ryanair takes control over the sky in europe

cottey a., edmunds t., forster a. femocratic control of the military in postcommunist europe. guarding the guards. 2002

cottey a., edmunds t., forster a. femocratic control of the military in postcommunist europe. guarding the guards. 2002

... the armed forces, ‘development’ and ‘training’ while overseeing ‘administration’ The tone if not the intent of the 1991 law clearly gave a position of primus inter pares to the President in controlling ... for the RBN The institutional design stemming from the 1997 constitution will in all likelihood grant the Council of Ministers the dominant executive authority over the armed forces Since the ... instances In Central and Eastern Europe, the predominant position of the Western ‘security community’ (the United States and the countries of Western Europe, embodied in the institutions of the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 00:37

287 428 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Gene-expression and network-based analysis reveals a novel role for hsa-mir-9 and drug control over the p38 network in Glioblastoma Multiforme progression" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: "Gene-expression and network-based analysis reveals a novel role for hsa-mir-9 and drug control over the p38 network in Glioblastoma Multiforme progression" ppsx

... demonstrates the large range in the activity levels between groups, and the distinct difference between them.(B) P38 signaling network, the genes highlighted in blue are the genes in the P38 signaling ... genes in all the samples) The activity of this pathway is the probability that this interaction is "active", meaning the product of the probabilities that the two genes are in the "up" state The ... quality of the interaction The analysis takes into consideration the specific type of interaction (such as inhibition or promotion) The Activity is a measure of the likelihood that the interaction...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:21

26 278 0
BIOS Takes Control of the UHCI Host Controller

BIOS Takes Control of the UHCI Host Controller

... the InterruptRouting bit in the host controller HcControl register is cleared, interrupts are steered to the standard host controller interrupt 12* When the InterruptRouting bit is set, interrupts ... running, it can determine that the SMM driver is active because the InterruptRouting bit is set in the HcControl register When it wants the interrupts steered to the standard host controller interrupt, ... determine if and when the host controller is halted Operating System Takes Control of the UHCI Host Controller When the host controller driver is loaded and running, it can determine whether the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2013, 00:20

20 353 0


... the links between effective policies and health outcomes, notably in the area of accidents and injuries as well as other contexts By continuing the work and the partnerships involved in the European ... trends and their policy links will be assessed by extending the time coverage of the data The introduction to this report summarizes the process of establishing the system, which involved the active ... resources essential for developing the system as well as creating the capacities in the Member States necessary for both using and maintaining the system and extending it to the subnational level 1Supported...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

145 667 0
Labour Force Participation of the Elderly in Europe: The Importance of Being Healthy doc

Labour Force Participation of the Elderly in Europe: The Importance of Being Healthy doc

... France, the null hypothesis of their joint insigni…cance is rejected at the percent signi…cance level 11 point in France and Spain) and/or if there are children present in the household Given the ... declining At the same time, most industrialized countries were subject to sweeping changes in their labour markets Female labour force participation has increased over time, resulting in a shrinking ... of the ageing problem is, of course, the availability of adequate data sources In this respect, many European countries are lagging behind the United States that has a tradition in gathering...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 18:20

30 580 0
Health professions and the state in Europe pot

Health professions and the state in Europe pot

... by examining the relationship between health professions and the state in a number of other countries in Europe including Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Czech ... the European context in which such transformations affecting the health professions are well exemplified In pursuing the theme of transition in relation to the health professions in Europe, the ... Examples of shifts in the nature of the state cover not only the growing regulation of once sovereign states through their inclusion in complexes of international regulation—as in the European Community—but...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20

147 338 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Voice Biometrics over the Internet in the Framework of COST Action 275" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Voice Biometrics over the Internet in the Framework of COST Action 275" pptx

... Chartered Engineer status in 1988 In 1986, he joined the University of East Anglia as a Senior Research Fellow Over the last fourteen years, Ariyaeeinia has been working in the Faculty of Engineering ... on the encryption of VQ files using the Blowfish algorithm The results of this investigation are also shown in Table It is seen that there is a slight increase in the overall transmission time in ... This is due to the initial processing time needed to prepare the data prior to transmission and the time taken to decrypt the data at the receiver The resultant increase in the overall transmission...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

