reset configuration parameters on the gateway

Influence of process parameters on the performance of an oxygen blown entrained flow biomass gasifier

Influence of process parameters on the performance of an oxygen blown entrained flow biomass gasifier

... to the vicinity of the burner The sub-stoichiometric amount of O2 that is added through the burner is therefore rapidly consumed by combustion reactions in the flame (R2–R5, Fig 1) These reactions ... solid carbon Since most of the O2 is consumed in the upper part of the gasifier, the combustion of solid carbon with O2 (i.e R11–R12) is unlikely to occur in the lower part of the reactor The physical ... defined as the ratio between the chemical energy in the produced cooled syngas and the energy input from the corresponding fuel The CGE can be based on either the higher heating values (HHV) or the

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2016, 09:36

10 387 0
The influence of the design parameters on the profile sliding in an internal hypocycloid gear pair

The influence of the design parameters on the profile sliding in an internal hypocycloid gear pair

... Giang, Nguyen Hong Thai - Influence of the parameters of geometrical dimensions on the line of action and flow of the hypocycloidal gears in the hypogerotor pump, National Conference on Engineering ... of the pump 4.3 Influence of the parameters λ and c on the profile slip coefficient Suppose that the generating parameters of the hypocycloidal gear-pair and λ are taken from section 4.1, on the ... geometrical dimension parameters of the pump rotor profile on the wear, in this paper, the authors established equation for determining slip coefficient from geometrical dimensions Furthermore, the authors

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 02:17

10 33 0
Effects of process parameters on the extraction efficiency and physicochemical characteristics of tea seed oil from “TRUNGDU” tea (Camellia sinensis O. Kuntze) variety

Effects of process parameters on the extraction efficiency and physicochemical characteristics of tea seed oil from “TRUNGDU” tea (Camellia sinensis O. Kuntze) variety

... used in the test, V2 is the volume (ml) of Na2S2O3 used in the blank and N is the concentration of Na2S2O3 (mol/l), f: concentration correction factor 2.3.7 Determination of fatty acid content ... Extraction parameters were found to have varying effects on the extraction efficiency, AV, PV, IV and SV of tea seed oil in the operating condition ranges selected in the experiment The extraction ... mass of the oil-bearing material (milled seeds) minus the moisture content of the seed used in the extraction [11] 2.3.2 Determination of extraction efficiency Extraction efficiency is the percentage

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 05:19

12 68 0
The influence of the design parameters on the profile sliding in an internal hypocycloid gear pair

The influence of the design parameters on the profile sliding in an internal hypocycloid gear pair

... Giang, Nguyen Hong Thai - Influence of the parameters of geometrical dimensions on the line of action and flow of the hypocycloidal gears in the hypogerotor pump, National Conference on Engineering ... of the pump 4.3 Influence of the parameters λ and c on the profile slip coefficient Suppose that the generating parameters of the hypocycloidal gear-pair and λ are taken from section 4.1, on the ... geometrical dimension parameters of the pump rotor profile on the wear, in this paper, the authors established equation for determining slip coefficient from geometrical dimensions Furthermore, the authors

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2020, 20:53

10 38 0
Corn snack with high fiber content effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality tt

Corn snack with high fiber content effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality tt

... so với phân hủy chúng Theo thời gian xử lý nhiệt, hàm lượng malonaldehyde tất mẫu tăng dần (Bảng 4.18) Khi nồng độ tinh dầu nhục đậu khấu tăng từ đến g/kg, hàm lượng malonaldehyde kết thúc xử ... protein zein 1.2.2 Chế phẩm xơ Theo Hiệp hội nhà hóa học ngũ cốc Hoa Kỳ (AACC), chất xơ thành phần ăn có xuất xứ từ thực vật, chúng khơng bị tiêu hóa không hấp thu ruột non thể người chúng lên men ... peroxide giảm dần kết thúc thí nghiệm chiên Trong đó, giá trị peroxide mẫu bổ sung dầu nhục đậu khấu tăng dần từ đầu đến cuối thí nghiệm chiên Hàm lượng malonaldehyde tăng dần từ ngày đến ngày mẫu

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2020, 21:30

26 25 0
Corn snack with high fiber content  effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality

Corn snack with high fiber content effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality

... preparations as well as the extrusion conditions on the quality of the fried corn snack In addition, the study also focused on the effects of commercial natural antioxidants as well as the antioxidant ... benefits The study consists of three sections Section – The use of commercial fiber preparation in the snack extrusion for improvement in the fiber content: Addition of fiber preparations such ... to the control When the polydextrose content in the blend varied from to 10%, the bulk density of the fried extrudate increased while the radial expansion ratio and the crispiness decreased The

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2021, 17:56

218 8 0
Effects of rolling process parameters on the mechanical properties of hot rolled st60mn steel

Effects of rolling process parameters on the mechanical properties of hot rolled st60mn steel

