... “Greener Events , a guide on reducing the environmental impacts of conferences and seminars There are also companion guides on outdoor/community events, presentations & on exhibiting at events ... GREENER EVENTS CHECKLIST- for discussions between event managers, venues and suppliers Venue choice (and equipment) Reducing Waste (& costs) [ ] Choose a venue ... seminars, i.e those attracting around 50+ delegates, should be arranged as “carbon neutral” events so that these events not make a net contribution to global warming that leads to climate change © www.oursouthwest.com...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
... related to adverse events, such as hyperprolactinemia and weight gain, are also important One naturalistic study shows clear differences in the incidence of these adverse events between different ... evaluation, the choice of whether to elicit values direct from patients or from the lay population is contentious [8] On the one hand, patients have direct experience of the disease and should therefore ... adverse events were developed to form the basis of the utility elicitation These health states were developed and adapted according to the following approach: Symptoms and potential adverse events...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
The Path to Financial Freedom: A simple and easy guide to assist you in reducing or eliminating pdf
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo y học: "A cost-minimization analysis of diuretic-based antihypertensive therapy reducing cardiovascular events in older adults with isolated systolic hypertension" pptx
... of stepped-care treatment was reached [4,7] Ascertainment of Outcome Events The present analysis focused on five types of events: 1) death; 2) first-occurring major cardiovascular event, including ... clarification of the events was done by a panel of three physicians blinded to treatment assignment and blood pressure status Members of the panel reviewed the documentation of new cardiovascular events over ... and diuretic-based antihypertensive therapy is relatively inexpensive and effectively prevents adverse events associated with cardiovascular diseases, especially in older patients who had a high...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20
Giải thuật DiJkstra cho Sortest path Routing
... Shortest Path Routing Kết Example minh họa sau: Ứng dụng thuật toán Dijkstra Shortest Path Routing Ứng dụng đối với Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): Khái quát về Open Shortest Path First: ... intToString(minend) + Ứng dụng thuật toán Dijkstra Shortest Path Routing " has the minimum distance.\n"; //check if there are other paths to minend int newpaths=0; for (int i=0; i0) ... (node[i].x>0) && (weight[i][minend]>0) && ( finaldist[i] == -1 ) ) newpaths++; if (newpaths>0) showstring = showstring + "Any other path to " + intToString(minend) + " visits another red node, and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2012, 10:57
Vai trò của thành phần kinh tế có vốn đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài, thực trạng và giải pháp trong thu hút và sử dụng vốn đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài (Foreign Direct Investment – FDI ).DOC
... kinh t cú u t trc tip nc ngoi, thc trng v gii phỏp thu hỳt v s dng u t trc tip nc ngoi (Foreign Direct Investment FDI ) Qua đây, em xin chân thành cảm ơn hớng dẫn bảo tận tình TS Đỗ Thị Kim Hoa...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2012, 14:25
Learning express Read Better Remember More 2nd Edition
... minutes to “stretch” before they read Here are three pre-reading strategies that will dramatically improve your chances of reading success: breaking up the reading task reading the pre-text skimming ... remember what you read Because you need to understand what you read in order to remember it, many chapters focus on reading comprehension strategies that will help you improve your overall reading ability ... set of reading skills: Section One: Section Two: Section Three: Section Four: Setting Yourself Up for Reading Success Getting—and Remembering—the Gist of It Improving Your Reading IQ Reader,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:48
How to Write a Corporate Image Brochure People Will Truly Want to Read
... no one would want to read anything about the company, I and my colleagues (it was a brainstorming) asked ourselves: What things does this company that people might want to read about? Its basic ... of vaccination, for themselves but especially for their children Here were already two things people might want to read about We were given the assignment in the mid-1980s, just when a strange ... attractive to potential readers However, it didn’t stop there If all this exciting information were jumbled together with company propaganda, people probably still wouldn't want to read the brochure,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 14:47
Báo cáo y học: "Using Medical Emergency Teams to detect preventable adverse events"
... of the 16 patients with preventable adverse events (88%, 95% CI 64% to 97%) The other two preventable adverse events were considered adverse drug events We assessed factors associated with preventable ... adverse events were considered life-threatening (19%, 95% CI 7% to 43%) Six MET cases and their ratings are described as examples in the text box of Additional data file We describe all adverse events ... calls received, 23 were considered to be adverse events (35%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 25% to 48%) and 16 were considered to be preventable adverse events (24%, 95% CI 16% to 36%) Calls of three...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Precluding and reducing solutions to credit risk at Quang Trung branch of Vietnam Bank of Investment and Development.doc
... the following features: + Being formed by Board of Directors or Managing Director with a little or inexperienced + Board of Directors or Managing Director of big enterprises extremely deeply interfere ... (details are as Appendix 1) Directing the operations of the BIDV, Quang Trung Branch is the Branch Director Assisting the Branch Executive Director is one or several Deputy Directors, working as being ... debts = * 100 Gross overdue debts 1.3 Significance of precluding and reducing risks in credit relationships Precluding and reducing risks in credit relationships will help the bank avoid bad consequences...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:49
Some situation and measures taken to attract japanese foreign direct investment in viet nam.doc
... Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Viet Nam Chapter An Overview of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Vietnam (2004-2006) Theoretical aspect 1.What is Foreign Direct Investment? Foreign Direct Investment ... JAPANESE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN VIET NAM ” The purpose of this subject is to give the reader an overview of the actual situation and the measures taken to attract Japanese Foreign Direct Investment ... the thesis includes chapters: Chapter1.An Overview of Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam (2004-2006) Chapter2.Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Viet Nam-Real Situation Chapter3.Research...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:51
Những quy tắc vàng khi thực hiện direct mail
... Tiếp thị cách gửi thư trực tiếp (direct mail) cách tiếp thị hiệu mà bạn nghĩ đến thực kế hoạch khuyến mại Viết thư quảng cáo không ... thư rác thư quảng cáo trực tiếp Thư rác (junk mail) thư không mong muốn.Thư quảng cáo trực tiếp (direct mail) thư gửi cho người mong muốn nhận Một nhân tố tối quan trọng định đến thành công bạn...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 09:25
The Path To Excellence World Class Leadership
... looking at tough business decisions read this book first and you will have a completely new logic stream that will either support or refute the choices or directions in front of you today This ... increased use of internet transactions 24/7 Clear pathway signage can help customers find the supplier From signs on the highway and office complex directories to main street business information ... questions, since they are already strong areas, might be some of the easiest ways to increase satisfaction scores overall, by making these areas where the supplier is already doing well even stronger...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 16:50
Photoshop CS5 Read Me
... them to a new directory The default system font directory is: • • Mac: /Library/Fonts Windows: :\Windows\Fonts The older fonts will be saved in the new directory: • • ... system font directory Many of these fonts are newer versions of fonts installed by Creative Suite If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it ... http://www.adobe.com/type/browser/landing/creativesuite/creativesuite5.html to find our OpenType User Guide, OpenType Read Me, links to font-specific Read Me documents, listings of fonts installed by the different CS5 products, and...
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2012, 08:26