scope and distribution of the ra problem

. Scope and Limitations of the Study

. Scope and Limitations of the Study

... circumstances In the resolutions of the VIth and the VIIth congresses of the Communists Party and those of the important meeting of the National Assembly, the Government and the Central Party Committee ... concerning their cooperation with the Government in the financing of education and training are the making of contributions, in which they take account of their revenue/profits and the number and level ... resources and infrastructure for education and training, and low efficiency in their utilization • The inappropriate nature of the organization and management of the education and training system and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:31

71 1,2K 0
Scope and Limitations of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study

... component of most management definitions of strategy Strategy is the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprises, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation ... strategy and planning how that strategy is to be put into effect There is strategic analysis in which the strategist seeks to understand the strategic position of the organization There is strategic ... industry, and the Ministries of Forestry and Agriculture They are also aim to turn the ministries into administrators of their assets, rather than active players in the economy Without these administrative...

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:32

88 822 1
Tài liệu Global Change and the Function and Distribution of Wetlands ppt

Tài liệu Global Change and the Function and Distribution of Wetlands ppt

... archive of the species that grew in and near the wetland If the rate of organic matter accumulation exceeds the rate of decomposition in such a wetland environment, then a temporal component to the ... conditions is winter temperature and the geographic extent of wetland communities in the midto high-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere If the winter temperatures of the mid- to high-latitudes ... however, the distance of transport and abrasion encountered during transport will impact the quality of preservation Even woody debris can be destroyed if the transport distance is long and the abrasion...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 20:20

151 640 0
Tài liệu The Scope and Method of Economics pdf

Tài liệu The Scope and Method of Economics pdf

... change) The slope of the curve, the ratio of the change in capital goods to the change in consumer goods, is negative The value of the slope of a society's ppf is called the marginal rate of transformation ... further about the shape of the frontier and the terms of this trade-off Let's look at the trade-off between corn and wheat production in Ohio and Kansas In a recent year, Ohio and Kansas together ... Demand Price and Quantity Demanded: The Law of Demand Other Determinants of Household Demand Shift of Demand versus Movement Along the Demand Curve From Household Demand to Market Demand Price and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 03:20

464 516 0
A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

... production companies work partially in the one tier and partially in the other, and others move erratically in and out of the sphere of operation of the Hollywood is neither just a metaphor nor just a ... 1985) They then go on to claim that the restructuring of this system was induced by two main factors; the Paramount antitrust decision of 1948; and the advent of television in the 1950s The Paramount ... growth and development of the Hollywood motionpicture industry Three overarching themes structure the discussion of these changes here The first is concerned with the shifting logic and dynamics of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

19 703 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT" pot

... likely The separation of the lemma and suffix helps in tiding over the data sparsity problem by allowing the system to reason about the suffix-case marker combination rather than the combination of the ... the appropriate case markers and morphological affixes The key bits of information for us are suffixes and semantic relations, and the vehicle that transfers and translates the information is the ... scope In the example sentence, the whole clause “that he was hit by Jack” forms the object of the verb said, and hence is represented in a scope The Stanford dependency parser on the other hand...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 00:20

9 465 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysis and Synthesis of the Distribution of Consonants over Languages: A Complex Network Approach" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Analysis and Synthesis of the Distribution of Consonants over Languages: A Complex Network Approach" pptx

... to the same as a part of our future work Rather, here we try to investigate the effect of the exact distribution of the language inventory size on the nature of the degree distribution of the ... law of the form Degree distribution of the nodes in VL : Figure shows the degree distribution of the nodes in VL where the x-axis denotes the degree of each node expressed as a fraction of the maximum ... indicating the average inventory size and the right column the breakpoint x Inferences Drawn from the Analysis of PlaNet In most of the networked systems like the society, the Internet, the World...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21

8 550 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of the lipolysis stimulated receptor in adult and embryonic murine tissues and lethality of LSR–/– pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Distribution of the lipolysis stimulated receptor in adult and embryonic murine tissues and lethality of LSR–/– pdf

... contained the first eight exons and ends 19 bp before the end of exon of the LSR gene; it lacks all of intron and exon 10 Altogether this sequence lacks the portion coding for the last 17 amino acids of ... min, and 72 °C for 30 s; 33 cycles In both cases, PCR cycles were preceded by 10 at 95 °C and ended by at 72 °C ization of the radioactivity of the LSR bands to that of the 1.35 kb GAPDH band ... adrenal glands and ovaries than in liver (respectively 200%, and 180% of liver); (b) it was abundant in muscle (41.2% of liver) The pattern of expression of SR-BI mRNA (Tables and 3) was rather different...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:20

12 424 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Revisiting the 13C-label distribution of the non-oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway based upon kinetic and genetic evidence doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Revisiting the 13C-label distribution of the non-oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway based upon kinetic and genetic evidence doc

... [21] Theory Kinetic mechanism of the nonoxidative branch of the PPP The enzymes TK and TA catalyze the transfer of twoand three-carbon fragments from a ketose donor to an 4971 Tracing 13 C in the ... increase in the number of distinct C2 and C3 fragment pools As a result of these segregated pools, the 13C labeling of the C2 and C3 fragments (and, consequently, the labeling of the metabolites ... from these) can differ from the 13C labeling of the single C2 and C3 fragment pools generated by the half-reactions Genetic organization of the nonoxidative branch of the PPP In recent years, the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:21

13 444 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Distribution of the q-Euler Polynomials and the q-Genocchi Polynomials of Higher Order" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Distribution of the q-Euler Polynomials and the q-Genocchi Polynomials of Higher Order" docx