... calculated using the values of the applied load and the diameter of the indentation [125_TD$IF]Results and discussion 3.1 Data from the effect of rolling process parameters on the mechanical properties ... investigated on the influence of finishing temperature on the mechanical properties of conventional hot rolled steel bar and discovered that detailed temperature tracking of a conventional rolling operation, ... cutting them to the appropriate sizes with lathe machines The dimensional analysis of the test specimen were:55 mm length with a v-notch at the center and 10 mm square cross section The Charpy

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2022, 17:48

13 3 0
Effect of operational parameters on the removal of carbamazepine and nutrients in a submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor  (ảnh hưởng của các thông số hoạt động đến việc loại bỏ

Effect of operational parameters on the removal of carbamazepine and nutrients in a submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor (ảnh hưởng của các thông số hoạt động đến việc loại bỏ

... FFD the two-level to protect curvatoThe protect upgraded to respond surface designs for further optimizations [22] The regression equation equation based equation on the based first-order on the ... in the be form given of the in the following form of expression the following [23]: expression [23]: equation based equation on the based first-order on the model first-order with three model parameters ... not much on the overall removal efficiency Furthermore, the confidence conditions removed more CBZ than aerobic conditions [32] Its degradation was highly level of ANOVA the CODconditions removal

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2023, 22:42

15 0 0
(Đồ án hcmute) research on the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness and dimensionnal deviation during maching quenched skd61 steel using wire edm

(Đồ án hcmute) research on the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness and dimensionnal deviation during maching quenched skd61 steel using wire edm

... CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION 5.1 Conclusion After a period of implementation of the graduation project on topic “RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF CUTTING AND DIMENSIONAL DEVIATION DURING ... analysis of the experimental results, the authors come to the following conclusions: − Pulse On Time is the most influential factor on Surface roughness (92.26%), Dimension deviation (66.18%) ... Orientation The group of authors has achieved the set requirements However, due to limited implementation conditions and knowledge, the team was unable to work on other materials such as iron, cluster,

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2023, 15:20

120 2 0
Study on the effect of injection molding parameters on the weld line strength for thermoplastic composite materials

Study on the effect of injection molding parameters on the weld line strength for thermoplastic composite materials

... quite good Specifically, the temperature is concentrated only at the location where the weld occurs, in addition, the temperature is kept low at other locations This is one of the advantages of hot ... strength + Injection pressure: the higher the injection pressure, the higher the tensile strength 5.2 Limitations of the study: - The optimization of technological factors that impact the quality of ... documents: - Injection molding process parameters - Injection mold Main contents of the project: - Overview of plastic injection molding technology and its injection parameters - Conducting the tensile

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2023, 18:48

99 4 0
Luận án tiến sĩ Công nghệ thực phẩm: Corn snack with high fiber content: Effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality

Luận án tiến sĩ Công nghệ thực phẩm: Corn snack with high fiber content: Effects of materials, extrusion and frying parameters on the product quality

... preparations as well as the extrusion conditions on the quality of the fried corn snack In addition, the research also focused on the effects of different commercial natural antioxidants as well as the ... different configurations and performances has been developed and they are categorised based on their applications and design They can vary with respect to screw, barrel and die configuration (Riaz, ... for the following formulation When conditioning is required, before mixing, water in some quantity is necessarily added for the preparation of the material (Moscicki & Wojtowicz, 2011) The purpose

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2024, 17:24

219 0 0
Freshwater culture of salmonids in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with emphasis on the monitoring and control of key environmental parameters

Freshwater culture of salmonids in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with emphasis on the monitoring and control of key environmental parameters

... and the Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia Shaw, J., 1836 An account of some experiments and observation on the parr, and on the ova of the salmon, proving the parr to be the young of the ... calibration free combination sensor sonde for the online determination of ammonium and nitrate ions  Hach Hydromet Inc - Hydrolab DS5 Multiparameter: the Hydrolab DS5 water quality sonde offers the ... over pond/cage systems in the area of feed cost Tank based production typically results in far higher feed conversion ratios than either pond or cage systems This results from the fact that the

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2019, 10:23

24 43 0
Evaluating the influence of cutting parameters on part’s accuracy and grinding wheel’s wear in grinding profile for ball bearing’s inner ring groove

Evaluating the influence of cutting parameters on part’s accuracy and grinding wheel’s wear in grinding profile for ball bearing’s inner ring groove

... Thus, the wear value at the 12th part is the economic limitation wear value of the grinding wheel corresponding the above cutting mode Therefore, with the first set of cutting parameters the economic ... wheel as well as the productivity of the process is highly dependent on the parameters of the cutting mode [1] Thus, one of the most important points to achieve the technical and economic efficiency ... evaluate the influence of input factors on the change of output factors Then, the output factors will be controlled as requirement Among the output factors that need to be controlled, the part’s

Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2020, 02:40

13 45 0
Porosity permeability and textural parameters of the palaeogene forearc sedimentary fill on Lemnos Island, NE Greece

Porosity permeability and textural parameters of the palaeogene forearc sedimentary fill on Lemnos Island, NE Greece

... al 1995; Watson et al 1995; Dutton et al 2003) The study area lies in NE Aegean Sea, Greece The plate configuration of the Aegean region (Figure 1) consists of the Aegean Plate to the south separated ... function of how the pore spaces are connected, their type and distribution, and the pore throat sizes The application of the ‘Mercury Porosimetry Technique’on the Palaeogene sandstones of Lemnos ... stratigraphic succession in Lemnos take the form of a conventional sandrich submarine fan system made up of monotonous alternations of sandstone and mudstone Sediments consist of very thin- to

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 18:01

24 18 0
Study the efficacy of chemicals on the quality parameters of guava (Psidium Guajava L) cv. lucknow – 49

Study the efficacy of chemicals on the quality parameters of guava (Psidium Guajava L) cv. lucknow – 49

... respectively The interaction effect of seasons and treatments were found to be nonsignificant The reason for reduction in acidity with the application of NAD @60ppm might be due to the rapid utilization ... twice in the month of April, 2017 First spray was in the first week of April at the flowering stage and the second spray was after 10 days of the first spray The changes in the chemical parameters ... fruit elongation, premature fruit drop prevention, and inhibiting ripening process An investigation was conducted to study the efficacy of chemicals on the quality parameters of guava in the Experimental

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2020, 17:59

10 32 0
Optimization of design and operating parameters on the year round performance of a multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system using transient mathematical analysis

Optimization of design and operating parameters on the year round performance of a multi-stage evacuated solar desalination system using transient mathematical analysis

... optimize the system configuration for maximum distillate yield by considering the effect of various design and operating parameters on the performance and thermal characteristics of the system ... natural convection are limited Thus, heat transfer between the hot saline water bed and the condensation surface in every stage is mainly conveyed by evaporation and condensation process [18] The ... shows the variation of global solar radiation and the ambient temperature for the months of January to June Figure shows the variation of global solar radiation and the ambient temperature for the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11

26 568 0
báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of the physiological parameters on the signal-to-noise ratio of single myoelectric channel" doc

báo cáo hóa học: " Effects of the physiological parameters on the signal-to-noise ratio of single myoelectric channel" doc

... a contraction [18-20] Some modelling work on motoneuron firing patterns suggested that the range of the firing rate of the motoneuron during a steady contraction is to 50 pps [21] On the other ... as the nonlinear processor, and the channel output is the convolution of the motor unit action potential (MUAP), m(t), with an innervation process u(t), which is the output of the motoneuron ... of the interaction between the neuron and muscle on the SNR at the ME control channel output The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of neuromuscular physiology on the SNR at the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20

10 387 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Empirical Estimation of Utility Distribution Damping Parameters Using Power Quality Waveform Data" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Empirical Estimation of Utility Distribution Damping Parameters Using Power Quality Waveform Data" pot

... Section 4, but the details are beyond the scope of the paper Therefore, the transient response of the whole system can be described by (17) as well This is the motivation for detecting the envelope ... worthnoting is that the characteristic equation can vary according to the load composition Hence, the X/R ratio is not a unique function of the parameters of the lines and loads but depends on the load ... 2] However, a few other studies on the application of signal processing techniques to harmonic studies have been undertaken on the assumption that harmonic components are exponentially damped...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

12 384 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Stability of the development of basic stand parameters of beech yield tables constructed on the basis of short-term observations on research plots" pptx

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Stability of the development of basic stand parameters of beech yield tables constructed on the basis of short-term observations on research plots" pptx

... that were used for the construction of yield tables in 1980 Of the total number of all 550 repeated measurements 70% of them were used for the construction of yield tables and the remaining 30% ... mean diameters on research plots are smaller than in yield tables We can seek the reasons for these differences partially in the methodology of construction but mainly in the composition of empirical ... for their construction by Forest Research Institute in Zvolen were measured repeatedly The aim of the work on the example of Czechoslovak yield tables of beech is to compare and evaluate the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 03:22

10 262 0
Báo cáo toán học: "On the twin designs with the Ionin–type parameters" doc

Báo cáo toán học: "On the twin designs with the Ionin–type parameters" doc

... potentially very useful for constructing many other designs One of the differences between the construction here and that of Ionin is the way that the cyclic group being used The cyclic group used in ... a tough one It is quite interesting to note that if such matrices exist, then the construction method given in this paper simplifies Ionin’s method substantially On the other hand the non–existence ... be the diagonal matrix of order 2n with −1 at the (1, 1)-position and elsewhere on the diagonal Let E = UN, then E is in SP2n Let G4n = {γ i = E i ⊗ I2n : i = 1, 2, , 4n} = γ the electronic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

11 221 0