... men More than half of all our eminent lawyers, ministers, and doctors are women; there are more women in Parliament than men, and in the public offices, such as banks, & c., all the clerks are ... roof, which was for all the world like a large white saucer reversed The room, I may mention, was in semi-darkness, as it was only lighted by a small square window above the door Gradually the pricking ... threw the ball out of the bunker, with no end of sand You had to look out for your eyes if there was any wind 26 I must not forget the balls—they are quite worthy of description To all appearance,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20
... this is due to high recall of no relationship and coordinate pairs: more than 80% of instances with some relationship are predicted to be coordinates, and most of the rest are predicted no relationship ... pairs total Results are shown in Table 4(a) Although AUC is fairly high for all classes, MaxF is low for all but two MaxF has degraded quite a bit for hypernyms from Table Removing all instances except ... from TREC news corpora and WordNet used in previous work for binary semantic class classification (Snow et al., 2005) We extract two sets of candidate-related pairs from these corpora, one restricted...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20
All Cats Are Gray pptx
... All Cats Are Gray Norton, Andre Alice Published: 1953 Categorie(s): Fiction, Science Fiction, Short Stories Source: http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/29019 About Norton: Andre Alice Norton ... heard her rare spoken words—these will never forget Steena She drifted from port to port Being an expert operator on the big calculators she found jobs wherever she cared to stay for a time And ... one of the seats or against the panels, the walls of the corridor or the cover of the bed where it had reclined and played with its loot? What could Bat see? The storehouse memory that had served...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo toán học: " Electrochemical performance of NixCo1-xMoO4 (0 [less than or equal to] x [less than or equal to] 1) nanowire anodes for lithium-ion batteries" pptx
... in a vacuum oven Finally, the asprepared hydrate nanowire precursors were post-annealed at 500°C for h to dehydrate them The morphologies and crystal structures of the prepared NixCo1−xMoO4·nH2O ... the manuscript All authors read and approved the final manuscript Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government ... NixCo1−xMoO4·nH2O nanowire precursors at 500°C for h All postannealed samples maintained their pristine nanowire morphologies Although a marked change in the diameter or length of the nanowires after...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
... just the forwards who are charged with the responsibility for scoring goals, but ALL eleven team members The primary purpose of a football match is to score more goals than your competitor, and ... accountant, cleaner or POST SCRIPT you as the reader of this book — are all part of that story and are all responsible for spreading it far and wide to reach your target customers Whether you are a retailer ... score more goals than the opposition and win the game It is almost unheard of for a forward to score a goal without some assistance from one of the other ten players on his team In football, ALL...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Seth godin all marketers are liars
... literally, really, unfortunately, ironically, incredibly, hopefully, finally”—she’s not being a stickler for formality and grammar Instead she’s reminding us that words matter, that poor word ... story SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE LIARS Arthur Riolo is a world-class storyteller Arthur sells real estate in my little town north of New York City He sells a lot of real estate—more than all ... believe that it’s worth spreading, it will The essential conclusion is that not all worldviews are created equal People with worldviews that are private, that are embarrassing to share or that belong...
Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 14:01
Báo cáo y học: "All duplicates are not equal: the difference between small-scale and genome duplicatio" docx
... functions that are either more or less likely to be essential upon deletion The difference must therefore stem from some other factor WGDs are more likely to be members of protein complexes than SSDs; ... interaction network as a tendency for duplicate gene pair products to share more protein interactions than random pairings of non-duplicates Figure shows the average number of shared interactions for Genome ... from small-scale duplication are enriched for transporter functions, particularly sugar transporters, and also for those with hydrolase and helicase activities Genes specifying proteins that are...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo y học: "All systems are go" pptx
... than 79% Hubbard also discussed new bioinformatics tools under development, including opensource software for extracting quantitative data from a variety of proteomics platforms, currently called ... [http://sbml.org], a computer-readable format for representing biological models, has been evolving over the past eight years with the input of users and software developers Mike Hucka (California Institute ... [http://www.sbgn.org] for biological pathways, which essentially generates a biological circuit diagram While the widespread use of a standard notation of this sort would be extremely useful for the bioscience...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:21
Báo cáo y học: "All motifs are not created equal: structural properties of transcription factor - dna interactions and the inference of sequence specificity" doc
