Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Inequalities and Applications Volume 2008, Article ID 723615, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2008/723615 ResearchArticleOntheDistributionoftheq-EulerPolynomialsandtheq-GenocchiPolynomialsofHigher Order Leechae Jang 1 and Taekyun Kim 2 1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, KonKuk University, Chungju 380-701, South Korea 2 Division of General Education-Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, South Korea Correspondence should be addressed to Leechae Jang, leechae.jang@kku.ac.kr Received 19 March 2008; Accepted 23 October 2008 Recommended by L ´ aszl ´ o Losonczi In 2007 and 2008, Kim constructed the q-extension of Euler and Genocchi polynomialsofhigher order and Choi-Anderson-Srivastava have studied the q-extension of Euler and Genocchi numbers ofhigher order, which is defined by Kim. The purpose of this paper is to give thedistributionof extended higher-order q-Eulerandq-Genocchi polynomials. Copyright q 2008 L. Jang and T. Kim. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction The Euler numbers E n andpolynomials E n x are defined by the generating function in the complex number field as 2 e t 1 ∞ n0 E n t n n! |t| <π , 2 e t 1 e xt ∞ n0 E n x t n n! |t| <π , 1.1 cf. 1–4. The Bernoulli numbers B n andpolynomials B n x are defined by the generating function as t e t − 1 ∞ n0 B n t n n! , t e t − 1 e xt ∞ n0 B n x t n n! , 1.2 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications cf. 5–8. The Genocchi numbers G n andpolynomials G n x are defined by the generating function as 2t e t 1 ∞ n0 G n t n n! , 2t e t 1 e xt ∞ n0 G n x t n n! , 1.3 cf. 9, 10.ItsatisfiesG 0 0,G 1 1, ,and for n ≥ 1, G n 2 n B n 1 2 − B n . 1.4 Let p be a fixed odd prime number. Throughout this paper, Z p , Q p , and C p will be, respectively, the ring of p-adic rational integers, the field of p-adic rational numbers andthe p-adic completion ofthe algebraic closure of Q p . The p-adic absolute value in C p is normalized so that |p| p 1/p. When one talks of q-extension, q is variously considered as an indeterminate, a complex number q ∈ C or a p-adic number q ∈ C p . If q ∈ C, one normally assumes |q| < 1. If q ∈ C p , one normally assumes |1 − q| p < 1. We use the notation x q 1 − q x 1 − q , x −q 1 − −q x 1 q , 1.5 cf. 1–5, 9–23 for all x ∈ Z p . For a fixed odd positive integer d with p, d1, set X X d lim ← n Z dp n Z ,X 1 Z p , X ∗ 0<a<dp a,p1 a dpZ p , a dp n Z p x ∈ X | x ≡ a mod dp n , 1.6 where a ∈ Z lies in 0 ≤ a<dp n . For any n ∈ N, μ q a dp n Z p q a dp n q 1.7 is known to be a distributionon X, cf. 1–5, 9–23. We say that f is uniformly differentiable function at a point a ∈ Z p and denote this property by f ∈ UDZ p , if the difference quotients F f x, y fx − fy x − y 1.8 have a limit l f a as x, y → a, a, cf. 4. The p-adic q-integral of a function f ∈ UDZ p was defined as I q f Z p fxdμ q x lim n →∞ 1 p n q p n −1 x0 fxq x , 1.9 I −q f Z p fxdμ −q x lim n →∞ 1 p n q p n −1 x0 fx−q x , 1.10 L. Jang and T. Kim 3 cf. 14.In1.10, when q → 1, we derive I −1 f 1 I −1 f2f0, 1.11 where f 1 xfx 1. If we take fxe tx , then we have f 1 xe tx1 e tx e t . From 1.11, we obtain I −1 e tx Z p e tx dμ −1 x 2 e t 1 ∞ n0 E n t n n! . 1.12 In view of 1.10, we can consider theq-Euler numbers as follows: I −q e tx q Z p e tx q dμ −q x ∞ n0 E n,q t n n! . 1.13 By 1.12 and 1.13, we obtain the followings. Lemma 1.1. For n ∈ N, E n G n1 n 1 . 1.14 Proof. We note that tI −1 e tx 2t e t 1 ∞ n0 G n t n n! ∞ n1 G n t n n! ∞ n0 G n1 n 1 t n1 n! , tI −1 e tx ∞ n0 Z p x n dμ −1 x t n1 n! . 