sample letter of application for college admission

Tài liệu Application and Agreement for Standby Letter of Credit pptx

Tài liệu Application and Agreement for Standby Letter of Credit pptx

... the laws of the State of California, unless otherwise stipulated on Page 1 hereof or in the Letter of Credit. If so stipulated on Page 1 hereof or in the Letter of Credit, the Letter of Credit ... ____________ page 4 of 7 XXXX Bank Application & Agreement for Standby Letter of Credit APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT To: XXXX Bank In consideration of your opening ... ____________ page 7 of 7 XXXX Bank Application & Agreement for Standby Letter of Credit .6 Any changes or modification with respect to the terms or provisions of the Letter of Credit or any of the matters...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

7 678 2


... . . . .11 NYU College of Nursing APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE ADMISSION with Directory of Programs and Financial Support Information college of nursing | 3 Special Instructions for International Applicants The ... Education Department, Of ce of the Professions, for Registered Professional Nurse licensure ( ã Download and submit Form 1, Application for Licensure ( ... responsibility for applications or documents received after the deadline or for the loss or delay of applications or credentials and will not process applications for admission until of cial transcripts...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 23:15

16 438 0


... NAM SOCIALIST REPUPLIC OF VIETNAM Ngày tháng năm Date TỜ KHAI ĐĂNG KÝ THẾ CHẤP TÀU BIỂN APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF SHIP MORTGAGE Kính gửi: (Tên cơ quan đăng ký) To: (name of ship registrar) ... register the mortgage of following ship into Vietnam National Ships Registration Book at ………… from the date of Tên tàu (Name of ship): Hô hiệu (Callsign) Loại tàu (Type of ship): Chủ tàu (Shipowner(s) ... and place of build): Chiều dài/rộng/cao (LOA/B/H): Trọng tải toàn phần (DWT): Tổng dung tích (GT): Dung tích thực (NT): Số đăng ký (Number of registration.): Ngày đăng ký (Date of registration):...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 10:58

2 447 0
Design Issues for Enterprise Deployment of Application Servers

Design Issues for Enterprise Deployment of Application Servers

... scalability of that server in terms of the number of users supported, the number of transactions performed, or some other metric. The fundamental architecture of the application server software ... code on the application server platform will obviously cause extra work for the application server platform. Therefore, there is a trade-off between client and network overhead versus application ... group of individuals within IT responsible for performance testing of platforms and systems using the organization's own transactions and usage profiles to estimate the performance of the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 07:20

23 484 0
Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

Tài liệu Security Agreement and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit pptx

... and Pledge For Use with Letter of Credit The signer(s) certifies that he/she is authorized to execute this Credit Application on behalf of the Applicant named below, and that all information ... released. This Credit Application is made as of_ ____________(date) at (city),___________(state). Name of Applicant FOR PARTNERSHIPS, ALL GENERAL PARTNERS. FOR SOLE PROPRIETORS, THE OWNER(S). FOR LIMITED ... XY-ZU-4715 Page 2 of 2 FOR CORPORATIONS ONLY: THE PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OR ANY VICE PRESIDENT AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING, SECRETARY, ASSISTANT SECRETARY, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER OR ASSISTANT...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 17:15

2 663 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content" ppt

... CP D M . It is used for constructing the topic graph in the final step. For- mally, a topic graph T G = (V, E, A) consists of a set V of nodes, a set E of edges, and a set A of node actions. Each ... vague idea of the informa- tion in question or just wants to explore the infor- mation space, the current search engine paradigm does not provide enough assistance for these kind of searches. ... uniform way both new information nuggets and validated back- ground information nuggets interactively. Fig. 1 summarizes the main components and the informa- tion flow. Figure 1: Blueprint of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

6 458 0
Application for a Business (Short Stay) visa (for a stay of up to 3 months) doc

Application for a Business (Short Stay) visa (for a stay of up to 3 months) doc

... number Country of passport Date of issue Issuing authority/ Place of issue as shown in your passport Make sure your passport is valid for the period of stay you are applying for. DAY MONTH YEAR Date of expiry Other ... number Country of passport Date of issue Issuing authority/ Place of issue as shown in passport Place of birth Country(ies) of citizenship Make sure the passport is valid for the period of stay you ... number Country of passport Date of issue Issuing authority/ Place of issue as shown in passport Place of birth Country(ies) of citizenship Make sure the passport is valid for the period of stay you...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

11 625 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanistic investigation of a highly active phosphite dehydrogenase mutant and its application for NADPH regeneration pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanistic investigation of a highly active phosphite dehydrogenase mutant and its application for NADPH regeneration pptx

... and benefits of regeneration of a number of cofactors [8,9,11,12]. NAD(P)H is involved in approximately 80% of enzy- matic reductions accounting for over 300 known reac- tions, many of which have ... for xylitol formation NADPH regeneration for production of xylitol was tested on a small scale. Each sample contained 500 mm xylitol, 650 mm ammonium phosphite (ammonium formate in the case of ... K Pt values for PTDH-E175A ⁄ A176R were close to those for the WT enzyme for both cofactors (Table 2). The relatively small D V KIE of PTDH-E175A ⁄ A176R is advantageous for the preparation of deuter- ated...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 15:20

12 368 0
The Art of Application Performance Testing: Help for Programmers and Quality Assurance pot

The Art of Application Performance Testing: Help for Programmers and Quality Assurance pot

