course entering the subdermal plexus.8 The anatomic layers of the temporal region ... extended up to 3-4 cm superior to the origin of the temporal muscle Then, the TPF is elevated from the deep temporal fascia by blunt dissection If lengthening of the pedicle is needed, proximally...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00
Báo cáo y học: "Anticancer Activity of the PR Domain of Tumor Suppressor RIZ1"
... have not yet been addressed The first question is whether the expression level for RIZ1 varies over the progression of cancer; and the second question is whether the PR domain alone possesses ... we quantitatively analyzed the mRNA expression level of RIZ1 over the disease progression in eight different types of cancer, and evaluated the anticancer activity of the PR domain against human ... described below; and the cell death rate was examined by the trypan blue method after 24 and 48 hr of transfections, respectively Western blot of PR domain The expression of the PR domain was examined...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:15