14 330 0
Báo cáo y học: " Epidemiologic heterogeneity of common mood and anxiety disorders over the lifecourse in the general population: a systematic review" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Epidemiologic heterogeneity of common mood and anxiety disorders over the lifecourse in the general population: a systematic review" ppsx

... the second column, the timeframe of interviews in the third column, and the main findings in the fourth column These tables aim to highlight the most meaningful conclusions from the studies collected ... enrolled in the WIC program in Pittsburgh also identified four trajectories of symptoms of anxiety, including low, low-increasing, highdeclining, and high-increasing groups [52] In contrast to the ... based on the first author's last name Each table provides a summary of the sample, the sample size, the authors, and the study design in the first column, the age group of the sample in the second...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

11 487 0
Báo cáo y học: " Corticomotor control of the genioglossus in awake OSAS patients: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study" pdf

Báo cáo y học: " Corticomotor control of the genioglossus in awake OSAS patients: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study" pdf

... observed in the OSAS group, supporting the reality of OSAS-related changes in the corticomotor control of the genioglossus In this view, it is of importance to note that in the OSAS group the influence ... with the AHI In other words, the more severe was the OSAS and hence the instability of the upper airway, the more responsive was the genioglossus to TMS and hence, possibly, the higher the drive ... and Cz-TMS in the OSAS patients, but not in the normal individuals In both groups the amplitudes of the MEPgg in response to AL-TMS and Cz-TMS increased during tongue protraction in comparison...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20

10 429 0
BÁO CÁO HỆ THỐNG THÔNG TIN CÔNG NGHIỆP Đề tài Remote Monitoring and Control over the Internet Giám sát và điều khiển từ xa qua Internet

BÁO CÁO HỆ THỐNG THÔNG TIN CÔNG NGHIỆP Đề tài Remote Monitoring and Control over the Internet Giám sát và điều khiển từ xa qua Internet

... việc theo dõi phân tích EMCSs cách dàn trải chi phí lao động số lượng lớn tòa nhà Điều đem lại tính khả thi kinh tế để sử dụng kỹ sư chuyên gia HVAC Việc sử dụng Internet làm sở hạ tầng thông tin ... hoạn, chẩn đoán từ xa Cuối cùng, Internet cung cấp chắn, đáng tin cậy, kết nối mở rộng Nhược điểm việc sử dụng Internet cần thiết phải có biện pháp phòng ngừa an ninh nghiêm ngặt hơn, thảo luận ... tầng thông tin liên lạc có hai khía cạnh: sử dụng giao thức liên lạc Internet sử dụng mạng Internet Việc sử dụng giao thức mạng Internet cho phép truy cập vào loạt phần cứng tương thích phần mềm...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2015, 16:57

17 488 0


... authoritative in the Middle Ages called their authority into question When combined with the propaganda potential of the printing press to disseminate such findings, printing became a major force behind the ... through the ever-improving world of the printed text There, solitary practices of reading and research replaced the shared oral knowledge of the past, promoting the retreat into increasingly ‘private ... until by , the Whig lawyer Sir James Mackintosh could claim credibly that Britain had the only free press remaining in Europe . The Napoleonic assault on the independence of the European public...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58

275 862 2
Báo cáo y học: "Use of chinese and western over-the-counter medications in Hong Kong"

Báo cáo y học: "Use of chinese and western over-the-counter medications in Hong Kong"

... system [20] The role of medical professionals is a dominant factor in defining, controlling and scoping the work of the allied health professionals [21,22] as extending pharmacists’ role in primary ... to consume Chinese herbal medicines [25] Chinese medicine retailers are therefore instrumental in preventing undesirable drug interactions during prescription process In addition, their role and ... indicated the needs for western pharmacists to study Chinese medicine [24] A total of 26.2% of the respondents reported consuming Chinese OTC medication in the previous year The majority of them...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06

9 517 0
The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

The Potential of Biofumigants as Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for the Control of Pest Infestation in Grain and Dry Food Products

