... indicating the result accuracy which led to the final processing to conclude the results Research Results The research results can be summarized as follows: 4.1 Organization’s Computer Network Security ... illustrate the security of an organization’s computer network today and for the next years (2011-20 15) To summarize, results indicated the significance of staff, hardware, software and privacy which ... Technology North Bangkok, Retrieved March 25, 2011 from http://it.kmutnb.ac.th/monchai [5] Delphi Technique [Electronic version], Retrieved March 25, 2011 from
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20
... (%) P value Good 11 (5. 5) 116 (61.1) 55 .6
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
marilyns life and her influence through the years
... (Monroe 1 35) She wanted to be more than sex appeal Her glamour was never questioned, despite turbulence in her life involving love, drugs, and sex scandals Marilyn's abilities helped her shine through ... died in her sleep at her Brentwood, California home She was 36 years old "Now she is dead and how we say goodbye?" (Monroe/Barris 3 35) The American public did not know how to respond She had impacted ... New York: NY March 19 75 Monroe, Marilyn "My Story" Briarcliff Manor: NY 1976 Monroe, Marilyn and Barris George Marilyn : Her Life in Her Own Words New York: NY October 19 95 "Monroe Named Century's...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:08
báo cáo hóa học: " Urinary and sexual outcomes in long-term (5+ years) prostate cancer disease free survivors after radical prostatectomy" ppt
... 60- 156 ) 60 64.1 ( 65, 49-74) 60 307 64.9 (66, 47-77) 95. 5 (87, 61- 156 ) 60 (16.3) 14.6 (10.2, 0.8-87) 12.8 (9, 3.9 - 63) 146 (39.8) 81 (22.1) 80 (21.8) 15 (10.6, 0.8-87) n (%) 1 65 ( 45. 0) 134 (36 .5) ... -0.204 0. 050 -0.184 0.077 -0. 258 0.012 0. 053 0.612 -0.207 0.046 -0.096 0. 359 SB* 0.098 0. 350 0.161 0.124 0.143 0.170 -0.064 0 .54 3 -0.0 15 0.889 -0.031 0.771 SF# 1.841 0.303 / -3.138 0. 056 / -12 .53 0 ... 1 65 ( 45. 0) 134 (36 .5) 68 (18 .5) n (%) 154 (42.0) 146 (39.8) 67 (18.2) n (%) 222 (60 .5) 77 (21.0) 59 (16.1) (2.4) n (%) 1 25 n (%) 34 (56 .6) 17 (28.3) ( 15. 1) N (%) 31 (51 .7) 19 (31.7) 10 (16.6) n...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_1 pot
... Version 5. 0 of WebSphere Portal Server, and Version 5. 0 and Version 5. 1 of WebSphere Application Server, Version 3 .5 of WebSphere MQ Workflow, Version 5. 3 of WebSphere MQ, and Version 5. 1 of WebSphere ... 134 5. 2.2 Access transparency 1 35 5.3 DB2 and business intelligence 1 35 5.3.1 Continuous update of the ... infrastructure 127 5. 1 Data warehousing: The base 128 5. 1.1 Scalability for growth 128 5. 1.2 Partitioning and parallelism...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_2 ppt
... ranging pieces of legislation to affect corporations and public accounting in recent years IBM recently released the results of a survey detailing the current state of preparedness by U.S companies ... strategic and operational objectives with business activities in order to fully manage performance through better informed decision making and action BPM is generating a high level of interest and ... minimize disruptions Align strategic objectives and priorities both vertically and horizontally throughout the business Establish a business environment that fosters continuous innovation and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_3 docx
... exception process is to evaluate business rules against business measurements If the evaluation results in an exception, then the appropriate information has to be collected and sent to the user ... applications monitor and analyze data from operational Chapter The role of business intelligence in BPM 35 activities and business processes An application could, for example, compare KPI information to ... in both data warehousing and in non-data warehousing projects has accelerated over the last few years As a result, the complexity of these projects has increased, as designers struggle to ensure...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_5 doc
... Applications DB2 consumes Web Services data Figure 3- 15 DB2 in a Web services environment DB2 as a Web services provider The left-hand side of Figure 3- 15 outlines how DB2 acts as a service provider ... or API calls, for non-SQL data sources Receiving results from the data source The standard API of the data source is used by a wrapper to receive results Responding to federated server requests ... Web services environment as a server provider or a service consumer This is shown in Figure 3- 15 The DB2 Web service infrastructure and tools shown in the figure are supplied with DB2 UDB Version...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_6 doc
... processes graphically It consists of the WebSphere Business Integration Modeler V5.1 WebSphere Business Integration Modeler V5.1 WBI Workbench is an Eclipse-based application that provides the capability ... used exclusively throughout the rest of this redbook More details on FDML can be found in the IBM Redbook, Exploring WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition V5, SG24-6200 Non-interruptible ... entities (for example, Web browsers at a remote customer site) that not come through connector agents, but instead come through Web servlets into the Server Access Interface Reusable components...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_8 pot
