... end of the nineteenth century, it was published in Russian in 1905 and in English in 1920 Despite its early unmasking as a forgery, it has continued to be disseminated In 2002, despite international ... Popkin at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at UCLA in 1998 The examination of “inner earth” ideas in chapter was facilitated by an invitation from Mary N MacDonald to participate in ... resulting mélange contains incompatible elements Such belief systems have become increasingly common since the 1960s, and freed as they are from the constraints of any single tradition, they may incorporate...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:49
... microanalysis in revealing the origin and evolution of the bedrock in Finland Juhani Kakkuri’s article describes the history and current state of research concerning the land uplift in Fennoscandia during ... continental cratons (partly overlain by younger rock sequences) are outlined by yellow shading The exposed Archean rocks are roughly outlined by orange color The following continents are used in ... developments Mining industry is strongly growing in Finland, and it is estimated that the output of metallic mines will increase from four million tons in the early 2000s to 70 million tons in 2020...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 10:20
Treachery in Outer Space pdf
... understanding, and then his rugged features broke out into a grin as Brett continued talking Finally Brett straightened up "I'm going on out to Titan now to see if things are O.K You got everything ... happening, I think it will take on-the-spot investigations to find out why it's happening." Connel flopped back in his chair, relaxed again He looked at Walters "Send Steve out there and we'll find ... going to make sure that everything that's supposed to be in a spaceship is in this one." "When I blast off, I don't intend carrying any passengers," growled Miles behind them "If you're going...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
Operation: Outer Space pdf
... "What starts?" "We're in eclipse now," explained Babs, starry-eyed "We're in the Earth's shadow In about five minutes we'll be coming out into sunlight again, and we'll see the new Earth!" "Guarantee ... with innumerable stars Some were brighter than others, and they were of every imaginable color Tiny glintings of lurid tint—through the Earth's atmosphere they would blend into an indefinite faint ... computer in fiction In this story Leinster was decades ahead of his time in imagining the Internet He envisioned logics in every home, linked to provide communications, data access, and commerce In...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20
wild about outer space
... paper tube into a point to form the nose of the rocket Hold the point in place with tape Cut two triangle-shaped fins for the bottom of the rocket Put the paper rocket between the fins and glue ... Mercury: 1/2-inch (1.3-cm) gray U ran us: Jupiter: 2-inch (5-cm) orange 1/2-inch (4-cm) green Venus: 1-inch (2.6-cm) yellow Neptune: 1/2-inch (4-cm) blue Earth: 1-inch (2.6-cm) blue Mars: 1-inch (2.6-cm) ... Handicrafi-Juvenile literature 2.Outer space in art- Juvenile literature 3.Space vehicles in art- Juvenile literature [l Handicraft 2.Outer space in art 3.Space vehicles in art. ] I Holm, Sharon Lane, ill II...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2014, 13:37
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A novel type of highly negatively charged lipooligosaccharide from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1 possessing two 4,6-O-(1-carboxy)-ethylidene residues in the outer core region ppt
... b-glucosamine F gave a NOE effect with H-4 of GalN In determining the L Kdo location, its linkage to unit G was deduced by exclusion In particular, the linkage to O-6 of G was inferred by taking into ... points using forward linear prediction extrapolation [28,29] MALDI-TOF analysis MALDI mass spectra were carried out in the negative polarity in linear or in reflector mode on a Voyager STR instrument ... lipooligosaccharides (LOSs) LOSs have been found either in wild-type strains and in mutant strains harboring mutations in the genes encoding enzymes of the biosynthesis and/or the transfer of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Role of different moieties from the lipooligosaccharide molecule in biological activities of the Moraxella catarrhalis outer membrane pot
... pSlgt3K Cloning strain Wild-type strain Strain with EZ::TN insertion in lgt3 gene (1203-bp) Strain with EZ::TN insertion in lgt3 gene (901-bp) lgt3 knockout mutant strain of O35E Invitrogen (24) ... providing strain O35E, Wenzhou Hong for assisting in the animal challenge, and Robert Morell and Yandan Yang for helping in DNA sequencing This research was supported by the Intramural Research ... TA cloning vector Cloning vector Kanamycin-resistant gene lgt3 cloned into pCR2.1 EcoRI-SalI lgt3 fragment cloned into SK(+) EcoRI-blunted kanamycin-resistant gene inserted into blunted HindIII...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20
Exile from Space doc
... better part of an hour starting and stopping and backing that thing, and turning it around, and weaving through trees and rocks, before they were satisfied Then, all of a sudden, there was nothing ... from the age of nine planning and preparing to fit himself for a role in humanity's first big fling into space doesn't endanger his security status by risking involuntary contamination from an ... I started out at seven o'clock in the morning, and only by exceeding the speed limit on the last twenty miles of the return trip did I manage to pull into that diner parking space at five minutes...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Constructing Semantic Space Models from Parsed Corpora" potx
... priming in highdimensional meaning space: What is "mediated" in mediated priming? In Proceedings of COGSCI 1997 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Lowe, Will 2001 Towards a theory of semantic space In ... the same meaning, value and worth ), (b) superordination and subordination (one word is an instance of the kind expressed by the other word, pain and sensation ), (c) category coordination (words ... that context encoding plays an important role in discriminating lexical relations As in Experiment our best results were obtained with the wide context specification Also, weighting schemes such...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The outer membrane component of the multidrug efflux pump from Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be a gated channel pptx