1.15 From 1.15, we have G n1 n 1 Z p x n dμ −1 xE n . 1.16 The purpose of this paper is to give thedistributionof extended higher order q-Eulerandq-Genocchi polynomials. In 24, Choi-Anderson-Srivastava have studied the q-extension ofthe Apostol-Euler polynomialsof order n, andthe multiple Hurwitz zeta functions see 24. Actually, their results and definitions are not new see 18, 20 andthe definition ofthe Apostol-Bernoulli numbers in their paper are exactly the same as the definition ofthe q-extension of Genocchi numbers. Finally, they conjecture that the following q-distribution relation holds: m q k−1 m−1 j0 −w j E n k,q m ,w m x j m E n k,q,w x1.17 see 24, Remark 6, page 735. This seems to be nonsense as a conjecture. In this paper we give the corrected distribution relation related to the conjecture of Choi-Anderson-Srivastava in 24see Theorem 2.6. 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2. Weighted q-Genocchi number ofhigher order In this section, we assume that q ∈ C p with |1 − q| p < 1orq ∈ C with |q| < 1. For k ∈ N and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, we define the weighted q-Euler numbers of order k as follows: E k n,q,w Z p ··· Z p q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x 1 ··· x k n q dμ −q x 1 ···dμ −q x k . 2.1 We note that q-binomial coefficient is defined by n k q n q n − 1 q ···n − k 1 q k q , 2.2 cf. 20.From2.1, we obtain the following theorem. Lemma 2.1. For k ∈ N,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has E k n,q,w 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m m n q . 2.3 Proof. From 2.1, we have E k n,q,w Z p ··· Z p q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x 1 ··· x k n q dμ −q x 1 ···dμ −q x k lim N →∞ 1 p N k −q p N −1 x 1 , ,x k 0 q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x 1 ··· x k n q −q x 1 ···x k 2 k q 2 k 1 1 − q n lim N →∞ p N −1 x 1 , ,x k 0 q k j1 k−j1x j −1 x 1 ···x k × w x 1 ···x k n l0 n l −1 l q lx 1 ···x k 2 k q 2 k 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l 2 k Π k j1 1 q lj w 2 k q 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m q lm q m w m 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m q lm q m w m 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l q lm 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m q lm q m w m m q . 2.4 L. Jang and T. Kim 5 Now we consider the following generating functions: F k q,w t ∞ n0 E k n,q,w t n n! ∞ n0 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m m n q 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m e m q t . 2.5 By 2.5, we can define the weighted q-Genocchi numbers of order k: T k q,w tt k F k q,w t ∞ n0 G k n,q,w t n n! . 2.6 From 2.1, 2.2,and2.6,wenotethat G k 0,q,w G k 1,q,w ··· G k k−1,q,w 0, t k ∞ n0 E k n,q,w t n n! ∞ nk G k n,q,w t n n! . 2.7 Thus, we obtain ∞ n0 E k n,q,w t n n! ∞ nk G k n,q,w t n−k n! ∞ nk G k nk,q,w t n n k! ∞ nk G k nk,q,w 1 m k − 1 m t n n! . 2.8 From 2.8, we obtain the following recurrsion relation between q-Eulerandq-Genocchi numbers of order k. Theorem 2.2. For k ∈ N,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has m k k k!E k n,q,w G k nk,q,w . 2.9 For k ∈ N, we also define the weighted q-Eulerpolynomialsof order k as follows: E k n,q,w x Z p ··· Z p q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x x 1 ··· x k n q dμ −q x 1 ···dμ −q x k . 2.10 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications From 2.9, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For k ∈ N,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has E k n,q,w x2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m x m n q . 