... readily incorporated into motif detection algorithms and used to improve the specificity and sensitivity Shared information profiles for structurally related transcription factors An important corollary ... that allows specific ordering of the information of the individual motif positions (e.g the information in position i is greater than that of position j, or, more generally, that the information ... transcription factor Most current motif detection algorithms (e.g MEME, Gibbs sampler) assume a uniform prior - that all PWMs are equally likely to describe a transcription factor binding site...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo y học: "Combinatorial RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals that redundancy between gene duplicates can be maintained for more than 80 million years of evolution" pdf
... that just as single copy worm genes are more likely to have a nonviable RNAi phenotype if they are orthologous to an essential gene in yeast, duplicated worm genes are more likely to have a redundant ... very similar, last shared a common ancestor 80- 110 million years ago [35] It is extremely unlikely that the redundancy between these 14 genes has been maintained for more than 80 million years of ... transcription factors (for example, elt-6 + egl-18) to polyadenylate-binding proteins (for example, pab-1 + pab-2; Table 5) Duplicated genes can maintain redundant functions for more than 80 million...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22
we are better than this how government should spend our money
... disreputable than others Its honorable choices are to tax now to pay for current spending, or to issue bonds (IOUs) today, and collect taxes tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow) to repay those borrowings ... sophomoric understanding of the human condition and the role of government What we should care about is our aggregate welfare, which is not the same thing at all “Welfare” incorporates all the ... beings in the private sphere of their lives—housework, child care, or do-it-yourself projects done for yourself or for your family, rather than for money (Economists describe this arbitrary demarcation...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 09:49
... was performed for all three cell types All of the markers except for and Tie2 have been routinely used for identifying pericytes in vivo or in vitro, while Tie2 is a receptor that plays important ... structure (Figure 2) The networks are usually formed within to 12 hours and serve as a rapid test for the pro-angiogenic or inhibitory effect of drugs and biological factors (Kleinman, et al., 2005) ... as MSC are multipotent Once we were able to show that pericytes behave like MSC, we posed the question if pericytes are more than just MSC The three cell types were therefore compared for pericytic...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:13
The Harvard Classics Volume 38, by Various Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this pdf
... Volume 38, by Various Copyright laws are changing all over the world Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook ... Such persons are like the figures which are introduced in tragedies, for as they have the shape, and dress, and personal appearance of an actor, but are not actors, so also physicians are many in ... in the words of Hippocrates has achieved universal currency, though few who quote it to-day are aware that it originally referred to the art of the physician It is the first of his "Aphorisms":...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " The median non-prostate cancer survival is more than 10 years for men up to age 80 years who are selected and receive curative radiation treatment for prostate cancer" ppt
... deaths for men who are treated with radiation for prostate cancer is more than ten years, up to age 80 at the time of starting radiation treatment Our results suggest that radiation oncologists are ... treatment and the median all- cause survival for all men of the same age in the BC population The median non-prostate cancer survival is greater than 10 years for men aged up to 80 years at start of ... greater than 65 years The study concluded that "potentially curative therapy (surgery or radiotherapy) may lead to significant gains in health outcomes for men up to at least age 75 or 80 years...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21
... any of the words or phrases have a different meaning?" What Words or Phrases Are Ambiguous? 41 You can be certain you have identified an especially important unclear term by performing the following ... products are superior to those of their competitors Here are some sample advertising claims that are ambiguous See if you can identify alternative, plausible meanings for the italicized words or phrases ... properties that are crucial What Words or Phrases Are Ambiguous? 45 for an unambiguous understanding of the term Useful definitions are those that specify criteria for usage—and the more specific...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 15:20
Sự thể hiện con người cá nhân trong tiểu thuyết việt nam từ thập nên 80 2000 (qua 3 tác phẩmmùa lá rụng trong vườn, thời xa vắng và thân phận của tình yêu)
... sống hôm qua Mùa rụng vờn" (Vân Thanh - Tạp chí văn học, số 3, 1986, tr 159) - "T nghệ thuật sáng tác Ma Văn Kháng năm 80" (Nguyễn Thị Huệ - Tạp chí văn học, số 2, 1 980, tr 77) - Sách "Thời xa vắng ... sát thể ngời cá nhân văn xuôi trớc thập niên 80; từ vào phân tích, so sánh, đối chiếu với thể ngời cá nhân tiểu thuyết Việt Nam giai đoạn từ thập niên 80 - 2000 có khác biệt thể đến mức độ có ý ... hình nhân vật văn học giai đoạn sau 1975, từ thập niên 80 -2000 Phạm vi nghiên cứu: Sự thể ngời cá nhân tiểu thuyết Việt Nam từ thập niên 80- 2000 không bó hẹp phạm vi tiểu thuyết "Mùa rụng vờn"...
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 09:50