Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:52
... with the reform of 1999 in the following key domains: – The legal and actual conversion of the savings banks into cooperatives, – The use of the revenues accruing from the sale of the shares of the ... banks, – The corporate aim of the cooperative savings banks, – The composition of the members of the cooperative savings banks and the future influence of the local authorities on them, – The internal ... Germany on the basis of the prevailing law As the public legal form of the savings banks is anchored in the state law on these institutions, the legislators The various tensions to which the German...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
... be stated that the weaker the state is, the greater the likelihood of escaping its grasp and the more restrictive the scope of regulation is, the more reasons exist to escape it These avoidance ... cigarettes for the guests of kerbside bars The list of informal sector activities is limited only by the business ideas of its actors and the demand for the goods and services they offer One of those ... Not only the amount of waste generated, but also the composition is dependent on the income of the residents Therefore in high-income areas, especially in the city centre, the content of packaging...
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2013, 18:48
Multi-criteria Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Scenarios for Small Towns in Developing Countries - Case Study of Toan Thang Town in Vietnam
... maintenance of the plant (factor 5) is also a subjective factor The level of the treatment technology chosen must be compatible with the level of the skill of the professionals and the technicians ... only the impact on the local environment of resource use at the wastewater treatment plant and of the discharged effluent, but also the impact on global and local scales of the production of external ... sources, accounting to 45% of the total revenue of the community Main crops include: rice grown in crops; 45.2 of spring-summer cucumber; and 87.54 of other crops The number of farmer households (HHs)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
Domestic perspectives and regulations in protecting the polar marine environment - Australia, Canada and the United States
... upon the negotiations at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea Responses to the Law of the Sea Convention Article 234 of the LOS Convention provides multilateral recognition of the special ... both sides of the Arctic Ocean.33 The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War diminished these threats 32 33 On the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in the context of vessel-source ... Atmospheric Administration), the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Department of the Interior, the Department of State, the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
Outcomes elsewhere - course of psychosis in ‘other cultures’
... Like the ‘mazeway resynthesis’ earlier proposed as the breakthrough ordeal of the protagonist of a cultural revitalisation movement among the Seneca Indians, the success of extreme states of reintegration ... descant to the descending bass-line of progressive deterioration in the West, the course of schizophrenia in ‘other cultures’ has long claimed pride of place among the curiosities of cross-cultural ... undermines the slow march of mastery, hobbles the formation of durable life plans, pre-empts the regard of others, and sabotages self-respect Rawls (1971) considered the social bases of self-respect’...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20
Tài liệu Write Data Validation Code That Can Be Reused in Other Classes docx
... to the passed value without impacting the value of the variable in the calling function ByRef passes the called function a pointer instead of the value, so any change made to the variable in the ... One way to identify all these changes is to change the type of the CustomerID property in the ICustomer interface, as well as the name of the class-level variable in the CCustomer class that ... string of numbers to see whether the string has invalid characters All of the other classes will inherit this validation method, but each class will change the definition of valid characters in the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Wiring regulations in brief
... complies with their requirements The Regulations form the basis of safe working practice throughout the electrical industry 1.5 What is the legal status of the IEE Wiring Regulations? Although the lEE ... does the standard contain? 1.3.1 What about the standard’s numbering system? What are the objectives of the IEE Wiring Regulations? What is the legal status of the IEE Wiring Regulations? What they ... Wiring Regulations in Brief To Claire Wiring Regulations in Brief A complete guide to the requirements of the1 7th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations, BS 7671: 2008 and Part P of the Building Regulations...
Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2014, 10:48
Tài liệu The importance of land tenure in African countries: The case of Uganda doc
... công, nông dân lồng ghép phần kĩ thuật vào hệ thống canh tác Kĩ thuật áp dụng phần, thay đổi tuỳ theo nhu cầu nông dân kĩ quản lý hưởng lợi từ kĩ thuật Một ví dụ tốt kĩ thuật nông – lâm canh tác ... xanh cho trồng Ví dụ Rwanda, nông dân không cắt tỉa vào thời điểm mà nhà nghiên cứu đưa ra, mà cắt theo lịch riêng họ cho dê ăn Những cành dài sử dụng để làm cột cho đậu leo Các nhà khoa học không...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20
Tài liệu Child health inequities in developing countries: differences across urban and rural areas pptx
... Further, in each of the above categories of ranking, there is almost the same number of countries from either region (Central/ Western and Eastern/Southern Africa) Table also illustrates the ... [12,21,22,25] The concentration curve plots the cumulative proportions of the population (beginning with the most disadvantaged) against the cumulative proportion of the health outcome under study The ... dependent on characteristics of the father, particularly his level of education [22] The other control variables used in this study include: (i) at the mother level: age Page of 10 (page number not...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Schooling and Adolescent Reproductive Behavior in Developing Countries docx
... America, there have been recent declines in the percent marrying by 18 in of the countries with data and recent rises in the percent having premarital sex in of the countries The net result of these ... Nonetheless, the net result of these changes is that in the majority of subSaharan African countries, there has been no rise in the percent having sex before 18; instead, in the majority of countries ... addressing the schooling and health needs of adolescents, including the special needs of girls, are likely to be prominent features of the plans currently being developed for the implementation of the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Breast cancer: Why link early detection to reproductive health interventions in developing countries? ppt
... account the backlog of undetected cancers, the S224 high proportion of cases identified in the latest stages of the disease and the lack of access to human and technological resources While there ... suggest that in more than half of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, 50% of cases and 40% of deaths occur in women below age 54 (Figure 3) Further, there is some evidence that breast ... de 2009 In the case of Mexico, breast cancer is the second cause of death among women aged 30 to 54 and as of 2006, more women die of breast than cervical cancer Further, only 5-10% of cases are...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Groundwater contamination by organic chemicals in industrializing countries: the unseen threat docx
... deterioration of groundwater had occurred at the site The highest concentrations were recorded near the leakage point, declining in the direction of water flow There is evidence of contamination ... initiated The objectives of the programme were (Parsons, 1993): (a) to monitor the possible groundwater pollution effects of the disposal site on the immediate environment; (b) to protect the aquifer ... mobile in this area because of the high pH buffering capacity of the sands However, the DOC measured is relatively high indicating possible pollution from organic compounds The individual organic...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Education and Health in G7 Countries: Achieving Better Outcomes with Less Spending docx
... outputs, the efficiency results derived here not provide an accurate measure of the technical efficiency of the use of resources Rather, they provide a measure of whether the ratio of outcomes ... gross terms as the number of graduates over the total population of the age group representing the typical age at graduation 2/ Ratio of the test score at the 25th percentile of the score ranking ... calculations 1/ Ratio of efficiency rankings of G7 countries and the average ranking in the sample of OECD countries A ratio of implies that the country ranks at the average of the OECD sample; a...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs for School Health in Developing Countries doc
... stakeholders in the ministry of education, the ministry of health, the ministry of community development, communities, and schools Assisting the ministry of education gather stakeholders and explore the ... demonstrates the growing awareness of the importance of school health and the increasing opportunity to maximize the investments of every organization investing in school health The fact that the key ... projects (service learning) The outcomes of all activities are mandated in the clubs’ charter to result in the mitigation of the impact of HIV and AIDS Because the outcomes of this activity are designed...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20
Tài liệu Local Economic and Employment Development Policy Approaches in OECD Countries, A Review docx
... cabinet’s office The very location of the EDC proved the importance of its role as the body coordinating the whole set of state development policies, as well as the direct commitment of the highest ... information system The definition of the objectives calls first of all for the understanding of the growth obstacles that the strategy or policy is to tackle, the definition of the right scale of intervention ... Through the involvement of WAG, they should get engaged in a strategic discussion on which of these goals has the priority The choice of each of these roles should influence the way the regional...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu WOMAN In all ages and in all countries WOMEN OF MODERN FRANCE doc
... conversation, the morals of polite society, and the ideal love of the time They are a medley of crude equivocalities, of the grossness of the fabliaux, of Rabelais, and of the delicate preciosity of the ... son The climax came on the occasion of the wedding of Marguerite of Valois with the Prince of Navarre, which meant the union of the branches the Catholic and the Protestant This resulted in the ... reflections of the higher tendencies and aspirations of the later time In having a thorough knowledge of the tricks, deceits, and follies of the professional lovers of the day, and of their object...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 10:20
... Consejeros The Working Papers series of the Central Bank of Chile disseminates economic research conducted by Central Bank staff or third parties under the sponsorship of the Bank The purpose of the ... Publication of Working Papers is not subject to previous approval by the members of the Board of the Central Bank The views and conclusions presented in the papers are exclusively those of the author(s) ... never rejects the consistency of the OLS models Although the magnitude of the effects of integration change with the estimation technique, we never observe a change of sign in the coefficient...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20