renewal theory and its applications

elementary recursion theory and its applications to formal systems  -  saul kripke

elementary recursion theory and its applications to formal systems - saul kripke

... x, k, and y with y < 10k and such that either d ≠ and n = d.10k + y, or x ≠ and n = x.10k+1 + d.10k + y If 10 ≤ d then d is not a digit of n's decimal expansion, and we allow to occur in its own ... in Lim (if you can) We can expand the language Lim by adding extra predicate letters and function letters and interpreting them as recursive sets and relations and recursive functions If we so, ... functions K1 and K2 such that K1([x, y]) = x and K2([x, y]) = y for all x and y When z does not code any pair, we could let K1 and K2 be undefined on z; here, however, we let K1 and K2 have the...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 02:03

191 418 0
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

... following published and/ or accepted journal and conference papers: Anh T N and Hosoda T.: Depth-Averaged model of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3D surface and its applications to analysis ... channel, flow in meandering channel, and flow in Parshall flume with supercritical outflow was satisfactory Zhou and Goodwill (1997) presented a depth-averaged model and compared its predictions ... and Vreugdenhill, C B 1973 Calculations of two-dimensional horizontal flow Rep S163, Part 1, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, Delft, The Netherlands Steffler M P and Jin Y C 1993 Depth averaged and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

127 597 0
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

... ifft(x,N) ; The characteristics and usage of ifft are the same as those for fft 322 7.3 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Applications FFT has a wide variety of applications in DSP Spectral ... 7.7 Flow graph of 2-point DFT 318 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Since W2 ˆ and W2 ˆ eÀp ˆ À1, we have X …0† ˆ x…0† ‡ x…1† and X …1† ˆ x…0† À x…1†: The signal flow graph is shown ... TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Periodicity Because of the periodicity property shown in Figure 7.1, the DFT and IDFT produce periodic results with period N Therefore the frequency and time samples...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 05:15

47 635 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

... Feature and 18 to the PP-node 1232 in Figure would yield a feature instance that captures the fact that the current node is a PP node and its head child’s POS tag is TO Applications and Results ... Lintean and Rus (2007a; Lintean and Rus (2007b) also studied the function tagging problem and applied naive Bayes and decision tree to it Their accuracy results are worse than (Blaheta and Charniak, ... our system performs much better than both (Blaheta and Charniak, 2000) and (Lintean and Rus, 2007a) For two major categories, namely grammatical and form/function which account for 96.84% non-null...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

9 421 0


... Myths and Facts about Food Biotechnology, Food Insight, September/October 1999, PP 2-3 19- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology: Applications of Biotechnology to Crops: Benefits and ... defense against diseases and insects, thus reducing the need for chemical pesticides, and they will soon be able to convey genetic traits that enable crops to better withstand harsh conditions, ... content, and economic benefits The genetic makeup of plants and animals can be modified by either insertion of new useful genes or removal of unwanted ones Biotechnology is changing the way plants and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 21:48

13 393 0
probability and its applications - ollav kallenberg

probability and its applications - ollav kallenberg

... symmetry and duality Wiener–Hopf factorization ladder time and height distribution stationary renewal process renewal theorem Stationary Processes and Ergodic Theory stationarity, invariance, and ... A random element in S is called a random variable when S = R, a random vector when S = Rd , a random sequence when S = R∞ , a random or stochastic process when S is a function space, and a random ... distributions and stationarity recurrence and transience ergodic behavior of irreducible chains mean recurrence times Random Walks and Renewal Theory 136 recurrence and transience dependence on dimension...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:24

534 378 0
distillation theory and its application to optimal design of separation units

distillation theory and its application to optimal design of separation units

... June 15, 2004 Distillation Theory and Its Application to Optimal Design of Separation Units Distillation Theory and Its Application to Optimal Design of Separation Units presents a clear, multidimensional, ... components and 2; and respectively boundary elements of concentration simplex binary azeotropes of components and 2; and respectively ternary azeotropes of components 1, 2, and 3; 1, 2, and ... Direct and Indirect Splits of Mixtures with Any Number of Components 7.3.2 Intermediate Splits of Mixtures with Any Number of Components 7.3.3 Splits with a Distributed Component 7.3.4 Splits with...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:27