... 1.16 The purpose of this paper is to give the distribution of extended higher order q-Euler and q-Genocchi polynomials In 24 , Choi-Anderson-Srivastava have studied the q-extension of the Apostol-Euler ... polynomials of order n, and the multiple Hurwitz zeta functions see 24 Actually, their results and definitions are not new see 18, 20 and the definition of the Apostol-Bernoulli numbers in their paper ... rational integers, the field of p-adic rational numbers and the p-adic completion of the algebraic closure of Qp The p-adic absolute value in Cp is 1/p When one talks of q-extension, q is variously...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 03:20

9 287 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Quantity and distribution of fine root biomass in the intermediate stage of beech virgin forest Badínsky prales" potx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Quantity and distribution of fine root biomass in the intermediate stage of beech virgin forest Badínsky prales" potx

... linear character in the mineral soil The comparison of the amounts of explained variance (r2) and the parameters of the linear and nonlinear (exponential) regression shows that the replacement of linear ... epidermal cells with the dominant function of water and minerals supply The ratio between the fine root length and the number of root tips is an indicator of the intensity of the fine root forking ... 72 hours at the temperature of 60°C and weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg The values of root length and number of root tips were determined using the software WinRhizo 2004a™ The biomass of vital fine...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:22

9 336 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Distribution of trkA in cerebral cortex and diencephalon of the mongolian gerbil after birth" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Distribution of trkA in cerebral cortex and diencephalon of the mongolian gerbil after birth" docx

... mongolian gerbil brain The localization indicated by the trkA antibodies correlates with the developmental expression of NGF and the formation of the neuronal and glial pathways All the data on trkA ... the time course of NGF and trkA, we examined trkA expression in the cerebral cortex and diencephalon of postnatal Mongolian Gerbil brain This study provides further evidence that expression of ... increased with age and was found in similar locations to that in brains of other kinds of murine and rat TrkA immunoreactivities were observed in newborn rat piriform cortex sections These observations...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:20

5 281 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Towards the Distribution of the Size of a Largest Planar Matching and Largest Planar Subgraph in Random Bipartite Graphs" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "Towards the Distribution of the Size of a Largest Planar Matching and Largest Planar Subgraph in Random Bipartite Graphs" ppt

... Figure illustrates the bijection of Theorem 13 Proof (of Theorem 7) The desired conclusion is an immediate consequence of Theorem 13 and the existence of a parity-reversing involution ρ on the walks ... (LIS) problem concerns the determination of the asymptotic, on n, behavior of the length of a LIS for a randomly and uniformly chosen permutation π The LIS problem is also referred to as “Ulam’s problem ... Deift, and Johansson [BDJ99] the asymptotic distribution of the LIS was determined For a detailed account of these results, history and related work see the surveys of Aldous and Diaconis [AD99] and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:21

20 315 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Preliminary measurement and simulation of the spatial distribution of the Morphogenetically Active Radiation (MAR) within an isolated tree canopy" docx

Báo cáo toán học: "Preliminary measurement and simulation of the spatial distribution of the Morphogenetically Active Radiation (MAR) within an isolated tree canopy" docx

... found in the upper part of the tree A vertical gradient of the mean transmittance existed from the bottom to the top of the tree crown Like in the PAR domain, the variability of the transmittance ... whereas the transmittance ranged between 0.03 and 0.16 around a mean value of 0.07 The variability of leaf transmittance was more marked at the top and the bottom than in the middle part of the tree ... Spectra measurements ranged between 400 to 1100 nm with a nm step 2.3.1 Incident radiation The spectral distribution of the incident radiation as used in the model is the global radiation and the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

15 203 0
Báo cáo y học: "he combined effect of gender and age on post traumatic stress disorder: do men and women show differences in the lifespan distribution of the disorder" potx

Báo cáo y học: "he combined effect of gender and age on post traumatic stress disorder: do men and women show differences in the lifespan distribution of the disorder" potx

... Another limitation of the study concerns cultural considerations The present study is based on data gathered in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Iceland, and The Faroe Islands The results, therefore, ... between children and adults, which may be regarded as important for the perception of the trauma and coping strategies The inclusion of the age extremities beyond the age of 54 seems otherwise relevant ... PTSD The final sample consisted of 4,998 participants, 2,039 (40.8%) men, and 2,959 (59.2%) women The age distribution of the participants ranged from 13 to 80 years of age The frequency of the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:21

12 508 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Unusually young age distribution of primary hepatic leiomyosarcoma: case series and review of the adult literature" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Unusually young age distribution of primary hepatic leiomyosarcoma: case series and review of the adult literature" pot

... drafted the manuscript, WF and DM participated in the design of the study, NEM and AyS assisted with the collection of data and conceived of the study, MK and AlS participated in the design and ... unusually young age distribution and no evidence of immunosuppression These cases highlight the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of this rare tumour We have reviewed the literature and discussed ... adjuvant chemotherapy however due to the rarity of the disease, there is very little data regarding optimal management and this remains empirical The efficacy of chemotherapy for LMS in general is unclear,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 03:21

5 202 0
Báo cáo y học: "Discriminant validity, responsiveness and reliability of the rheumatoid arthritis-specific Work Productivity Survey (WPS-RA)" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Discriminant validity, responsiveness and reliability of the rheumatoid arthritis-specific Work Productivity Survey (WPS-RA)" potx

... weeks 0, 1, 2, and and then q4w until the end of the study or withdrawal; the SF36 was administered at weeks 0, 4, and 12 and at the end of the study or withdrawal; and the WPS -RA was administered ... weeks and and then q4w until the end of the study or withdrawal Questionnaires The WPS -RA is a disease-specific questionnaire assessing the impact of RA on productivity within and outside the home ... proportion of people with RA drop out of the workforce due to their disability, and yet they still need to work around the house or someone has to it for them; therefore, the impact of the condition...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:21

12 406 0