... here were 1, glycine; 2, alanine; 3, serine; 4, proline; 5, threonine; 6, glycylglycine; 7, leucine; 8, methionine; 9; phenylalanine; 10, glycylglycylglycine; 11, ribose; 12; arabinose; 13, galactose; ... were 1, glycine; 2, alanine; 3, serine; 4, threonine; 5, glycylglycine; 6, methionine; 7, phenylalanine; 8, ribose; 9, glucose; 10, a-methylglucoside; 11, cephalexin; and 12, cephaloridine Ó FEBS ... process These results indicate that the inactivation process is carried out by plunging the inactivation domain into the open channel; the inactivation domain lost this gating function by the protease...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:21
... Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine ... focus on fostering revolutionary innovation and on training future leaders of space-based Earth science and applications • NOAA should increase investment in identifying and facilitating the transition ... Nation (2005) Extending the Effective Lifetimes of Earth Observing Research Missions (2005) Preventing the Forward Contamination of Mars (2005) Principal-Investigator-Led Missions in the Space Sciences...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 04:21
scientific american - 1999 07 - molecules from space
... approach for understanding the mind, and Pinker has certainly been instrumental in publicizing this paradigm In the introduction to How the Mind Works, he writes, “Every idea in the book may turn ... Proteomics envisions deducing the structure and interactions of all the nies have started marketing technologies proteins in a given cell Comparing pro- and services for mining protein informateomic maps ... such as amino acids Under the right conditions, the amino acids linked into chainlike proteins, the building blocks of life One of the first researchers to show how these jump-starter amino acids...
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:58
physics of space storms [electronic resource] from the solar surface the earth
... modern society is getting increasingly dependent on space infrastructure In future the human presence in space, including space tourism, is expected to become more prominent Some day we most ... as the scattering of radio waves from electrons and plasma fluctuations in the ionosphere In Chapter 10 the adiabatic invariants introduced in Chapter are used in formulating the kinetic equations ... assuming a rapidly rotating core, or assuming a strong magnetic field in the core, all led to contradictions elsewhere in the solar models Meanwhile developments in neutrino physics started to point...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:22
physical relativity space-time structure from a dynamical perspective feb 2006
... the principle in Einstein’s 1905 paper on moving bodies in electrodynamics marked the beginning of a new attitude concerning the foundational status of symmetries in physics For Einstein, the ... describes goings-on in sufficiently ‘small’ regions of space-time But in this picture, local inertial coordinate systems are freely falling systems They are not in Einstein’s 1905 theory Einstein stated ... happened in physics in the nineteenth century, was deciding not the validity of the principle but its scope Yet it was old in the sense that all that Einstein was really doing in extending its...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo hóa học: " Weighted differentiation composition operators from weighted bergman space to nth weighted space on the unit disk" pptx
... HGZ joined in the discussion about the question and revised the paper All authors read and approved the final manuscript Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests ... Convenient online submission Rigorous peer review Immediate publication on acceptance Open access: articles freely available online High visibility within the field Retaining the copyright to your article ... < ε Combining (30) and (31), we know (4) holds (n) Conversely, assume Dm : Ap → ωμ,0 is bounded and (4) holds Taking the supreα ϕ,u mum in (6) for all f in the unit ball of Ap , and using the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Integral-Type Operators from F p, q, s Spaces to Zygmund-Type Spaces on the Unit Ball Congli Yang1, 2" ppt
... of Inequalities and Applications Some Auxiliary Results In this section, we quote several auxiliary results which will be used in the proofs of our main results The following lemma is according ... z∈B Since fk → on compact subsets of B by the Cauchy estimate, it follows that Rfk → on compact subsets of B, in particular on |z| ≤ δ Taking in 3.44 , the supremum over z ∈ B, 0, and since ε ... of Inequalities and Applications This along with Theorem 3.2 implies that Tg {f : f F p,q,s ≤ 1} is bounded Taking the supremum over the unit ball in F p, q, s , letting |z| → in 3.46 , using...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Weighted Composition Operators from Generalized Weighted Bergman Spaces t" pptx
... |
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 03:20
... Lg F(p,q,s) Ꮾα (2.21) Taking supremum in the last inequality over the set 1/2 w < and noticing that by the maximum modulus principle there is a positive constant C independent of g ¾ H(B) such ... Functions in the Unit Ball, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol 226, Springer, New York, 2005 Songxiao Li: Department of Mathematics, JiaYing University, 514015, Meizhou, GuangDong, China Current ... Tg ,Lg : F(p, q,s) Ꮾα In order to prove our results, we need some auxiliary results which are incorporated in the following lemmas The first one is an analogy of the following one-dimensional result:...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Auto-validating von Neumann rejection sampling from small phylogenetic tree spaces" ppt
... computing with finite precision, say in floatingpoint arithmetic, directed rounding must be taken into account (see e.g., [6,10]) to contain the solution Interval multiplication is branched into nine ... Transitions are changes within the purine {A, G} or pyrimidine {C, T} state subsets, while transversions are changes from purine to pyrimidine or from pyrimidine to purine In this model, we have a ... These point estimates are in agreement with estimates obtained in [31,32] through quadrature routines in Mathematica The first 10,000 of these samples are shown in Figure upon transforming the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20