... service CREATE FUNCTION db2xml.getProcessData(dbname VARCHAR( 255 ), userid VARCHAR( 255 ), password VARCHAR( 255 ), procmodel VARCHAR( 255 )) RETURNS CLOB(1M) RETURN db2xml.soaphttpc ( 'http://localhost:9080/wbi/servlet/rpcrouter', ... Developer V5.1 – WebSphere Portal Server V5.0 – WebSphere Application Server V5.0 (for hosting the WebSphere Portal, WBI Monitor, and Web services) – WebSphere Application Server V5.1 (for hosting ... db2xml.shredProcessData user-defined function The SQL to this is shown in Example 6 -5 Example 6 -5 Reformatting the XML results into a relational form SELECT * FROM TABLE(db2xml.shredProcessData(db2xml.getProcessData('CreditRequest')))...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
The Performance Management Revolution Business Results Through Insight and Action_10 doc
... Integrator 51 , 55 56 , 63, 65, 67, 77, 127 federated server 88 wrappers 87 WebSphere InterChange Server 111–113, 118–121 WebSphere MQ 65, 117, 122, 1 45 WebSphere MQ Workflow 65, 104–1 05, 111, 1 15, 144 ... warehouse x, 24, 128 continuous update 1 35 Data warehousing 128 DB2 Alphablox 55 56 , 62, 64, 1 45, 166 DB2 command line 91 DB2 Content Manager 55 56 , 63, 65 DB2 Control Center 66, 91–92 DB2 Data ... Warehouse Edition 55 56 DB2 Universal Database 39, 42, 51 , 127–128, 1 45 see also DB2 UDB 51 DB2 user-defined functions 86 200 BPM Meets BI DB2 Web service 82, 148 DB2 Web services consumer 85 DB2 Web...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20
Enterprise-Wide Change Superior Results Through Systems Thinking pptx
... Recap 51 Foundations of the Systems Thinking Approach 53 Chapter Purposes 53 Systems Concept #1: Seven Levels of Living Systems 55 Systems Concept #2: Natural and Predictable Cycles of Change 58 ... 148 Table 5. 3 Clarifying Measurement Terminology 149 Table 5. 4 Process to Establish Four Missing Elements 155 Worksheet Attunement with People’s Hearts and Minds: Core Values Assessment 159 Worksheet ... Improvement Helix 252 Table 9.1 Mid-Course EWC Review Activities 254 Table 9.2 Exercise 257 Figure 9.2 The Rollercoaster of Change 257 Figure 9.3 The Iceberg Theory of Change 259 Figure 9.4 The...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20
study on the etiology of acute respiratory infection in children under 5 years old in nhatrang, 2009
... Positive 15 < 12 months 59 73 65 67 64 68 (41 ,5% ) (24,4%) (33,2%) (27,3%) (38,8%) (24,6%) 12 – 23 41 151 77 1 15 56 136 months (28,9%) (50 ,5% ) (39,3%) (46,9%) (33,9%) (49,3%) 24 – 128 >128 >128 13 ,5 86 ,5 15 Rifampicin 0, 25- 1 0 ,5 0 ,5 100 0...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:07
Báo cáo y học: "Knee cartilage loss in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis over 4.5 years" pot
... = 1 05) Subjects with MRI at 4 .5 years (n = 78) Subjects lost to follow-up at 4 .5 years (n = 27) pa 62 .5 (10.7) 63.8 (10.6) 61.6 (11.3) 0. 65 Number of women, % 59 (53 %) 44 (54 %) 17 (63%) 0 .50 Height, ... 0.49 I 11 II 48 35 13 45 35 10 0.10 181 (6) 181 (6) 180 (5) 0.38 Medial 2,0 65 (4 05) 2,0 85 (394) 2,008 (438) 0.42 Lateral 1, 358 ( 257 ) 1, 352 (239) 1,374 (308) 0.73 Characteristic Age, years Womac Kellgren ... Height, cm 168 (9.3) 168 (9.2) 167 (9 .5) 0. 45 Weight, kg 80.1 ( 15. 0) 80 .5 ( 15. 3) 79.3 (14.4) 0.72 BMI 28.4 (5. 1) 28.4 (4.8) 28.7 (5. 9) 0.79 Pain 79 ( 45) 78 (43) 81 (53 ) 0.82 Stiffness 38 (23) 37 (21)...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22
ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results phần 5 ppsx
... control, which is data-bound to the site’s collection data, as displayed in Figure 7- 15 2 25 Chapter Figure 7- 15 The GridView of collections allows a Super Administrator to edit or delete a collection ... Eval(“photoID”) %>’ > ... into the system, you will see the main menu for the administrator area, shown in Figure 7 -5 Figure 7 -5 shows the main menu administration page, with a GridView control displaying all of the collections...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:22
Báo cáo khoa học: "Follow-up of newborns treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a nationwide evaluation at 5 years of age" pptx
... 70– 85 100 .5 (19.7) (5. 1%) 51 –70 (3.9%) 50 (5. 1%) Expressive language (n = 78) Grammar 104.2a (17.9) 70– 85 11 (14.1%) 51 –70 (2.6%) 50 Vocabulary 103.2 (19.6) 70– 85 (7.8%) 51 –70 (6 .5% ) 50 (2.6%) ... (2.6%) Receptive language (n = 81) 104.3a ( 15. 3) 70– 85 (1.2%) 51 –70 (6.1%) 50 Visual – motor integration (n = 28) -96.6 (13.7) 70– 85 ( 25% ) 51 –70 50 Data presented as the mean (standard deviation) ... 6.8 (6.6) 13.4 (10.3) Score < P 5, motor problem (n (%)) 14 ( 15. 2%)** (6.1) Score P 5 P 15, borderline (n (%)) 10 (10.9%) (6.1) 68 (73.9%)*** 43 (87.8) Score > P 15, normal (n (%)) Persistent pulmonary...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "p cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: COUGH: consolidating a mature field for the next 5 years" ppt
... April 2011 Published: 10 April 2011 doi:10.1186/17 45- 9974-7-1 Cite this article as: Chung et al.: COUGH: consolidating a mature field for the next years Cough 2011 7:1 Submit your next manuscript...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 10:20