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Secrets of a Successful Attitude potx

Secrets of a Successful Attitude potx

... top #### About the author From a family of educators, Rosey Conway has a sales training and management career that has spanned over 2 decades. Rosey has trained thousands of sales people and has helped ... approached a task, or the way we was handled it, over what was actually achieved. Have a read of some endorsements, recommendations and testimonials that are given on LinkedIn - the vast majority ... that a negative critical mass / breaking point will eventually occur, and probably negatively impact important areas in your life. Life is about balance and having a successful attitude means...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 03:20

13 387 0
Bí mật của một trí nhớ   siêu phàm   Secrets of a Super Memory Eran Katz

Bí mật của một trí nhớ siêu phàm Secrets of a Super Memory Eran Katz

... chúng ta đặt ch a kh a xuống trong khi đang nghĩ đến chuyện khác. Chúng ta đang v a tự hỏi xem phải mang theo thứ gì v a triền miên suy nghĩ về điều đang băn khoăn. Chúng ta đã để ch a kh a trên ... thoại reo vang. Michelle đi nghe điện thoại. Cô bắt đầu độc thoại về anh trai c a mình một cách say s a. Anh ấy v a đi công tác về và đi quên mua cho cô ấy chiếc máy fax như đã h a. Không để ... nhóm có cùng đặc điểm như sau: Sản phẩm làm từ s a: s a, s a chua, bơ (ba sản phẩm). Rau quả: cà chua, ớt, cà rốt (ba sản phẩm). Thịt: bánh hamburger, lườn gà (hai sản phẩm). Một đồng nghiệp...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 16:44

180 2,1K 4
secrets of a super hacker

secrets of a super hacker

... parts are the bags from individual of- fices. In my first garbage heist, one banker was Japanese - he was throwing out a Japanese newspaper and a Japanese candy wrapper in addition to his bank-related ... popular image of the hacker is that of a pirate. Oceanographic and piracy metaphors are equally as common in cyberculture as ones about lawless frontiers and modem-totin' cowboys and cowgirls. ... bin behind a bank. Bank bags, by the way, are stapled shut with a paper receipt that tells the name of the bank, and the time and date of disposal of the bag. The trash within is of two types....

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:54

233 498 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_1 pot

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_1 pot

... 8 FINANCING SECRETS OF A MILLIONAIRE REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Appraisals on income properties are done in a variety of ways, one of which is the “income” approach. The income approach looks at the ... Sales of comparable properties are the general benchmark for value. Appraisers look not just at housing sale prices of comparable houses, but also at the financing associated with the sales of these ... learned an important les- son a little knowledge can be dangerous. I decided then to become a master at real estate finance. Financing has traditionally been, and will always be, an integral part...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 275 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_2 doc

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_2 doc

... over ( known as “funding” a loan ) . Note that many lend- ers will give “preapproval” of a loan. Preapproval is really a half-baked commitment. Until a loan is approved in writing, the bank has no legal ... consumers assume that “mortgage companies” are banks that lend their own money. In fact, a company that you deal with may be either a mortgage banker or a mortgage broker. A mortgage banker is a direct ... 16 FINANCING SECRETS OF A MILLIONAIRE REAL ESTATE INVESTOR In addition, the county, city, and/or state may assess a transfer tax based on either the value of the property or the mortgage amount. A...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 299 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_4 pptx

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_4 pptx

... in- come approach. Market data approach. The market data approach is the most commonly used formula for single-family homes, condominiums, and small apartments. Basically, a licensed appraiser ... a high LTV and/or negative cash flow on the property and housing prices fall, you are in for a world of financial hurt. 58 FINANCING SECRETS OF A MILLIONAIRE REAL ESTATE INVESTOR basically a ... purchase price is inflated. The lenders are acting mostly out of irrational fear because of a recent barrage of real estate scams reported in the newspapers. Property flipping scams. There has...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 286 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_7 pot

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_7 pot

... your cash. You can also take advan- tage of favorable interest rates because an owner-occupied loan is likely to have a lower interest rate than if you originated an investor loan. You can also ... $70,000 loan. Assumable Mortgages Some mortgages are assumable, that is, they can be taken over by a new borrower. Many people are familiar with the concept of an assumable mortgage, but few really ... the property a little below market price and sold it a little above market price. A new owner-carry loan at a higher interest rate was created that wrapped around the existing loan. In a wrap transaction,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 263 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_8 pdf