2.11 Proof. E k n,q,w x lim N →∞ 1 p N k −q p N −1 x 1 , ,x k 0 q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x x 1 ··· x k n q −q x 1 ···x k 2 k q 2 k 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l q lx lim N →∞ p N −1 x 1 , ,x k 0 q k j1 k−jl1x j −1 x 1 ···x k w x 1 ···x k 2 k q 2 k 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l q lx 2 k Π k j1 1 q lj w 2 k q 1 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l q lx ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m q lm q m w m 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m q lm q m w m x m q . 2.12 From 2.11, we consider the following generating functions: F k q,w t, x ∞ n0 E k n,q,w x t n n! ∞ n0 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m x m n q 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m e xm q t . 2.13 By 2.13, we can define the weighted q-Genocchipolynomialsof order k as follows: T k q,w t, xt k F k q,w t, x ∞ n0 G k n,q,w x t n n! . 2.14 From 2.14,wenotethat G k 0,q,w xG k 1,q,w ··· G k k−1,q,w x0, t k ∞ n0 E k n,q,w x t n n! ∞ nk G k n,q,w x t n n! . 2.15 L. Jang and T. Kim 7 By comparing the coefficients on both sides, we see that ∞ n0 E k n,q,w x t n n! ∞ nk G k n,q,w x t n−k n! ∞ nk G k nk,q,w x t n n k! ∞ nk G k nk,q,w x 1 m k − 1 m t n n! . 2.16 From 2.16, we obtain the following recursion relation between weighted q-Eulerand weighted q-Genocchipolynomialsof order k. Theorem 2.4. For k ∈ N,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has m k k k!E k n,q,w xG k nk,q,w x. 2.17 Corollary 2.5. For k ∈ N,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has G k nk,q,w xk! n k k 2 k q 1 − q n n l0 n l −1 l q xl 1 Π k j1 1 q lj w k! n k k 2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m x m n q . 2.18 Let d ∈ N with d ≡ 1mod2. Then we note that E k n,q,w x Z p ··· Z p q k j1 k−jx j w x 1 ···x k x x 1 ··· x k n q dμ −q x 1 ···dμ −q x k d m q d k −q d−1 i 1 , ,i k 0 q k k j1 i j − k j2 j−1i j −1 k j1 i j w i 1 ···i k × Z p ··· Z p ⎡ ⎣ x k j1 i j d k j1 x j ⎤ ⎦ m q d q d k j1 k−jx j w d x 1 ···x k × dμ −q d x 1 ···dμ −q d x k d m q d k −q d−1 i 1 , ,i k 0 q k k j1 i j − k j2 j−1i j −1 k j1 i j E k m,q d ,w d x x 1 ··· x k d . 2.19 Therefore, we obtain the f ollowing main results. 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Theorem 2.6 Distribution for higher order q-Euler polynomials. For d ∈ N with d ≡ 1mod 2,n∈ N ∪{0} and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has E k n,q,w x d m q d k −q d−1 i 1 , ,i k 0 q k k j1 i j − k j2 j−1i j −1 k j1 i j E k m,q d ,w d x x 1 ··· x k d . 2.20 For k ∈ N,w∈ C with |w| < 1, we easily see that F k q,w t, x2 k q ∞ m0 m k − 1 m q −1 m w m q m e xm q t ∞ m0 E k m,q,w x t m m! . 2.21 Thus we have E k n,q,w x d n dt n F k q,w t, x2 k q ∞ m0 −1 m q m w m x m n q m k − 1 m q 2.22 Definition 2.7. For s ∈ C,k∈ N and w ∈ C with |w| < 1, one has ζ k q,w,E s, x2 k q ∞ m0 −1 m w m q m m k − 1 m q m x s q . 2.23 Note that ζ k q,w,E s, x is analytic function in the whole complex s-plane. From 2.23, we derive the following. Theorem 2.8. For n ∈ N ∪{0},k ∈ N and w ∈ C p with |1 − w| p < 1, one has ζ k q,w,E −n, xE k n,q,w x. 2.24 Acknowledgments The present research has been conducted by theresearch Grant of Kwangwoon University in 2008. The authors express their gratitude to referees for their valuable suggestions and comments. References 1 L C. 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