... effective in killing the insects at the bottom of the column when the fumigant was applied at the upper layer of the grain Addition of CO2 and circulation caused 100% kill at the different heights Increasing ... phosphine is a quick and effective tool for the control of stored-product insect pests In view of the scheduled phaseout of methyl bromide under the Montreal protocol, the role of phosphine in grain ... O) for the control of stored-product insects During previous centuries, traditional agriculture in developing countries has developed effective means for insect control using botanicals Their...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

20 485 0
Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

Alternative Processing Technologies for the Control of Spoilage Bacteria in Fruit Juices and Beverages

... properly before processing is among the main reasons for contamination in fruit juice Washing and brushing fruit before the juicing step is common in juice processing According to one industry survey, ... results in cross-linking of the thymine dimers of the DNA in the organism, preventing repair of injury and reproduction Recently, a California processor Þled a petition with the FDA to allow the ... pasteurization on the natural ßavor and color of the juice products In a recent survey, the majority (78%) of cider producers in Virginia indicated that they not pasteurize their cider 16 In another survey,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 21:20

21 693 2
Tài liệu Print Labels and Control the Order in Which Records Will Be Printed ppt

Tài liệu Print Labels and Control the Order in Which Records Will Be Printed ppt

... model, looking at the Database object and moving down to the Fields level You this first when you're loading up a combo box with fields that are being used in the report The following lines of code ... rdHowTo10_6 Add the code in Listing 10.5 to the Load event of the form As described in the "Technique" section, this code iterates through each of the fields in the table that the report is based ... Add the code in Listing 10.6 to the SelectedIndexChanged event of cboSortFields This code takes the selected item from cboSortFields and locates it in the table that the report is based on The...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 11:20

6 371 0


... This report presents the summary of the main findings, while a more extensive discussion of the different items can be found in these other reports Main reports produced within the WHO systematic ... needs to be a system for maintaining the literature database and for developing the science of meta-analysis for the purpose of monitoring research findings, summarizing the literature for health ... of the main findings of the WHO project “Systematic review of health aspects of air pollution in Europe , which provides essential input to EU policy-making on air quality, in particular the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

30 581 0
Tài liệu Solving the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe doc

Tài liệu Solving the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe doc

... large role) The UK (based on the Vickers Report)14 is implementing the most significant reform since the crisis (including ring-fencing retail banking from investment banking), the USA has the Volcker ... SOLVING THE FINANCIAL AND SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPEThe failure to quarantine the problem from larger countries is another matter The exposure of EU banks to the sovereign debt of Spain ... recession and these, in turn, contribute to the financial instability  The EU financial system mixes traditional and capital markets banking and this is interacting with the sovereign crisis in a dangerous...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

23 511 0
Tài liệu Benefits Table database: Estimates of the marginal external costs of air pollution in Europe pptx

Tài liệu Benefits Table database: Estimates of the marginal external costs of air pollution in Europe pptx

... providing the main details of the database and default estimates of externalities, but lacking the facility for manipulation of functions, etc that is present in the full version of the database The ... calculated is a function of the position of the modelled sources within each country, within the modelling domain Here, and elsewhere, effects in eastern Europe are included although analysis ... adjusted in some way? The main difficulties relate to ozone modelling Results are based on a single scenario of emissions in the late 1990s Assuming that countries will meet their obligations under the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

20 436 0
Tài liệu Why Has The Cost of Navy Ships Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Naval Ship Costs Over the Past Several Decades doc

Tài liệu Why Has The Cost of Navy Ships Risen - A Macroscopic Examination of the Trends in U.S. Naval Ship Costs Over the Past Several Decades doc

... Proceeding without any change will likely result in ever-diminishing procurement quantities, ultimately leading to a shrinking fleet size To counter the increasing cost, the Navy can target some of the ... many in the Navy and the government The real cost growth means that ships are becoming more expensive and outstripping the Navy’s ability to pay for them Given current budget constraints, including ... growth in the CPI is similar to that in the DoD deflator, although the DoD deflator grew more rapidly than the CPI in the 1970s, and more slowly in the 1980s and 1990s—as did the GDP deflator The patterns...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

124 584 0

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