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_8 pdf

... loan within 5 days of sale Alaska Deed of Trust Power of Sale None Borrower can reinstate loan up to date of sale so long as a notice of defaulted has not been filed more than 2x in the past ... past Arizona Mortgage Judicial None Arkansas Deed of Trust Power of Sale Within one year California Deed of Trust Power of Sale None Colorado Deed of Trust Power of Sale 75 days Borrower can ... Mortgage Judicial None North Carolina Deed of Trust Power of Sale None North Dakota Mortgage Judicial One year Ohio Mortgage Judicial Only up to the date of confirmation of sale Oklahoma...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 241 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_9 docx

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_9 docx


Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

21 214 0
Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_10 docx

Dearborn Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor 2003_10 docx

... for a portion of the rent to be 186 GLOSSARY unsecured loan A loan without collateral. A credit card is an example of a loan without collateral. Also known as a “signature” loan. VA loan A ... seller makes a guarantee or warranty that title is marketable and will defend all claims against it. wraparound mortgage A mortgage that is subordinate to and incorporates the terms of an underlying ... arrears Payment made after it is due or is in arrears. Interest is said to be paid in arrears because it is paid to the date of payment rather than in advance. assignment of contract A process...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 19:20

16 361 0
Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_1 docx

Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_1 docx

... king. A well-designed suit can make a man look successful, sophisticated, and chic. A pinstripe, a favorite of lawyers and investment bankers, can make a small man look tall or a chunky man look ... jewelry are taste and balance. If you work for a conservative company, the classic pearl necklace is a safe choice, or you can wear a larger pearl bead if you want to look more contemporary. Also ... result of having had one too many; how- ever, they still don’t enhance a professional image in most cases. Here’s the deal: If you are a corporate attorney who must have a tattoo, get it someplace...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

23 436 0
Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_2 pptx

Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_2 pptx

... later became the CEO of a major corporation that I wanted to have as a client. What I should have done, had I been a more mature busi- nesswoman, was to tell him that I was disappointed that he ... immobile, and being able to smile is far more important that having a creaseless face. The goal of any cosmetic procedure is a moderate and natu- ral enhancement. So you might want to opt for a simple ... excess baggage or Fraxel laser treatments that smooth out the skin gradually over a period of several months. Breast enhancements are fine as long as they are not overdone (think Pamela Anderson),...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

23 423 0
Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_4 doc

Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_4 doc

... participants included Caucasians, African-Americans, Latinos, and Asians between the ages of 20 and 60. As expected, clothes and face topped the list, but I was surprised (and secretly pleased) ... I’m having a senior moment,” if applicable, or, “Sorry, I got so excited about what I was saying, I lost my place.” My pref- erence is to take a deep breath and start again to avoid a break in ... handwritten or an e-mail. 16. False. It is rude to text or speak on a cell phone when you are at a restaurant, especially if you have dining companions. If you must be reachable in case of an...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

23 415 0
Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_5 doc

Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_5 doc

... Be careful not to say “axe” instead of “ask,” “wif” instead of “with,” “tree” instead of “three,” “ath- a- lete” instead of “athlete,” or “talkin’” instead of “talking.” Speak clearly and say ... Thing Nasal talkers. Y Studies have shown that most people are annoyed by those who have a nasal quality to their voices and sound as if they have a perpetual cold. Nasal speakers come off as ... I speak. 8. I have no trouble saying what I mean. 9. I am persuasive. 10. I have a good vocabulary. 11. I am a good negotiator. 12. I usually get a fair deal. 13. I enjoy friendly “haggling.” ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

23 416 0
Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_6 doc

Change One Thing Discover What''''s Holding You Back and Fix It With the Secrets of a Top Executive Image Consultant_6 doc

... Either way, you are ready for a fight. The 10 Percent Rule I learned about the 10 percent rule when I was a real estate agent. It was said that agents lose a certain percentage of sales, no matter ... afraid of having a firm (not bone-crushing) hand- shake, especially with male colleagues. (See “What Your Hand- shake Says About You,” later in this chapter.) 16. True. The ability to make small ... made contact, you are displaying your fears of abandon- ment. Shake a few times, and then break. Too many rings. Y Be careful not to wear too many large rings when you are shaking hands (not...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

23 391 0