362 2K 0
modern fluid dynamics basic theory and selected applications in macro- and micro-fluidics

modern fluid dynamics basic theory and selected applications in macro- and micro-fluidics

... describing C Kleinstreuer, Modern Fluid Dynamics: Basic Theory and Selected Applications in Macro- and Micro-Fluidics, Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications 87, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-8670-0_1, © ... traditional and modern fluid dynamics, i.e., the fundamentals of and basic applications in fluid mechanics and convection heat transfer with brief excursions into fluid-particle dynamics and solid ... stressing its unique transport processes and focusing on the three major applications of blood flow in arteries, air-particle flow in lung airways, and tissue heat transfer An overview of CFD tools and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 14:53

618 2,6K 0
coal gasification and its applications

coal gasification and its applications

... all William Andrew publications visit our web site at Printed and bound in Great Britain 11 12 13 14 15 10 INTRODUCTION This is a book about coal gasification and its related ... lists coal macerals, and shows how they are derived from plant material COAL ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION Coal is used primarily as a fuel, so its most important property is its heat of combustion ... Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications.1 Coal is a variable, widely distributed and widely used material so a wide range of standard tests have been developed by a variety of individuals and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:11

411 925 0
nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications

nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications

... Mechanics and Thermodynamics 21 Since the system is isolated and at equilibrium, Uq (A + B) and Sq (A + B) are constants hence, by differentiating Eqs (49) and (51), we obtain δUq (A) ∼ −δUq (B) and ... Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications / Sumiyoshi Abe ; Yuko Okamoto (ed.) - Berlin ; Heidelberg ... Boltzmann–Gibbs Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications (February 15-18, 1999, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan), which was supported, in part, by IMS and the Japanese Society for the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:14

279 579 0
code design for dependable systems theory and practical applications

code design for dependable systems theory and practical applications

... logic circuits and then induce noise and instability on the power supply lines The chapter explains why the glitches are generated, how they are propagated and accumulated in the circuits, and how ... minimum distance of a block code, and show that the error correction and / or detection capabilities of the code are determined by its minimum distance Standard array and its decoding are presented ... the errors in the logic circuits and systems are detected, how the error detecting checker circuits are implemented, how the errors in the checker itself are detected, and how the self-testing checkers...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:48

718 442 0
soille, pesaresi, ouzounis  -  mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing

soille, pesaresi, ouzounis - mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing

... Decompositions and Transformations as Peaks and Wells 31 Fig Columns and : Binary sets Z and Y and their decomposition Column : Z Y and its decomposition Column : Z Y and its decomposition 4.1 “Supremum” and ... right if and only if ε and δ defined by Equations 12 and 13 are algebraic erosion and dilation, respectively Proposition 11 Let δ and ε be a dilation and an erosion defined by Equations 13 and 12 ... Mathematical Morphology and General Form of Fuzzy Erosions and Dilations Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160, 1858–1867 (2009) Image Decompositions and Transformations as Peaks and Wells Fernand Meyer Mines ParisTech,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:54

494 315 0
set theory and its philosophy a critical introduction mar 2004

set theory and its philosophy a critical introduction mar 2004

... Set Theory and its Philosophy This page intentionally left blank Set Theory and its Philosophy A Critical Introduction Michael Potter 3 Great ... for which a substantial theory is required Three strands can be distinguished The first of these is the use of set theory as a tool in understanding the infinite This strand will lead us to develop ... conjunction ( and ), as well as the symbols ‘⇒’ for the conditional, ‘⇔’ for the biconditional, and ‘∀’ and ‘∃’ for the universal and existential quantifiers We shall use ‘=’ for equality, and later...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:14

360 798 0