... correlation of response time and monitoring data at the conclusion of each performance test execution —an important benefit of using automated performance testing tools. Performance targets Performance ... Your Application Is Stable Enough for Performance Testing Having provided a test environment and set performance targets, you need to confirm that your application is stable enough for performance ... installation of the performance testing software onto the standard build workstation and access to the application client. ã At least two sets of login credentials (if relevant) for the target application. ...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

160 1,1K 7
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Spectral Correlation of Multicarrier Modulated Signals and Its Application for Signal Detection" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Spectral Correlation of Multicarrier Modulated Signals and Its Application for Signal Detection" ppt

... the time length of one OFDM symbol, P( f ) is the Fourier transform of p(t). The magnitudes of nonconjugate CAF and SCF of OFDM signal are drawn in graphical terms as the heights of surfaces above ... properties of OFDM have been analyzed in [3, 4], and the formulas of CAF and SCF of OFDM signal are derived by a mathematic deduce process in [3], whereas the authors in [4] provide a straightforward ... cited. Spectral correlation theory for cyclostationary time-series signals has been studied for decades. Explicit formulas of spectral correlation function for various types of analog-modulated and digital-modulated...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20

14 238 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On the Information Rate of Single-Carrier FDMA Using Linear Frequency Domain Equalization and Its Application for 3GPP-LTE Uplink" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On the Information Rate of Single-Carrier FDMA Using Linear Frequency Domain Equalization and Its Application for 3GPP-LTE Uplink" doc

... 25 30 35 Average spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) 0 2 4 6 OFDMA OFDMA, 1.25 MHz OFDMA, 2.5 MHz OFDMA, 5 MHz OFDMA, 10 MHz OFDMA, 15 MHz OFDMA, 20 MHz SC-FDMA 8 10 12 SC-FDMA, 1.25 MHz SC-FDMA, ... dB 23 Number of users in the system 456 Average system spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz) WF, −20 dB WF, −10 dB WF, 0 dB WF, 10 dB WF, 20 dB WF, 30 dB OFDMA, −20 dB OFDMA, −10 dB OFDMA, 0 dB OFDMA, 10 dB OFDMA, ... (bits/s/Hz) 0 2 4 6 OFDMA, 1 Rx OFDMA, 2 Rx (MRC) OFDMA, 3 Rx (MRC) 8 10 14 12 SC-FDMA, 1 Rx SC-FDMA, 2 Rx (MRC) SC-FDMA, 3 Rx (MRC) (b) Figure 6: Comparison of the achievable information rate between OFDMA...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

11 380 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Efficient Scheduling of Pigeons for a Constrained Delay Tolerant Application" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Efficient Scheduling of Pigeons for a Constrained Delay Tolerant Application" potx

... t r ). Proof. For the scenarios considered here, if the deadline of the message at the head of each trip can be met, the deadlines of all other messages can also be met. Denote the delay of the ... message at the head of (k +1) th trip as D k+1 .AscanbeseenfromFigure 2, the starting point of pickup for k th trip is between the time points of the arrival of the tail message of k th trip and ... The aim of this paper is to explore highly efficient scheduling strategies of pigeons for such applications. The upper bound of traffic that can be supported under the deadline constraints for the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

7 255 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article New Structured Illumination Technique for the Inspection of High-Reflective Surfaces: Application for the Detection of Structural Defects" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article New Structured Illumination Technique for the Inspection of High-Reflective Surfaces: Application for the Detection of Structural Defects" doc

... w te Distribution of average shape value  S w A w A,R w R,S w R,T (b) Figure 13: Distribution of average shape  S and intensity  I values for all images of subsets w A and for the disturbed image regions of ... task as defined in Section 2. 4.2. Use of a retroreflector illumination One of the first applications of the retroreflector technique for the quality inspection of specular surfaces was proposed by ... inten- sity value of the vertical bright stripes therefore always equals 255, which is the maximal possible value as the depth of all the considered images is of 8 bits. As defined in Figure 5, for the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

14 514 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence Theorems of Solutions for a System of Nonlinear Inclusions with an Application" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Existence Theorems of Solutions for a System of Nonlinear Inclusions with an Application" pptx

... al- gorithm for solving the system of nonlinear inclusions problem (1.3)inBanachspaces. We prove the existence of solution for the system of nonlinear inclusions problem (1.3) and the convergence of the ... al- gorithm for solving a system of nonlinear inclusions in Banach spaces. We prove some new existence results of solutions for the system of nonlinear inclusions and discuss the convergence of the ... β<1. (4.18) 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications (iii) for u,v ∈ D, gu ≤ gv implies that u ≤ v. For u 0 and v 0 ,wetakex 0 ∈ Su 0 and y 0 ∈ Tv 0 .Byvirtueofg(D) = E, there exist u 1 ,v 1 ∈ D...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

12 198 0
Preparation of chitosan magnetite composite beads and their application for removal of Pb(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous solution

Preparation of chitosan magnetite composite beads and their application for removal of Pb(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous solution

... comparison of IR spectra of a, b, c samples it can be noted that the presence of chitosan did shift IR vibrations of Fe 3 O 4 but did not alter them very much. Especially, the band shift of Fe–O ... most useful data to understand the mechanism of the adsorption andthe characteristics of isothermsareneeded beforethe interpretation of the kinetics of the adsorption process. Many models have ... respectively. T he results of adsorption studies of Ni(II) and Pb(II) w iththe fitted Lang muir e quations at d ifferent concentrations ofNi (II) and Pb(II) for pH=4–6onafixed amount of adsorbent were presented...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 14:14

7 558 0